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Guest List

1.Bride: Cheryl C. Paaño

2.Groom: Renato L. Segubiense Jr.
3. Ret. PSDS Lourdes C. Paaño
4. Mr. Renato R. Segubiense Sr.
5. Mrs. Salvacion L. Segubiense
6. Hon. Cong. Fernando Cabredo
7. Mrs. Lilibeth Serrano
8. Mr. Boyet Aguilar
9. Hon. Mayor Glenda Aguilar
10. Hon. Fortunato Peña
11. Mrs. Sesyl Peña
12. Hon. John V. Dycoco
13. Mrs. Ophel Oris
!4. Dr. Danilo Sedutan
15. Mrs. Gloria Iligan
16. Atty. Markgregor Edward Sayson
17. Atty. Judessa Mae Adrales
18. Mr. Warrion V. Lotivio
19. Mrs. Myra A. Lotivio
20. Mr. Bernard B. Nimo
21. Dr. Bienarosa Ala
22. Atty. Leandro Millano
23. Atty. Ma. Elena Millano
24. Mr. Felipe Jessie Jimenez, Jr.
25. Atty. Angelyn Peyra Visitacion
26. Mr. Getulio V. Lotivio
27. Paula Angela Vasquez
28. Redgie B. Villanueva
29. Nikka Mae R. Lunas
30. Paolo Rafael F. Estor
31. Engr. Brent Andes Jebulan
32. Jonathan Brian L. Oris
33. Catherine Mae S. Aurellano
34. Cherieza L. Lotivio
35. Clyzel Jamesh Oris
36. Dr. Stephen C. Paaño
37. Myra Pendor Paaño
38. Nicole Paaño
39. Stephanie Mae Paaño
40. Randy C. Paaño
41. Carmela Valbuena Paaño
42. Jeune Faye Paaño
43. Alodia Sofia Paaño
44. Meriam Cano
45. Harry Parone
46. Alicia Remoroso
47. Elenita Paña
48. Bebot Paña
49. Randy Paña
50. Mr./Ms. Cano
51. Eugene Villaflor
52. Mr./Ms. Villaflor
53. Edith Cerillo
53. Mr./Ms.Cerillo
54. Michelle Lampa-Lavadia
55. Atty. Lavadia
56. Mr/Ms. Jimenez
57. Milany Ala
58. Liza Solano
59. Emerita Chavez
60. Jeffrey Chavez
61. Cherry Lotivio
62. Auriez Nimo
63. Chariz Lotivio
64. Arnaldo Lotivio
65. Yolanda Lotivio
66. Jeorge Lotivio
67. Perla Lotivio
68. Babylyn Macinas
69. Rey Alpapara
70. Ruben Rosal
71. Bong Rosal
72. Jojit Velasco
73. Jonard Reodique
74. Noemi Revale
75. Monching Revale
76. Lovely Balengasa
77. Cherryflor Balengasa
78. Florencio Balengasa
79. Charito Balengasa
80. Nicole Lotivio
81. Nicollo Lotivio
82. Nicolette Lotivio
83. Edwin Revale
84. Donna Revale
85. Edith Revale
86. Atty. Jan Saclag
87. Dezza Saclag
88. Nick Lunas
89. Mrs. Briones
90. Nhong Briones
Table 1
Dr. Stephen C. Paaño
Myra Pendor Paaño
Nicole Paaño
Stephanie Mae Paaño
Randy C. Paño
Carmela Valbuena Paaño
Jeune Faye Paaño
Alodia Sofia Paaño

Table 2
Eugene Villaflor
Mr./Ms. Villaflor
Edith Cerillo
Michelle Lampa-Lavadia
Atty. Lavadia
Liza Solano
Jojit Velasco
Mr./Ms. Jimenez
Jackito Ballebar

Table 3
Meriam Cano
Harry Parone
Alicia Remoroso
Elenita Paña
Bebot Paña
Randy Paña
Mr./Ms. Cano
Milany Ala
Emerita Chavez
Jeffrey Chavez

Table 4
Cherry Lotivio
Auriez Nimo
Chariz Lotivio
Arnaldo Lotivio
Yolanda Lotivio
Jeorge Lotivio
Perla Lotivio
Nicole Lotivio
Nicollo Lotivio
Nicolette Lotivio
Table 5
Noemi Revale
Monching Revale
Cherryflor Balengasa
Lovely Balengasa
Florencio Balengasa
Charito Balengasa
Edwin Revale
Donna Revale
Edith Revale
Nick Lunas

Table 6
Babylyn Macinas
Ruben Rosal
Bong Rosal
Atty. JaneroSaclag
Dezza Saclag
Jonard Reodique
Rey Alpapara
Florian Briones
Minvy Briones

Table 7

Presidential Table
V.I.P 1
Dr. Stephen C. Paaño
Ret. PSDS Lourdes C. Paaño
Mr. Renato R. Segubiense Sr.
Mrs. Salvacion L. Segubiense
Hon. Cong. Fernando Cabredo
Mrs. Lilibeth Serrano
Mr. Boyet Aguilar
Hon. Mayor Glenda Aguilar
Hon. Fortunato Peña
Mrs. Sesyl Peña
Hon. John V. Dycoco
Mrs. Ophel Oris
Dr. Danilo Sedutan
Mrs. Gloria Iligan

V.I.P 2
Atty. Markgregor Edward Sayson
Atty. Judessa Mae Adrales
Mr. Warrion V. Lotivio
Mrs. Myra A. Lotivio
Mr. Bernard B. Nimo
Dr. Bienarosa Ala - Suarez
Atty. Leandro Millano
Atty. Ma. Elena Millano
Mr. Felipe Jessie Jimenez, Jr.
Atty. Angelyn Peyra Visitacion

V.I.P 3

Mr. Getulio V. Lotivio

Paula Angela Vasquez
Redgie B. Villanueva
Nikka Mae R. Lunas
Paolo Rafael F. Estor
Engr. Brent Andes Jebulan
Jonathan Brian L. Oris
Catherine Mae S. Aurellano
Cherieza L. Lotivio
Clyzel Jamesh Oris



6:00 – 7:00 Shower & Breakfast of the G & B

7:30 – 8:00 ETA (make-up artist, photographer, & florist)
8:00 – 9:00 Make-up of the bride
Detailing shoot of the Bride
Detailing shoot of the Groom
9:00 – 10:30 Make-up of the 2 Mothers
Beauty shoot & Interview of the Bride
Suit Pictorial of the Groom
10:30 – 11:30 LUNCH BREAK
11:30 – 12:00 ETA Secondary & Primary Sponsor
12:00 – 1:00 HMUA of the Bride for ceremony look
Bride& Groom’s Family Press up
1:00 – 1:45 Bride w/ Gown Shoot
Pictorial w/ the Secondary & Primary Sponsor
Groom w/ Fam. Shoot
Bride w/ Fam. Shoot
1:45 – 2:00 ETA of the Groom to the Church
2:00 – 2:15 ETA of the Bride to the Church
Pictorial of the Groom while waiting @ the church
2:15 – 2:30 Pictorial of the Arrival of the Bride @ Church
2:30 – 2:50 Assemble at the Church
4:00 End of Ceremony
4:00 – 4:30 Photo opt. to the Newly wed.
4:30 ETD Church
5:00 ETA Venue (SOCORROS)
5:00 – 5:20 Retouch & Postnup
While the Guest Assembles to
the Reception Area
5:20 – 5:30 Introduction to the newly wed.
of the emcee. (Entrance of G & B)
6:30 – 7:00 DINNER
7:00 Continuation of the Program

Atty. & Mrs. Janero Saclag

Hon. & Mrs. Florian Briones

Mr. & Mrs. Florencio Balengasa

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Revale & Family

Dr. Bienarosa Ala - Suarez & Millanie Ala

Mr. Jojit Velasco

Mr. & Mrs. Arnaldo Lotivio







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