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Unit 3

Before you listen
Task 1:
Having a lot of money: 2
Having a lot of education: 5
Having religious or other beliefs: 8
Being good at your job: 3
Having a lot of free time: 1
Being young: 7
Having a lot of friends: 6
Helping others: 4
Task 2: b, c
While you listen
Task 3: a, e, g
Task 4:
a. T
b. F
c. T
d. F
e. F
f. T
g. F
h. T
i. F
After you listen
Task 5:
How: by interviewing and gathering information from people
Characteristic not important for happiness: money, education and youth
Characteristic important for happiness: family and friends, religious
belief, set goal
How to be happier: write a letter to someone they want to thanks, visit
them and read read the letter to them
Task 6:
1. I think he can. Because a person cannot feel sad all the time, there
must be some time he feel optimistic. Our life has a lot of joys, so why
don’t we enjoy the life more instead of having a negative attitude about
2. An unhappy one should smile more and have a positive attitude in
mind. Don’t pick a hole in what people ‘re doing. Be open-minded and
3. In my opinion, a happy person may be an optimistic, friendly and kind-
hearted one. He/she is willing to help other people and always smiles.
Task 1:
Positive Quite like
Keen on
Crazy about
Fond of
Negative Loathe
Not that keen on
Can’t stand
Can’t bear
Neutral Don’t mind
Task 2+3:
1. Playing tennis
2. Horse riding
3. Poetry
4. British winter
5. Fox hunting
Task 4:
How long have people What first created their Why do they like it so
had the passion? interest? much?
Julia Nearly 20 years Fantastic teacher Psychological game, social
sport, not expensive,
keep fit
Paul A year Talking to someone A horse is big, powerful
riding a horse and beautiful, keep fit,
Andrew Since he graduated started to write himself, Can say so much with just
from the university heard some writer read a few words, a help to his
aloud the poems life
James Since he was ten Changes in the weather Fresh air, green feels
Harriet Since she was 6 All of her family member Wait for everything, work
love hunting with dog, clever fox

Task 5:
1. I was attracted by James’ hobby. I love coldness and snow. I first saw
snow 6 years ago when I went to Sapa. It was impressive. My future plan
is visiting England in winter as I know that the scene in British winter is
significant. Maybe Harriet’s passion doesn’t impress me. I don’t really
like wildlife or hunting. It is a bit horrible to me.
2. I am interested in reading. I can read a book almost all day, from
comics to novels. I love reading since I knew how to read, maybe when I
was 4 or 5 years old. This seems to be unbelievable but actually, I was
inspired by my mother. She is a teacher and she reads a lots. When I
started reading, I picked some of her books, and of course, I couldn’t
understand clearly. There are lots of interesting things in a book. I also
learn a lots when jumping in a book. Reading books helps me relax and
calm down.
Topic 1:
It is quite necessary to balance between work and life. The very first
benefit of staying balance is to maintain a good health. A busy life often
makes us feel under pressure, and people prefer pursuing a career to
taking care of our bodies. This can lead to chronic stress as people
sometimes burn candles in both hands. So, it is important that we get a
work-life balance. When we feel balance, we will be able to deal with
negative emotions or thoughts, reduce stress and feel relaxed. That also
help to better understand our feelings, our thoughts and set a good
timetable. Another advantage is that we can increase productivity. Every
company needs hard-working and productive employees. Staying for
long hours at the offices for no purposes will make us feel that we are
contributing so much to our company, but in fact, the quality of work is
worse. That’s because our brain and nerves work constantly and have no
time to relax. This can make the effort much less productive.

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