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Laws about abortion in India

There are a lot of laws made in the area of abortion to prevent it from being practiced in India.
Is it possible to still get an abortion? Yes it is possible for a person to get an abortion under
Medical termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 if the persons pregnancy is under 20 weeks. Still, it
is subjected to several conditions and the law ensures that only if these conditions are met by
the doctor then abortion can be taken place orelse there is no way a person can get an
abortion. The law ensures on it that it is impossible for a person to get abortion.


The Indian Parliament has passed the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act in 1971, with the
goal of regulating and ensuring safe access to abortion and this law permits to perform abortion
to save a women’s life to preserve her mental and physical health. It is applicable only in the
cases of economic and social necessity, rape or failure of contraception. This law helps people
who have been wrongly hurt or if unjust is done upon them then they can find relief from their
pain and consider the option of abortion valid. Crimes and other reason for pregnancy can
finally be dealt with through this law.

For addressing the issue of sex determination the government passed a law in 1994. The main
aim of the law was of prenatal sex determination and associative sex selective abortion and
then also arresting the declining sex ratio in india. It was seen in india that the sex ratio was
declining because people were able to determine the gender of the child and thus if it was a girl
then they aborded it. Due to these laws they were unable to determine the gender of the child
and they could not find out the gender. This declined the unjust reasons for abortions and
abortion practice could be used for brighter reasons after this.

There were other laws which lead to more of abortion being protected.

In 2003 the techniques called the pre conception tests and pre Natal Diagnostics technique
amended in 2003 helped prohibit the unjust use or misuse of antenatal diagnostics test for
purposes of sex determination.

Then there were laws made on the drugs use of abortion. The drugs outside a registered setting
as long as emergency facilities are available to them are considered through an amendment to
the MTP Rules and Regulations in 2003 to enable certified abortion providers.

What are the conditions required to get an abortion?

Section 4 of the medical termination of pregnancy act 1971 states that a doctor can perform an
abortion in situations like-
- If the pregnancy would be harmful to the life of the woman through mental health or
physical health. They will also look at your future opportunities to figure out the effects
of or the harm that pregnancy would meet.
- If there is a good chance that the child would suffer from any type of physical or mental
abnormalities which woulf leave them handicap or in a serious defect. These both
reasons considered abortion can be taken place.

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