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De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute

Special Health Sciences Senior High School

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World (BE-LIT101)
A Villain’s Truth (QA-Midterm)

Name: Estropigan, Naomi Louize P. Section: G12-1 Miguel

Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Ultimate Truth Claim: Maleficent was hurt by Aurora’s people, so she seeks vengeance.


“As a child, I always visited the nearby kingdom. My mother always warned me about humans
because they were our foe, but of course I was stubborn, I cloaked myself to hide my horns from them. When
I was sixteen, I was visiting the village and I met a young Stefan. He approached me and I was doubting him
at first, but I let the foolishness of my youth get to me and let my guard down, I befriended that goon. Soon
enough, I asked if he wanted to see where I lived. It was a magical forest inhabited by mystical creatures. He
was scared at first, but after a while he agreed and always visited. As years went by, he was coming less,
which I understood since he also had a life in the kingdom. He was the only man who showed me affection
and I fell for him. One day when he was visiting, he kissed me and said it was “true love’s kiss”, we drank
after, before I fell asleep. I woke to the noise of people babbling. I was in the village, tied down as a display
for everyone in the kingdom to see. That’s why everyone in the kingdom knew who I was. I was furious at
them; I escaped and flew away as quickly as I could before noticing that a part of my wings was cut off. I sent
a crow to spy on Stefan, he offered my wings to the king, and told him that he vanquished me after I escaped.
The king believed him and made him heir to the throne. On that day forward, I swore to avenge myself. When
I found out that he was having a child, I knew what to do. Whatever goes around, comes around, Stefan.”

----------- END OF MONOLOGUE -----------

Word count: 300

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