Bimbim Roof Tile Is A Company That Sells Roof Tiles For Houses or Roofs For Buildings

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NO/NIM : 20 / 2015124123


Bimbim roof tile is a company that sells roof tiles for

houses or roofs for buildings. Roof tile is a component of the

roof construction of a house or building that functions to

cover the upper surface, which consists of overlapping parts.

Roof tiles must be made waterproof because they protect the

building from rain.

The roof tile of the house serves to protect the occupants of the house from various weather

changes, from heat to rain. In addition, the roof also has a function to cover the room under it,

prevent the entry of excessive solar heat radiation, prevent the entry of rainwater splashes and so on.

Roofs can be made of various types of materials such as wood, stone, clay, fiber, asphalt, plastic,

asbestos, and metal depending on the needs and construction costs.

Tile was first used in Mesopotamia, 4 centuries BC. Model houses dating from South Asia

in 2600 to 2200 BC show flat roofs and provide evidence of roof tiles. Tile appeared in the early

third century BC in the city of Lerna, Greece. Until now, tiles are widely used with a variety of

manufacturing materials, such as clay. The 265mm x 165mm clay tile originally appeared on a

statue in 1477 during the reign of King Edward IV. This double pile of roof tiles was originally

made of bricks but nowadays some are made of concrete. The color is produced by setting the air in
the furnace to produce colors such as red, brown or blue depending on the temperature of the


People mostly use clay roof tiles, especially for people who live in rural areas. Clay tiles

are still the favorite of the people when they want to buy tiles in building shops. This is due to the

characteristics possessed by clay tiles. Usually you will buy clay tiles on the grounds that the price

is cheap but the quality is quite good.

Advantages of clay tile

1. Eco-friendly

2. Safe for health

3. The price is relatively cheap

4. Dampen the heat well

5. Have good soundproofing ability

6. Maintain the humidity of the room

7. Make the house look beautiful and beautiful

lack of clay tiles

6. Vulnerable to crack

7. Vulnerable to leak

8. Easily blown by the wind

9. Quite difficult to install

The advantages of clay tile products that we offer include:

1. Our company provides prices that are not quite expensive / standard compared to other

companies that offer other products.

2. Our company provides optimal service to consumers, so that consumers get satisfaction

from the same product.

3. Our company also allows consumers to choose and sort the goods to be purchased as

long as it is not outside the limits set by our company.

Our company offers/promotes the products we provide through print and electronic media,


1. Through print media

Promotions carried out by our company are by placing banners around places that may be

appropriate places for banners to be installed, such as on highways, in places frequented by

people, etc.

2. Through electronic media

Promote by visiting places or radio stations to promote our company and attaching No.

Call in print media.



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