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An Undergraduate Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of COMPUTER STUDIES DEPARTMENT College of Engineering and Technology Eastern Samar State University Maypangdan, Borongan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements for the Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE


March 2011

ii APPROVAL SHEET The thesis attached hereto-entitled CET FACULTY WORKLOAD SYSTEM was prepared and submitted by Joy G. Bagaporo, Nila L. Go, and Ronie C. Mahusay in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science has been defended orally and is hereby recommended for approval. FLOR YVONNE A. MENDOZA Adviser





Approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.


iii The accomplishment of this study would not be possible without the help and guidance of some people. The proponents would like to extend their appreciation and sincere thanks to the following persons whom they owed a lot. First and foremost, Dr. Leovigildo E. Cardenas, Dean, College of Engineering and Technology, for giving extra-effort to make this study possible; Mrs. Ma. Zosima L. Tejero, Head, Computer Studies Department, for sharing extraordinary knowledge in this study; Engr. Rowena P. Capada, general thesis adviser, for her diligent effort in correcting our document; Mrs. Flor Yvonne A. Mendoza, our thesis adviser for her guidance and suggestions; Mrs. Ermalyn B. Clemente, our English critic teacher, for being patient in correcting their grammar; The proponents would also like to express their warmest thanks to Mr. Kenneth Rey C. Afable and Dr. Joselito B. Mutia, as their thesis committee members, for further ideas they given. Their classmates and friends, The BSCS-4 of 2011, for giving them smile and hope despite the tiring work in school. And much, they owe this success to their family, parents, brothers and sister for their immeasurable love and support. Above all, to our Almighty God, for giving them strength and courage which they made to accomplish this study. DEDICATION

iv The proponents humbly dedicate this to the following: To their ever-loving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rolando T. Mahusay, Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Noli T. Bagaporo, and Mr. and Mrs. Nilo R. Go who supported and encouraged them to fight the hardship that they have encountered. To their dear classmates and friends who were always ready to offer their help, comfort and encouragement. Most especially, to our Almighty God, for all the blessings and courage to finish this study despite the countless trials which come across their way. Thank you so much!

Ronie, Joy, Nila


Page Title Approval Sheet Acknowledgement Dedication Table of Contents List of Figures List of Appendices Abstract CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background and Rationale Statement of the Purpose Scope and Limitations Significance of the Study Definition of Terms Figure Definition CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES AND LITERATURES Review of Related Literatures Review of Related Studies Conceptual Framework

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vi CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY System Improvement Analytical Tools Hardware Specification Software Specification System Evaluation Research Design Research Locale Data Gathering and Instruments Used Samples and Sampling Techniques Data Analysis Chapter IV Results and Discussion System Improvement System Evaluation Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation Summary Conclusion Recommendations Bibliography Appendices

16 18 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 23

24 28

32 34 34 35 37

vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Description Conceptual Framework Main Form of the Proposed System Form of the exemption schedule of Instructors Timetable Setup Form (Existing System) Timetable Setup Form (Improved System) Timetable Setup Add Subject Form View by crosstab Form (Existing System) View by crosstab Form (Improved System) Gantt Chart Entity Relationship Diagram Context Diagram for the Manual Faculty Workload Context Level for the Manual Faculty Workload Child Diagram for Prepare Workload Child Diagram for Prepare Workload Child Diagram for Approving Workload Page 14 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 39 41 43 44 45 46 47

viii 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 Context Diagram for Proposed Faculty Workload System Context Level Diagram for Proposed Faculty Workload System Child Diagram for Prepare Workload Child Diagram for Generate Time Table System Flowchart Program Flowchart MIPO Visual Table of Contents 48 49 50 51 53 55 109 117

ix LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A B C D E F G H I J K Description Gantt chart ERD DFD System Flowchart Program Flowchart Input-Process-Output Visual Table of Contents Program Listing Evaluation Sheet User Manual Curriculum Vitae Page 38 40 42 52 54 108 116 149 199 202 204

x ABSTRACT Proponents: Ronie C. Mahusay, Joy G. Bagaporo, Nila L. Go Thesis Title: CET Faculty Workload System Thesis Adviser: Flor Yvonne Mendoza The College of Engineering is still using the manual scheduling that consumes time and effort to the Dean, and also sometimes cause conflict in schedules. To come up a solution with this problem (Medina, 2010) conducted a study on College of Engineering and Technology Faculty Workload System. Since the said study was not implemented due to some problems as identified by the user, improvement of the system was proposed. The study aimed to improve the existing Faculty Workload System, in the features: generating of reports such as Individual Faculty Workload, Class programs, Processing of inputted data record, searching of record and the most important is the generating of schedule, especially in the following dimensions; completeness, consistency, and reliability. To improve the existing CET Faculty Workload System the proponents used the PDSA model. PDSA stands for Plan Do Study Act. This model for improvement was designed to provide a framework for developing, testing and implementing changes that leads to improvements. In adopting the model, the proponents first task is Planning which includes the gannt chart which a set of project schedule for the revised system. Do, which trying out the plans in specific period of time to know if it is working, these tasks were in the gannt chart. Study, this stage of development states how feasible would be the proposed changes is

xi to the system. Last is Act, which is implementing the final changes that had been decided, this activity includes debugging, coding and modifying some interfaces, forms and reports. The questionnaire was used as tool for evaluating because this will determine if the system is completeness, consistency, reliability and security to its corresponding features. A sample population in the College of Engineering and Technology Faculty served as the respondents. Based on the evaluation conducted with the areas of considerations, such as completeness, consistency, reliability and security, the improved system was rated in these features; List of all reports, processing of inputted data, searching of records, creation of data and generating of schedules was rated Very Good.

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