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National Parks Development Committee (NPDC)

The National Parks Development Committee (NPDC) is a government agency

that is tasked to oversee national parks in the Philippines. It was established
primarily for the purpose of developing and maintaining national parks specifically
the Rizal Park or Luneta, Paco Park, the Pook ni Maria Makiling, and Burnham
The NPDC was established on January 14, 1963 by Executive Order No. 30 for the
development of the Quezon Memorial Circle, Luneta, and other National Parks.
The NPDC has the following functions:
1.undertake development of new parks;
2.upgrade and maintain park facilities;
3.develop and operate cultural and educational programs; and
4.facilitate private sector participation in appropriate aspects of parks
development and maintenance.

Nayong Pilipino Foundation (NPF)

The Nayong Pilipino Foundation was attached to the DOT in 1991 by virtue of
E.O. No. 497. Pasay Park operations ceased in 2002 while Nayong Pilipino sa Clark
Expo, established at the Clark Expo Site in 2006, made NPF its manager and
Nayong Pilipino is the only tourist complex showcasing the many primary
attractions and scenic places in the Philippines. It is a major administrative and
operational concern of the agency to keep its facilities and surroundings in the
best condition.
The Nayong Pilipino Foundation (NPF) aims to promote, encourage and
initiate research and development projects and activities in social sciences,
humanities, social and amelioration, and allied fields.

The purposes and objectives of the Nayong Pilipino are as follows: promote, encourage, espouse, and/or initiate research and development
projects on social sciences and humanities and related fields; formulate a comprehensive social welfare program for the upliftment,
improvement, and amelioration of the social and economic conditions of the
unfortunate destitute members of our society with the end in view of availing
maximum utilization of their potentialities in the solution of the country’s
problems; encourage and facilitate the active participation of the domestic and foreign
sectors in furnishing financial, technical, and other forms of assistance for the
Foundation’s social welfare programs; promote and encourage the dissemination of the results of its researches and
studies in social sciences and humanities and to encourage their practical
application to problems of the masses;
5 . to establish, set up, and/or maintain scholarships or professional chairs in
order to foster, promote, and encourage the study and improvement of
fundamental or pure research, applied research, developmental work, and/ or
economic evaluation in the fields of social sciences or humanities;
6. to establish parks and recreation centers for the promotion of tourism in this
country; and construct, improve, enlarge, or equip or to cause the building, improvement,
enlarging, or equipping of buildings, libraries, workshops, or other educational
accessories required for scientific research.
The policy-making body of the Nayong Pilipino shall be the Board of Trustees
composed of a Chairman and eight Members to be appointed by the President for
a term of one year.
Duty Free Philippines Corporation (DFPC)

The DFPC shall be a body corporate to operate the duty-and tax-free

merchandising system in the Philippines to augment the service facilities for
tourists and to generate foreign exchange and revenue for the government, as
established by the Department under Executive Order No. 46.

Republic Act No. 6768 as amended by Republic Act No. 9174 “An act instituting
a Balikbayan Program”.
The Balikbayan Law
In recognition of their contribution to the economy of the country through the
foreign exchange inflow and revenues that they generate, the Balikbayan Law
provides balikbayans with special tax-free shopping privileges in government
owned and controlled-operated duty-free shops.

Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA)

The Philippine Retirement Authority is a government owned and controlled

corporation created by virtue of Executive Order No. 1037 signed by President
Ferdinand Marcos on July 4, 1985. Its control and supervision were transferred to
the Board of Investment (BOI) – Department of Trade and Industry from the
Office of the President on August 31, 2001.

Retirement: "It's More Fun in the Philippines"

The Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) has joined the Department of
Tourism's campaign "It's More Fun in the Philippines," and is incorporating the
newly-adopted copy in its marketing materials.
With the country's appealing natural wonders, its low cost of living, attractive
investment opportunities, exciting leisure facilities, including excellent medical
facilities and educational institutions, retirees may find the ideal retirement
destination in the Philippines. If we add the caring and resilient nature of Filipinos,
retirement migrants will find it more "fun" to retire in the country.

Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV)

Twenty-seven thousand foreign retirees from 107 countries have chosen and
lived in the Philippines through the Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV) of the
Philippine Retirement Authority.
The SRRV allows all its foreign retiree-members to retire and live in the
Philippines for as long as they want. An SRRV holder may come in and out of the
country as often as he desires, and enjoy privileges such as exemption from
securing the ACR I-Card (Alien Certificate of Registration Immigration Card) from
the Bureau of Immigration.
Philippine Commission on Sports Scuba Diving (PCSSD)
Republic Act No. 7160, also known as the Local Government Code of 1991,
endeavored that local government units be self-reliant and that in addition to the
powers they currently discharge, these units are mandated to discharge the
functions and responsibilities of national agencies and offices devolved to them
particularly those relating to tourism facilities and other tourist attractions,
Professional Tourism and Hospitality Organizations
Several professional tourism organizations have been established to bridge the
gap between government and industry. By working together, they promote a very
favorable tourism climate. Some of these organizations are described below:
The United States Travel Data Center (USTDC)
The United States Travel Data Center is an independent, nonprofit research and
educational organization which aims to improve the quality and range of
statistical data describing travel and tourism. It is financed by grants and
membership fees.
Travel Industry Association of America (TIAA)

The Travel Industry Association of America is a nonprofit association of companies

and government organizations which was formed to promote travel to and within
the United States. It is based in Washington, D.C. It has a membership of more
than 1,000 organizations, firms, and other agencies. Members from the private
sector include domestic and international businesses and corporations,
accommodations, tour operators, travel agents, and transportation. Members
from the public sector include city, state, and federal government agencies.
Its main objective is to develop and implement programs that benefit the travel
supplier and consumer. The programs are classified into the following categories:

1.Marketing facilitation – promotes and facilitates travel to and within the United
States through special promotions and travel marts;
2.Tourism research – works with the United States Travel and Tourism
Administration (USTTA) and the US Travel Data Center in order to promote an
understanding of the economic and social well-being of the nation as a result of
3.Governmental affairs – active in legislation issues in an effort to represent the
views of the travel industry. It assists the government in the development of
tourism programs, policies, and legislation;
4.Educational programs – provide a communication network for travel-related
information for educational purposes; and
5.Travel promotion – encourages and promotes reciprocal travel between nations
and acts as a watchdog on programs that would restrict travel.

American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)

The American Society of Travel Agents is one of the largest travel associations in
the United States. It includes travel agencies and tour operators from the United
States and Canada. Allied memberships are available to other sectors of the travel
industry such as airlines, railroads, bus lines, car rental firms, hotels, as well as
government and educational institutions. ASTA is subdivided into eleven areas or
chapters. Among its publications are: ASTA Travel News, ASTA Notes, Convention
Daily Newspapers, ASTA Roster, and ASTA Travel Correspondence Course.

Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA)

The objectives of the Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association are: to act
as a negotiating body for the various branches of the tourism and travel industries
on behalf of travel agents; to give professional and technical advice and
assistance to travel agencies on the world economy and tourism; and to improve
the prestige and public recognition of travel agents.

Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (CHRIE)

The Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education was founded in

1946.CHRIE works to foster the international advancement of teaching, training,
learning, research, and practice in the field of hospitality and tourism.
CHRIE is governed by an elected Board of Directors and a professional staff. At
present, there are 19 CHRIE chapters throughout the world. Each one is led by an
elected president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer. It has more than 2,300
members throughout North America and in more than 50 countries around the
Association of Travel Marketing Executives (ATME)
ATME aims to assist travel marketing executives toward greater personal
achievement, success, and satisfaction. Benefits derived from membership in the
ATME are passed along to its affiliate firms, consumers, and to the whole travel
The members of ATME are professionals in an executive or managerial capacity in
work that is primarily but not exclusively related to marketing, a travel product, or
service. A person involved in creating, developing, or promoting travel or travel

The Society of Travel and Tourism Educators (SOTTE)

The Society of Travel and Tourism Educators was founded in 1980. Its original
members were only 15. At present, there are 300 members representing all levels
of travel and tourism educators.
The aims of SOTTE are the following:

1.To increase professional knowledge through interaction with all levels of travel
and tourism educators;
2.To develop a network of peers with whom the members can learn and grow;
3.To share ideas, strategies, and research with the other members;
4.To promote a closer working relationship between educators and the industry;
5.To organize meetings and conferences in which travel and tourism educators
and industry executives will discuss the education and training needs of the
The members are classified into the following categories:
(Active ,Corporate,Student and Allied members.)

Tourism and Hospitality Organizations in the Philippines

Philippine Travel Agencies Association (PTAA)
The Philippine Travel Agencies Association was established in 1979. It was
born out of a union of the national associations of the outbound travel agencies
and inbound tour operators. It aims to foster unity in the travel industry and to
promote the welfare of its members and the traveling public.
Organization and Structure
The setup of the whole organization includes the General Membership, the
Board of Trustees, in-service groups and committees, and the Secretariat.
The Board of Trustees serves as the policy-making body of the organization
and is composed of 15 members.The Board of Trustees has 24 working
The Secretariat is the administrative, information, and service center of the
whole association.
The member-associations fall into four categories, namely:
1.Regular members
2.Associate members
3.Allied members
4.Affiliate members

The Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP)-

The Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines was founded on
September 12, 1952 by executives from the leading hotels and restaurants in
Manila. Its main objective is to upgrade the management skills and personnel
services to maintain proper standards at home as well as keep abreast with
progressive trends abroad.

The HRAP membership includes the following:

•Hotel sector
•Restaurant sector
•Allied sector
•Associate division
•Affiliate sector
•Provincial chapters
•Honorary members
•Life members
The HRAP undertakes projects geared toward vocational training and
manpower development along skills required by the hospitality industry.
The HRAP works in partnership with the following international, regional, and
national organizations to enhance the profile and competitiveness of the
national hotel and restaurant industry:

International Organizations
1. Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Philippine Chapter
2 . ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA)
3.ASEAN Hotel and Restaurant Association (AHRA)
4.International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IHRA)
5.The Asia Foundation (TAF)
6.Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

National Government Organizations

1.Department of Tourism
2. Department of Labor and Employment
3.Department of Finance
4.Department of Health
5.Department of Trade and Industry
6.Department of Education
7.Department of the Interior and Local Government/Philippine National Police
8. Congress Committees on Tourism

Nongovernment Professional Organizations

1. Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP)
2. Filipino Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (FILSCAP)
3. Hotel and Restaurant Tripartite Consultative Board (HRTCB)
4. Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI)
5 . Tourism Industry Board Foundation, Inc. (TIBFI)
6.Tourism Council of the Philippines (TCP)
7.Philippine Business for the Environment (PBE)
8.Society of Association Executives (SAE)
Union of Filipino Tourism Educators (UFTE)
The Union of Filipino Tourism Educators, formerly Tourism Educators of
Schools, Colleges, and Universities or TESCU, is a bona fide organization of
Tourism Educators founded by Dr. Zenaida Lansangan-Cruz and duly registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 9, 1993.
Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines (COHREP)
The Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines is a bona fide
organization of hotel and restaurant educators of the Philippines founded by
Dr. Ignacio Pablo and duly registered with the Securities and Exchange

The Council has the following objectives:

•To generate a wide acquaintance and closer cooperation among those
interested in hotel and restaurant education
•To provide opportunities for HRM educators to publish scholarly papers
based upon their conceptual as well as experimental findings;
•To support a culture of hospitality that embodies the value system, ethics,
and morals of a hospitality educator.
The Association of Administrators in Hospitality, Hotel and Restaurant
Management Educational Institutions Incorporated (AAHRMEI)
The Association of Administrators in Hospitality, Hotel and Restaurant
Management Educational Institutions Incorporated, founded by Dr. Gloria
Baken Sy, is envisioned to be an outstanding organization serving as a
vehicle for all schools offering Hotel and Restaurant Management, Tourism,
Food Technology, Home Economics, Nutrition, and other related programs
in the quest for leadership excellence among academicians and
practitioners toward quality education for all stakeholders.
The Women in Travel, Philippine Chapter

The Women in Travel, Philippine Chapter was organized in 1980. It is an

affiliate member of the International Federation of Women in Travel
Organization (IFWTO) which has a worldwide membership of 5,000.
The notable achievements of the Women in Travel, Philippine
Chapter are:

1983 – Women in Travel Philippines hosted the Pacific Regional Conference

attended by delegates from Asia, Australia, California, and New Zealand;

1988- The Worldwide Convention of the International Federation of

Women in Travel Organization (IFWTO) was held at the Manila Hotel with
then President Corazon Aquino as the Guest of Honor;

1989-The “Save the Environment” project was launched by the Women in

Travel in Boracay;

1990- The first Women in Travel Tourism Services Training was held in
Boracay in cooperation with the Department of Tourism;

1991-The second Tourism Services Training was held in Boracay;

1992-1994 – The third and fourth Tourism Services Workshop was held in

1995- The Women in Travel Philippines, together with the Department of

Tourism, was awarded the PATA Grand Gold Award (Education Category);
1996- The sixth Tourism Workshop was held in Kalibo, Aklan; 1997 – The
co-sponsored Training Program was held in Palawan; 1997 – Participated in
“Rediscover Boracay” project; and .

1998 – Sponsored an Executive Tourism Workshop for resort owners in

Philippine Association of Conventions/Exhibitions, Organizations and
Suppliers, Inc.(PACEOS)

The Philippine Association of Conventions/Exhibitions, Organizations and

Suppliers, Inc. is the voice of the convention and exhibition industry. It plays
a significant role in the economic development of the country through
conventions, trade fairs, and special events.

Network of Independent Travel Agencies (NAITAS)

The Network of Independent Travel Agencies is the official association of

non-IATA Travel Agencies which was established in 1986. Its objectives are
the following:

1. To unify the various non-IATA travel agents and promote a harmonious

relationship among its members;
2. to assist and lead its members toward being more professional in
delivering travel and tour-related services;

3. To contribute in the promotion of local and international travel and


Movement of Incentive Travel Executives (MITE) –

The Movement of Incentive Travel Executives was organized on August 29-

30,1991 by the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB), formerly Philippine
Convention and Visitors Corporation (PCVC), in cooperation with the New
York-based Society of Incentive Travel Executives (SITE).

Meaning of Incentive Travel

As defined by the Society of Incentive Travel Executives (SITE), “Incentive

travel is a modern management tool used to accomplish uncommon
business goals by awarding participants an extraordinary travel experience
upon their attainment of their share of uncommon goals. ”Incentive can be
used to accomplish several business objectives
Why Incentive Travel?

There has been a growing recognition in recent years of the advantages of

using incentive travel and other traditional rewards such as cash,
merchandise, lifestyle, and performance enhancers such as plaques, rings,
trophies, and the like.
People who win an incentive trip are the most motivated and the most
successful people their company has. As such, they deserve to have their
efforts rewarded with the most memorable events imaginable.

Philippine Association of Accredited Tourist Guide Lecturers Inc.


The Philippine Association of Accredited Tourist Guide Lecturers Inc .,

formerly Guides Inc. (Philippines), was organized on May 21, 1986 as a
nonstock, nonprofit entity.
At present, the association has a membership of 320 tour guides. It
conducts and sponsors seminars and workshops to further educate and
enlighten its members on the various aspects of tour guiding.
The Philippine Tour Operators Association (PHILTOA)

The Philippine Tour Operators Association (PHILTOA) Inc. is an organization

of tour operators and allied members actively involved in the advocacy of
responsible tourism. Founded on June 12, 1986, it is registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission as a nonstock and nonprofit

To be the National Tour Operators’ Association of the Philippines.


To create/organize different chapters;

To enhance networking between the government sector and the private

sector particularly in the tourism industry.

1.To encourage and foster nationwide chapter extensions;

2.To pursue an active role in product development (emerging destinations);

3.To strive for international recognition and affiliations;

4.To upgrade industry knowledge through education/workshop;

Tourism Educators and Movers Philippines, Inc. (TEAM PHILIPPINES)


TEAM PHILIPPINES, founded by Mr. Robert LimJoseph, envisions to become

a leading and productive organization that fosters strong partnership
between the industry and the academe that will lead to the rapid growth of
the domestic and global tourism and hospitality industry.


TEAM PHILIPPINES commits itself to provide the necessary assistance,

training, and service to higher education institutions offering tourism and
hospitality management programs for the growth and career development
of the faculty and students in order for them to become professionally
competent, intellectually competitive, and socially responsible persons.


•To assist higher education Institution members in the enhancement of

their relevant curricular offerings;

•To enrich the knowledge and skills of the students and faculty members
by providing trainings, seminars, and other for a related to professional

•To to value-oriented assist higher education education institution and

work members ethics; in providing seminars pertaining

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