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The Effectiveness of Listening Music on the Learning Productivity of the

Grade 11 STEM Students in Liceo de Cagayan University

A Practical Research 1

Presented to:

Ms. Teniza Llanne G. Andulza

Liceo de Cagayan University

A Fulfillment of the Requirement of Practical Research 1

Of Grade 11 STEM 6

Presented By:

April Rain Badana

Aviryll Gabule

Angel Oblimar

Blessed Grace Hora

Angelica Rabor

Danielle Benedict Pabualan

Grade 11- STEM 6

S.Y. 2021-2022


1.1 Background of the Study

Music stimulates your brain in the same way that exercise

stimulates your body. Music has the power to transform your life. While

studying, listening to music increases your concentration, memory, and

math skills. It can also help to alleviate depression and anxiety. It assists

you in focusing on what is most important at the time. Clearing your

mind allows new information to enter your brain, and studying at this

time allows you to remember material better. (Raypole Crystal, 2020)

Individuals can use music to process their feelings and strengthen

their resolve in the face of adversity. In order to cope with stress, people

usually turn to music that they can relate to. Music will not only help

students\people concentrate on their studies, but it will also help to

relieve stress and put them in a learning mentality. (Marketing Team,

2019) When students listened to music while working on projects or

studying, they were able to focus for longer periods of time and, as a

result, fared better academically. (Christina Marfice, 2020)

The impact of music on study habits is determined by the learner

and their learning style. If they are easily distracted, pupils should avoid

listening to music so that they can concentrate on their job. Students

who are stronger multitaskers, on the other hand, may find that music

aids their concentration. (Melissa Chu, 2017) Music has been shown to

improve productivity along with cognitive function, particularly in teens,

because it has been proven to promote productivity, intelligence and can

help people cope with worry, stay motivated, and stay productive. (Cass

Balzer, 2020) Music is regarded as one of the triumphs of human

creativity. It is one of the most compelling reasons to listen to music

during a study session is because music is proven to help improve

cognitive performance. Basically, music helps your brain function.

(Gregory Ciotti, 2020)

Thus, according Teresa Lesiuk, associate professor of music

education and music therapy at the University of Miami, the link

between listening to music you enjoy at work and increased mood is

significant. She claims that 90% of individuals have pleasant experiences

while listening to whichever type of music they choose, and that listening

to that music frequently delivers beneficial results and helps people to

finish their work easily. (Thor Benson, 2018) Individuals who listened to

music completed their tasks faster and had more creative ideas overall

than those who did not. However, some forms of music have been shown

to reduce productivity. Popular music has been proven in several studies

to interfere with reading comprehension and information processing.

(Melissa Chu, 2017)

People like us, especially students had to deal with a long,

stressful night of homework, your determination to do it may have waned

long before you finished. You are not only motivated by music. It can also

aid in the reduction of stress and the promotion of a more cheerful

outlook. Studying may be a difficult experience, especially if you don't

fully comprehend the subject material. If you're feeling stressed or

overwhelmed, you can relax and work more productively by listening to


1.2 Statement of the Problem

The researchers seek to answer the question:

1.) How did listening music affect the learning productivity of the


2.) How did listening to music benefit the students?

3.) What are the significant effects of listening to music on students?

Statement of the Hypothesis

• Alternative Hypothesis

Listening Music has a significant effect on the learning productivity of

the Grade 11 STEM Students in Liceo de Cagayan University.

• Null Hypothesis

Listening Music has no significant effect on the learning productivity of

the Grade 11 STEM Students in Liceo de Cagayan University.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study only focuses on the Learning Productivity of the STEM

Students at Liceo de Cagayan University, which involves their activeness in

their academic work and learning productivity affected by listening to music.

The researchers' respondents will be 50 STEM Students in Liceo de Cagayan de

Oro and chosen through convenience sampling.

The study only limits itself to knowing if there’s a significant effect of

Listening Music on the Learning Productivity of the STEM Students in Liceo de

Cagayan University. The researcher conducted this study to evaluate students'

if listening to music can help them increase their productivity, concentration,

and activeness.

1.2 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to determine if there's really a significant

effect of listening to music in increasing the productivity of the STEM students

at Liceo de Cagayan University. Many students have lost productivity because

of some factors, like the environment and the way they study. This study aims

to understand if listening to music can increase the students' concentration,

productivity, and focus.

Definition of Terms

Music - vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to produce

beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. And music is the art of

arranging sounds in time to produce a composition through the elements of

melody, rhythm, and timbre.

Learning Productivity - a form of education which replaces traditional

schooling during the last years of general school. Underlying principle of the

form of education Productive Learning is the participation of adolescents in

social activities, particularly in professional life.

Listening - to give attention to sound or action. When listening, one is hearing

what others are saying, and trying to understand what it means. And if

someone is playing or performing a song we just need to listen and appreciate


Significant- sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention.

Concentration- is process that involves ability to on one object, task or goal

and at the same time ignoring distractions.

Cognitive Function- refers to mental process of acquiring multiple mental

abilities including, learning, reasoning, thinking, and decision making.



Listening to Music
It is normal to listen to music. Listening to music is a pleasant thing to

do because it helps make us feel better, relax, dream, have fun, and connect

with other people. And also, music can create a positive environment where we

express ourselves while listening, enhance our memory capacity, and help us

concentrate. (



Listening to music is one of the things that students do today. They do

this in order to help them concentrate on their tasks or academic performance.

According to the study, 47% of the students believe that music helps them

concentrate on their studies. 29% of them say that music helps them to have

peace of mind and find calmness in their heads, and 17% say that it helps

them to not sleep with their sleepy heads. In conclusion to their study, they

stated that listening to music while studying has a positive effect on students

because it helps them improve their academic performance and helps them

relax. (Swamy, et al. 2016)

According to Dr. Masha Godkin, listening to music, especially classical music,

helps you concentrate more because this genre has no lyrics to distract

you. We all have different kinds of taste in music, but this kind of music
works better while doing your homework and helps you when studying.


The Mozart effect is widely known and was coined in 1991. This effect is

all about whether listening to Mozart's compositions helps you enhance your

spatial-temporal abilities, increase your productivity, and improve the quality

of your work. The researcher reasoned that the performance of spatial-temporal

tasks was very effective or functional after the participants listened to Mozart's

compositions. Some researchers argued about the preferences of the students,

whether they liked to listen to music or study in a calm and silent

environment, but the researchers found that students have different

preferences for learning. The types of music or genres also have a significant

effect on the students who are listening to music while doing their academic

work, but some students often choose to listen to classical music because of its

"slow" tempo and calmness. (Umuzdas, S. 2015)

Listening to music can also increase a person's productivity and

cognitive function. There are people who try to work with music, and it turns

out that it lifts their mood and increases their quality of work. People have

different tastes in music. According to a researcher, listening to music has an

effect on concentration and productivity, but it depends on how the person

enjoys the music or the type of music that he or she likes. People's productivity

increases when they listen to their preferred music tastes compared to non-

preferred music. (Kemmis, 2019)

Listening to music is not all about helping you concentrate, uplifting

your mood, and increasing your productivity while doing something. Listening

to music also helps reduce your anxiety, especially for students who are

struggling with their academic work. Listening to music is a good treatment

because music is relaxing, smooth and can help students distinguish their

stress and anxiety from their schoolwork. In some cases, students find

listening to music a tool to help them enhance their memorization skills by

creating a positive mood and environment. This can help students boost their

memory formation. (Davis, 2015)

(Boal-Palheiros and Hargreaves 2001) According to their research, it

shows that listening to music is a very important leisure activity for teenagers.

Most of the teenagers who listen to music show positive attitudes toward their

school. However, listening to music in the home and classroom has different

kinds of benefits. For those teenagers who listen to music at home, it is linked

to enjoyment, emotional mood, and social relationships, while listening to

music in school can enhance the motivation to learn and be active.

Learning Productivity of the Students

Learning productivity is defined as a combination of students'

engagement in academic work and their ability to gain good quality outcomes.

According to the study by Kuh, G., and Hu, S. (2001), they examined the

learning productivity of students who were studying in colleges and

universities. The results revealed that the campus environment had a major
effect on the learning productivity of the students by affecting their effort

towards their academic work and their learning efficiency. On the other hand,

institutional characteristics can also help students have non-trivial effects on

how they learn, and student engagement in educationally purposeful activities

has a strong positive impact on the students' improvements.

Johnstone, B., & Maloney, P. (1998) stated that the learning productivity

approach to higher education has the goal of increasing the productivity of

students by improving higher education’s primary output, student learning.

Students' learning is one of the central functions among the students, and this

kind of learning can influence the learning productivity of the students, their

effort, and their learning efficiency. (Hu, S., & Kuh, G.D. 2003)

Productivity without quality is useless, according to Meyer and McNeal

(2011). The productivity of the students sometimes depends on the

environment and who they are with. The school faculty and teachers can also

affect the productivity, activeness, and determination of the students by

praising the work of the students, giving advice, and giving recommendations

to the students. (Perera 2019) found that if students have more productivity

than they usually have, they are capable of facing challenges and tasks that

need to be done.
The Significance of Students Listening to Music

When students are anxious or agitated, music is the best solution.

Listening to music while studying has a lot of advantages. Better

understanding when learning has been associated with Mozart's classical

music. Many pupils use the Mozart effect when thinking about things.

According to Jennifer Billington, these are the positive effects of listening to

music while studying: improved mood, recalling, focus. First, improved mood.

One technique to comprehending well is to be enthusiastic when reading.

When a student is in a bad mood, it's difficult to concentrate on their studies.

Students' moods will improve if they listen to music. This allows them to study

for their test in plenty of time. Music has been connected to dopamine, a

chemical that makes you joyful. Furthermore, when studying for an extended

period of time, your mind tends to tire out, whereas listening to music allows

you to concentrate for hours. (Billington, J., 2019).

According to Sharuna (2019), many students say that they need to listen

to music while they study because it helps them concentrate better. Listening

to music actually lowers your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that is

usually responsible for feelings of stress and anxiety. Listening to music

triggers the release of dopamine in our brains. Listening to music while

studying helps me study more efficiently. And also, listening to the right kind of

music can put your mind into study mode. It helps increase concentration,

improve performance in high-pressure situations such as midterms and finals

week, and listen to music and sounds that make you happy.




Listening to music can have a positive effect on students' memory and

intelligence, and listening to music before and during test preparation can

increase cognitive functions. If a student is feeling unmotivated, just try to

study while listening to music, because it can really help a lot. (Hardison,

2020). Also, students who listen to music will find it easier to remember what

they read as they will be relaxed as they do their revisions. This means that

studying while listening to music can be very beneficial to students. Your mood

will quickly turn positive as you listen to your favorite music. (Iah Budyy,


(MAPÚA, 2016) stated that music has a calming effect on the mind.

Music also has several positive effects on the human body, and it can help the

student brain to absorb and interpret new information more easily. Music can

lessen anxiety and depression, and listening to music has been shown to

positively affect people’s moods, motivating them to be more productive. But if

you notice that it is nothing but a disturbance, then you should stop listening.

Listening to music have a feel-good factor that also hints at why students

love studying with music. There are so many streaming platforms like

YouTube, Apple Music, and Spotify that students can stream and listen to
while studying. Some students, however, prefer to study alone and feel

isolated. (Study International Staff 2019) People have the ability to determine

the difference between music and noise. Because the brain can detect which

parts of music to process it's either slow tempo or music that can make us feel

strong emotions. The brain actually releases a chemical called dopamine that

has positive effects on mood when you hear music that you like. (Pfizer Medical

Team, 2017)

When a person listens to music, the brain releases the neurotransmitter

dopamine, which makes a person feel good and reduces stress and anxiety. The

researchers then tracked the changes in levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.

Listening to motivational music whilst exercising can help to reduce boredom

and improve the quality of your workouts. (Mayo, Oshin, 2019) Music relaxes

the brain, making it easier to concentrate. Accordingly, music engages the area

of the brain that is involved in paying attention, making predictions, and

updating the event in memory. If a student listens to music while studying,

they will be able to memorize more facts. (Alexa, S., 2013) Music is part of our

daily lives and can lift our spirits when listening to it, but it also has a negative

impact on people's lives and the lives of other people around us. (Clark, 2020)

Playing music helps focus and can keep a person calm during stressful

work. One of the advantages of music is that it boosts the productivity of a

person, especially when that person is procrastinating instead of working, but

music can also help find the inspiration people need. On the other hand, when
a person is exhausted and wants to blow up hatred, they can listen to rock

music because it'll help release some of the anger they've been keeping within.

Furthermore, when a person's work requires repetitive activities all day long,

listening to instrumental music can make a person's brain work faster. (Traqq

Team, 2021) Also, playing background music can be beneficial or detrimental

to an individual’s output at work. Music stimulates the student's subconscious

mind, meaning if students listen to happy music, this can make them happier.

Or if a student listens to a sad song, most of the students will feel melancholy.

Listening to happy or exciting music can increase creativity, and that creativity

is even further boosted when students listen to a particular genre of music.



According to Lehmann, Janina A. M., and Tina Seufert (2017), music

characteristics like tempo and intensity have an influence on learning

outcomes; only soft fast music had a positive influence, whilst loud fast, as well

as soft slow or loud slow music, hindered learning. Music becomes an

unnecessary burden on working memory, which is a crucial point when

regarding the limitations of working memory capacity. Listening to music can

calm a student, leading to more conscientious studying, elevating your mood

and motivating you to stay focused and study for longer periods of time.

Classical music is known for being both peaceful and harmonious, creating a

calm and serene study environment for the listener. Studies have shown that

music timed at 60 beats-per-minute can help put people’s minds at ease. Make
sure that the background music is not a distraction to you or any of the

students around you. By listening to music, students will be able to stay

focused and won’t take any time away from what they should be

accomplishing. Music puts students' brains into a more productive mode where

thinking and creativity are easier. (Hoyt, Elizabeth, 2021)

Over half of students listen to music when studying according to "Tiger

Hi-Line Online". In a survey of 80 students, 94.4 percent said that they listen

to music while doing homework, and 83.3 percent said that they think music

benefits them while studying. Music is also proven to help reduce anxiety and

help with student stress. Listening to music where you can let go of everything

and zone in on one thing gives us a stress-free area where we can ignore all the

stress around us and it calms us enough to focus on our work. Playing

classical music for one hour a day over a six-month period exhibited brain

changes that indicated greater levels of relaxation. (Gutknecht, J., et al. 2018)

The absence of music in the workplace reduced positive affect and work

quality, and tasks took longer. Overall, listening to music at work improved

people's moods and increased productivity, making this a pro-music study.

Farris, Brad (2019). A: Students can be more productive if they listen to music,

because it's a therapeutic escape from the harsh realities of life. And also,

music can be an asset for those who are struggling to focus on things, so music

is more efficient for getting things done (Schleiffarth, T. 2019).


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