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Review “A Christmas Carol”

Reading books is one of my hobbies and a great way to spend my free time. I want to share my
impressions of a book called "Christmas Song" by writer Charles Dickens.
Dickens wrote a really instructive, easy-to-read and fabulous story about Ebenezer Scrooge who never
celebrated Christmas. The most important thing in his life was money. The main character, caring only
for their interests, turned into a heartless man.The writer tells the story of an old scrooge, who was
troubled by a thirst for enrichment. He was not interested in anything but money. There were no moral
values for him. Scrooge did not know what love, compassion, joy were. Money became the meaning of
his life. However, the events of Christmas night forever changed Scrooge, his worldview, thoughts,
views. the pursuit of wealth. Though London awaits the joyful arrival of Christmas, miserly Ebenezer
Scrooge thinks it's all humbug, berating his faithful clerk and cheerful nephew for their view. Later,
Scrooge encounters the ghost of his late business partner, who warns that three spirits will visit him this
The ghosts take Scrooge on a journey through his past, present and future in the hope of transforming his
bitterness.The images of the ghosts and various scenes of the past, present, and possible futures brought a
very intense mixture of joy, sadness, and especially terror to the fore.
Scrooge's journey helped him to understand a lot of things. These events affected him so much that he
became a completely different person. The man realized that happiness is giving people joy and rejoicing
with them. Personally, I was very impressed by the story. She helped me understand that there is nothing
more important in life than moral qualities and sincere human relationships. You should always
remember the eternal, cherish and respect it in yourself.I enjoyed reading it immensely. A cautionary tale
for all ages! Everyone will find their truth in it. He will be delighted with history and will know that the
most important quality of a person is kindness.
The book makes you experience everything with the main character and improve mentally with him. It is
written easily, fascinatingly, soulfully, reading from chapter to chapter, one experiences many different
emotions - from sadness to a feeling of nostalgia for a departed childhood, and at the end a feeling of
renewal and a Christmas miracle.How many meanings in the book, how much sincerity, kindness and
warmth. This is a real Christmas fairy tale that everyone needs to read, every year, in order to remember
and not forget what can become those who carry anger, greed, hatred and stinginess. Well, on the last
pages I wanted to cry, for good, for warmth.
To my mind, this book deserves the highest estimation. "A Christmas Carol" is a set of contrasts. Charles
Dickens contrasts human avarice and generosity, poverty and wealth, happiness and sorrow. As for me,
the last chapter was the best. It was great when joy appeared in Scrooge's life again: "Really, for a man
who had been out of practice for so many years, it was a splendid laugh, a most illustrious laugh. The
father of a long, long line of brilliant laughs!" It is a wonderful story that teaches us to be sincere and
sympathetic people. I advise everyone to read the wonderful work of Charles Dickens "Christmas song in
prose" and think about the meaning of life, about the really important things.
It doesn't matter what kind of faith a person adheres to, or whether he adheres to it at all. If he does good
deeds, shows care and love, then it is then that he can be considered a person, and his life - not wasted.
The spirit of Christmas simply reminds us of what's important and what's not.
So,human happiness does not depend on wealth. It is not money that makes a person happy. Undoubtedly,
it is impossible to do without money nowadays, they make our lives much easier and bring a lot of
pleasant moments. But do you need to put them first in your life? I found the answer to this important
question on the example of heroes.

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