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Magna Aegwynn

Gender Race(s) Character class Affiliation

Female Human Archmage, Former Guardian Guardian of Tirisfal, Theramore, New Council of Tirisfal

Occupation Former Guardian of Tirisfal, Jaina Proudmoore's chamberlain Location Buried near Karazhan, Deadwind Pass Deceased[1] Nielas Aran (lover), Medivh (son), Brighteyes (granddaughter?), Med'an (grandson) [2]

Status Relative(s)



Aegwynn ti k Magna Aegwynn; ti ii l t p lti t -t -l t i t t t i .S i l t t t O i p ti l t t t tl t t ii l

p ll Aegwyn M t i ii l i i M i .

l i i ll t p t tt l i pti t B i L i t i i i l it . O k pt t t l t t t i. B t i p pp t t O t l t. W t i t ip l t . S i tt t t i p t pl i t . i i i i i i t i ll. t i t ll i i ii i l t l t 500 t t . l i ll ti ll i ti . t t

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E it t i i i t pp ti . M t t i t p t t l ti t ti t l i i i i t ll t til i t t i t t E pl i t t t t t i C t i S i M S ll. t l il i tt t il l i i t t l t .B t i t pp ti M it ll t l t i i k t li til ll i t t i Q l i pp ti ip . i t t t t i i ii t C t l. t t li ll

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q tl ppli it t p t Tirisfalen, and began work i ediatel . One of Aegwynn's first challenges was the destruction of the demon Zmodlor who had begun to possess children in a schoolhouse. Aegwynn rushed in and vanquished the demon before damage to the children could result. Erbag and Relfthra admonished her for her quick action she had rushed in without a thought to Zmodlor's grand scheme, and could have put the world at further risk. Aegwynn fired back that she couldn't allow children to suffer just because the Council favored a reactive solution to demons. battling the Avatar of Sargeras in Northrend 500 years following her initial Guardianship, Aegwynn traveled to the world's roof, Northrend, in order to defeat a hunting party of

demons that were stalking dragons. 3 After burning them to ashes with the dragons' help, an avatar of the Dark Titan Sargeras himself arose from the dust. With the help of the dragons, Aegwynn battled and ultimately defeated the Lord of the Legion. She carried and trapped his physical form near the Maelstrom, within the Tomb of Sargeras, so that it might never be rejuvenated by the powers of the Nether. Following this historic event, Aegwynn, by her own admission, grew arrogant and cocky. 4 She felt that she no longer needed to act in concert with the Council, that she had done the impossible, and thus she not the Tirisfalen would choose the next Guardian. However, the Destroyer had manipulated her in a way that she could not perceive...

The Birth of Medi h

(778 years later; 70 years prior to World of Warcraft...) Though powerful, Aegwynn was at her core mortal and consequently knew that she would have to pass on her powers, lest the demons be given free reign of Azeroth. She was determined to prevent the council from manipulating her successor as they had continually tried to manipulate her. She chose the conjurer of Azeroth, Nielas Aran, to father her heir. Nielas was initially elated when it appeared that the Guardian had fallen in love with him, but was slightly thrown to realize that she had used him only to sire an heir and take the choice of next Guardian away from the Council. Aegwynn gave birth to a son in the fall of that year, naming him Medivh, or "Keeper of Secrets" in the Elven tongue. Aegwynn left the baby Medivh in the care of his father at Stormwind Keep. She locked deep within him the knowledge of Tirisfal, to be made manifest when he reached physical maturity. When that time came however, the power of Tirisfal was too much for him to properly channel and the resulting backlash of magical energy pouring from the child killed his father Nielas and reduced Medivh to a comatose body.

Medi h's Awakening

Medivh awoke twenty years later, assuring the clergy of Northshire that he was in full control of his powers. Aegwynn suspected that something was amiss and her suspicions were confirmed when she watched, in shock, as Medivh made pacts with the Burning Legion and brought the orcs to Azeroth. Aegwynn confronted Medivh seeking to turn him away from his chaotic course and back to the Guardianship for which he was intended. When he refused her she attempted to battle him but, having given all her power to him so long ago, she was defeated. It was then that Medivh revealed all to her. As he died in battle before her, Sargeras had spirited his essence into Aegwynn's own body like a cancer, lying in wait for her to conceive as he knew she would. Sargeras later stitched himself into the fabric of Medivh's unborn body so that when he awoke and realized the power of Tirisfal he would also manifest his unholy, demonic heritage. Somehow unable to kill Aegwynn, Medivh instead banished her from his sight. In a desperate attempt to spread word of Medivhs evil, Aegwynn had an audience with King Llane. She warned him that Medivh was behind the orcish invasion and that he would eventually have to be dealt with. Llane listened gratefully.

Aegwynn, nowing that she had done all she could ossibly do, watched the events unfold before her he watched her son die, the fall of Blac hand and Guldan, and her last testament was a raise to the Alliance before she left to re are herself for her death

Exile and Return to Society

After witnessing the fall of her son, Aegwynn evaded death's gras At some oint in the roceedings above, Medivh had stri ed her of all remaining magic, but neglected to drain her anti aging s ells Unraveling the s ells, Aegwynn used them to tele ort herself as far away as she ossibly could to the far side of Mulgore on Kalimdor Aegwynn then built herself a small home in the hills near Ratchet, and grew a garden, to live out her life in solitude r so she thought Aegwynn's magic was still effective enough to scry using her well hen Medivh died a few wee s later, she formulated a lan she would save u her magic, iece by iece until she could bring bac The ast Guardian It too her 21 years, and again nearly cost her her life It was accom lished though and Medivh had returned After his disa earance, Aegwynn again sought solitude, but was rudely interru ted byJaina Proudmoore Though Aegwynn was willing to assist Jaina in her attem t to relocate a herd of thunder lizards, she was annoyed by the deference Jaina showed her, and the continued use of the title "Magna". hortly after Jaina's arrival they were sealed in Aegwynn's home by familiar magic: Zmodlor's. After a well timed esca e, Jaina, Aegwynn, and Jaina's colonel orena discovered Zmodlor had been freed and was now wor ing to create a war between Durotar and Theramore. The trio confronted the demon, but Jaina was inca acitated by the warloc s. In a last des erate act to fulfill her duties as Guardian (which she had never shir ed in the ast) Aegwynn su lemented Jaina with her last source of magic: her own life.

Present activities

This section concerns content exclusive to the

orld of

arcraft: The Comic.

Aegwynn Against all conceivable odds, Aegwynn survived yet again. Declared by Theramore's surgeons to "have the constitution of an elf," she began serving as ady Jaina's chamberlain and advisor, under an assumed name to avoid any unwanted guests. he assisted Jaina in hel ing to uncover some of King Varian's lost memories, and also assisted the blood elf gladiator Valeera in subduing her magical addiction. hortly after she was resent at a summit where the half orc assassin Garona made an attem t on Varian's life. In the events that followed, Aegwynn discovered Garona's son,Med'an, bore a stri ing resemblance to her own son. Adding to the fact was that Med'an gave off owerful aura li e a "beacon of ower", much li e Medivh did. Aegwynn could only conclude that he must be her grandson. This nowledge gave her a new surge of ho e and joy, and she began to see him as [ a chance for redem tion, li ely from her choices that had sha ed Medivh's life. ]

Aegwynn considered whether or not to tell Med'an how Medivh is related to him, but also believed that revealing herself as his grandmother was ultimately a selfish wish on her part. As her arrogance had killed her son and brought disaster to her world, whatever was best for Med'an would take precedence: his future was too important. Though the boy's guardian, Meryl Felstorm, strongly disagreed, she would come to decide that no one, especially Med'an, should know who had fathered him. She believed that the son of Medivh would be distrusted and shunned by any who learned of it: his future would be blighted, and his potential wasted. Aegwynn convinced Meryl into silence only by agreeing to keep quiet about his possession of Kathra'Natir. 6 She is one of the founding members of the New Council of Tirisfal. In the final battle between the New Council and the newly-empowered ogre mage Cho'gall, she sacrificed herself to give her grandchild the extra power he needed to defeat the evil Ogre. Afterwards, the council buried her at Morgan's Plot by Karazhan, next to her son.

Memorable quotes

Aegwynn healing Valeera Sanguinar.

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"Honestly, they don't teach you young mages anything these days. Violet Citadel's gone to pot, and that's the truth." "Don't go calling me 'Magna'. That was another time and another place, and I'm not that woman anymore." "I was facing dangers far worse than that little twerp of a demon when your greatgrandparents were infants."

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