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LAND BANK OF THE PHLIPPINES. Branch LANDBANK CASH CARD/PREPAID CARD ENROLLMENT FORM C caehears nsvos S ination TE cag eat Ye Yes tecy ec Rs: ee [RODTTIONAL INFORMATION FOR WALCIN INDIVIDUAL PURCHASER AND CARDHOLDER OF INSTITUTIONAL PURGIASER I atime ae name vasrame Pe Srna STE pie aS ma presences roe Tame | ean thot ™ oR oa Ten ST aaa RO TR areal Fane fo acct Temes) 101 7 15 po EST STV RSET TE RTTAERT “Carahoiders Information ree Naber TR: aa is Cae ap wa fre pcre RC TOPS SE fram rma recaps iat uso Pap (tr rep ot ot) (fcr cathans Papse) (ies coz ce) SS TT SEE sera ove fren © ar Ow ead Nae ct pacers ty cx nwo ngs FOR BANK'S USE ONLY i 7 Roar a SE BIT aa ‘CASH CARD/PREPAID CARD/PIN MAILER CLAIM STUB SH ToS TTT Peer sara ey) Pn Sa Erte TRIES FT mame | me ———— ET a OT CLASS D exon? PEEP 1 The Card, AANOBANK Prepaid Card is 2 preloaded card and ebit card, respectively that functions as an ATM Card which Is not inked to any bankaecount 2. Card Value. The stored value Inthe PREPAID/CASH (DEBIT) Cardi expressed n PHP curtency and USD currency for Travel Card. The Cad shall only he redeemed 3t face value and shall not earn intrest oF rewards and other similar Incentives convertible to cath or be purchased 23 count 3, _Vality and Renewal. Unless carer terminated by LANDBANK or returned by the carcholder, he Cards val from dat of issuance an shall ccd on the dats indicated inthe card. The cardholder may request for a new card by visting her branch of account subject to existing policies on cent identification. no request for ranewai/ssuance of new card upon expiration and the card value becomes 2er, theca shall be closed, RenewaY/ssuance request at the branch of account/care purchase shal be subject to banking pois. Approval thereof shal all cases, beat the sole discretion of LANDBANK. 4 Cash Loading. Prepaid Card for nial lens canbe loaded for 8 maximum of P100,00.00 {per Peso-denominated prepaid) and USD 10,900.00 (or Travel cara) px month o any LANDBANK Branches that offers repaid card ar accredited Cash In/Caeh Out(C1CO} Agente subject te cartespondingfes/charges. LANDBANK shall not be hed able for any cscrepancy/eror during cash loading. 5. Point of Sale. The card is honored in any establishment where the card brandis accepted. LRNDSANK shal nt Be lable tothe cardholder, or {any reason, the cards not honored, Likewise, LANDBANK shal nt be lle fr any unauthorized or fravdulentutiation of the Care 16. Withdrawals. The cardholder can withdraw from any ATMS abcoad, with coresponding feee/charges, LANDBANK shall not Belisle to the ‘aroholdr if, fr any reason, the cardi not honored, Cash witrawals/purchase transactions outside te Pilpnes using the Card shall be in ‘the transaction curency which is subjee to maximum amaunt imposed by LANDBANK andthe instution whien owns the ATRY/POS/web-baeed application, Each successful transaction is subject to transaction fees as Seterrines by LANOBANK and Mastercara The transaction amount and the applicable transaction fee are subject oforsign exchange rat prevaling atthe time ofthe transaction. 7. as ofthe Card. The cardholder fe responsbie forthe card PINs confidentiality. In case of lose, the cardholder shall immediately cll LANDBANK [phone banking or branch of accourt)t0 report the Iasfthelt ana immediately Fequest for 8 new card atte Branch of Recount wth corresponding fe. LANDBANK wl endeavor to Bock transactions ater the report. However, any loss ue to withdrawal/purchase/tansfer of ‘nds using any lost/stolen LANDBANK Card prior to receipt of request for blocking lnst/stlon card by the Bank shal be forthe cardholder's 18 Replacement of Card, LANOBANK wil replace card with inherent defect inthe magnstic stripe at no cos if reported within thirty (20) days upon receipt ofthe cad. Replacement cu olse/thet, wear and tar shall be subject to replacement fee for anew card. The cardholder must Surender the damaged card or submit an afiavt floss. The replacement card may be claimed ater five (5) banking days from receipt ofthe request and compliance with equitements 9. Service Charges and Other Fees. LANOEANK may inrease oF impose ational charges/eesin providing the service. The cardholier agrees ta Bay the increase and/or adctiona chargesfees that may be imposed inthe futur, 10. Perforation of Uneaimed Card. A card that remains unlaimes tity (20) perforated for secu reasons. Purchase fz new card shall be required 11, Limitations on Liability. LANDBANK is nat able for any loss or damage of whatever nature in connection withthe use ofthe card suchas, but rot limited to, the folowing instances: 32. disruption, falure or delay relating to 0° in connection withthe ATM ane Point-of Sale (POS) factions ofthe card due to {reumstanees beyond the contol of ANDBANK; '.fomultous events and force majeure such as, But nt limited to, prolonged gower outages, breakown of computers and ‘communication faites, typhoons, loads, publ disturbances and other sila or rele ase loss or damaged which the cardholder may suffer arising out of any unautherizedvtiation ofthe card due to theft or dscosure a PN o volation of ether measures with or without the cardholders participation; 4. inaccurate, incomplete or delayed information received due to ruption or fale of any communication facies used forthe rd; and &indiret, incidental or consequential os, loss of profit or damage thatthe cargholder may suffer or has sutfere by reason of the use o falure/nabilty to use the card under the terms hereet 12, Cardholder Complains. Ary complaint rogardng the Card and/or transactions using the card shall be communicated through the LBP's Customer Care Hotline 8405-7000 (National Capital Region) oF 1-600-10-405-700 (pat tll ree nymber) or Xs servicing branch. In ase of dsput, submit tached duly accomplished Cent Complain Frm (CCF) and Transaction Dispute Form TOF) 18, Exeheat. Laws on unlaimes balances app 15. Data Privacy Content. We authorize Land Bank ofthe Philippines ("Bank"), to collet, process, update or dose personal information about me/us in acordance withthe Bank's Data Privacy Statement, the Oata Privacy Act, and bank secrecy laws to establish, conf, review of update my/our record, manage my/our account and/or sences provided to me/us to conduct customer risk, capacity and sustainably sessment, product development and aut to markt its products and services, and other legate business purposes and o comply with ts ‘reporting obligations under applicable laws, ules and eegulations. As used herein the term “Bank” inclades it subsiiaes, aflltes, agents, representatives, nd outsourced service providers. I/We confirm that we amare aware of my/our rights under the Data Privacy Act, which Incudes the right to withdraw myjour consent, to acess, to rectify orto erase my/our personal information subject, bowever 0 he ight of the Bank to terminate the product or service aval by me/us shoul ve withdraw my/our consent or request the removal af my/our personal information 16. Rules and regulations. The cardholder agrees to be bound by the rules, regulations and offidal_ssvances applicable to this Service now xing or which may hereinafter be issued, as wells, such ater terms and coacltions governing the use ofthis service. 17, Agreement to the Tetms and Conditions. The carcholder’s signature herein or the cargholse’s receipt of the card from the purchaser onsitutes the cardholder’ agreement tothe above terms and condition. far days from date of receipt bythe issuing branch shall be Cardholder’s/Purchaser's signature: Date, REN Name: ‘Card Number: Reviewed/Checked by: Date ‘Approved by: Date LAND BANK OF THE PHLIPPINES Branch a LANDBANK CASH CARD/PREPAID CARD ENROLLMENT FORM oe __MM/00, O casheare + ara Orava ton Sve F S tn PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF BATAAN repartee [Semon mroRaTiON ron WAC ROTMDIA RES, A GRINDER oF TTT NONA ROUSE By JUAN SANTOS DELA CRUZ MALE sy rte mrone — — 123 TENEJER‘ Freer aaaree 123 TENEJERO, CITY OF BALANGA, BATAAN oR roa orR FIUPINO 09/15/2001, JORAN!, BATAAN susan cRuZ SANTOS [wean Peanar RE ST TR a rae CITY OF BALANGA, BATAAN fo acct Temes) 101 elaruxemail com 7 basins SCHOLARSHIP SscHooL 10 [Pibans/ aauanca crv BaTAAN "95191234567 ay ny Bases St ra “Cardholders Information rea Nabe TR JUAN SANTOS DELA CRUZ 09191234567 09/15/2001 has is Cae za 123 TENEJERO, CITY OF BALANGA, BATAAN, 2100 frePrcraer 125 TENEJERO. CITY OF BALANS@IEAA 2100 | NM TATON "Cal SG = (tulalsl tslalnitiol st [ole +f al el -al of at] F ve = Tranter eID so me (erresst eck) (arcana ep) oat cana nc) TTT a sui CRUZ © ‘cau ct naci ese Say ccna FOR BANK'S USE ONLY er i pero SSRI oer Sara STI TERETE pen RTT eS ma sunk itr TTT ee RTT TOE CLASS D exon? PEEP 1 The Card, AANOBANK Prepaid Card is 2 preloaded card and ebit card, respectively that functions as an ATM Card which Is not inked to any bankaecount 2. Card Value. The stored value Inthe PREPAID/CASH (DEBIT) Cardi expressed n PHP curtency and USD currency for Travel Card. The Cad shall only he redeemed 3t face value and shall not earn intrest oF rewards and other similar Incentives convertible to cath or be purchased 23 count 3, _Vality and Renewal. Unless carer terminated by LANDBANK or returned by the carcholder, he Cards val from dat of issuance an shall ccd on the dats indicated inthe card. The cardholder may request for a new card by visting her branch of account subject to existing policies on cent identification. no request for ranewai/ssuance of new card upon expiration and the card value becomes 2er, theca shall be closed, RenewaY/ssuance request at the branch of account/care purchase shal be subject to banking pois. Approval thereof shal all cases, beat the sole discretion of LANDBANK. 4 Cash Loading. Prepaid Card for nial lens canbe loaded for 8 maximum of P100,00.00 {per Peso-denominated prepaid) and USD 10,900.00 (or Travel cara) px month o any LANDBANK Branches that offers repaid card ar accredited Cash In/Caeh Out(C1CO} Agente subject te cartespondingfes/charges. LANDBANK shall not be hed able for any cscrepancy/eror during cash loading. 5. Point of Sale. The card is honored in any establishment where the card brandis accepted. LRNDSANK shal nt Be lable tothe cardholder, or {any reason, the cards not honored, Likewise, LANDBANK shal nt be lle fr any unauthorized or fravdulentutiation of the Care 16. Withdrawals. The cardholder can withdraw from any ATMS abcoad, with coresponding feee/charges, LANDBANK shall not Belisle to the ‘aroholdr if, fr any reason, the cardi not honored, Cash witrawals/purchase transactions outside te Pilpnes using the Card shall be in ‘the transaction curency which is subjee to maximum amaunt imposed by LANDBANK andthe instution whien owns the ATRY/POS/web-baeed application, Each successful transaction is subject to transaction fees as Seterrines by LANOBANK and Mastercara The transaction amount and the applicable transaction fee are subject oforsign exchange rat prevaling atthe time ofthe transaction. 7. as ofthe Card. The cardholder fe responsbie forthe card PINs confidentiality. In case of lose, the cardholder shall immediately cll LANDBANK [phone banking or branch of accourt) t0 report the asthe ana immediately request or 8 new card atte Branch of Recount wth corresponlng fe. LANDBANK wl endeavor to Bock transactions ater the report. However, any loss eto withdrawal/purchase/tansfer of | funds using ay tst/stlen LANDBANK Card prior to reeipt of request for Blocking los/stoien card By tha Bank shal be for the cardholders 18 Replacement of Card, LANOBANK wil replace card with inherent defect inthe magntic stripe at no COs if reported within thirty (20) days upon receipt ofthe cad. Replacement cue to lse/thet, wear and tear shall be subject to replacement ee for # pew card. The cardholder must Surender the damaged card or submit an afiavt floss. The replacement card may betlaimed ater ve (5 banking days from receipt ofthe request and compliance with equitements 9. Service Charges and Other Fees. LANOGANK may inrease oF impose ational charges/fees in providing the service. The cardhoier agrees ta Bay the increase and/or adtonal chargesfees that may be imposed inthe futur 10. Perforation of Uneaimed Card. card tht remains unelimes tty (3) 3 perforated for secuty reasons. Purchase fz new card shall be required 11, Limitations on Liability. LANDBANK is nat able Foran loss or damage of whatever nature in connection withthe use ofthe card suchas, but rot limited to, the folowing instances: 2. disruption, falure or delay relating to 0° in cogeei6h withthe ATM and Point-of Sale (POS) factions ofthe card due to {reumstanees beyond the contol of ANDBANK; 'fomutous events and force majeure such as, but not limes to, prolonged gower outages, breaksown of computers and communication faites, typhoons, loads public disturbances and other similar or related cases less or damaged which the cardholder may Siler arising out of any unauthorized vtiation ofthe card due to theft or scosure a PN o violation of other measures wih or without the cardholders participation; 4. inaccurate, incomplete or detayed information recewved due to ruption or fale of any commoication facies used forthe rd; and ©. indiet, incidental or cofaqueiales, loss of profit or damage thatthe cargholder may suffer or has sutfere by reason of the use o failure/nabilty tose the ard under the terms hereet 12, Cardholder Complains. Ary comslsnt rogarding the Card and/or transactions using the card shall be communicated through the LBP's Customer Care Hotline 8405-7000 (Netonal Capital Region) ar 1-600-10-405-700 (pat tll ree nymber) or ks servicing branch. In ase of dasput, submit tached dul accomplished Cent Complaint Frm (CF) and Transaction Dispute Form TOF) | 2. insurance. THE CARD FUNDISNOTINSURED WITH PO. | 1 scheat. Laws on unclaimed balances apy 15. Data Privacy Content. We authorize Land Bank ofthe Philippines ("Bank to collet, process, update or dose personal information about me/us in acordance withthe Banks Data Privacy Statement, the Oata Privacy Act, ad bank secrecy laws, to establsh, conf, review oF update my/our record, manage my/our account and/or sences provided to me/us to conduct customer risk, capacity and sustainably sessment, product development and aut to markt its products and series, and other legate business purposes and o comply with ts ‘reporting obligations under applicable laws, ules and eegulations. As used herein the term “Bank” inclades it subsiiaes, aflltes, agents, representatives, nd outsourced service providers. I/We confirm that we amare aware of my/our rights under the Data Privacy Act, which Incudes the right to withdraw myjour consent, to acess, to rectify orto erase my/our personal information subject, bowever 0 he ight of the Bank to terminate the product or service aval by me/us shoul ve withdraw my/our consent or request the removal af my/our personal information 16. Rules and regulations. The cardholder agrees to be bound by the rules, regulations and offidal_ssvances applicable to this Service now xing or which may hereinafter be issued, as wells, such ater terms and coacltions governing the use ofthis service. 17, Agreement to the Tetms and Conditions. The carcholder’s signature herein or the cargholse’s receipt of the card from the purchaser onsitutes the cardholder’ agreement tothe above terms and condition. Cardholder's/Purchaser's signature: hfe. Date_mm/oo/vvvy far days from date of receipt bythe issuing branch shall be REN Name: ‘Card Number: Reviewed/Checked by. Date ‘Approved by: Date

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