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Blade Soul Sorcerer

"You will never see a finer death dance."

Blade Soul  
    Either you inherited your linage or you awakened a
dormant weapon of power. Soul weapon are the source and
focal point of your sorcerer powers. You learn how to impart
slivers of your soul into weapons you are familiar with, thus
becoming extensions of yourself. Those fragments develop
their own personality and powers. These extensions help
propel you through armed combat and hardened you since
your awakening. Eventually being able to sap fragments of
your foes and manipulating that energy to further your edge
in combat. A master of sorcery and steel you ultimately will
have hold over any weapon you see fit, whipping weapons
through the air like a dance meeting unfortunate recipient of
the executioner's blade.
Blade Soul Orgins
D8 Orgin
1 Found after a Horific battle.
2 A Family Heirloom
3 Bought from a Shaddy Shop Keeper
4 From a demon who lost a bargin for your soul
5 Pulled from a Large Stone
6 Recived from a Former Master
7 Gift from an other worldly being Blade Soul
8 Born into a bloodline of Blade Soul's 1st level Blade Soul feature
You have the ability to make a soul bonds with your
Blade Soul Spells weapons. Fracturing your own soul and binding that
1st-level Blade Soul Feature fragment with a weapon, you must undergo an 8-hour soul
You learn additional spells when you
reach certain levels in bind ritual. If a weapon requires attunement, you still must
this class, as shown on the Blade Soul
Spells table. Each of attune to that magic item in order to bind it as your soul
these spells counts as a sorcerer spell
for you, but it doesn't weapon.
count against the number of sorcerer
spells you know. You are profiecent with your soul weapons, and they are
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one considered an arcane focus when held. Your soul weapons
spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
same level. The new spell must be a Conjuration or an and imunity to nonmagical attacks and damge.
Necromancy spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell Whenever you complete a soul bond ritual, you can choose
list. any spell with the range of self from schools of Necromancy,
Evocation, or Transmutation. Your soul weapons share a spell
Blade Soul Spells list with its weilder that is separate from thier own, and that
Sorcerer level Spells spell list scales with your sorcerer class level progression.
After a long rest you may prepare a number of cantrips equal
1st Shield, Catapult to half of your proficiency modifier and a number of spells
3rd Heat metal, Mirror Image equal to your proficiency modifier, suffusing those spells into
5th Haste, Thunder Step your soul weapon.
The wielder can cast cantrips and spells off of soul
7th Death Ward, Freedom of Movement weapons prepared spell list, additionally you can cast any of
9th Danse Macabre, Steel Wind Strike the prepared spells from soul weapon spell list equal to half
your proficiency modifier, requiring no spell slot or
Body and Soul components, and you must finish a long rest before you can
1st level Blade Soul feature cast spells this way again. If you have the appropriate spell
Your Hit Dice is now 1d8 per sorcerer level and you gain 1 slots, you can cast spells from the prepared soul weapons
additional hit point when ever you take a level in this class. spell list with them.
You are proficient with sheilds and light armor. You may bond with an additional weapon at the 5th, 10th,
You are proficient in either acrobatics or athletics. 15th, and 20th level in this subclass. All soul weapons reside
in a pocket dimention in your soul.
Soul Weapons within 500
feet can be recalled into an open hand or your soul dimention
as a bonus action. Outside of 500 feet you lose your hold and
the weapon and it's no longer anchored to you. You can pick
up the Soul Weapon to rebind it with your soul.

Blade Bond Soul Shift Strike As a bonus action, you can release your
6th-level Blade Soul feature held soul weapon, and teleport to a space that one of your
You can add your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1) to Soul weapons currently resides and take the weapon in hand.
your melee weapon attack and +1 bonus to your AC while As apart of that same bonus action, if you have a creature
wielding a soul weapon. You gain another +1 bonus to your within melee striking distance, you may take one weapon
AC at the 14th level and the 18th level. attack against that target and dealing an additional 2d8 force
Additionally, while weilding a soul weapon, you can attack damage. The soul weapon you dropped at the begining of this
twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action bonus action, is now under the influince of the animate
on your turn. Moreover, once per turn you can cast one of the objects spell and the one you now have in your hand is no
soul weapons cantrips in place of one of those attacks. longer.
Soul Harvest examples and allowable spells of
14th-level Blade Soul feature self.
Your successful attacks against a living creature with a soul
weapon, forces that creature to make a charisma saving     Necromancy False Life, Vampiric Touch, Spirit Shroud,
throw against your spell save DC. If the target fails the save, Shadow of Moil, Soul Cage, Magic Jar
you may harvest a shard of the creature's soul from them. Evocation Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Lightning
That creature suffers 1d8 plus 2 necrotic damage and you
gain temporary hit points equal to the necrotic damage that Lure, Thunderclap, Burning Hands, Earth Tremor, Frost Fingers,
creature suffered. You can only harvest one soul shard per Tasha's Caustic Brew , Thunderwave, Wrathful Smite, Branding
turn. Smite, Flame Blade, Gust of Wind, Rime's Binding Ice, Warding
Once you collect 6 soul shards, you may as a bonus action, Wind, Aura of Vitality, Blinding Smite, Crusader's Mantle,
burst forth and emanate a soul aura around you, Leomund's Tiny Hut, Lightning Bolt, Pulse Wave, Fire Shield,
transforming for 1 minute. You gain the following benefits Staggering Smite, Cone of Cold, Destructive Wave,
while transformed. Contingency, Gravity Fissure, Sunbeam, Prismatic Spray
You gain 8 times your proficiency modifier as temporary Transumtation Primal Savagery, Blink, Ashardalon's Stride,
hit points. If any of these remain when the ability ends, Kinetic Jaunt, Alter Self, Zephyr Strike, Expeditious Retreat,
they are lost. Guardian of Nature, Speak with Plants, Lightning Arrow,
You have advantage on attack rolls that you make with Investiture of Flame, Investiture of Wind, Investiture of Stone,
soul weapons.
When you hit a target with a weapon attack, that target Investiture of Ice, Tasha's Otherworldly Guise, Tenser's
takes an extra 2d6 force damage. Transformation, Draconic Transformation, Etherealness,
You may use blade ward as a bonus action. Control Weather, Glibness, Time Stop, Shapechange.
While this ability is active, you are unable to syphon any
soul shards from creatures.
Once this ability ends, you must succeed on a DC 15 or
suffer 2d6 necrotic damage and fall prone. (If you are
unconscious this has no effect on you)
You can activate soul harvest without expending soul
shards. Once you activate soul harvest in this way, you can’t
activate soul harvest in this way again until you finish a long
Blade Soul Mastery
18th-level Blade Soul feature
Your mastery and understanding over weapon and magic is
next to none. As an action, you can now cast the Animate
Objects spell at the 7th level, requiring no componets, and
you have advantage on concentration checks and dextarity
saving throws while this spell is active. However you can only
use simple, martial, and any soul weapons that are on, apart
of your person or in your inventory as the objects for this
spell (a flying sword is a small creature for a point of
reference). You can only use this feature 3 times per long rest.
If you used any of your soul blades for the animate objects
spell, you gain the soul shift strike ability.

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