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I have to get Bahubali body and this is the project for this.(1yr)

1. Capture Outcomes
- To be flexible beyond measure like a yoga teacher
- To have strength of doing 60 weights on gym and to use 22.5 dumb bell
- To be a smart strategist and a good care taker of everything around him
- To weight 150 kg with 6 pack abs and muscle
- To eat 3000 calorie everyday
- Find a fitness guide
- Find a female person and a male person who earned heavy strength 6 psck

2. opa blocks

a)To look and feel like Bahubali (7 month)

Reason- I want to be able to get what I want even the feeling so I feel what I really want. I want
to look like him it makes me feel strong and the stronger the better. I want to be stronger and I
will be.

3. Commit
4. Schedule
a)5:00 to 6:00pm Monday to friday

5 measure

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