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English test 3rd grade

Name: _________________________________________ Date: __/___/ 2021
Classificação: Compreensão oral (Listening) ___________________________________
Leitura e Escrita (Reading and Writing) ____________________________
Teacher: ________________________ Enc. de Educação: ___________________


A. Listen and answer, then circle the correct option. Ouve e responde, de seguida
circula a opção correta.

1. Listen.

a) When is the picnic? It’s on __________________________________.

b) What are Simon and Maria doing?

They are …
… picking flowers …riding a bike … having a picnic … going for a walk.


B. Read, order and write. Lê e ordena a frase.

a) What is Squeaky doing?

is / walk / Squeaky / for / a / going / .

b) What is Simon doing?
riding / Simon / is / bike / a / .

c) What are the girls and boys doing?
for / going / walk / a / The girls / and boys / are / .

C. Look at the picture and read. Write Yes or No. Observa a imagem e escreve

Yes ou No

a) They are having a picnic. _____________

b) There are two girls. _____________
c) Simon is riding a bike. _____________
d) Maria is wearing a t-shirt. _____________
e) Simon is wearing a t-shirt. _____________
f) Simon is eating a banana. _____________
g) Squeaky is happy. _____________
h) Maria is picking flowers. _____________

D. Unscramble and write the months. Descobre o nome dos meses.

piAlr ugstAu

a) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ b) __ __ __ __ __ c) __ __ __ __ __ __

eStmr breDe
rcMah beep mce

d) __ __ __ __ __ e) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ f) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
E. Complete the days of the week. Completa os dias da semana.

a) M __ n __ __ y
b) T __ __ sd __ y
c) W __ d __ __ sd __ y
d) Th __ r __ d __ y
e) F __ __ d __ y
f) S __ t __ rd __ y
g) S __ n __ __ y

F. Look at the picture and answer. Observa a imagem e responde.

a) What day is today?


b) Is it Maria’s birthday?

c) How many boys are there?


d) How many girls are there?


e) How ols is Simon?

G. Now answer some personal questions.
Responde sobre ti.

a) What’s your name?


b) How old are you?


c) When is your birthday?


d) What is your favourite day of the week?


e) What’s your favourite colour?


f) When do you have English?


Have a nice work!

Prof. Catarina Gonçalves

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