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Nursing Leadership and Management)


Session # 5


Book, pen and notebook, and index card/class list
Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can:
Lydia M. Venzon RN, MAN, FPCHA Ronald M.
1. Enumerate factors in selecting a field of nursing; Venzon RN, MAN (2010), Professional Nursing In
2. Recognize important tips during an interview; and, The Phillippines 11th Edition: C & E Publishing, Inc.
3. Make their own application and resignation letter. 839 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon City

Based on the previous lesson, list down five (5) fields in Nursing and explain briefly:



PEOPLE have different motives or reasons for choosing a particular field of nursing. Nurses who have to make their
choices should think of long-range goals so that they can build up a career ladder in nursing.
The first consideration that nurses must make is self-evaluation. They need to consider their capacities, interests,
qualifications and goals. If necessary, they can ask the guidance of more experienced persons such as advisers, clinical
instructors, or their parents.


What is your educational qualification? Does it fit the job you are applying for? Beginning positions in nursing do not
usually require more than registration. You will be required to have a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. Deans, Chief Nurses, or
Directors of Nursing Services are required to have a Master's Degree in Nursing if they will work in colleges or tertiary
training hospitals/ medical centers.
Years of Experience and Training
What are your experiences and training? Are these relevant to the position you are applying for? Special areas like the
Operating Room, Intensive Care Unit, Coronary Care Unit, and Emergency Room require nurses who have experience in
these areas. Staff nurse positions do not require any experience and training although such may help in the evaluation of
their applications.
Age and Physical Condition
Consider your age and physical condition. Most employers prefer Young nurses for beginning Positions. On the other
hand, older nurses may feel uneasy to start anew in staff nurse positions but may feel comfortable in administrative
Positions if qualified. Positions in public health may require extensive evaluation. An elderly nurse may not appreciate the
idea of exerting much effort in doing home visits. How much physical energy is required of the job? Can you work long hours
without tiring easily? Administrative positions will require nurses who are mature in judgment and decision-making and who
possess the educational qualification required by the Philippine Nursing Law (see R.A. 9173).
Emotional Stability and Goals in Life How is your emotional self? Can you be calm even under stress? Do you get along well
with people? Will you rather be alone or in a crowd? What is your primary aim in going to nursing: earn money or have the
satisfaction of helping people? Your own objectives and philosophy in life will determine to a great extent the kind of field you
wish to get into.

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1. Kind of work to be performed. Are you prepared for the job? Can you work under stress? Do you get along well
with people? Are you interested in it? What kinds of skills are needed? Is it hazardous?
2. Availability of the work. Will you choose a field of nursing that is crowded? Or where there is a shortage of
3. Hours of work. How many hours a day or week do you go on duty? Is your work rotated on shifts? Will you be paid
for extra hours of duty you will perform?
4. Qualifications. What are the requirements in terms of educational qualifications? Experience? Training?
5. Opportunities for advancement. What chances do you have in being promoted after several years of
employment? Will they allow you to go to school if you so desire? Are you allowed to attend professional
meetings/seminars on official time?
6. Method of Entering. Do you need an examination to enter? Do you need someone to recommend you?
7. Earning. How much is the initial salary? The maximum salary? Is salary paid weekly or every fifteen days? Is
additional pay given for overtime work?
8. Fringe benefits. How many days of vacation and sick leaves are given? Maternity leaves? Education leaves?
9. Other benefits. Are insurances, medicare, retirement benefits provided for? Can nurses participate in discussion
of condition of work?

Since individual nurses are free to choose the field of nursing they wish to enter, it is important that they choose wisely
and well. It is therefore imperative that they make a self-analysis and that of the work they want to enter into to see that these
are matched. Money or salary is not the only important factor. Most important will be the ability to give one's best, enjoy the
work and get along well with patients and members of the health team. The relationship that nurses have with their
co-workers and their attitudes towards their work will determine to a great extent their success or failure in their work. They
must choose the agency where they will be able to develop their fullest as professional nurses.
Once nurses become registered, they would want to find a job. Positions can be located through friends, newspapers,
magazines, employment or placement services.
Application for a position may be done in writing or through interview. Oftentimes, the latter supersedes the former.
A letter of application is important because it enables the employer to judge the applicant's scholarship ability.
Employers take interest in a well-written letter of application and usually arrange for an interview when they see one.


The letter of application enables the prospective employer to form an opinion about the nurse. Observe the following
when writing a letter of application:
1. Use clean, white, unlined paper. If you are working in an agency, do not use the agency's stationery with
2. Use ink or ball letter if pen in writing. You may want to type the you so prefer.
3. Use proper salutation. person to who Preferably know the name of the m the letter is to be addressed.
4. Observe proper margin and paragraphing. Use good English and correct spelling.
5. Write in a courteous manner. Ask permission before using permission has been position was obtained
permission a person's name as reference. Aft granted, write a letter of thanks especially if the desired
6. Enclose return postage so that the person to whom the letter is addressed will be encouraged to reply and will
not have to spend for postage in doing so.

A letter of application usually contains the following facts:

1. Source and purpose. The first paragraph usually contains the source of information concerning the vacancy and
the nurse's intent to apply to the position. These two points may be interchanged.
2. Qualifications. The second and third paragraphs must contain the applicant's qualifications, the school or college
from where he/she graduated, and the year of graduation. Experience and training along the field applied for may
also be included.
3. Reference. At least three names of persons who have given consent to the use of their names may be used as
references. These persons must know the applicant well enough in order to serve as good reference background.
Among the preferred references are former principals or deans, leading persons in the community, a parish priest
or a minister of one's church, a professional nurse or one's former instructor.
4. A request for a personal interview, if time and distance permits, is usually indicated in the last paragraph.

An example of an application letter is found on the next page. Data are fictitious.

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36 Daniel Tirona St.

Project 4, Quezon City
May 24, 2010

The Director of Nursing

St. Luke's Medical Center
Quezon City

Dear Madam:

I have learned from one of your staff nurses that you are in need of a Head Nurse in your Surgical Intensive Care
Unit. I wish to apply as one.
I am a graduate of the University of the Philippines, College of Nursing, Class 2005. I passed the Board
Examination for Nurses in June of the same year with a grade of 86.4%.
I have worked as staff nurse at the UP-PGH Medical Center from August 2005 to December 31, 2009. I have
taken a course in Coronary Care Nursing for two months at the same institution in 2006. I wish to transfer to a place
of work nearer my home.
The following persons have kindly consented to the use of their names as references:


Assistant Director for Nursing
UP-PGH Medical Center,
Taft Avenue, Manila
Supervising Nurse
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Philippine General Hospital
Philippine Nurses Association
Malate, Manila

Attached is my bio-data for your ready reference. I shall be available for a personn interview at your
convenience. Enclosed is a self-addressed, stamped envelope which may be used for your reply. I hope for your kind

Very respectfully,


*Data are fictitious


An interview is a face-to-face conference between two people about something. An interview between an applicant and
a prospective employer gives both a chance to assess each other.

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For the employer it gives him/her a chance to assess the applicant's personality, alertness in answering questions,
poise, the command of the spoken language, and the like.
For the applicant, it gives him/her a background of the institution, its potential as a working place, its philosophy and
objectives, the the working conditions, among others.
The interview therefore is a two-way, process in which both the employer and the applicant discuss conditions of work
and other related topics. It is never meant that an interview be a one-way traffic where the prospective employer does all the
talking and questioning while the applicant sits and listens without saying a word unless spoken to. Religious or personal
beliefs or practices which may limit the performance of duties should be made known to the prospective employer. An
applicant sells himself/herself in an interview. He/She wants to convince the prospective employer that he/she is the best
applicant for the job. It is best that he/she prepares himself/herself to make a good first impression.
The following pointers will be of help in preparing for an interview.
1. Make an appointment either by mail or telephone. The Nursing Office or Personnel Division schedules time to
conduct interview. It is seldom that on-the-spot interviews are given.
2. Be at the place at the appointed time. It is necessary therefore that you start early from your place so that you
are at the agency ten to fifteen minutes before the time so you can relax and appear unhurried. Do not come during
breaks or mealtime. If you get delayed, apologize and state your reason. Do not insist on being interviewed as the
person who will interview you may have another business to attend to. Request for another schedule if he/she is
indisposed and be sure to be on time if he/she gives you another chance.
3. Know something about the institution where you will apply so that you can answer questions
intelligently. If possible, know the name of the person who will interview you, so you can use it. Be prepared to
answer questions that are likely to be asked.
4. Be at your best. If you are a female, be neat, with a simple hairdo, moderate make-up, modest dress. Do not
appear as if you are going to a party. If you have a tendency to perspire, use an anti-perspirant. If you are a male,
be sure your clothes are spotless and clean especially at the collar line. Have a decent haircut and be well-shaven.
5. Knock before you enter. Greet the person who lets you in and the person who will interview you. Wait until you
are offered to sit before you do so. Feel at ease. Sit properly. Do not slouch.
6. Bring credentials such as your registration card, residence certificate, tax account number and the like. If
possible, bring small photographs (1 x 1) to enclose in a personal data form. Bring a fountain pen or ballpen for
filling out forms. Do not borrow from the prospective employer.
7. Ask questions about the job. It may help in deciding if you like the position.
8. Thank the interviewer for giving you some of his or her time. If there are other applicants to be interviewed, do
not delay the interview unnecessarily.
9. Give yourself time to think about the position. Notify the prospective employer if you have changed your mind
or have transferred to another address. As a prospective work and the people whom employee you have an equal
right to choose the place of work and the people whom you can best work with.
10. If the prospective employer does not answer, you may write a follow-up letter stating your interest in the
position. It is possible that they may not have an immediate vacancy but your letter will show that you are
interested and they may give you first preference should one occur.

Once you have obtained a position, strive to retain it and be successful in that chosen field. This will lead to :If-a action
and building a career in nursing.
How can you be successful in your chosen field of nursing? While there is no sure-fire formula for success the following
are suggested.
1. Have adequate knowledge and preparation for the job. Reading professional literature and attending clinical
conferences are some ways of updating your knowledge.
2. Have a well-developed personality. Cultivate a pleasing appearance. This gives a good first impression.
3. Develop good interpersonal relationship with your co-workers by
a. being enthusiastic in, and dedicated to your work and being sincere and considerate to others. Practice the
Golden Rule;
b. being tactful and dependable. Practice self-control. Hot-headed persons frequently encounter trouble;
c. developing ability to adhere to social amenities and being socially compatible. Remember: no man is an
d. having self-confidence and being cheerful. See the bright side of life, believe that others can also do good
work; and
e. offering help when needed. A helping hand eases the burden of your co-workers.
4. Develop proficiency in communication, both in oral and in written forms.
5. Be able to adjust to working conditions and to life patterns characteristic of particular occupations and
communities. Filipinos are well-known for their pakikipag-kapwa tao or ability to relate with others and pakikisama
or ability to get along well with co-workers.

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6. Keep abreast with advances in medicine, nursing, and related sciences by reading professional literature and
attending activities of professional organizations.

Although nurses have the opportunity to get a good position, some may fail in their jobs. Causes of failure may be due to
any of the following:
1. incompetence or the lack of the required ability and knowledge for the particular job;
2. poor interpersonal relationships, lack of cooperation with co-workers, dishonesty, boastfulness, and inability to get along
with people;
3. personality defects such as imprudence in choosing friends, insincerity, conceit, sarcasm, lack of tact, envy,
discourtesy, being too argumentative, apathy towards work or being too sensitive;
4. inadequate knowledge in social conduct, too little time for relaxation and recreation, unwholesome or unwise choice of
recreation; and
5. indifference to need for professional growth, always finding reason for not attending professional meetings or joining the
professional organization.


Nurses who accept their limitations know their weaknesses, and those who try to overcome them are more likely to
succeed than those who do not. There are more "average" nurses than the "geniuses." Those who are very bright in the
classroom may not always be successful in the field of nursing, while those who are willing to turn their weaknesses into
assets may be more successful.
Nurses should fit into and adjust to the position. This means being competent for the job, taking it with pride and doing
one's best at all times. They must continue to develop themselves professionally through observation, staff development
programs, and reading professional literature. Remember that proficiency means technical as well as human relation skills.


There are many reasons why nurses resign from their jobs. Primarily, the reason is to seek better positions whether in
the Philippines or abroad. Other reasons may be inability to adjust t other places. the work situation, marriage, children
and/or transfer of family to other places.
It is suggested that nurses keep their positions for at least two years if the position is acceptable to them. The first year
is usually spent in adjusting to the position, the second in helping them find the field of nursing specialty of their choice. They
should not change positions, as much as possible, more often than once within a year of service.
If nurses feel that they are not suited to the position, and feel that the advantages of leaving far outweigh the reasons for
staying it may be wise to make a change. It is, however, advised that they think over the whole situation. Seek assistance in
making decisions. If possible, involve the family especially if it will, in a way, affect them.
If offered a better position, talk it over with the employer. It is best to observe "an open-door policy." Leave a friendly
feeling towards superiors and co-workers. A reference from them may be needed later or one may decide to return to the
institution or agency. Goodwill is an asset that can be banked on.
Use prudence in accepting another position. Be sure it has more to offer in terms of salary, opportunity for promotion,
advancement or professional growth, and better chances o f adjusting to the new position than the present one.
A self-analysis may be necessary including the reason for transferring. Improvements may have to be made so that
unpleasant traits may not be carried on to the new position.
Give advance notice. A month is usually enough for those holding staff nurse positions. For those in teaching or
administrative positions, six months is recommended. Give the employer enough time to get a reliever.
Leave with a clean record. Clearance includes non-liability from responsibilities. Do not leave in the midst of activities in
the agency. Leave in the most gracious professional manner.
Write a letter of resignation. Observe the following points:
1. Give the date of resignation. It is good practice to complete the month from the date the notice of resignation is
filed. The date is usually effective on the 15th or at the end of the month, for easy computation of salaries, accrued
leaves, etc.
2. State the reason for resigning. Although you may have had an unhappy employment experience, it is important
to be courteous because the letter is usually on file and is usually referred to when the need arises. (An example of
a resignation letter is found on the next page. Data are fictitious.)
3. Express gratitude for kindness and consideration given during the period of employment. Express regret
for leaving regardless of the reasons.
4. Attach clearance for money, work, and property responsibilities. Never walk off from a position. This will
make one liable for breach of contract or abandonment of duty. This is sometimes referred to as "French Leave" or
AWOL (absence without official leave).

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It is seldom that a nurse gets dismissed. This is usually done for cause on the part of the nurse. Reasons may include
negligence, incompetence, malpractice, unprofessional behavior or breach of contract.
In assuming duties and responsibilities, nurses should be prudent in their actions in order that dismissal can be avoided
as subsequent employment is jeopardized. Due process of the law shall be observed before nurses can be dismissed from
their work.
In a society where success and failure permeate the family system, Filipino workers put high values on dangal (honor),
utang na loob (sense of gratitude), hiya (shame), damdamin (emotion), and pananagutan (responsibility). To them their kin's
success becomes the success of the family and dismissal is considered a family tragedy.
It is in this light that Filipino nurses strive to achieve their goals and prevent failures as much as possible.


16 Don Manuel, La Loma

Quezon City
November 30, 2009


St. Luke's Medical Center
Quezon City

Dear Madam:

I have the honor to tender my resignation as Head Nurse from this hospital effective the close of business hours
on December 31, 2009. I intend to go on full time studies for my Master's Degree in Nursing at the University of the
I regret to leave this place which I consider as my second home. I wish to thank you for giving me the
opportunity of joining the nursing service of this hospital. I also wish to thank the medical and nursing staff for
enabling me to learn as much as I did and for their kind attitude towards me.
I truly enjoyed my stay in the hospital. I hope that someday I may be given the same chance to serve it again.
Enclosed herewith are the clearance papers relative to my resignation.

Very respectfully,


*Data are fictitious


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct
answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You
are given 20 minutes for this activity:

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following is not a factor to consider in making self-evaluation?

a. Qualifications
b. Years of experience
c. Attitude
d. Age
ANSWER: ________

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2. The following are factors selecting a field of nursing. SATA.
a. Kind of work to be performed
b. Availability of work
c. Hours of work
d. Qualifications
ANSWER: ________

3. In writing you application, which of the following is the least helpful?

a. Use clean white paper
b. Use proper salutation
c. Enclose return postage
d. Use pencil in writing
ANSWER: ________

4. An application letter contains the following, except.

a. Source and purpose
b. Expression of gratitude
c. Reference
d. A request for personal interview
ANSWER: ________

5. Which of the following is true about personal interview?

a. Face-to-face conference between two people
b. Interview between an employer and an applicant
c. Give chance to assess each other
d. All of the above
ANSWER: ________

6. Which of the following pointers is the least helpful to give an applicant who will undergo interview?
a. Make a personal appointment
b. Be at the place at the appointed time
c. Be at your best
d. Ask questions about the job
ANSWER: ________

7. If you are a female, which of the following is the most helpful tip when going for an interview?
a. Moderate to heavy make up
b. Any dress
c. Simple hairdo
d. Wear accessories that can catch the employer’s attention
ANSWER: ________

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8. If you are a male, which of the following is the most helpful tip when going for an interview?
a. Make sure your clothes are clean
b. Have a decent haircut
c. Be well shaven
d. All of the above
ANSWER: ________

9. Causes of failure in a job may be due to the following, except.

a. Incompetence
b. Dishonesty
c. Balance time for relaxation and recreation
d. None of the above
ANSWER: ________

10. When writing your resignation letter, observe the following points. SATA
a. Give the date of resignation
b. State the reason for resigning
c. Express gratitude for kindness and consideration given during the period of employment
d. Attach clearance for money
ANSWER: ________

The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students. You can now ask questions and debate among yourselves.
Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.
1. ANSWER: ________
2. ANSWER: ________
3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________
5. ANSWER: ________
6. ANSWER: ________
7. ANSWER: ________

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8. ANSWER: ________
9. ANSWER: ________
10. ANSWER: ________


You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.

AL Strategy: Do Now Strategy

This activity is to evaluate what you learned after the discussion and the activity.

v Make your own Application and Resignation Letter (Attached here upon submission of the module)
Format (Refer to the sample Application and Resignation Letter in this module):
ü Paper size: Letter (21.5 cm x 27.9 cm)
ü Margins: Normal (Top & Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left & Right: 3.18 cm)
ü Font and Font Size: Arial (11)

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