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Time contrast

Interchange 2
Unit 9
Teacher Pilar Gabasa
For the past, present and future comparisons
• PAST> Use the simple past and “used to”
• PRESENT> Use the simple present or the present continuous
• FUTURE> Use will, may, might, going to
Time contrast expressions
• Talking about the past:
• In the past,
• People used to….
• ….years ago, people…

• In the past, the people listened to the radio because they didn´t have a tv
• Kids used to play with toys
• 50 years ago, people rode horses as transportation
• In the past, the people walked to go to work
• In the past the people didn't have social networks
• Kids used to play with kites
• 50 years ago, people didn’t have modern computers
Talking about the present
• These days, …..
• Today, people…
• Nowadays, people..

• These days, people wear masks to protect themselves from the virus
• Today, people work less than before in the past
• Nowadays, people during quarantine need to go to their houses before
These days, people can study online
• Today, people don’t have time to share with their families
• Nowadays, people don’t go to music festivals
Talking about the future
• Soon, there will be…
• In 100 years,…..
• In the future,…

• Soon, there will be a vaccine for the covid-19

• In 100 years, people might have a cure for cancer
• In 100 years, people may travel to other planets
• In the future, people are going to care more about the environment or we won´t have enough
• Soon, there will be apartment blocks everywhere
• In 100 years, robots are going to be normalized
• In 100 years, we could live in Mars or in a different planet
• In the future, all the cars will fly
In the past In the present In the future
4 years ago, I lived in La Vega Nowadays, I live in Jarabacoa Maybe in some years I will live
in a different city
Some years ago we used public Now, we have a motorcycle Next year, we might have a car
One year ago I lived in La
Now I live in Jarabacoa Soon I will live in another country
People used to wear very elegant clothes / people didn’t have cell phones
People used to walk a lot / people couldn’t go to work faster
People used to grow their own food
There are so many computers /
There are many buildings / there is a lot of traffic
Students take online clases / teachers and students use technology
People will have a flying car / all vehicules will be electric
The corona virus will be controlled / The virus will finish

Now create your own sentences

The people traveled in horses / the women didn´t work OUTSIDE the house
People used to walk for days // people had less accidents
People bought in Little markets
People stay at night to work
The rivers are polluted
Students have responsabilities // some students are impolite
Antartic will be hot / there will be much pollution if we don´t take care of the planet
The technology will be more advanced

Now create your own sentences

Write some sentences about you using these expressions
• As a child, I used to…
• Five years ago, I…
• Nowadays I…
• Next year, I´m going to…
• In five years, I will---
• In ten years, I might

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