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Ukrainians live with uncertainty after the new Russian threat.

Countries such as Spain are considering their participation on the

By Teresa Perez de Lucia Burgos

Ukraine, the centre of growing tension

between Russia and the West, is threatened

. The
by a Russia led by Vladimir Putin
Russian leader, sent 100,000 troops to
Belarus on January 18th, sparking a deep
international crisis over the possibility that it
could invade its neighbouring country, as it
partially did in 2014.
While the US President Joe Biden threatens
Putin with major economic and diplomatic
sanctions, Pedro Sanchez president of the
Spanish government, offers to send fighter
jets to Bulgaria in order to contribute to the
deterrence plans for Russia. Proposal that A Russian T-72B3 tank firing its gun during military
has led to a new conflict between the
partners in the coalition government, as exercises. opular Party
For his part, the leader of the P
Nevertheless, this Friday Irene Montero, (right-wing party), Casado, criticised the
tated they were betting contradictory messages coming from the
Minister of Equality, s coalition partners and demanded "a clear
on "dialogue and diplomacy” deciding to position" on the issue of Ukraine. "There is no
stay on the side-lines in its involvement in room for half measures with a conflict as
the conflict and opting for the "4 Ds" serious as the one we are experiencing", he
approach. said.
Jose Manuel Alabares, Minister of Foreign It is not the first time that the PSOE (the
Affairs of the Spanish Government, affirmed current governing party in Spain) and Unidos
the statements at an extraordinary session in Podemos have openly disagreed on a public
the Spanish Congress of Deputies and issue. Yet so far, they have decided that they
presented the "four Ds" strategy: Diplomacy, will try to keep " Europe united " through
de-escalation, distension, and dissuasion as dialogue.
the Spanish government's position in this

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