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Drug Awareness

Illegal drugs are one of the most problem here in the Philippines. Drug Awareness is a

program that aim to educate not just adolescence but everyone about illicit use to prevent drug

use while highlighting the dangers of problematic substance use. Drug Abuse is the use of drugs

in amount or by methods which are harmful to the individual or others. If a person is under the

influence of drugs, it can possible physical, social and psychological harm by itself, the use of

drugs may also lead to criminal penalties, although these vary widely depending on the local

jurisdiction. Drug Awareness is important because young people are facing with influences to

use both illicit and licit drugs. It is important to talk drug awareness to children, youth, and adults

to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to prevent of using drugs and to appreciate the

benefits of living healthily. Say no to drugs, say yes to life.

Long-term drug use can also lead to addiction. Longer-term effect has a variety of result

on a person's physical and mental health. Methamphetamine hydrochloride, generally known as

shabu, cannabis or marijuana, and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or ecstasy are the

three most used illicit drugs in the Philippines. Marijuana smoking has been found in studies to

have detrimental effects on the brain, heart, and lungs. Cocaine's consequences may not be as

obvious as those of meth, yet they may be just as dangerous. The drug can increase the risk of

heart attack and stroke. Although MDMA is a so-called designer drug, the negative health

consequences of using it are like those of amphetamines and cocaine. The Philippine National

Police is encouraging to help them catch drug users, drug pushers and drug dealer to decrease the

total of drug addicts. Addiction is caused by several circumstances. One of the most prevalent is

that if someone has a genetic tendency to substance misuse, they are more likely to resort to it.

Another cause is that you're attempting to get away from a traumatic event or stress. Easy access
to inexpensive and widely accessible substances, as well as social cues such as going to a pub

with friends, all contribute to the development of addictive behavior. However, if a person

witnesses someone in his or her family, such as a mother, father, or uncle, abusing drugs or

alcohol, or engaging in compulsive activities such as gambling or betting, he or she is most likely

to inherit that addiction.

Addiction, in my view, is an involuntary process. It may not be appropriate to connect an

individual's addicted behavior to his or her moral standards or character. The brain reaction to an

addict develops in such a manner that he continues to engage in unhealthy habits and addictions

despite being aware of the dangers. It's never too late to make a difference in your life; surrender

became a drug-free option for a fresh start. I notice the consequences and issues that it causes,

and it all starts with the family, namely a lack of parental direction. I also conclude that there is a

better way than using drugs; instead of going down the wrong path of thinking by using drugs,

the best way is to seek education and try to stay busy.


Understanding the structure and operation of the earth's system, as well as how humans

interact with their surroundings, is fundamental to environmental management. As a result,

environmental management is concerned with describing and monitoring environmental changes,

evaluating future changes, and attempting to maximize human benefit while minimizing

environmental damage caused by human activities. Environmental management aids in the

identification of elements that may contribute to environmental damage as well as future

projections that may have an impact on the lives of current and future generations.

Environmental management studies help people understand how their decisions and actions

influence the environment, as well as develop the knowledge and skills needed to solve complex

environmental challenges and find methods to preserve our ecosystem for the future.

Environmental management is primarily concerned with resource usage and waste creation.

Environment, Health, and Safety management can utilize a "measure it to manage it" strategy to

minimize consumption while exploring ways to divert trash from landfills through repurposing,

reuse, or recycling.

Today's environment is in bad condition; climate change is evident, and oceans are

becoming increasingly polluted. Deforestation and illegal logging are reducing the amount of

rainforest. Animals are becoming extinct as their habitats are destroyed. Natural resources are

being utilized in vast quantities and are being destroyed. These issues may be handled in a

variety of ways, one of which is environmental management. Environmental management

focuses on natural resource conservation, habitat protection, and the human effect on the

environment. Natural resource conservation is the wise use of the world's resources by people,

resulting in less waste output and less rubbish in the environment. Environmental management is
a process in which a company, individual, or partnership does its best to help protect the

cleanliness of the environment by conserving water, saving electricity, using reusable bags,

avoiding driving as much as possible, planting more trees, reducing pollution, saving natural

resources, reducing, reuse, and recycling, and so on. Basically, it involves environmental

management, but the deeper meaning is the step-by-step procedure that one follows to have a

positive influence on the environment. It is also developing environmentally friendly activities.

As a result, I conclude that we may have a good influence on our environment when our

activities have a beneficial impact on the environment and life. Biodiversity is essential to human

survival. If biodiversity continues to decrease at this rate, human existence will be endangered

soon. As a result, it is our moral obligation to protect biodiversity as well as the ecosystem.

Long-term conservation and management of species necessitates collaborative efforts across the

ecosystem. Biodiversity should be managed at the size of habitats or ecosystems rather than at

the level of individual species.

PHILIPPINE DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction Management)

The National DRRM Plan serves as a national guide on how to achieve gender-

responsive and rights-based sustainable development through inclusive growth while building

community adaptive capacities, increasing the resilience of vulnerable sectors, and optimizing

disaster mitigation opportunities, with the goal of promoting people's welfare and security.

Disaster Risk Reduction Management assists in the identifying and mapping of local capacity to

deal with these dangers. The DRR strategy enables us to respond to disasters effectively while

lowering the likelihood of future disasters. It also ensures that by replacing or reinstating critical

vulnerabilities, our emergency response does no harm. Through a preventative ethic, disaster risk

reduction (DRR) tries to limit the damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes,

floods, droughts, and cyclones. Natural disasters are frequently followed by disasters.

Under each of the four separates yet mutually reinforcing thematic areas, the NDRRMP

lays out the expected outcomes, outputs, important activities, indicators, lead agencies,

implementing partners, and timelines. The NDRRMP is divided into four subject areas, which

correlate to the organization of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council:

disaster prevention and mitigation, disaster preparedness, disaster response, and disaster

rehabilitation and recovery (NDRRMC). PAGASA, the Philippines' official meteorological

service, monitors weather events in the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR), which is in the

Northwestern Pacific. Significant weather disturbances that enter or develop in the PAR,

particularly tropical cyclones, are given Philippine-specific names. PAGASA issues warning

signals when a tropical cyclone enters the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) and is on its

way to land, informing people of the impending weather disturbances. The new color-coded
advisories are intended to aid local governments and communities in their preparations for

floods, landslides, and dam spills. Yellow indicates "warning." Residents should keep an eye on

the news for more information. A "yellow warning" means that there will be 7.5-15 mm of rain

in an hour, which might result in floods. "Go" is represented by green. Prepare for an evacuation

if necessary. The "green alert" denotes 15-30 mm of rain in one hour, with the rain predicted to

persist for the next two hours. Because of the reasonably intense precipitation, low-lying regions

are predicted to be flooded at this time. Stop is indicated by the color red. If PAGASA says your

area is under a "red warning," you should stop what you're doing right now. Evacuate.

Finally, it is essential to understand tornado guidelines, rainfall warning systems, disaster

risk, and danger to guarantee that we are safe in our current location and know what to do in the

event of a natural disaster. People must be informed about the natural risks that they are likely to

encounter in their local areas. They should know what preparations to do before an event, what

to do in the case of a hurricane, earthquake, flood, fire, or other potential occurrence, and what to

do in the event's aftermath.

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