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Module 1


Fundamentals of Shorthand

to your 1st module!

This module is a combination of

synchronous & asynchronous learning
and will last for one week

Susan G. Forteza
Facebook: Susan Forteza

February 8, 2021
Date Initiated
February 13,2021
Date of Completion

Febuary 8, 2021 to February 13, 2021, Synchronous Meeting and Asynchronous Learning.
I. For asynchronous learning inquiries, you may reach me through our messenger group or may send an email to Consultation Hours: Friday, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM


After completion of this module, you are expected to:

I. recognized sounds and symbols of shorthand of A, E,N, M,T, & D;

II. identify punctuation, paragraph and capitalization;
III. write and read shorthand outline clearly and accurately
I. INTRODUCTION: Gregg Shorthand, the universal system

Gregg Shorthand was first published on May 28, 1888, and has been learned and used by millions
of writers throughout the world. It was written in English but has been successfully adapted to
numerous other languages, including Spanish and French. The terms shorthand and Gregg are
synonymous to most people.

Gregg Shorthand is a tool and used by business, and professional people who are relieved of the
burden of writing longhand in making notes, preparing important papers and drafting reports.

The success of any system of shorthand rests on the merits of its alphabet. The Gregg alphabet is
the most logical, consistent and efficient shorthand alphabet devised in more than 2,000 years of shorthand history. The fact that this
alphabet, virtually without change. And has been the basis of Gregg Shorthand for more than 90 years is a tribute to the genius of its
inventor, John Robert Gregg- born in a small town in Ireland, June 17, 1867 to Mrs and Mr, Margaret Gregg.

II, The Symbols & Sounds of: A, E, N, M, T, D

 In writing the symbol for A and E are circles that are differentiated by size. “A”, is represented by a big or
big circle and “ E” is small circle . See figure 1

Figure1. A and E

 The shorthand symbols for “N” and “M “ are straight lines written forward along the line of writing. “N” is
represented by writing “short forward straight line and “M “ is a longer forward straight line, two times
longer than letter N. See figure 2.

Figure 2. N and M

 The following words contain the long sounds of a, e, n, and m. The symbols for each sound in a
word are joined to form a word called an outline. See figure 3

Figure 3. A, E, N, M Words

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College of Business and Accountancy Prepared by: Susan G. Forteza, MEd
 A, E, N, M Practice Reading. See figure 4

Figure 4. A, E, N, M Practice
 The shorthand symbols for T and D are upward slanting straight line. The ” T” is a short slanting line
and “ D” is a long slanting line. See figure 5

Figure 5. T and D
 T, D, Words and Practice Reading. See Figure 6

Figure 6. T, D Words and Practice

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College of Business and Accountancy Prepared by: Susan G. Forteza, MEd
 Punctuation, Paragraph, and Capitalization Symbols. See figure 7

Figure 7. Punctuation, Paragraph and Capitalization


1. Writing and reading Practice

2. Shadow writing/ Demonstration


I. Topic discussion and clarification during synchronous meeting.

II. Asynchronous Learning
 Practice reading and writing


1. Practice writing and reading outlines.

 Gregg Shorthand College Book 1 by: Zoubek- Condon
 Gregg Shorthand for Colleges Vol. I Series 90 by: Leslee, Zoebek and Lemaster

Good Luck! 

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College of Business and Accountancy Prepared by: Susan G. Forteza, MEd

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