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• History of coffee
• Types and varieties of coffee.

What is Coffee?
o A hot brown beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans; “he
ordered a cup of coffee”.
o A brown powder obtained from crushed roasted coffee beans.
o Any of several small trees and shrubs native to the tropical Old World yielding
coffee beans.
o A seed of the coffee tree; ground to make coffee.
o A medium to dark brown color – Coffee colour
o Coffee sets in our homes

Coffee L egends
• The Yemen story
• Khaldi, the goats, monastery story

A Short History of Coffee

There are two competing stories on the origin of coffee. The first one (around
850 AD) is about the Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi, who discovered that his
goats began to dance joyfully after eating the red berries of a dark green leafed
shrub. The goatherd tried some himself and he too began to experience the
euphoric effects. He gave some of the berries to monks who found the
stimulant would keep them wide awake during their prayers. They, in turn,
passed it on to other monasteries, and so began the story of coffee.

The second story tells of a man condemned by his enemies to wander the
desert outside the Yemenite port of Mocha, and to eventually die of starvation.
In his delirium, the young man heard a voice instructing him to eat the fruit
from a nearby coffee tree. Confused, he tried to soften the beans in water, and
when this failed, he simply drank the liquid. Interpreting his survival and
energy as a sign from God, he returned to his people, spreading the faith and
the recipe.

Coffee History
• Kaffa in Ethiopia - Arabica
• First cultivated in Yemen
• To Arabia
• End of 16th Century traded in Europe
• 1723 Java by the Dutch
• 1727 Brazil
• 1740-1805 Central and South America
• Just recent to native Africa

Uganda as an Origin of Robusta

 Discovered in the 18th century, about 100yrs after Arabica
Botanical Aspects
• Plant tree or a shrub
• Grows in the tropics
• 200-2,000metres ASL
• Best know species:
– Coffea arabica Arabica 60-70%
– Coffea canephora Robusta 30-40%
• Bears cherries (green-yellow-red)

Difference between Arabica & Robusta

The beans are different. The plants are different. And consequently, the use varies as

Factors that affect coffee quality

 Type
 Location
 Farm Practices and attitude (GAP)
 Processing method
 Roasting
 Grinding
 Packaging and Storage
 Brewing
 Market

The two most important species of coffee economically are Coffea arabica (Arabica
coffee) - which accounts for over 70% of world production - and Coffea canephora
(Robusta coffee). Two other species which are grown on a much smaller scale are
Coffea liberica (Liberica coffee) and Coffea dewevrei (Excelsa coffee).

Difference between Arabica & Robusta

Participants looked at thetwocoffeebeans of arabica and robusta and gavepossibledifferences
 The beans are different.
 The plants are different.
 And consequently, the use varies as well.

L ocation and soil type

 Soil type- volcanic for arabicas
 Altitude- coffees grown at higher altitudes tend to taste better

Farm Practices – Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)

 Choice of planting material
 Conserving soil fertility
o Use of fertilizers and manures
o Mulching to reduce evaporation
o irrigation
 Weed control
o Cultural (digging or slashing)
o Chemical (herbicides)
 Pest and disease control
 Shade trees and wind breakers
 Pruning, stumping and change of cycle
 Harvesting
Tabulated differences between arabica and robusta
Aspect Arabica Robusta

Date species described 1753 1895

Chromosomes (2n) 44 22

Time from flower to ripe cherry 9 months 10-11 months

Flowering after rain irregular

Ripe cherries fall stay

Yield (kg beans/ha) 1500-3000 2300-4000

Root system deep shallow

Optimum temperature (yearly

15-24° C 24-30° C

Optimal rainfall 1500-2000 mm 2000-3000 mm

Growth optimum 1000-2000 m 0-700 m

Hemileia vastatrix susceptible resistant

Koleroga susceptible tolerant

Nematodes susceptible resistant

Tracheomycosis resistant susceptible

Coffee berry disease susceptible resistant

Caffeine content of beans 0.8-1.4% 1.7-4.0%

Shape of bean flat oval

Typical brew characteristics Acidity/ aroma bitterness, full

body average 1.2% average 2.0%

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