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The Top 8 homeopathic

remedies you need to know

• Fever is a healthy response of the

body and is responsible in acute
disease for stimulating the
increase and activity of white
blood cells
• Fever accompanies inflammation
and is crucial in the beginning
stages of recovery
• The fever is efficient we are able
to move more quickly to cure
• Your chest or back feel hotter than usual
• You have other symptoms, such as shivering
(chills), sweating or warm, red skin (this may
You may be harder to see on black or brown skin)
have a fever • A thermometer says your temperature is 38C
or above
• Many things can cause a fever and it's not
usually a sign of anything serious
• It's often just caused by your body fighting
Causes of a an infection, such as a cold or flu
Fever • Sometimes it could be a sign of something
more serious if your fever is very high or will
not come down

• Use at first signs of a fever routinely- Sudden onset

• Ailments from dry, cold winds or getting very cold-From shock or fright
• Dry, burning skin- high fever with coldness with chills and shivering
• Fever and chill can alternate- red hot, flushed face – one cheek red,
other pale
• Great restlessness with tossing about- contracted pupils
• Great anxiety & sense of foreboding (think might die)
• Worse at evening, midnight, touch , motion, cold
• Better resting, open air, wants to uncover during heat
• Very thirsty during the heat & chills
Arsenicum Album

• Burning fever with great restlessness in the fever

• Tossing about or pacing with exhaustion and great
• Violent chill with teeth chattering & severe shivering
-feels very cold as if blood were ice
• Intermittent fever stops and starts
• Anxious, despairing- fear will never recover
• Worse around midnight, cold or open air, motion
• Better heat, better company
• Very chilly but thirsty for small sips

• Sudden high fever with throbbing, pulsating with fever

• Congestion can feel pulse bounding
• Dry, burning heat without chills
• Flushed red face or very pale with burning, hot dry skin
• Dilated , glassy, shining pupils and hallucinations and
delirium with thrashing out
• Hands & feet can be cold but body burning hot
• Can be drowsy and limp
• No thirst in fever- crave lemons
• Worse jarring, noise, light, afternoon (3pm)
• Better light covering, rest in bed, dark room
• Slow onset over a few days with an
internal heat and coldness, sweaty and
shivery- rigors
• Heat alternates with chills
• Aches and pains in the muscles with the
• Bursting, splitting frontal headaches,
worse on any movement
• All symptoms are worse movement
• Want to lie still and feel relieved only
when still
• Irritable and want to be left alone
• Dryness of throat, mouth, lips, thirsty for
large quantities of water
• Worse evening, around 9pm, motion, cold
wet weather, autumn, eating
• Better lying still, cold water, quiet

• Fever with strong pain in conditions such as

teething or earache in children
• Irritable and angry, hot, and bothered
• Capricious can't please them, they don’t know
what they want
• Can’t keep still, always moving
• One cheek red, the other pale- sweat on head
• Diarrhoea with grass green stools like
chopped eggs and spinach
• Peevish and demanding, better when carried
and paced about the room or rocked
• Thirst during fever
• Worse uncovering , stuffy warm room,
Ferrum Phos
• Beginning stages of fever, lack of characteristic symptoms
• Fever with sore throat or of unknown origin
• Low grade fever with depletion & exhaustion
• Weary & lethargic
• Slow onset over a few days, dry heat without chill
• Looks flushed red and can appear healthy or pale
• Frequent sweats & shivering
• Thirsty for cold drinks , sour things
• Chilly- cold hands & feet

• Slow onset, Flu like fever causing aching & heaviness

• Limbs feel very weak and tremble
• Chill begins in hands and feet
• Extreme exhaustion, no energy, and answers slowly
• Dizziness and drowsiness
• Looks flushed, dark red and dull, eyelids heavy, droopy
• Fever with chill up and down the back
• Thirstless
• Worse thinking of his illness, motion , talking
• Better urination, rest , heat

• Childhood fevers- childhood diseases, earaches

• Dry heat, no sweat, some parts of the body may feel hot to touch
while other areas feel cold
• Symptoms constantly change and shift – body hot, limbs cold
• Intolerant to heat, especially stuffy rooms want fresh air better
for windows open or going outside
• Chillness but aversion to heat , one sided coldness
• Craves affection and sympathy are also tearful and clingy
• Moaning during fever- burning heat at night
• No thirst- can have gastric upset with the fever
• Worse evening,(twilight) left alone , over heated in bed,
• Better open air in all phases of the fever, craves it
• Use a 6c or 30c of the homeopathic remedy
• Take 1 dose at 15-minute intervals for 3-4 doses or until
symptoms improve
• Looking for the keynotes of the remedy or the 3 –legged
• If symptoms persist seek a qualified Homeopathic

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