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CATERPILLAR’ ev ements Certificado de eumplimiento de normas ISO Categoria Micaruator sobremucdas Fecha: Octubre, 2019 Marea Caterpillar Tipo 242D(A9W) El producto mencionado snteriormente ha tenido en cuenta ls siguientes normas internacionales: Numero Titulo TSO 2328 ——_Hook-or type fork arms and fork arm carriages ~- Mounting dimensions 1802330 Fork Ams 1802631 Mechanical vibration and shock 1802860 Access Dimensions 1802867 Access stems 1803411 Operator space envelope 1SO 34492008 Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS) 180 34502011 Brake Systems 1803457 Guards and Shields 180 3471:2008 Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS) 1803795 Burning Behavior of Interior Materials ISO 3864 Graphical symbols ~ Safety colors and safey signs 1804250 Tires and Rims 180 S006 Operators Field of View 1805010 Steering requirements 105349 Mechanical vibration 180.5998 Rated Operating Load IS06011 Visual display of machine operation 180.6395 _Acousties ~ Measurement of exterior noise ISO 6396 _Acousties-» Measurement at the operators position of noise ISO 6405 Symbols for Operator Controls and Other Displays 180 6682 Zones o° Comfort and Reach for Controls ISO 6683 Seat Beli and Seat Belt Anchorages 1806750 Operate and maintenance -- Format and content of manuals, [807096 Laboratery evaluation of operator seat vibration 1807546 Loader Buckets ~ Volumetric Ratings 1808313 Tool Forees and Tipping Loads 1809244 Safety signs and hazard pictrials CATERPILLAR™ EET iaseneeesna umber 1809247 1809533 Iso 10262 ISO 10264 ISO 10265 180 10532 ISO 10533 180 10968 Ison12 180 12508 ISO 12500 180 13333 180 13766 Tite Electsisl Wires and Cables Forward ard Reverse Audible Warning Alarm Operator protective guards Key locked Starting Syotoma Performance requirements and test procedures for braking systems, Machine-nounted Retieval Device Liftarm Support Device Operator's sontrols Operator's Seat Operator sation and maintenance areas ~ Bluntness of edges Lighting, Senating and Marking Lights, and Reflex-reflector Devices Cab Tilt Support Deviee Electromagnetic compatibility De requetirse informacién adicional, por favor contacte a su representante de ventas. El contenido de est carta es correcto a la fecha de su emisién, sin embargo el contenide referido a Jas earactristicas de la maquina y sus especificaciones pueden variar en el futuro sin previo aviso, La informacion agu preseatada es correcta de acuerdo a mi leal saber y entender. Firma Nombre Posicion Octubre 2019 Fecha

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