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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

Jlio Csar de Oliveira Furtado
Word count:

Wayne McManus
1005 capstone course
3167 US English

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By submitting this paper, I affirm that this work is my own except for where the words or ideas of others are
specifically acknowledged. I also affirm that this work did not exist before the beginning of the course I am
submitting this for.

Target audience
a) Dean of Graduate Studies
b) Prospective students of graduate studies
Purpose of this report
This report is submitted to provide a brief overview of the main areas and key theme of my MBA program
and the learning outcome and skills achieved therein.

Executive Summary
An MBA graduate must be well rounded, and this means that he/she must be smart, well informed and be
able to persevere. These are indeed the qualities and success factors required for preparing them for top-level
roles. The reason for this is that although an MBA graduate is not to be considered a business encyclopedia,
he/she ought to have a grasp of the best concepts and skills in business management if he/she is to be an
outstanding business leader. I took the Rushmore MBA program because it equips students with these skills.
My objectives were: (a) to gain insight and develop the background knowledge and skills of Business
Administration (b) to develop and strengthen my professional background in Aviation/Airport Management
and in Consulting.

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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

Table of Contents
PART I - INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................3
LEARNING THE RUSHMORE UNIVERSITY WAY.................................................................................................3
BENEFITS AND RESULTS...................................................................................................................................4
PART II - OVERVIEW OF MY MBA PROGRAM........................................................................................5
ADMISSION COURSE.........................................................................................................................................5
TIME MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................................................5
COMMUNICATION FOR SUCCESS.......................................................................................................................5
DECISION-MAKING/PROBLEM SOLVING............................................................................................................5
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY............................................................................................................................6
THE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN...........................................................................................................................6
THE CHALLENGES OF THE AIRPORT BUSINESS................................................................................................6
MARKETING THE AIRPORT...............................................................................................................................6
AIR-TRANSPORT 2020.......................................................................................................................................7
HUMAN RESOURCES.........................................................................................................................................7
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT/LEADERSHIP..........................................................................................................7
ADVANCED MARKETING..................................................................................................................................8
PERSONAL POWER............................................................................................................................................8
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE............................................................................................................................9
CAPSTONE COURSE...........................................................................................................................................9
CONCLUDING REMARKS...........................................................................................................................10
INDEX OF BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCE LIST:..........................................................................12

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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

PART I - Introduction
The primary objective of graduate management education is to prepare people to be
outstanding managers and leaders.1 This fact presupposes imparting and transferring the
skills and ability to think critically in order to use management knowledge effectively. To
accomplish this, the graduate programs must be serious, comprehensive and relevant to the
students careers; not tailored to satisfy the ego of some university professors, as happens in
many traditional universities.

Learning the Rushmore University way

At Rushmore University a non-traditional university the learning develops entirely
different. As a student you choose the curriculum that best fits your needs and aspirations.
That is, you are not required to study anything that is not supposed to improve your life or
career. Rushmore University gives you all the freedom and opportunity to unleash your
potential so as to improve your intellectual asset. Further, the graduate programs at
Rushmore University do not require students to take exams. Rather, the students are
inspired and motivated by the University Directors success story or by the faculty
advisors encouragement to write papers. These are called coursework, which can then be
transformed into books or chapters of books. It is worth mentioning that writing papers is
very important because it improves your critical thinking and creative talent. This gives you
a great competitive edge. On the other hand, today more than before, having a degree is no
longer a guarantee of success! The fact is a successful graduate has to offer much more than
that if he/she is to leverage his/her career. Writing papers, books or book chapters, business
plans or creating websites can give you that edge. Consider the joy of having your name
mentioned as an expert because millions of people read your works! Rushmore University
helps you accomplish this goal, as you make your dreams come true. In encouraging
students to write papers, business plans or books or create websites, the Universitys
primary responsibility is to help students to gain the expertise that gives them a competitive
edge over their fellows.
By contrast, students at traditional universities have to take exams to demonstrate their
knowledge base and to earn their degrees. As far as I am concerned, when students take
exams they neither learn anything nor develop any skill or ability whatsoever. What is
more, after taking their exams students tend to get laid-back, to find later that they did not
master their subject matter. Later these students learn that graduate students from other
universities are successfully integrated in the business world, either as business leaders
entrepreneurs, book authors or consultants. To make this come true, study with Rushmore

Benefits and results

Studying with Rushmore University is challenging, fun and rewarding. It is challenging
because to earn your degree you write papers. This requires you to read books, and then
research a chosen field or topic to write about so as to gain expertise in it. It is fun because

Richard E. Et all, case Western Reserve University Learning Cognitive and Emotional Intelligence Competencies Through Graduate
Management Education - Academy of Management - Learning and Education, 2002 Vol. I, N 2 150-162-

Submitted on June 17, 2003 Page 3 of 14

Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

when you research a topic to write about you have to challenge the ideas of others and offer
your own. It is rewarding because at the end of your program you will have written enough
material to prove your expertise and, above all, you will have earned your degree, the
symbol of your achievement. You know, with Rushmore University you will accomplish
success because the University is committed to helping you succeed by providing you with
a dynamic learning methodology and valuable feedback from a panel of faculty members
who have real life experience; not just degrees.
Since I started my MBA the University has provided me with excellent advisors (who
were/are subject matter experts, business owners or consultants) to tell me what works and
what does not. Their advice has been so valuable that I am honored to have been one of
their students. Thanks to them I have written more than 18 papers or coursework
assignments that have given me the poise and confidence to persuade clients that I am a
serious professional. I doubt I could have accomplished this feat if I had studied or learned
the traditional way.

PART II - Overview of my MBA program

To make my MBA program comprehensive in its scope, so as to cater for my needs, it had
to comprise different but interrelated courses. All of them were necessary and required a
thorough study.

Admission course
To start off my program I began with the admission course. In it I had to write my rsum
and profile, and explain why I wanted to study with Rushmore University. After that I was
admitted to the University and went on to the first course.

This segment of the executive development program addressed the principles, theories and
practice of planning, goal setting and the importance of SWOT analysis and how to go
about it.

Time Management
This segment dealt with the importance of time management and how to set goals and
define priorities. A book review complemented the previous segment.

Communication for Success

An executives success is directly dependent on his/her ability to communicate effectively.
This segment dealt with the importance of business communication as a tool to effective
management and business success.

Decision-making/Problem solving
This course dealt with one of the most serious problems executives face in their duties. The
paper dealt with the decision-making process. Two approaches were discussed: the logical
decision making process and the intuitive or creative decision making process. Both are
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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

necessary in that each problem is unique and demands that different perspectives be
considered to find the solution. This course has allowed me to be more effective in
decision-making and problem solving. By using different approaches I can now solve
many business problems quickly and creatively.
Information Technology
Initially I had intended to take information technology Internet and web site creation as
part of the Executive Development Program. However, after some thought I decided to
transfer it to the Marketing course, where I incorporated Web site creation and how to use
the Internet. The idea of web site creation was based on the fact that today managers ought
to use the Internet as a source and means of communication to interact with their
stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers etc., etc.).
The program in aviation comprised five courses/segments, The Airport Master Plan, The
Challenges of Airports Business, Marketing the Airport, Aviation Psychology and Air

The Airport Master Plan

This course/segment dealt with the explanation of what an airport master plan is and how
the master planning process works. The objective of this course was to gain insight in the
area of master planning processes so as to strengthen my background in aviation.

The Challenges of the Airport Business

This segment discussed some of the issues that hamper airports from developing to their
fullest potential. The discussion involved the analysis of the factors that make it difficult for
airports to maximize their revenues. The objective was to strengthen my background and
prepare me to become a consultant in airport administration.

Marketing the Airport

This section dealt with the marketing issues and how airports should be operated so as to
attract traffic. In this section I attempted to provide a strategy by which airports would both
attract traffic and capture new markets. The proposed strategy was based on a set of
strategies derived from the Commercial Plan, Marketing Plan and Business Development
Plan. This section of the program was very important in that I was able to build a marketing
strategy that can be utilized by any airport around the world. As with the previous section, I
chose this course to strengthen my background and prepare me to become a consultant in
airport administration.
Aviation Psychology
This course dealt with the importance of aviation psychology in flight safety and accident
prevention. The theme of this course centered on the importance of aviation psychology in
the recruitment, training and have re-training of pilots. It also dealt with the issue of human
factors in aviation and equipment ergonomics. Aviation accidents could be reduced if
airplanes were better designed and a good recruitment system and training program for
pilots were devised. Requiring pilots to take a psychological test to check their emotional
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fitness so as to determine any psychological disorders that could lead to intentional mass
killing, or fatal accidents similar to that occurred with the Egypt-Air, would be an important
aspect of any accident reduction initiative.

Air-transport 2020
This segment consisted of a review of an aviation book published by the Institute European
du Transport Airen de France (European Institute of Air Transport of France). The theme of
the book was key factors and the implication of technology in aviation and the issue of the
influence geopolitics will have on the air transport industry over the next 20 years.

Human Resources
This course dealt with the principles and practices of Human Resource Management and its
importance in the strategic development of a company. In this course the issues of
recruitment, selection, compensation systems and the importance of training and of
retraining of senior managers are discussed.

This course dealt with the issue of business effectiveness, efficiency of systems and quality
of services. Because senior managers are responsible for deciding to reengineer their
organizations, so they should first accept the challenge to revamp their attitude.

Strategic Management/Leadership
This course aimed at providing me with the insight necessary to understand what strategic
management/leadership is all about. As the course developed, I grasped the concept that
strategic management has to deal with the intelligent utilization and deployment of
resources to deal with the internal and the external environment. To accomplish this
requires vision. Because only effective leaders can provide a vision, strategic management
is a matter of leadership because it requires strategic thinking.

This course dealt with the importance of business and market research in the development
and launching of a business or product. My objective was to acquire the knowledge and
skills necessary to carry out a business/market research project. This course also served as a
foundation course for the Advanced Marketing course.

Advanced Marketing
This course dealt with the issue of marketing management, the development of the
marketing mix and the importance of marketing in the running of a business. In my view,
marketing should be considered as a business philosophy: it is necessary if the business is
to accomplish phenomenal Economic Results. The idea is to sensitize and lead everyone
in the company to think of marketing as a state of mind, so nobody ignores it. To lead the
business, the company CEO should lead the marketing function.

My translation

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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

This course was meant to give me insight and skills in the field of consulting so I could
start my own consulting business. The course sets the groundwork to help anybody with
more than 10 years of management experience to embark on the business of consulting. I
believe that, by devouring the information presented in this course, anyone can grasp the
issues involved in consulting and organize his/her knowledge so as to become a consultant
in a chosen area or field.

Personal Power
This course was meant to prepare me and anybody interested to understand why some
people succeed in life while others fail. The objective of this course was to demonstrate that
personal success is not a matter of luck but of work and intelligent action. To understand
this, one has to understand the concept of inner power if he/she is to have the ability to
make things happen. Inner power determines the extent to which an individual succeeds.
Like the bumblebees, the individual has to create internal synergies in his/her body if
he/she is to fly. The challenge in this course was: do not wait for someone to offer you an
opportunity; develop your inner power and potential to accomplish what you want.

Accounting and Finance

This course was meant primarily to help managers and executives of non-financial areas to
grasp the meaning of financial statements, financial analysis, financial ratios and breakeven analysis.

Capstone course
This was/is the final course of my MBA program. It is meant to depict the learning and
benefits acquired during the MBA program.

Getting an excellent graduate education these days entails choosing the right university to
study with. This presupposes the selection of the one that can offer you a program that
really caters for your needs and aspirations. Not many universities can do this. However,
Rushmore University can offer you, through its innovative learning methodology, this
opportunity and much more. You can take the various programs, concentrate on one field or
more; or you can customize your own program of study. You only study courses that
interest you or help you to build up your graduate education. That is, you do not take
exams. Instead you write papers. The benefit of writing papers is two fold: (a) you develop
your creative talent and thinking power (b) you improve your writing skills. This can
transform your life forever.

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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

The learning skills achieved during the MBA program were:
1. An insight into the issues of management effectiveness and business administration
2. An in-depth understanding of the business development theories and practices.
3. An insight into strategic business management and leadership.
4. Reengineering and the process of change.
5. An insight into the business of consulting.
6. The process of decision-making and problem solving.
7. Airport management strategy
8. Marketing management.
9. Financial analysis.
10. An in-depth understanding of the concept of inner-power.
11. Consulting theory and practice.

Through a process of independent study, readings, practice, research and feedback from 3
three faculty advisors, I have learned and gained:

Experience in HTML coding

Real life experience in website creation and development.
How to undertake business and marketing research effectively.
How to prepare and analyze a business financial statement.
How to develop an effective marketing strategy.
The experience to conduct a consulting practice in the areas of business
7. How to solve business problems creatively.

Concluding remarks
The MBA program has not only changed my life but it has opened up my mind and
leveraged my professional background. I am now prepared and in a position to lead any
business or to offer consulting services in management, marketing and airport management
consulting. On the other hand, I would like to say that some of my papers (Decisionmaking/Problem Solving, Airport Marketing, Advanced Marketing, Consulting, Personal
Power and Accounting and Finances), that I have been using as handouts in seminars I have
been delivering to companies and the public, have earned me a name and a lot of exposure
on the national media (national newspapers, TV, magazines and broadcasting stations) as
one of the outstanding and creative Management and Marketing lecturers in the country. All
this thanks to Rushmore University.
Therefore, my appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Cox for founding Rushmore University and
for accepting me as a student. I would also like to extend my appreciation to Prof. Craig
Lawrence for teaching me not to rely on one single source of information (you have made
me a maverick...); Prof. Thomas Pitre for his patience, valuable feedback and for
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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

encouraging me to always to challenge the ideas and theories of others; Prof. Gary Smith
for his friendliness and for the cutting advice on the business of consulting; Hella BauerEden, Associate Director and Laurel Barley, Associate Director Editing Services (I love
you...) for the sharp comments, suggestions and great help in fine tuning some of my
papers; Prof. Wayne McManus for his kindness and prompt replies to my queries and for
his time to grade this paper. Final word I really enjoyed the University methodology and
the REFERENCE LIBRARY. It has helped me to pick up the best stuff to transform my
life. In this regard I would also like to extend my appreciation to all writers/authors, past
and present, who have written the books and articles that helped me to complete my course
and earn my MBA degree. May the Almighty bless all of you.

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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

Index of bibliography and reference list:

Executive Development for the year 2000

Drucker, F. Peter, The Effective Executive, Harper Business 1985 1st Harper edition
Edwin, Bobrow, The Ten Minute Guide to Planning, Publisher Kathy Nebenhaus 1998
Covey, R Stephen, First Things First, Simon & Schuster 1994
Business Communication, Bcm II, III, IV (UNISA Modules)
Albert, S. Kindler, Risk Taking, (...)

Cypert, Samuel, Believe and Achieve Avon Books 1st printing 1991
OBrien, Virginia, The Fast Forward MBA in Business, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1996
Striving on Chaos, Tom Peters (Book Summary)
In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters (Book Summary)
Bown, Geraldine and Brady, Catherine The Successful Manager, Kongan Page Limited 1993

Planning for Success

11. Cassaro, Carlos Antnio. Capacitao Gerencial Management Center do Brasil 1983:
So Paulo
12. Edwin, Bobrow, The Ten Minute Guide to Planning, Publisher Kathy Nebenhaus 1998
13. Guimares, Sebastio, Organizao e Tcnicas Comerciais (...,...) So Paulo
14. Lefebre, Gaston, and Antnio Rosa, Jos Planejamento Estratgico - Management Center
do Brasil 1983: So Paulo
15. Management (module 77226C) Planning International College Press 1996
16. Brian Nedwek Lessons on Planning 1999 (Essay)
17. Don,
http://www.204.35.192/pub/lessons/lessons, 1999
18. Gregory

Time Management
19. Bown, Geraldine and Brady Catherine, The Successful Manager, Kogan Page Limited
20. Covey, R Stephen, First Things First, Simon & Schuster 1994
21. Drucker, F. Peter, The Effective Executive, Harper Business 1993
22. Duval, Claud, L'Eficacit Personnalle, Les Editions DOrganisations de France 1970

Book Review
23. Covey, R Stephen, First Things First, Simon & Schuster 1994

Communication for success


Alessandra, Tony, Communicating at Work Simon Schuster Inc 1993

Beckwith, Harry Selling the Invisible Warner Books Inc 1997
Ziglar, Zig, Top Performance Berkley Books 1987
Other sources (data lost)

Decision-making/Problem solving
28. De Bono, Edward, Lateral Thinking, Harper & Row 1990
29. Drucker, F. Drucker, The Effective Executive, Harper Business 1993
30. Hammond, S. Roger, Keeney L. Ralph and Raiffa, Howard, Smart Choices, Harvard
Business School Press 1995
31. Dawson, Roger, The Confident Decision-Maker, William Morrow and Company 1993

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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

Russo, J. Edward and Schoemarker, Paul Decision Traps Simon & Schuster 1990
32. Leadership and Decision-making, International College Press 1996
33. "Decision Making Video Business Library ISBN 1-55784-175-6

Reengineering For Results

34. Champs, James, Reengineering Management, Harper Business 1995
35. Hammer, Michael and Champs, James, Reengineering the Corporation,
Harper Business 1994
36. Peters, Tom and Austin, Nancy A Passion For Excellence, Warner Books 1985
37. Jeanenne LaMarch, LaMarch & Associates, Inc. The
People side of Business Reengineering: The Key Success Element
38. Organizational Behavior, International College Press 1998

Strategic Management/Leadership
Drucker, Peter, Managing for Results, Harper & Row 1993 1 st Harper Business edition
-------, ------, Management Challenges for the 21 Century, Harper & Row 1999
Peters, Tom In Search of Excellence Harper & Row 1984
Maxwell, John C., The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Nashville, Tennessee 1991
Bellinger, Gene, Management & Leadership: A Systemic Perspective (Dec.1999) available
44. Curso de Chefia e Liderana, GECTI 1982
45. Curso de Direco e Gesto de Empresa, GECTI 1982

Airport Master Plan

46. Wells, T. Alexander, (1996) Airport Planning and Management, McGraw-Hill 1996
47. Planning for the whole airport, lesson 12 IAMTI 1997
48. Annex 14 to the Convention of International Civil Aviation, Aerodrome Design and
Operations 1995
49. Airport Guidelines, ECAC HANDBOOK
The Challenge of Airport Business
50. Foster, R. V. Timothy, 101 Ways to get more business, Kongan Page Limited 1992
51. La Administracin Comercial de los Aeropuertos, topic 2.7 IAMT 1990
52. Airport Commercial Management Course, Airport Business Planning, topic 2.1 IAMTI and
the Singapore Aviation Academy 1993
53. George, OConnor, (1993) Training For Airport Personnel ACI Africa Region 3 rd
Annual Conference African Airports; Key Strategies For Success: Tunis 1993
54. Senior Airport Management Course, Airport Marketing Strategies, lesson 5 IAMTI
Vancouver International Strategies Services 1997
55. Senior Airport management Course, Airport Retailing, lesson 5 IAMTI 1997
56. Furtado, Julio Strategic Management/Leadership paper submitted to Rushmore
University for credits in the area of management 1999
57. Furtado, Jlio, Reengineering For Results paper submitted to Rushmore University for
credits in the area of management 2000

Airport Marketing

Foster, R V Timothy, (1992) 101 Ways to get More Business Kongan Page Limited 1992
Kotler, Phillip, How To Create, Win And Dominate Markets, Simon & Schuster Inc 1999
Goldstein, S. Arnold, Starting on a shoestring John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1995
Sinyanwe, Michael, (1993) Marketing the Airport: How to attract traffic, ACI Airports
Council International Africa Region 3rd Annual Conference. African Airports: Key
Strategies for Success: Tunis, 1993
62. Airport Commercial Management Course, Retailing Strategies, topic 4.5 IAMTI
and the Singapore Aviation Academy 1993

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63. Senior Airport Management Course Airport Marketing Strategies, lesson 5 IAMTI
Vancouver International Strategies Services 1997.

The importance of Aviation Psychology in flight safety and accident prevention


Bond A. Nicholas et al, Aviation Psychology, University of Southern California (...)

Pereira, Gouveia Orlando, (1977) Psicologia de hoje, Porto Editora 1977
Roscoe, N. Stanley, Aviation Psychology, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa 1994
Circular 216/NA/131 Human Factors Digest No.1 - Fundamental Human Factors
concepts - International Civil Aviation Organization 1992
68. Circular 238-NA/143 (1992) Human Factors Digest No.6 - Ergonomics - International
Civil Aviation Organization 1992

Air Transport: Horizon 2020

69. Pavaux, Jacques et al. Air Transport: Horizon 2020 Les Presses De LInstitut Du Transport
Arien 1995

Human Resources A Journey into the Human Resources Issues

70. Blanchard, Kenneth and Johnson, Spencer, The One Minute Manager,
HarperCollins Publishers 1996
71. Cohen, Allan R. The Portable MBA in Management, John Wiley & Sons 1993
72. Crosby, Philip, (1996) The Absolutes of Leadership, Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers 1996
73. Drucker, Peter, Management Challenges for the 21 Century, Harper Business 1999
1st t hard cover edition
74. Fitz-enz, Jac and Phillips, Jack, A New Vision for Human Resources,
Crisp Publications, Inc. 1998
75. Drucker, Peter, The Practice of Management, Harper & Business 1 st Harper Business
Edition 1993
76. Drucker, Peter, Managing for Results, Harper & Business 1993
77. Nasbit, John & Aburdene, Patricia, (1991) Megatrends 2000, Avon Books 1991
78. OBrien, Virginia, The fast forward MBA in business,
John Wiley & Sons 1996
79. Ziglar, Zig, Top Performance, Berkley Business 1987
80. Furtado, Julio, Strategic Management /Leadership
Paper submitted to Rushmore University 1999

Business/Market Research
81. Doman, Don, et al. Look Before You Leap: market research made easy, International
Self-Counsel Press 1993
82. Foster, R V Timothy, 101 Ways To Get More Business, Kongan page 1992
83. Kotler, Philip, "How To Create, Win And Dominate Markets", The Free Press 1999
84. Macleod, Guy, Starting Your Own Business In South Africa,
Oxford University Press 1995
85. Rays, Al and Trout Jack, Marketing Warfare, McGraw-Hill 1986
86. O que o mercado - Modulo 143 - Curso de Gesto e Direco de Empresas GECTI
87. "Basic advice about planning your research"

Available at
Advanced Marketing Issues of Concern For Business Success
88. Bygrave, William D., The Portable MBA In Entrepreneurship,
John Willey & Sons 1997
89. Casale, Fernando and Katcheroff, Gustavo, Manual de creacin de pginas Web, MP
Ediciones 1998
90. Drucker, Peter, Managing for Results, Harper Business 1993
91. Kotler, Philip, How To Create, Win And Dominate Markets, Simon & Schuster 1999

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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado

92. Levitt, Theodore, The Marketing Imagination, Simon & Schuster 1986
93. Latzko, Williams J. and Saunders, David M., Four days with Dr. Deming,
94. Murphy, Dallas, The Fast Forward MBA In Marketing,
John Whilley & Sons Inc 1999
95. Peters, Tom and Austin Nancy, A Passion For Excellence Warner Books 1988
96. Silbiger, Steven, The Ten Day MBA, William Morrow & Company 1993
97. The Customer Century Executive Book Summaries, vol. 22 2000
98. "How to Keep Your Customer
Forever" by Phyllis Sheerin Ross
99. (Marketing)

On Becoming A Consultant

Biech, Elaine, The Business of Consulting, Jossey-Bass 1998

Daniels, Jim, Make a Living on Line JDD Publishing, 2000
Fitz-enz, Jac and Phillips, Jack, A New Vision for Human Resources, Crisp
Publications, Inc. 1998
Champy, James, Reengineering Management Harper Business 1994 1 st edition
Macleod, Guy, Starting Your Own Business in South Africa Oxford University
Press 1996 8th edition
Popcorn, Faith The Popcorn Report Harper Business 1992 1st edition
Silbiger, Steven, The Ten Day MBA, William Marrow & Company 1993
Weiss, Alan, Million Dollar Consulting McGraw-Hill 1998 new and updated
... How to Make a Million as a Speaker, McGraw-Hill 1997
Daniel, Jim, A Beginners Guide to Starting a High-Income On the Internet,
JDD Publishing, ebook available at
Furtado, Jlio, Reengineering for Results,
Paper submitted to Rushmore University 2000
Furtado, Jlio A Journey Into the Human Resources Issues,
Paper submitted to Rushmore University 2000
Furtado, Julio, Advanced Marketing Issues of Concern for Business Success,
Paper submitted to Rushmore University 2001
Skills for Success The Experts Show Way,
Edited by the Soundview Editorial Staff
Being a Consultant or Freelancer, by Kate Wendleton,
Available at
Whats a Consultant by Fred Nicholas,
Available at http://home.att/neticholas/consult/htm

Personal Power

Cypert, Samuel, Believe and Achieve Avon Books 1st printing 1991
Hill, Napoleon Think and Grow Rich Plume Printing 1990
Ribeiro, Lair, Prosperidade Editora Objectiva 1992
Spence, Gary, How to Argue and Win Every Time, St. Martins Griffin 1995
Senge, Peter, The Fifth Discipline Currency Doubleday, 1st paperback edition
Ziglar, Zig See You at the Top, Pelican, 1998
Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, Harper Colliens, 1993 New York,
Second Edition
Readers Digest The Winners Guide to Success by Michael Jeffreys, December

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Capstone Course 1005, Graduate Business Education, Jlio Furtado


Skills For Success, edited by the soundview editorial Staff, 1989

Suze Orman, The Courage to be Rich 1999, VHS PBS HOME VIDEO

Accounting and Finance


Buchholtz, Todd G. From Here to Economy, Penguin Books 1996

First plume Printing
Droms, William, Finance and Accounting for No financial Managers,
Persus Books Publishing 1997
Hazlitt, Henry, Economics in One Lesson, Three river Press 1979
Livingston, John et all, Portable MBA in Finance and Accounting,
John Wiley & Sons, 2002, third hard cover edition
Label, Wayne, Accounting for Non-accountants Simon & Schuster 1998
McLeod, Guy, Starting Your Own Business in South Africa, Oxford University
Press 1996 8th edition
Silbiger, Steven The Ten Day MBA, William Morrow and Company 1993
Tracy, John The Fast Forward MBA in Finance, John Wiley & Sons 1996
Press, Eric Analyzing Financial Statements, New York Times 1999
Management, Businesses module 77226R Intec College 1996

Capstone Course

Richard E. Et al., Case Western Reserve University Learning Cognitive and

Emotional Intelligence Competencies Through Graduate Management Education Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2002 Vol. I, N 2. 150-162

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