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Belief and identity

1. Introduction
Today we are going to introduce a theme where members of
different religions will depict their vision about some questions
based on their religious rules and traditions and understand to
what extent their beliefs shape their identity.
2. Q1 (Clothes) Hayk – Michael – Arsen
Vahe- In my opinion, the main part of their identity for the
plethora of people is their outlook. There is a well-known
saying: “Meet on clothes”. And I’m interested in what kind of
restrictions your religion has about this theme.
Hayk- We all know that Christians are guided by the Bible, so
what I say will be based on Bible. It says that The body is God’s
temple it is the dwelling place of God. Do you know that you
are God’s temple and God’s spirit dwells in you? If the body
is God’s temple, His temple must be dressed appropriately to
His standards. So the main verse that affects on clothing is To
not make your brother or sister sin. The way you dress will
make your brother or sister see Jesus Christ because God is
revealed in how you dress His temple; the body. So Christianity
tell us to dress closely, to not make anybody sin. Like this
Michael- What? Like this? It’s not right women to dress like that.
Muslims wear a wide variety of clothing, which is influenced not
only by religious considerations, but also practical, cultural,
social, and political factors. In modern times, some Muslims have
adopted clothing based on Western traditions, while others wear
modern forms of traditional Muslim dresses. Traditional dress for
Muslim men has typically covered at least the head and the area
between the waist and the knees, while traditional women's dress
typically conceals the hair and the body from the ankles to the
neck. Some Muslim women also cover their faces. However, other
Muslims believe that the Quran does not mandate that women
need to wear a hijab or a burqa.
Arsen- For example in buddhism there are no certain ways of
clothing unless they are monks and unless they are in buddhist
temple. In any buddhist temple you should wear clothes that cover
your shoulders, pants should be worn rather than shorts or skirts,
no hats and no shoes should be worn inside the temple.
In contras for monks there are certain types of clothes that should
be worn. They must wear robes (chivaras) that symbolize simplicity
and detachment of materialism. There are three types of chivara: the
inner robe, made of 5 strips of cloth; the outer robe, made of 7
strips; and the great robe, or cloak, made of 9, 15, or 25 strips. In
order to avoid the primary colours, Buddhist robes are of mixed
colours, such as orange or brown. Also, a Buddhist monk must not
wear footwear that covers the toes and the heels.
3.Q2(Daily Routine) Michael – Arsen - Hayk
Vahe- Choosing clothes is part of our daily routine and I’ll be glad
to know what other changes will bring your religion to my and
other peoples’ daily routine. For instance, if i’m not mistaken, the
usual part of your life is praying to god.
Michael- Islamic daily routines are
Waking up early in the morning
Praying salah on time
Reading the Quran and daily supplications
The habit of moving your body and eating the right food
Paying charity in the form of money or doing good things to
Arsen- Oh, there are so many events in your daily routine which
extend to all. For example in buddhism people except of monks do
not have any religious daily routine, only thing they have to do is to
follow 5 precepts and other rules of buddhism. Monks, however
have certain daily routine that they follow every day. 4.00 am – The
monks wake up and meditate for one hour, followed by one hour of
chanting. 6.00 am – The monks walk barefoot around the
neighbourhood while the local people make merit by offering them
food. 8.00 am – Returning to the temple, the monks sit together to
eat breakfast. Before 12.00 noon – The monks eat a light lunch at
this time. This is the last solid food they are allowed to consume
until sunrise the following morning. 1.00 pm – Classes in Buddhist
teaching begin. Some monks may attend school outside the temple.
6.00 pm – A two-hour session of meditation and prayer begins.
8.00 pm – The monks retire to do homework.
The rest of the day is spent on temple maintenance and individual
lessons. Aside from Buddhist philosophy, English, math and the
sciences, other topics covered are whatever knowledge is available
from the elders.
Hayk- Interesing, I didn’t know that religions are so different. In
Christianity, About daily routine Bible says that Prayers and reading
scriptures are like water and bread for us. It is not forced, but to be a
true Christian, you yourself feel the need․ As Billy Graham says,
being a Christian is hard, because you stand and start moving
against the world. You will need changes in your life, since you
accept God as your lord and savior․ Your daily routine will be
shaped based on Bible, what you read.
4.Q3 (Inter-Cultural) Arsen – Hayk – Michael
Vahe- Nowadays being a global citizen and other stuff relating
to cooperating with other cultures are gaining popularity and my
question is about the attitude of your religion to “other people”.
Arsen- This is a very complicated question, but I will try to answer
to it. Buddhists believe that the human life is one of suffering, and
that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are
the ways to achieve inner peace. One interesting thing about
buddhism is that they practice music and even some dance
movements to communicate with Buddha. There are also 5
important rules called “The Five Precepts” which all buddhists have
to follow.
Hayk – I will agree with Arsen that this question is really hard to
answer. In contrast to Buddhism, Christianity have no special rules
about this topic. We, Christians see that the world is headed for
destruction, which compels us to feel sorry for everybody. We are
willing to help everyone, and following the example of Jesus, we
befriend with the darkness to give hope to the light. It doesn't
matter what religion or race the other people are, we love and
respect everyone by joining the eternal goal, hoping to mediate in
finding the way to salvation.
Michael- Islamic traditions include professing one's faith; praying
five times a day; giving zakat, or donating a certain portion of one's
wealth; fasting during Ramadan; and making a pilgrimage to Mecca
in Saudi Arabia. Each of these pillars is an important part of being
Muslim. Islamic civilisation is committed to two basic principles:
oneness of God and oneness of humanity. Islam does not allow any
racial, linguistic or ethnic discrimination; it stands for universal
5.Q4(How much does your religion shapes you?)
Hayk – Michael – Arsen
Vahe- So belief is an important part of your life and it
obviously shapes your identity. So my question is to what extent you
are the representation of your religion. For example there are lots of
extremists who don't have their own head on their shoulders doing
anything the god or bishop says.
Hayk- I can say that being a real Christian, and accepting God
as our Lord and Savior, we unwittingly become one with Jesus and
live by the moral rules he has laid down, which enable us to appear
both pleasing to God and to ourselves. We see a clear change in our
way of thinking, which means that our religion has the greatest
influence on our identity. As I said, God dictates almost everything
to us, from secular things like clothing, to spiritual things.
Arsen-Buddhism has made a remarkable contribution to the
political, social, religious and a cultural life of India. It raised voice
against caste discrimination and social oppression. It helped in
upliftment of women by making religion and education accessible to

6.Conclusion (BOMB)

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