IELTS Writing Question Types

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types:

1. Agree or Disagree

Sample Question:
Professional athletes in popular sports like football (soccer) and basketball are overpaid. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Organization Tips
Two or three body paragraphs Don’t argue against yourself. Each point you
Each body paragraph should present ONE new make should agree very clearly with the
reason to support the opinion you express in perspective you take in your thesis.
your thesis statement
You don’t need to have a strong opinion.
It is perfectly fine to have a balanced argument.
In other words, you might mostly agree or
disagree with the statement. In this case, it is
usually best to write 1 or 2 body paragraphs
supporting or opposing the idea from the
question. Then, you can write a third paragraph
explaining an exception to your argument.

Note: Sometimes you may be asked, “What is

your opinion?” for this question type instead of,
“To what extent do you agree...?”

2. Advantages and Disadvantages

Sample Question:

An increasing number of students choose to spend time away from school to live abroad or gain some
other meaningful experience before attending college. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
this choice?
Organization Tips
Body Paragraph 1: Write two longer body paragraphs for this
Discuss advantages or disadvantages essay: one for each side of the issue.

Body Paragraph 2: You should not make a recommendation or take

Discuss the opposite side – the side you didn’t a side unless the directions tell you to! Simply
discuss in paragraph 1. describe the positive and negative points on
both sides of the question.
3. Causes and Solutions to a problem

Sample Question:

These days technology performs many kinds of work that people once performed. Many workers have
lost their jobs and lack the necessary training to get a new job in the new technological economy.
What should be done to solve this problem?

Organization Tips
If the question only asks for solutions... The directions will tell you whether you need to
focus your essay on solutions to a problem, or
You should write 2-3 body paragraphs. Each whether you should discuss causes AND
one should focus on ONE different solution to solutions.
the problem.
It is a good idea to “hedge” in these essays in
If the questions ask for causes and solutions... order to maintain an academic/formal tone.
“Hedging” means that you use careful language
You should write 2 body paragraphs... to avoid making broad generalizations, or overly
confident recommendations.
Paragraph 1: Causes of the problem
Paragraph 2: Solutions to the problem
One reason this happened could be...
I think it is possible that...
It may work to try...
I would suggest...
This approach could help many people to...

4. Discuss both sides (and give your opinion)

Sample Question:
Some people prefer to save money. Others prefer to use their money on things they will enjoy. What
is the best approach towards money? Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Organization Tips
You’ll need three body paragraphs: In body paragraphs 1 and 2, you need to present
Body Paragraph 1: both sides of the argument in a fair and balanced
Discuss the first “side” of the issue way. Don’t support one side over the other in
Body Paragraph 2: the first two paragraphs.
Discuss the second “side” of the issue
Body Paragraph 3: When you express your opinion in the third
Give your opinion body paragraph, you can:
- Choose one side over the other very
- Point out a problem or limitation to one
of the sides
- Show how one side is best in one
situation, while the other side is best in
another situation.
5. Thematic Questions

Sample Question:

Many children have access to the internet and devices like smart phones, even at very young ages. Do
you think this is a good trend? What rules should children follow related to internet and gadget use?

Organization Tips
You should answer each question in the prompt This question type is very open. You may be
in its own body paragraph. asked to respond in a variety of ways. Read the
However, you may write an extra body question carefully!
paragraph for one of the questions if you have
more to say (or if you need to reach your word There will be 2-3 questions related to the same
count minimum). theme in this question type. Simply answer each
question in its own paragraph.

Writing your thesis can be tricky for this

question type. Just make sure to cover each
main point that you will discuss in your body
paragraphs. For example, a good thesis
statement might look like this for the sample
thematic question on this chart:

Sample Thesis:

Given the importance of technology in every

aspect of modern life, it is important that young
children gain exposure to the internet and
devices, provided that parents monitor their
activity carefully.

The green part of the thesis relates to the first

question in the prompt. The purple part relates
to the second question.

Linking structures

Listing Giving examples Generalising

firstly, secondly, thirdly for example in general

first, furthermore, finally for instance generally

to begin, to conclude as follows: on the whole

next that is as a rule

Reinforcement in this case for the most part

also namely in most cases

furthermore in other words usually

moreover Result/consequence Highlighting

what is more so in particular

in addition therefore particularly

besides as a result/consequence especially

above all accordingly mainly

as well (as) consequently Reformulation

in the same way because of this/that in other words

not only ... but also thus rather

Similarity hence to put it more simply

equally for this/that reason Expressing an alternative

likewise so that alternatively

similarly in that case rather

correspondingly under these circumstances on the other hand

in the same way Deduction the alternative is

Transition to new point then another possibility would be

now, in other words Contrast

as far as x is concerned in that case instead

with regard/reference to otherwise conversely

as for ... this implies that ... on the contrary

it follows that if so/not in contrast

turning to Stating the obvious in comparison

Summary obviously Concession (smth unexpected)

in conclusion clearly even though

to conclude naturally however

in brief of course however much

to summarise as can be expected nevertheless

overall surely still

therefore after all yet

IELTS essay vocabulary 

Expressing personal opinions: 

 In my opinion, … 
 Personally, I think that … 
 It seems to me that ...
 I must admit that …
 I believe/suppose that ... 
 I cannot deny that … 
 As I see it, … 
 As far as I'm concerned, …
 I would argue that ...
 I'd like to point out that …
 In my experience, ...

Very strong opinions: 

 I am sure that …
 I am convinced that ... 
 I am certain that ...

Example: I would argue that computers are rather beneficial for kids.

Proving your arguments

 to attest, ... 
 to prove, ...
 this (fact) is attested/proven by ...
 this (fact) is evidenced by ...
 this (fact) is testified by ...
 this (fact) is endorsed/supported by...
 this (evidence) establishes that ... 

Example: Consuming moderate amounts of sweets can be good for health. This is evidenced
by a number of cases when people improved their health conditions by eating chocolate.

Expressing general point of view:

 It is (generally) claimed that … 

 It is (generally) said that … 
 It is (generally) thought that ... 
 It is (generally) considered that ...
 A common opinion is that ... 
 A popular belief is that ...

Example: It is considered that rigorous diets are very unhealthy.

Outlining facts

 The fact is that … 

 It is obvious that … 
 It is clear that … 
 There is no doubt that …
 This proves that … 

Example: It is obvious that deforestation has no positive effects.


 Generally speaking, ... 

 On the whole, ... 
 Typically, ... 
 By and large ... 

Example: Generally speaking, smoking is a bad habit.

Giving examples 

 For example, ... 

 For instance, ... 
 A good illustration of this is ... 
 Evidence for this is provided by ... 
 We can see this when ... 

Example: A lot of wild animals are endangered. Evidence for this is proved by decreasing
number of species.


 To summarise, ... 
 In conclusion, ...
 Overall, ...
 On balance, ...
 Taking everything into consideration, ...

Example: Overall, no parents should neglect their children.

Vocabulary to describe graphs 

Introducing the graph 

The graph/table/pie chart/bar chart/diagram ... 

 gives information about/on ... 

 provides information about/on ... 
 shows ... 
 illustrates ...
 compares ...
 explains why ...
 describes ...
 draws the conclusion of (a survey) ...

Example: The pie charts provide information on the proportion of males and females working in
agricultural sector. 

Types of changes 
a rise (of)
an increase (of)
a growth (of)
a peak (of)
a surge (of)
Example: a rise of prices

a fall (in) 
a decrease (in)
a decline (in)
a dip (in) 

Example: a fall in prices

a fluctuation (of) 
a variation (in)
Example: a fluctuation of prices


to rise 
to increase
to surge
to grow
to peak

Large rises:
to rocket
to soar
to leap (->leapt)
to fall
to decrease
to decline
to dip
to dive
to plunge

Large falls:
to plummet
to fluctuate
to vary

Description of changes  

Example: the prices rose sharply
Example: the prices increased modestly

Example: there was a considerable growth
Example: there was a gradual decline

Useful phrases
a small fraction, a small number, a small minority
a large portion, a significant majority
nearly a fifth, almost 10%, in region of 40%, more than a half, over a quarter, around two thirds, more
or less three quarters, exactly one in ten, approximately a third
List 1 

Words 1-10 Words 11-20 Words 21-30 Words 31-40 Words 4

achieve  authority  consistent  distinction  factors 
administration  available  constitutional  economic  feature 
affect  benefit  consumer  element  final 
analysis  category  context  environment  financial 
approach  community  create  error  focus 
appropriate  complex  culture  equation  function 
area  concerning  data  establish  global
aspects  conclusion  definition  estimate  identify 
assistance  conduct   destructive evaluation  impact 
assume  consequence  discovery evidence income
Words 51-60 Words 61-70 Words 71-80 Words 81-90 Words 91
indicate  media  policy  regulations  similar
individual  method  positive  relevant  solution
injury  modern potential  require  source 
investment  normal  previous  research  specific 
involve  obtain  primary  resident  strategy 
issue  restrict  process  resources  structure 
item  occur  purchase  response  theory
legal  participation  range  sector  threat 
maintenance  percent recent security  traditional 
major  period region  significant  transport 

List 2 

Words 1-10 Words 11-20 Words 21-30 Words 31-40 Words

access  attitude  constant  demonstrate  ensure 
activity aware  contact  despite  equivalent 
alter  capacity  contribution  dimension  evolution 
alternative  challenge   core domestic  exclude 
amendment  circumstance  correspond  dominant  exposure 
annual  comment  criteria  emerge  external 
apparent  communication  cycle  emphasis  facilitate 
application concentration  debate  enable  fundamenta
approximate  conflict  decline  energy  funds 
artificial considerable  deduction  enforcement  generation 
Words 51-60 Words 61-70 Words 71-80 Words 81-90 Words
hence  location   occupation  project  sufficient 
hypothesis  logic  option  promote  summary 
illustrate  marginal  orientation  proportion  supply 
image  maximum  outcome  psychology  task 
immigration  mechanism  overall  reaction  technique
implement  medical  parallel  remove  technology
initial  mental  perspective  resolution  transition 
integration  modification  philosophy  specify  trend 
layer negative  precise  stability  version 
legislation   network predict  subsequent  volume 

 List 3

Words 1-10 Words 11-20 Words 21-30 Words 31-40 W

abstract  author  definite  exceed identic
accurate  brief  deny  expansion  ignora
acknowledge  capable  discrimination  expert  imply
adaptation  civil  disposal  fees  incenti
adequate classical  diversity  flexibility  incorp
adjust  comprehensive   domain  foundation  index 
adult  contrary  dynamic  gender  infrast
advocate  coordination  eliminate  global  inhibit
aid  couple  equipment  grade  innova
attribute  decades  estate  guarantee  instanc
Words 51-60 Words 61-70 Words 71-80 Words 81-90 W
instruction  minimum  pursue  simulation  sustain
intelligence  monitoring  rational  solely  symbo
interact  motivation  recovery  somewhat  topic 
interval  neutral  reject status  trace 
investigation  obvious  release  stress  transfo
isolated overseas  reveal  style  ultima
justification  parameter  role  substitution  underl
lecture  phenomenon  satisfy successive  unique
liberal  prohibit scope  survey  utility 
migration  publish  sequence  survive  visible

 List 4

Words 1-10 Words 11-20 Words 21-30 Words 31-40 W

accommodation  behalf  contradict  devote  exhib
accompany bias  controversy  differentiation  expli
advance  cease  conversely  diminish  explo
analogous  chart  cooperate displacement  extra
anticipate  clarity  crucial  display  feder
appendix  coherence  currency  distorted  fluct
appreciate coincide  denote  dramatic  form
arbitrary  commodity  detect duration foun
assure  confirm deviation  ethical  guid
automatically  contemporary  device  eventually  high
Words 51-60 Words 61-70 Words 71-80 Words 81-90 W
implicit  medium  portion  revision  them
incompatible  military  precede  revolution  there
induce  mutual  predominantly  scenario  unifo
inevitably  norms  priority  schedule  valid
inherent  notion  prospect  sphere  vehic
intensity  nuclear qualitative  suspended  via 
intermediate  objective  radical target viola
internal  paragraph  random  team  virtu
manual  passive  reinforce  temporary  visio
mature  perceive  relax  tension  wide

 List 5

Words 1-10 Words 11-20 Words 21-30 Words 31-40

abandon  assembly  compile  creditable e
abate assessment complement  deceive e
abrupt assign comprise  depression e
accumulation  attain  conceive  derive e
acquisition  avert concurrent  distribution  e
adjacent  coal confined  divergent e
aggregate  collapse conform  doubt f
albeit  colleagues  confuse drastic  f
ambiguous  combat consciousness election f
ancestor commit  convinced  empirical  g
Words 51-60 Words 61-70 Words 71-80 Words 81-90
homogenous invoke  ongoing  reluctant  s
inclination  justify overlap  restore  s
indulge likewise  persistent  restraint  s
infer link pose  rigid  te
initiative  manage possess route  tr
insight  manipulation  preliminary  sacrifice u
inspection  merge presumption  scale u
integral  nonetheless  ratio  so-called  v
intervention  notwithstanding  refine  straightforward  v
intrinsic  odd  relate subordinate  w

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