Seameo Furom 1.6

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external factors are...

1. Lack of parents' support

- it really affects students learning as it gives negative impact to the school, wherein almost 35%
of our SHS learners in the first semester fails to pass the subjects.
- lack of encouragement of the SHS learners if parents do not show-up during the distribution and
retrieval of modules
- results to students’ academic performance becomes very low if lack interest
- diverted to any unrelated activities like engaging into a relationship then marry at early age or
get pregnant unwantedly .In this situation it will lower down the population of the school because
learners may tend to stop schooling or the reputation of the school becomes low
- less realization to any school activities or to any projects
2. Lack of Technological Support
- learners socio-economic level is very low so, owning even a cellphone is hard to provide by parents
- the school is located remotely wherein the internet connectivity is very low.
- the schools’ technological infrastructure is not good- 90% of the available computers in school are
not functioning, the deped computers are low grade
- online learning is the most significant tool to address the gaps in learning but empowering 21 st
century learning was not address by the school that supposedly be enhance thuis time and teach
them to be independently perform like inquiry, research and independent learners where learning
own pacing.
- technological support from the government is very poor that is why results in performance of
students likewise poor.
3. Social Media
- less online facilitation both learners and parents for any follow-ups or feed backing as this would
results to unresponsive to the needs of the school like Pahina, HRPTA Meeting or any related activities
of the school.

- less interactive online.

- less engagement with social media less development of research skills.

- it affects the assessment performance in all levels from school-based to national level esp. Regional
Assessment Test.

Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information,

ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks.[1][2] While
challenges to the definition of social media arise[3][4] due to the variety of stand-alone and built-in
social media services currently available, there are some common features:[2]
1. Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.[2][5]
2. User-generated content—such as text posts or comments, digital photos or videos, and data
generated through all online interactions—is the lifeblood of social media.[2][5]
3. Users create service-specific profiles for the website or app that are designed and
maintained by the social media organization.[2][6]
4. Social media helps the development of online social networks by connecting a user's profile
with those of other individuals or groups.[2][6]

4. Using PDSA for Continuous Improvement: a cycle of renewal. Plan,

Do, Study, Act cycle is a continuous process that can be used to inform
best practices in online course design and instruction. Data informs
each decision and next steps. Data incorporates grades, attendance,
participation, emails, withdrawal forms, and more.

 Plan: setting goals, devising plan or assessments (an example could be

the goal that all students access, read and understand the information on
the syllabus).
 Do: Implement the plan using a scavenger hunt, syllabus quiz,
discussion forum
 Study: Analyze the results (study the results to assess if more
interventions are needed.
 Act: final step which closes the cycle, decisions can be make for future



1. What level of interest of students in academic performance

2. What level of interest of studentys in Skills performance

Deming Wheel Improves TVL Learners Interest in Academic and Skills


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