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English B2

semester 1, week 4

Daniel Schug

Is everyone connected to CoursEnLigne?

Did everyone watch the video about how to create and use Google Forms?
In today’s lesson, students will…

1) Study documents relating to student protests

a) Skills practiced: understanding familiar language, identifying reasons & arguments in an article
2) Establish an opinion about student social movements in university campuses
a) Skills practiced: Defending an opinion, highlighting the positive and negative sides of an issue.
3) Expand English language knowledge
a) Skills practiced: acquiring vocabulary related to reforms
4) Work on their group project & making a questionnaire to help create their
student association
Student Protests in French Universities
With a partner, discuss:

What are some major problems or difficulties university students face?

Do you know about any recent student protests in France? What caused these
Reading Practice: Student Protests
Look in your brochure in the Week 3 article “French university exams halted for
hundreds as student protests persist.” After you read, you should complete the
vocabulary exercise & the COMPARISON question.

Work with a partner if necessary.

Debating: Protesting on Campuses
Why were the students protesting on campus and blocking other students from
their exams?

Do you think that the university campus is an appropriate place for students to
organize their protests? With a partner, complete the table in your brochure.
Debating: Defending a position
With your partner, you’re going to join another pair of students and have a debate.

Pair 1: You will defend the opinion that the university is the appropriate place for
students to hold protests

Pair 2: You will defend the opinion that the university is NOT the appropriate place for
students to hold protests.

You have 3 minutes to prepare with your partner before the debate starts.

***BONUS point to the group that uses today’s vocabulary in their arguments
Interview with the president
With your partner

Imagine you are interviewing the president of Université Paris Nanterre about
the recent protests mentioned in the article.

Prepare a list of questions that you would ask him. You should ask at least 3-4
questions. Try to include modal verbs in your questions

In the end, have a role play with person being the President and one person
being the interviewer.
Listen to the video about a recent
student protests.

According to the video, what are

the causes of the protests?

What has been the impact of

these protests?

How does the information in the

video compare to the information
in the article?

Go to CoursEnLigne and watch the brief grammar video and complete the
grammar exercise about describing FUTURE PLANS

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