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ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. (@) (i) _Deefine the term ‘stakeholder’ as it relates to a business. (i) Identify TWO stakeholders who are involved in a business, @ marks) (>) Outline ONE function of EACH of the stakeholders identified in (a) (i). _ a ‘marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Al 01240020/MJ/CSEC 2019 © =i 4 Describe ONE activity that may be carried out in EACH of the following functional areas ofa business. @ Marketing ‘ 3 Gi) Finance Gi) Personnel/human resources (HR) (6 marks) 01240020/MICSEC 2019 ne al @ 6. = Explain TWO legal or ethical principles that business owners should adopt in the establishment and operation of a business. In your explanation, include relevant examples of EACH priniciple. Gmarks) Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01240020/MI/CSEC 2019 Ee a eS a (@) — @_ State TWO functions of management in a business organization, @ marks) (i) Describe EACH finetion stated in (a) (). GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01240020/MJ/CSEC 2019 E = (6) State TWO responsibilities of management to EACH of the following groups. (i) Employees Gi) Government (@ marks © @ _ Define the term ‘teamwork’. @ mark (i) State ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of teamwork within an organizatio @ mark GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01240020/MI/CSEC 2019 Ls

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