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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 4 ) , 1 8 4 , 1 0 1 ^ 1 0 3 E D I TOR I A L

Social psychiatry and the human genome: from acute disease with death from coma
and infection in young or middle adulthood
to chronic disease with death postponed to
contextualising heritability* senior years. The relevant genes have not
changed, although their population dis-
tribution may well have, but insulin, anti-
biotics, renal dialysis and transplantation,
antihypertensive drugs, vascular surgery
and statins have prolonged survival at the
cost of ocular, renal and cardiovascular
complications. ‘Epidemics’ of diabetes con-
tinue to occur among Polynesians, native
April 2003 marked the 50th anniversary of The evolution of diabetes as a clinical Americans and Aboriginal Australians as
one of the great intellectual achievements of disease dramatises the interplay between in- their lifestyles ‘modernise’ (Eisenberg,
20th century biological science: deciphering heritance, mode of life, means of care and 1999). In the words of James Neel (1962):
of the DNA code by Jim Watson and access to that care. Obesity is familial; dia- ‘Genes and combinations of genes which were at
Francis Crick (Watson & Crick, 1953). It betes is familial (Krolewski & Warram, one time an asset may in the face of environmen-
is also the month and year in which The 1994). Which genes on what chromosomes tal change become a liability
National Human Genome Research are determinative is still unknown, but Nature and nurture stand in recipro-
Institute announced completing the human there is a substantial genetic component to city, not opposition. Offspring inherit,
genome (Collins et al, al, 2003). Is this the each. Each year, incidence rates for diabetes along with their parents’ genes, their par-
time to hold a memorial mass to bury social have been increasing in parallel with obe- ents, their peers and the places they inhabit.
psychiatry, an outmoded corpus of work, sity and physical inactivity in the UK West & King (1987) have coined the term
charming in its day but overtaken by the (Bagust et al, al, 2002), Australia (Dunstan ‘ontogenetic niche’ to emphasise that or-
relentless pace of scientific advance? et al,
al, 2002) and the USA (Mokdad et al, al, ganisms develop within an ecological and
Genetics as destiny has become a com- 2003; Ogden et al, al, 2003). It is clear that social setting that, like their genes, they
monplace of public discourse. Garrison the genes have not increased in frequency share with their parents. It helps us to
Keillor, an American humorist, has de- or mutated; the time interval is far too recognise that neighbourhood and neigh-
scribed an extended Norwegian kinship short. What has changed is the mode of life. bours matter, along with parents and
assembling for its traditional Thanksgiving Eating more and less wisely and exercising siblings. The ontogenetic niche is a legacy
dinner: less often are not simply personal lifestyle that guides development, which is a crucial
‘After a half hour in the living room, all possible choices. Obesity is fostered by commercial link between parents and offspring, an en-
topics of conversation having been exhausted, food packaging and by the ‘cuisine’ of fast velope of life changes. Replacing the rheto-
we sat there eyeing each other in silence, hoping food restaurants; indolence is promoted rical contrast ‘nature versus nurture’ with
against hope that genetics isn’t everything!’
everything!’ by television viewing (Hu et al, al, 2003) and ‘nature, niche and nurture’ emphasises the
Let me reassure you: neither genetics nor by urban design (Macintyre et al, al, 1993): conjunctions rather than the oppositions
genomics is everything! recreational facilities are in short supply that shape the developmental trajectory.
Working out the DNA code of the and safety out of doors is not to be had in Of course, there are limiting cases at
human genome is spectacular but, Watson inner-city neighbourhoods, where obesity either extreme. There are chromosomal
and Crick to the contrary notwithstanding, is endemic. malformations incompatible with foetal
it is not the ‘secret of life’ nor the blueprint Indeed, the impact of the environment viability; there are environments lethal to
for humankind. The dogma of one gene/one on the likelihood of developing diabetes every genome. But, in most clinical circum-
protein, a useful fable for its time, has been may begin in utero.utero. Adult offspring of stances, the gene effects that we identify
exploded; alternative splicing permits mul- mothers with Type 1 diabetes (as opposed have been modified by the environments
tiple proteins from a single gene. Thirty to the offspring of fathers with Type 1) the organism has encountered; the environ-
thousand plus genes code for 100 000 plus are more likely to show impaired glucose mental effects that we see are dependent on
proteins; epigenetic post-translational tolerance and defective insulin secretory re- the genomes upon which they have acted.
modifications create the potential for a mil- sponse, probably attributable to in utero Geneticists commonly employ a mea-
lion different proteins that must interact to exposure (Sobngwi et al, al, 2003). Further sure termed ‘heritability’ to identify the
produce a viable human being. The assem- support of this hypothesis is provided by genetic contribution to a trait of interest.
bly of these components reflects not merely Stride et al (2002) and Klupa et al (2002), Its formalisms disregard variance arising
the code but biological and social pulls and who report that clinical symptoms in from genotype–environment interactions,
pushes at work during its fabrication. Men patients with maturity-onset diabetes of from assortative mating and from inter-
and women, in all our diversity, emerge the young (a monogenic disorder) become actions between genes (i.e. different loci do
from these intricate and unpredictable evident at an earlier age if the mother was not always act in additive fashion). Beyond
interactions. diabetic during pregnancy. matters of methodology, research on
It is not only that diabetes is more com- humans is constricted by the limited range
*Modified from a paper presented at a conference in mon; diabetes has become a different dis- of environments to which given populations
honour of Professor Julian Leff at the Institute of ease. Medical progress has transformed have been exposed (in contrast to agri-
Psychiatry, London, 29 April 2003. non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus cultural research where soil, temperature,


sunlight, irrigation, fertiliser and plant geno- hormone secretion, hormone titre, sensitivity untreated and treated cases is as night is
type can be modified systematically; threshold to the hormone, timing of the hor- to day.
Cavalli-Sforza & Bodmer, 1971). Esti- mone-sensitive period, and specific cellular re- The relationship between genotype and
sponse to hormones’ (Evans & Wheeler, 2001).
mates of heritability reflect no more than phenotype is complex, even in Mendelian
the findings on a specified population Female honeybee larvae differentiate disorders such as phenylketonuria. More
sampled in a given geographical range into queens or workers with profound mor- than 400 different mutations have been
during a particular historical era. Rather phological differences despite identical gen- identified in the PAH gene (deletions, inser-
than being a statistic applicable to all popu- omes. Larvae that will become queens are tions, splicing defects, missense and non-
lations at all times, heritability estimates reared in large vertically oriented brood sense mutations). Most phenylketonurics
are context-bound and may be higher or cells. Queens are fed ‘royal jelly’ by nurse are compound heterozygotes, having inher-
lower (or perhaps even unmeasurable) in bees, but there is no unique ‘royal’ ingredi- ited different mutations from each parent.
other populations, in other places, at other ent (Brouwers et al, al, 1987). What seems to The principal determinant of the phenotype
times. When phenocopies abound, herit- matter are the large differences in the in what is unequivocally a genetic disorder
ability will be low or unmeasurable (Childs frequency, amount and composition of is the social environment: namely, access
& Scriver, 1986). The epidemiology of feedings for queens. Genetically governed to metabolic control through diet, the age
rickets provides an instructive example. programmes add their own effects at which it is achieved and the degree of
Rickets was endemic in the USA in downstream. control attained (National Institutes of
the 1920s. The discovery of vitamin D The developmental switch depends not Health, 2000).
(McCollum et al, al, 1922) and the provision on genomic differences between queens How is social experience transmuted
of D-enriched
D-enriched milk resulted in a dramatic and workers but on the differential expres- into development? There is a two-way traf-
decrease in the prevalence of rickets. Thus, sion of entire suites of genes. Distinct devel- fic between genes and behaviour. In rats,
Albright et al (1937) first reported D- opmental differences in titres of insect maternal licking, grooming and nursing
resistant rickets in 1937, the genetic signals terpenoid juvenile hormone and ecdysone behaviour (LGN) shapes endocrine and
previously having been unrecognisable become manifest as the growth rate of behavioural stress responses in offspring
amid the environmental noise resulting queens continues to outpace that of work- (Francis et al,
al, 1999). Adult offspring of
from phenocopies. As improved living con- ers (Hartfelder & Engels, 1998; Evans & high-LGN dams are less fearful and
ditions in industrialised countries removed Wheeler, 2000). The ultimate phenotypic show diminished hypothalamic–pituitary–
exogenous causes, the heritability of rickets outcomes are morphologically, reproduc- adrenal responses to stress. The female
increased – from undetectable levels to- tively and behaviourally distinct castes. pups of high-LGN dams become high-
wards a detectable one! Yet, exogenous Interplay between genome and socially or- LGN dams themselves, suggesting genes at
rickets persists, albeit at a low rate, among ganised behaviour is exquisitely adapted work. However, when female pups born
such populations as Muslim women, who to the local environment. Plentiful nutrition to low-LGN dams are cross-fostered to
continue to cover almost all their skin (or too little of it) induces polyphenisms in high-LGN dams, they too become high-
surfaces with clothing after moving to bees and oak caterpillars, as do day length LGN dams. Maternal behaviour has been
countries in the Northern hemisphere and humidity in aphids and butterflies, transmitted across generations by non-
where there is less ambient sunlight and population density and predator genomic means – if you will, by ‘culture’.
(Holick, 2001), and housebound elderly presence in other arthropods (Evans & How does that happen? Maternal care reg-
patients in Boston and Edmonton during Wheeler, 2001). ulates gene expression in brain regions con-
winter months when atmospheric attenua- Is polyphenism relevant to human de- trolling stress responses. Pups exposed to
tion of ultraviolet radiation in the 290– velopment? Charles Scriver (2002) applies high-LGN display increased hippocampal
315 nm band limits D-3 synthesis in the skin the term to clinical situations in which phe- glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression,
(Webb et al,
al, 1988). notypes differ strikingly despite genetic higher central benzodiazepine receptor
Very different phenotypes can arise identity. Consider two 5-year-old children, levels in the amygdala and lower cortico-
from identical genomes, a phenomenon each with two mutant genes for phenylala- trophin-releasing factor mRNA in the para-
known as polyphenism; that is, the occur- nine hydroxylase (PAH). The patient whose ventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.
rence of several distinct phenotypes in a genotype has gone unrecognised manifests Social experience alters gene expression
given species. Each phenotype develops microcephaly, severe mental deficiency, for the long term.
facultatively depending upon cues from seizures and psychotic behaviour. The child Thus, I am a celebrant: social psy-
the internal and external environment. identified by metabolic screening in the chiatry is not only alive and well, but it
With changes in diet and season, dimorphic newborn nursery and kept on a low phenyl- has a bright future precisely because of
oak caterpillars express phenotypes so dis- alanine diet from the first week of life is genomics. As haplotype analysis disaggre-
tinct that the two forms were originally within normal range. Both carry two copies gates relatively homogeneous biological en-
classified as separate species. The difference of mutant autosomal recessive genes, but tities from the chaotic clinical syndromes in
between continuous phenotypic variation their phenotypes are extraordinarily differ- DSM–IV (American Psychiatric Associa-
and discrete polyphenism is a complex ent. Comparable ‘polyphenisms’ can be tion, 1994) and ICD–9 (World Health
underlying regulatory mechanism that seen when congenital hypothyroidism, gal- Organization, 1978), the task of social
controls a fork between divergent pathways. actosaemia or homocystinuria are detected psychiatry will be simpler. Just as environ-
‘The expression of a polyphenism begins when by neonatal screening programmes and mental ‘noise’ reduction in clinical rickets
[extrinsic] signals are transduced into a develop- are managed appropriately. Despite geno- through vitamin D enrichment made it
mental switch governed by the interplay of typic identity, phenotypic outcome in easier to detect the genetic ‘signal’, reducing

10 2

the genetic ‘noise’ in what is now called

LEON EISENBERG, MD, Harvard Medical School, 641 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115-6019, USA.
‘schizophrenia’ will make it easier to detect
E-mail: Leon___Eisenberg@
the psychosocial protective and provocative
factors decisive for schizophrenic syndrome (First received 10 July 2003, accepted 30 July 2003)
X, but not for schizophrenic syndrome Y.
Genes set the boundaries of the possible;
environments parse out the actual.
Evans, J. D. & Wheeler, D. E. (2000) Expression Mokdad, A., Ford, E., Bowman, E., et al (2003)
profiles during honey bee caste determination. Genome Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and obesity-related
Biology, 2(1); health risk factors, 2001. Journal of the American Medical
research/0001. Association,
Association, 289,
289, 76^79.

None. _ & _ (2001) Gene expression and the evolution of National Institutes of Health (2000) Phenylketonuria
polyphenisms. BioEssays,
BioEssays, 23,
23, 62^68. (PKU): screening and management. NIH Consensus
Statement 2000 October 16^18,
16^18, 17(3),
17(3), 1^133.
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Social psychiatry and the human genome: contextualising
Leon Eisenberg
BJP 2004, 184:101-103.
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