W099 - PhEd 12n - AncogA - Midterm - Output

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Name: Ancog, Angelo P.

Degree Program/Year: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – 1st year

Class Sched: Monday-Wednesday (4:00-5:30 pm)


REACTION PAPER (100 points)

 Search an article about “The Importance of Physical Activities in the New Normal”
 Summarize and make a reaction paper. 


1. Title of your article.

2. The author of the article.
3. Date of publication.
4. Summary of the article, your reaction, and conclusion. A minimum of 300 words for the
summary and another 300 words for the reaction paper & conclusion.
5. Write the reference. Use APA format in citing the references.

1. Needing a ‘New Normal’ For Staying Active?
2. By Elle Schuldt
3. OCTOBER 2020

The new-normal type of life setting has been a great challenge to everyone especially when
it comes to staying physically fit and active. We should be reminded that nothing should hinder
us from benefiting from a physical workout exercise. Knowing that it would bring so many good
aspects to our body as a whole, we should adopt the new workout setup that would align with
the current situation termed a pandemic. It is important to keep motivated as we aim for the
price of having such good health and inner peace that it would benefit us for so many reasons.
Few to mention are the outcome of exercise to prevent our health from any problems and
sickness brought such by heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes. Since most of us are
staying home for our safety and protection from the coronavirus, we are in favor to create a
simple home workout plan which could be convenient and hassle-free to do. We are no longer
required to attend a gym class just to maintain our health balance and proper condition in terms
of exercise. An American guideline has been suggested namely as American College of Sports
Medicine (ACSM), which tackles the pieces of advice for physical activity that educates about
the proper health balance and exercise routine. There are many tips to acquire given by the
medical source of fitness from ACSM and one of which highlights the most is to consult first with
the physician or health care professional before we plan to create our necessary workout plan
that would perfectly fit our preferences and needs. It’s good to know that even a workout plan
has been indulged with the responsibilities of becoming conscious and aware of what our
purpose and needs should be done from the very first place.


As a young adult, I have been captivated by the idea of becoming physically healthy
since our body is referred to as our investment in life. Whatever things we impart to our body
would affect our future condition and even the environment we are part of. It is correlated with
the idea of whatever we sow, will also be the thing we will reap in our future. We used to believe
that life has a lot to offer, but the truth is that not everything is beneficial. In that manner,
physical fitness or any form of exercise should be considered valuable and necessary as part of
being as a whole. Despite the pandemic we are currently facing, the new normal type of living
should be adapted even in the simplest form of workout routine. Referring to the word simple, it
is easy to execute such a training plan because it can be done anywhere we want, but
conveniently, at home. Through the years of hardship and sacrifice in going to gym sessions
and classes, a workout routine can now be accessible at home. Based on the writings of Elle
Schuldt, we should be aware of our body appearance and condition as we are prone to many
diseases such as heart, lungs, and diabetic disease if we are not exposed to any form of
Relevantly, home work out plan suggested by the ACSM is one way to consider that
fitness exercise is a really important thing to consider applying daily of life, especially in this new
normal type of living. Proper consultation and execution should be done according to the needs
and preferences of our body condition. It would benefit us in so many aspects, especially which
engaging in physical activities will occupy more positivity to us as a whole.


(Schuldt, 2020)

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