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Agree or we will have an argument!

(Molly and Mark are arguing)

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct expression

to agree to reach an agreement to accept to compromise to meet halfway

It was always easy for Mark and Molly to ……………. . They hardly argued. Mark normally ………….. with Molly and Molly
…………. Mark’s ideas. If they had had a problem they always knew how to ………….. and ……………. . They were both happy
with each other’s decisions and usually successfully avoided arguing.
see eye to eye go along on the same wavelength side with

Molly and Mark are usually ………………….. . Mark tries to ……………. with Molly’s ideas. Molly …………… Mark under any
circumstance. They ………………. about most aspects of married life.


2. Fill in the blanks with the following words.

to disagree to have a disagreement to object to argue to row to quarrel

But the things changed yesterday. Molly had a very bad day. She had a …………… with her boss, it was raining and she didn’t have
an umbrella and most of all her car broke down on her way home and she had to …………. with a policeman who stopped her. She
hated to ……….. with people. Mark was already at home when she arrived all tired, irritated and soaked. He on the other hand was
happy and in his opinion very lucky. His friend …….. with his girlfriend, they broke up and he was moving so he gave Mark his cat.
Mark, the big lover of animals, couldn’t be happier and he didn’t ……….. when his friend gave him a cat. He happily welcomed
Molly and couldn’t wait to share the good news with her.

3. Read the passage. Look at the underlined

Stay at my work or
sentences. What do they express? Agreement or find a new one??!?
disagreement? In what situations would you use

“Guess what!!!,” he cried.

“What?” Molly asked with irritation 4. Match the beginnings of the sentences with
Mark not paying attention to the tone of her voice smiled and the correct endings.
said: “Surprise! Look what I brought.” And there out of After the argument about the cat. Molly told Mark about her
nowhere the cat strolled out of the living room. Molly gasped bad day. He suggested she should look for another job.
and her eyes narrowed. “You know I hate cats.” Molly is not sure what to do.
“Yes, but…..”
“Just take her back. I am not in the mood for this now.” 1. Molly can’t make a.) torn between
“But I cannot. She is ours now.” up her mind responsibility and possibility.
“What?! You must be joking!” 2. Molly wants to leave
“I want to keep her.” her job but she is scared. She is b.) two minds.
“No way!” 3. She doesn’t know what to do. c.) at a loss.
“Come on, she is so cute. Just look at her.” She is in
“Stop that! I am not having a cat in my house.” 4. Molly doesn’t like her boss d.) about her job.
“But I want her.” but she likes her job. She is
“Over my dead body!”
“Molly, please, let’s give it a chance. I want to keep her.”
“Mark, it is out of the question.” She is not a.) decide.
“Ok, if you insist.” Mark gave up. Molly looked at him. She b.) sure about it.
hated arguing with him. She sighed. “She can stay for few days c.) mixed feelings about it.
until you find good home for her.” She cannot d.) sure what to think.
“Fair enough. Thanks.” He smiled. “I have cooked for you.” She has got e.) make her mind up.
“Now you are talking” She kissed him and went to the kitchen. f.) a few reservations about it.

It was always easy for Mark and Molly to reach an argument. They hardly argued. Mark normally agrees with
Molly and Molly accepts Mark’s ideas. If they had had a problem they always knew how to compromise an
meet half way. They were both happy with each other’s decisions and usually successfully avoided arguing.
Molly and Mark are usually on the same wavelength. Mark tries to go along with Molly’s ideas. Molly sides
with Mark under any circumstance. They see eye to eye about most aspects of married life.

But the things changed yesterday. Molly had a very bad day. She had a disagreement with her boss, it was
raining and she didn’t have an umbrella and most of all her car broke down on her way home and she had to
argue with a policeman who stopped her. She hated to quarrel with people. Mark was already at home when she
arrived all tired, irritated and soaked. He on the other hand was happy and in his opinion very lucky. His friend
rowed with his girlfriend, they broke up and he was moving so he gave Mark his cat. Mark, the big lover of
animals, couldn’t be happier and he didn’t object when his friend gave him a cat. He happily welcomed Molly
and couldn’t wait to share the good news with her.


4. 1. d
2. a
3. b
4. c

5. She is not b.) sure about it.

d.) sure what to think.

She cannot e.) make her mind up.

a.) decide.

She has got f.) a few reservations about it.

c.) mixed feelings about it.

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