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Channel Watchdog Resource center advocate

7 24 Oras GMA Mel Tiangco

2 S.O.C.O ABS CBN Gus Abelgas

7 Tadhana GMA Marian Rivera


There is two options two believe: Thats is do not eisily trust the social media even its individual
or your familiy you must to be extra care full too avoid fake news, scams and not advisable seen
that can harm or misunderstunds of the young ones, unless you know how a parent to explain it
to your child and other option is be allert and active to news or what is happening it can also
help you to be lesser the risk because not anyone in this world you can trust but your family and
yourself because nowadays there is a kidnapping , and our society is sourroundo of drug addict
and it can also help to advance our knowledge and big help to everyone

The goal of community action is to place communities at the center of their own local services.
Involving communities in service design and delivery can help to achieve a variety of goals,
including: building community and social capacity - assisting the community in sharing
information, skills, and ideas.This type of action allows local citizens to keep their community
identities, maintain local control over decision-making, and meet their own development
requirements. It is an important aspect of community and social a student it is a
big help to one of us to understand the society and technology because our world is now an
innovated world

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