Bangladesh Army

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1. Bangladesh Army - Bangladesh army is a exploitative authoritative Organization.

Exploitative authoritative System: In Exploitative authoritative system, the leader makes all
work-related decisions and orders the subordinates to carry them out. Subordinates are not
involved in decision making. It is characterized by a lack of employee empowerment, trust, or
confidence. Leaders use threats and fear to motivate performance. Standards and methods of
implementation are also rigidly set by the leader. This type of leader is very
authoritarian. Communication is carried out one way down (top-down).

If we focus on our Military organization - Bangladesh Army, we found that decision-making and
responsibility at upper levels of the organizational hierarchy. Higher Officers make decision, and
the subordinates have to follow the command without any hesitation. Decisions and roles are
imposed on employees. Higher authorities have little to no trust in subordinates. Lower rank officer
cannot openly discuss decisions and roles with higher officer. Motivation by punishments and
threats - play on fear. Teamwork and communication are minimal.

In, Bangladesh army, Employee involvement in decision making process is limited. They are too
harsh and strict, the communication process is one way. Subordinates are less motivated because
of the above mentioned strict work rule habit of military leaders. Higher management considers
themselves responsible for achieving organizational objectives but will hold employees
responsible for any mistakes that are made at lower levels.

2. Department of Management Studies: Department of Management studies is a

Participative Organization.

Participative Organization: Participative Organization is a Democratic Organization, where

everyone participates democratically in decision making; there is good communication in all
senses and a good level of motivation is reached. Among the main consequences, the feeling of
collective security and interdependence and greater motivation stand out, although the decision
process may take longer. Located in companies with high technology and specialized personnel,
where professionals carry out complex activities
In Department of Management Studies, we found that the decision making process is more
participative. The chairman of the department never takes a decision personally. Rather all the
teachers are involved in most of the decision. Again some of the decision may also involve the
requirements of students. As an example while making the routine of semester final exam, the
authorities maintain a great communication with all the teachers related with course & the students
too. There is always been a participation of most of the stakeholder regarding a decision.

In Department of Management Studies though the top level management takes decision, but the
decision making process is more delegated and decentralized. Communications are considered
vital to the success of the organization. Information is more or less shared with the subordinates.
So, from the discussion, we can say that Department of Management Studies is a participative

3. Square pharmaceutical Limited: Square Pharmaceuticals limited is a benevolent

authoritative organization.

Benevolent Authoritative Organization: Authority and decision-making ability remain at the

top independent , but subordinates are motivated by rewards. As a natural consequence, leaders
have a patronizing trust in their subordinates similar to that of a master-servant. relationship .
Benevolence also means that low- or mid-level people are allowed to make a limited number of
decisions. independent .

In Square pharmaceutical Limited Company, we found that the decision making ability remains at
the top level of management. But some delegation of authority is also exist here. Subordinates are
asked and their opinion are taken into account while making the decision. The chief executive
officer or managing director basically makes the decision but in many cases, the operation of
divisional manager are given the authority to make decision regarding there operation and

In this management model there is an improvement over the exploitative one, but the manager's
attitude towards the collaborator is paternalistic. A kind of limited trust while condescending.
Instead of fear, motivation is sought through financial rewards. Communication improves slightly
and productivity also grows.
4. Bangladesh Bank: Bangladesh bank is a consultative organization.

Consultative Organization: Consultation is carried out at lower levels and delegation and
participation of people is allowed. Objectives and tasks are discussed beforehand, there is some
bottom-up communication, and there is some encouragement for group work. It allows some
collective security and motivation of the workers. Usually used in service companies and in some
areas of more organized industrial companies.

Bangladesh bank is a consultative organization. Before making a decision Bangladesh Bank

communicates with its stakeholders like the Government, other commercial bank and financial
companies. Before adopting a policy Bangladesh Bank may take a suggestion from the authority
of Government specially ministry of finance. Other subordinates like management of other banks
and related financial organization are asked to share they are views and Idea. So the decision
making criteria of Bangladesh Bank is a consulting process.

The decision making control of Bangladesh Bank is still primarily at the top, but it is shared
somewhat with mid- level and lower-level subordinates. Goals are set after discussion with
subordinates. So, from the discussion, we can say that Bangladesh Bank is a consultative

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