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retically, the frequency-control stations

etnoas or oystem tontrol In a would only be following the variations in

the load of the central group. Automatic
Large Interconnection frequency controllers and automatic tie-
line controllers were used for this purpose.
Two objections arose to this simple
EARLE WILD plan. WNhen two, three, or sometimes
MEMBER AIEE more of the tie lines departed from
schedule in the same direction, the fre-
quency-control station was unable to re-
Synopsis: This paper describes the prin- paratus, therefore, was to maintain the store the frequency without an excessive
ciples used in controlling the load in a large most constant frequency and thus permit load change. The other objection came
interconnected system. Automatic fre- i fo l v ti f
quency controllers with time-error correc- each local group to operate its individual from the continua variations infrequency
tion and tie-line controllers with frequency system as local requirements dictate for causing the tie-line loads to vary. It
bias and time-error correction have been maximum economy. was not only difficult to maintain these
developed for co-ordinating the operations tie-line loads at scheduled value, but a
of interconnected systems of any size and ic System of Control large part of the regulation was being
geographical extent. Automatic control of
two or more stations simultaneously within
Bas done in opposition to the frequency cor-
a group is described, and the relation of the The original system of control consisted rection of the central group. Thus the
auxiliary frequency controllers to the speed in giving one central group responsibility original simple system of control did not
governors is also discussed. for the frequency control. All other function as well as intended.
groups starting from this point were in-
Introduction terconnected through one or more tie Tie Line Biased by Frequency
lines which were held at definite scheduled
THE interconnection of many con- loads. These other groups thus were These difficulties led to the develop-
| tiguous power systems into large co- varying their own generation locally, to ment of the tie-line biased-by-frequency
ordinated groups of several million kilo- meet their own load requirements. Theo- method of automatic control, which is
watts has made imperative the develop-
ment of control apparatus of great variety TIME ERROR
and refinement. The intended purpose MEGAWATTS SECONDS
of these interconnections required that 25 +s_-3__
economies of generation be maintained
and that designated power flows be held 20
steady. The geographical extent and 15 - i \_
the variety of relationships between the _ \0
many properties made it necessary to use
control equipment which would function 5
in widely separated locations and with a
minimum of direction. Increases in the \
size and number of large variable loads Figure 1. Character- 5
indicated the need for closer speed con- istic curves of a tie- -_ \_.\_
trol. The final object of the control ap- line contoller
J 15
Paper 41-80, recommended by the ATEE committee Shows tie-line lend
on power
generation, and presented at the AIEE
convention, Philadelphia, Pa., January
27-31, 1941. Manuscript submitted November 28, nOrmdl, corre- - __\
1940; made available for preprinting December 16, sponding frequency I
25 ' 5C
EARLE WII,D is load dispatcner for the Common-
time-error de- 597 5980 59.9 60 601 C0.2 60.3
wealth Edison Company. Chicago, Ill. viations FREQUENCY

condition should be fairly well averaged curves, but these do not appear in the are presented here from which a basic
out. The displacement can only be ex- same range of altitudes as was the case study may be made to determine the
plained by unusual local conditions. On with the three northern districts. As limits at which standard apparatus may
the other hand, the point in the 6,500- would be expected, the mean tempera- be used at higher altitudes.
7,000-foot range is for the Weather Bu- tures at the lower altitudes are higher
reau Station at Mount Locke, where the than for similar altitudes in the northern References
period of record is only four years. Here districts. However, the curves for the 1. Climatological Data of the United States for
a year of unusual temperature conditions northern and southern districts approach 1938 from the United States Weather Bureau,
might have affected the mean tempera- each other at the higher altitudes. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C.
trsoebut probably not sufficiently As seen from figure 2 the retardation ALSOFoAMERICAeN pAraRtlCULTuLRS' Part 2,
to bring this point within the more or less and inversion of the temperature-lapse Wind, Joseph B. Eincer, senior meteorologist,
United States Weather Bureau, Depalrtment of
expected trend of the curve, rate supports the general practice of mak- Commerce Washington, D. C.
Examiination of figure 5 shows Kchanges ing no correction for ratings for altitudes 3. SI JOHN MOORE'S METEO:ROLOG)Y (book).
in slope at different points along the three up to 3,i300 feet (1,000 meters). Data 4. EsLEMENTS OF HYDROLOGY (book), A. F.Meyer.


being used extensively in large intercon- voltage changes. Whenever the fre- factors must be satisfied, or the controller
nections. With it, the fundamental quency departs from normal there is a will change the system load until the tie-
plan of regional control of loads is con- change in voltage, due to change in the line load reaches a balance point. Figure
tinued, but instead of holding tie-line speed of the shaft-driven exciters on the 2 shows the changes in tie-line load as the
loads at constant value, they are per- main turbines. A test in one large load frequency and time-error deviate from
mitted to deviate from schedule whenever zone, which is mostly industrial in charac- normal on a large group.
the frequency varies and in a direction to ter, shows that whenever the voltage
relieve the burden of the frequency-con- drops one per cent there is a l/2 per cent Description of Controllers
trolling center. The amount the tie-line drop in customer load. However, when
load is varied, commonly known as bias, the frequency drops there is not a general The equipment used in the control con-
is a function of the frequency effect on drop in voltage proportional to the drop sists of the following apparatus:
load and the action of the speed governors in speed, as the automatic voltage regula- 1. Frequency controller with an electric
of the turbines. This relationship will be tors provide correction for at least 50 per time-error correction.
described in a later section. cent of the load. Probably the largest 2. Tie-line controller.
This bias principle permits tie-line loads effect of minor frequency changes comes 3. Tie-line controller biased by frequency.
to be varied in a relieving direction and be both from a change in speed in the indus- 4. Tie-line controller biased by frequency
restored with a minimum change in gen- trial motor load and the action of the and with electric time-error correction.
eration in each group. It also assures more sensitive speed governors. 5. Cascading settings of tie-line controllers
the frequency-regulating center that when used in series.
several tie lines will be biased correctly Tie-Line Bias Setting 6. Devices for controlling the load on two
for each one causing a frequency depar- turbines in separate stations.
ture from normal. Thus any number of The tie-line bias setting used is the one The tie-line controller biased by fre-
groups may be interconnected under this which will permit the tie-line load to quency and with electric time-error cor-
plan without increasing the burden of the change an amount equal to the group-load rection, and the frequency controller with
central group. change for any given frequency devia- electric time-error correction will be de-
The performance on several of these tie tion. As the frequency rises the load in- scribed. Figure 3 shows a diagram of
lines has been checked by means of coun- creases, but the generation remains con- the electrical circuit of a typical tie-line
ters, which register the deviations from stant except for the small decrease caused controller, which has both frequency bias
normal. These show that most groups by the speed governors. The tie line and time-error correction. The appara-
hold to scheduled tie-line loads about 70 supplies the difference and thus tends to tus, as commonly used for this purpose,
per cent of the time, cause frequency de- oppose the frequency rise. When the consists of a frequency bridge which is
viations about 10 per cenit of the time, frequency is restored to normal the tie- tuned for 60 cycles. One corner of the
and vary in a direction to relieve the fre- line load is returned to schedule without bridge has been opened and extended to
quency deviations 20 per cent of the time. adjusting the generation. Thus when- a slide emounted in the recording
Actually, each group on bias is assisting, ever the frequency varies one-tenth cycle, line meter. The zero or center point of
in direction at least, twice as much as it is the tie-line load is changed an amount this slide wire has a froot "setter" and is
contributing to frequency deviations. equal to one per cent of the total gener- placed at the scheduled tie-line point,
ated load. This bias is extended propor- wherever that may be from hour to hour.
Frequency Effect on Load tionally for other departures from the The movable contact of this slide wire is
normal of 60 cycles. operated by the tie-line recorder carriage.
Before the correct amount of bias Whenever the tie line is at the scheduled
could be determined for any system it was Time-Error Bias point, the contact is in the center of the
necessary to know the effect of frequency slide wire and the frequency bridge re-
changes on the load. Studies were made There are times, however, after the mains balanced. If the tie line is dis-
in the Chicago system to determine the frequency has departed from normal for placed to one side or the other of the zero
amount of load change for a given fre- a considerable period, when it is neces- point, more resistance is inserted in one
quency change. It was found, as a sary to arbitrarily offset the frequency in leg of the frequency bridge than the other,
very general rule, that one-tenth-cycle the opposite direction in order to correct calling for a change in frequency in order
frequency departure resulted in approxi- an integrated frequency or time error. to restore the balance of the galvanome-
mately a one per cent change in system If a great many of the tie lines in an inter- ter circuit or the correction of the tie-
load. This figure is somewhat less than connection are being operated on the tie- line load. Similarly, a second corner of
has been observed on some large inter- line bias principle, it becomes very diffi- the frequency bridge has been opened
connections, but has been checked many cult for the centrally-located frequency- and extended to a slide wire in a time-
times since the staged tests were made, control station to offset the frequency error indicator. This time-error indica-
whenever important intersystem tie lines manually. It was desirable, therefore, tor consists of two electric motors, one
opened automatically under heavy load to add time-eror bias to each of the fre- driven by the system frequency and the
and there were sudden frequency changes. quency-biased tie lines. Whenever the other driven by the exact frequency of 60
This figure takes into account the aver- time departs from normal a time-error cycles obtained from a crystal oscillator
age response of a composite group of indicator, therefore, similarly causes a de- time standard. The speed of these two
governors on the turbines affected, as parture in tie linlein such a direction as to motors is compared through differential
they are found in normal service and offset the frequency and correct the time gearing, and any resulting displacement
without unusual attention being given to error. operates the pointer on the slide wire of
increasing their sensitivity or to block Figure 1 is a chart of the relation of tie- the time-error indicator to change ap-
them. line load to frequency and electric time propriately the balance point on the
This figure also includes some effect of error in a controller. All three of these frequency bridge.
MAY 1941, VOIL. 60O Wild-System Gontrol TRANSACTIONS 233
In order to regulate a system within Figure 3. Circuit 'SLIDE
plus or minus one second over widely diagram ofa tie-line RECOREPoel
scattered controllers requires that highly controller, with fre-
accurate time standards be provided. quency bias andon
Some of the larger cities have sources of t corcto
astronomical time, but these are not gen- DTIMEEICOR
erally available over a wide interconnec- EC.
tion. It has been agreed, in this inter-
connection, to use the primary frequency
standard of the crystal oscillator type as a IMPULSES IMPULSE 1- SEC.
source of true time. These have an error
of one part in two million and may be
readily compared with observatory time
as received from Arlington. Even as-
suming an error in setting these oscillators
at widely scattered points, it will not be
difficult to keep the time-error indicators
within a quarter of a second of each other.
The amount of tie-line departure that
might be introduced by an error of a quar-
ter of a second in the time standard would,
at the most, be only one or two mega- 60
watts in any group.
The apparatus if `the frequency-con- amount the frequency has deviated from in the frequency bridge is very important.
trolling centers is.similar to the tie-line the calibration value of the frequency For example, if the tie line is off schedule
controlling apparatus described above, bridge. and the frequency has not departed from
except that there is no tie-line slide wire. normal, indicating that the load in some
The bridge is continuously tuned for 60 Rate of Load Response other group of companies is off schedule in
cycles, except when the time-error indica- the opposite direction, the controller sends
tor is displaced from its center point. The galvanometer circuit is unbalanced out very short corrective impulses and it
The galvanometer is a Leeds and any time one of the three characteristics takes considerable time for this tie-line
Northrup contact-making type, in which is varied from the normal value. If two error to be corrected. Similarly, the
there are wiping cams which make con- of the characteristics are abnormal, the other zone, whose generation is displaced
tact with the "raise" or "lower" circuits galvanometer is still further unbalanced from the correct value in the opposite
once every two seconds. The duration of unless these two are in opposition. direction, would be making a very slow
these contacts is proportional to the Comparison of these counterinfluences correction and the load of the frequency-
controlling center would not need to be
___-_ _____ _____ disturbed. If, on the other hand, were
l_ l_ __ __ -
l_l_ the tie line to be off schedule in the same
0 M.W. TIE LINE direction as the frequency, indicating that
A B c D this group of companies is producing the
50M.W. ll i i @ &it ;tW frequency departure, the controller would
send out very long impulses and cause the
generation to change very rapidly at the
SCHEDULE LINE point which was most responsible for the
L__II ooM.W _ I ] - frequency departure.
2fP.M. 3P.M. 4P.M. The unbalancing of the bridge by time
- error is a much more gradual influence
_____ _____ _ and requires, likewise, a much longer pe-
riod for the time correction.
The controllers in the large group have
60<v I 1 L J been set to give a maximum correction
to tie-line load of 20 megawatts in 30
seconds. The frequency-controller group
2FM. 3fM.
_ Figure 2. A tie-line load has about one-half this rate of response,
curve showing and the smaller groups are decreased to
____ -l from schedule, effected by oemgwtaiue
ll [ TIME ERROR II frequency and time-error oemgwt iue
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ l_ _l_ l_ l_ _l iases
L",'* I.-I"'+u*weXW|4all'
The tie-line load is (A)
high with low frequency,
8|| l
l l l ~~~~~~time 'igits
error, (C) decreasing
Several controllers may be

.series along an extended transmission

istalled in
;-- 5 SEC FAST [ - with high frequency but
ll l ll l ~~~~~~continued
l ll time error, (D) .link,
.remote shownthein frequency-control
as from most
figure 4. The onecenter
. 2PM. 3P.M f f4P.M. low wihhigh ,requency. is pvnabias s tigproportional to the


~ Figure 4. Cascaded set- lizing the controlling impulses. The load
A ,_ b tings of three tie-line con- and the number of generating stations

on a transmission have frequently grown to a point where it

UW 11
lw 50w
FOTREQUENCY system is not practical to assign the regulating
GROUP Bids setting of group B in- responsibility to one station. This has
MBSET A: cludes bias of group A, but been overcome in the Chicag area by the
FOMt Fj- - OR't- does not include group C, installation of one controller, which is

a smdll system operating on
flat tie-line control
sending its correcting impulses to two
generating stations simultaneously. This
C LOAD LINE CONTROL COMPINI appears to be the best arrangement in any
company or group of companies which are
operating under a pooling arrangement,
Q TIE LINE COWNOLLER and the control of the load on the local
transmission system is not necessary.
size of its system. The next controller The smaller companies are generally on After the controlling impulses are di-
toward the frequency-controlling center flat tie-line control unless they are in se- rected to two stations, it is desirable that
is given a setting which includes its own ries with a larger group which is on bias. the turbine selected for the automatic
proportional bias and the bias of the con- One has installed time-error correction, control in each station respond in similar
troller in back of it. If there are con- and several others are now providing amounts to the identical impulses. These
trollers in smaller companies which are on time-error correction equipment. With turbines may be of different size and have
flat tie-line settings or which are held this method of control all local problems entirely different governor characteristics.
manually at a constant value, these, of of generation are handled locally. Re- Two devices have been used for introduc-
course, are not taken into account in de- sponsibility for frequency departures or ing these impulses into the governors of
termining the bias setting. The con- inadequate generation is indicated at its the respective turbines. One of these
troller which is nearest to the frequency- source and corrected. The physical dis- consists of a rheostat which operates a
controlling center and having the highest tance between companies or groups of torque motor attached to the pilot cylin-
bias may actually be operating in one of companies is not a limitation, and new der of the governor, and makes a small
the smaller companies or one of the groups may be added to the interconnec- and controlled load change. The two
smaller generating stations. If the con- tion and perform satisfactorily by adding rheostats may be easily timed to travel at
troller in the more remote company a new controller without requiring the same rate in the two stations, and by
should fail to effect its tie-line departure, changes in any of the existing facilities. control of the necessary torque they can
the controller more centrally located New interchange contracts which are be made to make similar load changes, ex-
would then be called on for a contribution made locally between any groups of com- cept at valve-opening points. These
out of proportion to the size of the latter panies do not call for changes in the ap- valve-opening points are traversed manu-
companly. This is prevented in two ways: paratus, as it is adaptable to almost any ally. This device, acting on the pilot
(1) By a suitable load-limiting band on power-flow requirements. The only pre- valve, is not only faster in response than
the generators which restrict the depar- caution necessary is that the frequency the synchronizing motor, but it avoids
ture to a proper value, and (2) by limiting bridges must be reasonably accurately any inertia or loose play which is present
the rate of response of the smaller con- tuned for 60 cycles. Where time stand- in governor linkage. The rheostat also
troller so that the larger company will ards are provided this is very simply acts as its own load-limiting device.
have sufficient time in which to make its checked, and where there are no standards, The other apparatus which has been de-
correction before the smaller company other apparatus, such as tuning forks, can veloped consists of an instantaneous
has made an extended departure from its be used, which will permit checking the wattmeter of the Kelvin balance or elec-
normal generation. frequency bridge accurately enough for tronic type, in which the small driving
In one large interconnected system load-control purposes. motor in the meter is used to drive the
there are now 60 companies operating in carriage of the meter from the impulses
parallel. These have generally adopted Simultaneous Automatic of the controller. The impulses are also
this principle of frequency and tie-line Control of Two Stations sent to the synchronizing motor, and if the
control. There are 17 of these controllers turbine makes a larger load change than
operating in parallel, 2 of them regulating Once a company or group of companies required for the length of impulses being
the frequency only, and the other 15 on have installed a controller, the problem used, the wattmeter becomes unbalanced
one or another form of tie-line control. arises as to the method to be used in uti- and interrupts any subsequent impulses

ST&TION T 5~~~~~~~~~~I
Figure 5. Load °
cunrves of two stations S"O
equipped for simul- E ,.° x_ 1_ 1__1_1_1
taneous automatic TT02 rL II

Amount of loadd lil -_

ariations (X in- -loo__ l_ l_ l_ |___|_
creases sharply when
only one station is on lllllll
automatic regulation °, X lov"AMv
j. 7A.Mu 4Ax 5A.M. 4A.. 3AM
x 2

MAY 1941, VOL. 60 Wild-System Control TRANSACTIONS 235

manl,soevtz. lomageyswtrOIuinofhegvsmayri-
iSO -6
Certainly it is apparent that the smaller
systems, especially if supplying variable
loads, must have the turbines equipped
59.5CYCLES l l INTE CONNECTiON OPEN with the best governors available. In
the large interconnections, on the other
hand, there is an enormous inertia effect
available, which holds the system speed
" ,lwithin a very narrow band. This has
1- led to the belief in some quarters that the
ib | 1s_governors
| [ ,- should not be too sensitive and
may even have a small dead band.
The load-control problem is generally
rather easily handled in a small isolated
system. The large interconnection-load
control is much more difficult. Although
i0.5 CYCLES l l the instantaneous frequency varies but
lf M. eR2PM. little from minute to minute, it does drift
over the longer period of hours or more,
over a much wider band than is found in
to the turbine. The speed of the driving Figure 6. Frequency curve of a large system, the small systems. This is a load-control
motors in the two wattmeters can simi- showing effect of interconnections on width of problem, which must be handled by the
larly be timed together. frequency variations controllers or by supplementary manual
Need for More two of them making the largest load varia- The manufacturers have proposed that
Automatic Control of Stations tions, could make their change in load governors be built with a sensitivity of
before the full-load change of the auto- 0.04 per cent and a per cent regulation up
In any station which has automatic matic station has been completed, the to two per cent. These are undoubtedly
load control, the variation in its load can burden on the automatic station would desirable on the smaller systems,; but on
be analyzed to come from two sources: be very sharply reduced. the large interconnections governors with
One, the variations in the load of the The experience in Chicago with two a sensitivity of 0.08 per cent and from
system as it changes from minute to stations operating simultaneously (figure four per cent to six per cent regulation
minute, and the other the irregularities 5) indicates that the burden on either one would be satisfactory. Where flat tie-
in generation of the nonautomatic sta- is less than half what it would be if only line regulation is used, the action of too
tions. These latter variations are caused one were on automatic control. This responsive governors is contrary to the
largely by the inability of these stations to indication has proved so definite that action called for by the controllers. With
follow adequately the system-load steps are now being taken to extend the the tie-line bias principle, however, more
changes. Frequently it has been found automatic control to practically all the responsive governor action could easily
that some of the largest burden on the major generating stations. The so-called be accommodated by increasing the
automatically-controlled station comes base-load stations during the minimum amount of bias setting. The problem of
from the simultaneous delayed action on hours become the variable-load stations modernizing enough governors in a large
two or three other stations within the on the system, and at these hours take interconnection, where they may run up
same group. over the automatic regulation. to 1,000 in number, so that a few will not
In the Chicago system an attempt was be carrying a large portion of the regula-
made many years ago to assist all stations Relation of Controllers to Governors tion, is very difficult, and also the bene-
in following the load trend by having a fits to be derived from such a program
system totalizer in every operating gal- The function of the auxiliary speed de- are probably quite limited.
lery, which would indicate the total sys- vice or frequency controller, as it is com-
tem load at all times. Each operator monly called, does not supersede that of Conclusions
was then given a schedule which indicated the speed governor. The speed governor
the portion of the system total load as- must continue to maintain instantaneous 1. A centrally located frequency control
signed to that station. Although this frequency, but in maintaining this fre- with automater tie-lneacontrollers maintaino
method has proved quite workable, no quency it distributes the load in a manner a g ractpical method ofhcolding steady the
operator is able to follow manually the that is often not desired. The controller, frequency in large interconnections, regard-
trend as fast as the automatic station on the other hand, is relatively slow in its less of size or numbers of interconnections.
does, and so after each large load change action, but it does give droop correction, 2. The tie-line biased-by-frequency prin-
it is found that the regulating station has which the governor cannot do, and it can ciple relieves the regulating burden on both
to make a counterchange of load as the easily be made to properly allocate the the frequency control and the tie-line regula-
other stations follow manually. load in any proportions desired. The tion stations.
In a system of, let us say, five stations, importance of the governor seems to vary 3. Several of the variable-load stations in
one may be a base-load station, another inversely with the size of the electrical any group should be sharing the automatic
the automatically-controlled station, and system. regulation.
the other three following the trend either Figure 6 shows the frequency varia- 4. Adequate governors are necessary, but
maualy as obere on a totalizing tion in a large system while itwas prto it appears that the sensitivity and per cent
meter, or under load dispatcher's orders. ..............
a much larger interconnection and also versely wvith the size of the systems and the
If these latter three, or at least the one or while it was being operated isolated. nature of the load.


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