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Homework Helpers Grade 2 Module 2 Homework Helper ASstory of Units | EEA) G2-M2-Lesson 1 1. The length ofthe pieture ofthe shovels about _8_centimerers. I need to count the number of eetimeter cubes between the endpoints. Then, lean find out the length of the picture ia centimeters 2. The length ofa screwdrivers 19 centimeters. The handles 5 centim ‘the top ofthe serewsriver? — ee Coe —— 5+_=19 rs long. What is the length of {ean use the Read-Draw-Write process to solve. Ican draw a screwerver and label the whale length 19cm, This just ike lining ‘upmy centimeter cubes! Iknow one parts 5 centimeters, sol label that. can ure addon to solve for the unknown part, which is 14cm, tcan write. complete statement of my answer. ‘Sem 7 ‘The top of the screwrver is 14 centimeters. aso: annazmemuroancwn peli byuang muepecope oe a Homework Helper A’Story of Units | ET) G2-M2-Lesson 2 4. Theplture of the erasers about 4 _ centimeters lon. ‘ean cut out the centimeter cube and use the mark and move forward strategy to measure the picture. Ihave to mark where the cube ends before 1ean move it forward again, 2. John used a centimeter cube and the matk and move forward srategyto measure these places af tape, Use his work to answer the following questions | a 8 HowlongisTape A?_6 centimeters long. _Howlong ie Tape 8?_8__ centimeter long. Which tape is shorter? _ Tape a ‘The total length of Tapes Aand Bis 14 centimeters. a {g2psoroveraps, know tat the distance between the perl marks isthe same length! Ican count the length units for each plece of tape, 2 esen2! ellen athena tomes EUREKA MATH B Homework Helper AStory of Units G2-M2-Lesson 3 Use your centimeter ruler to answer the following questions 1. Thepiture ofthe anim racks about__4 em ong. now how to accurately line up my centimeter ruler to measure the picture ofthe animal track, Since my hash marks ar labeled, don’t have to.counteach mark; can easly see thatthe pictures 4 centimeter long 2. Measure the lengths of sides A, 8, and C. Write each length on the ine. sidee Side +o — sidec measure the length of each side ‘Then, can compare the lengths of two sides by subtracting How much shorter is Side Cthan Side @? _1_em o- EUREKA (2 xeycocottocete utes sntmesaro gh chgit 3 MATH “ Homework Helper ‘AStory of Units G2-M2-Lesson 4 1. Circle em (centimeter) orm (meter) to show which unt yeu would use to measure the length of each object. Length of a marker @& oom fen messrewihiny 2. illin the blanks with em or m, ‘Thebeight ofthe building is 12_m_. —— here. don’ tthink unner would breaks record for 3 500 centimeter dash; that’s only 5 meter sticks ing! ‘The answer must be in meters ‘The length ofthe bie thread was cm _longer than the red thread ‘The runner broke the record fr the SO0__dash. 3. Use the centimeter ruler below to find the length (rem one mark to the next ofthe shape. ‘The shape &_4_emlong, ‘The endpoints ofthe shape line up tothe 2em and 6 emmarkon the ruler ean begin a2 centimeters and count up 4 centimeters ntl get to 6 centimeters. 4 sends are arm oes gener eH ee EUREKA MATH Homework Helper G2-M2-Lesson 5 AStory of Units EE) 1 Name two things in choo! that you would measure in meters. Estimate thelrlengths ter Estimated Length chalkboard 4 meters ‘reading corner rug 3 meters 2. Choose the best length estimate for eath object. 2 Bulletin board b. Scissors © Topofa student desk "know thatthe length from the doorknob tothe floors about Amster, Sothink the reading corner rugs about 3 of those lengths. The rug looks shorter than the chatkboord 0 ean ‘estimate thatthe rug is about 3 meter long. ‘now that a 3-ing binders about 30 centimeters long, ean picture 2 of those binders iting across the length of my desktop, which would be about 60 centimeters long, 0, 62 centimeters closer ta 60 centimeters than 18 centimeters 3. Measure the length of the line below using your pinky finger. Write your estimate. Estimate: _7-_ em EUREKA FuRE Semen Since the with of my pinky finger isabout 1 centimeter, lean estimate thatthe length ofthe lines about 7 centimeters. ‘tp snmarn sep Yager nome eg nd 5 Homework Helper A'Story of Units ‘G2-M2-Lesson 6 1, Measure each set of lines in centimeters, and write the ength onthe line. Complete the comparison sentences Line 8 tine 8 Lean lay ny meter stip along Une cach ine to measure its length. I need to line up the 2er0 point on my ruler with cs ieee ro the endpoint ofthe line! 15 cm Sem Bem LUnes 8B, and Care about, cr combined. Since Line Ais 15 em long and Line Cis Bem long | know that Line Cis shorter lean subtract: 15~ 8 = 7, Line Cis 7 em shorter than Une A LUne Cle about__7_em shorter than Line A know that 1 meter equate 100 centimeters. If |double Line €, ‘hen twill be 140 cm long because 70+ 70 = 140. 140 centimeters 40 centimeters more than 1100 centimeters 2. Line Di 4S emlong. Line Eis 70 em long. Line Fis 1 mlone. Line Ee 25. em longer than Line, Line E doubled is__40_em longer than Line F 3. Lanie measured the height of he lite brother. He is 52m tal How much taller ica meter stick than her brother? __48 em, 100 60 This is ikea missing addend problem. | can solve byaddng on. want to get to 100 beeause a meter stick is 100 em long. I know that 52 +8 7) wll get me tothe feienaly umber 60 43 ‘Then, 6 +40°= 100. And, +40 = 48, ‘ nde Megureandcampare tug antes and mts EUREKA MATH Homework Helper AlStory of Units | FE G2-M2-Lesson 7 2. Measure each line wth one small paper chp, using the mark and move forward method. Then, measure in contimeters using 2 ruler. Une A cy ‘know that Line Bie 3 em Une A 3_ paper ps 9 cm | long. ifidouble its length, mp A_peverctps em _| thenitwilbe 6emlong. 'can tte mental math to Figure out that Line B doubled is 3em shorter than Line A because hnow 6-+3 Une As about _2__ paper clips longer than Line B. Line B doubled s about __cm shorter than Line A because thnow 6 +3=9. 2. Cisne measured Line € with quarters and pennies. Unec Why di Christina need more pennies than quarters to measure Line C7 ‘Since the quorteris bigger, ittokes fewer quarters to meozure the some line. Ifthe length unit smaller, ke 0 en you need o greoter numberof pennies to measure the line. ifthe unit size is bigger, ke quarters, thenyou need fewer units Ifthe ‘nit sie is smaller, ke pennies, then you need more units. Coins aren't 00d measurement tool. Centimeters are much mare reliable because ‘each length unit isthe same! (ema? Meme oan ig sand ti gh lo 7 EUREKA SSrumareeyncnesneamonen Homework Hélper ‘Astory of Units G2-M2-Lesson & 123 4 5 67 8 9 OH 2 1 mH 15 UneAis_B_em, 14— 8 UneBis_9 cm, 11-2=9, 89217 Lin Asem longer( OAR) than Une 8 Since in 8 starts a 2 em, can take away 2m from where the line ends at 11.em, So, the line is 9 em. 2. cricket jumped 5 centimeters forward and 9 centimeters back and then stopped. Ifthe cricket started at 23 on theruler, where dd the cricket stop? Show your workon the broken centimeter ruler. "can ure addition and subtraction to solve, lean start at 23 and count on 5. Then, | ean hop back 9 centimeters or subtract 9 ‘The cricket stops at19 em. 234+5=28 28-9=1841= /\ ww to 7 ww 19 20 21 22 23 Homework Helper AStory of Ui 43. Allofthe ports ofthe path below are equal length units, Fillin thelengths of each side Peeereeteeserery 4 e+ e+ eee we + 6 32 ‘The pathis_32_ length unit lon How many more parts would you need to add forthe path tobe 40 length units long? _2_parts ‘now that the path 32 ength units. ean think 32-+_ = 40. The known ie Blength anit But the question asks for the numberof parts, knw that each part e-length units. So, 2 more parts, 44, equals. enon sehen ant traction word pels ghee 3 EUREKA MATH oe Homework Helper AStaty of Units | FED 'G2-M2-Lesson 9 1. Tommy complete the chart below by fist estimating the measurement around three body pats and then finding the actual measurement with his mete sti. ee Estimated ‘actual ety Part | essurement in Centimeters Neck 25cm Wrist 13cm tem Head 50m S7em What is the difference between the longest and shortest measurements? 49cm s7~17=40 Draw a tape diagram comparing the measurements of Tommy's neck and wrist Neck Shem can draw a tape dagram to compare ‘measurements. The longer bar represents the length sround Tommy's neck. The wise a7em shorter bar represents the length around ‘is west. ust remember to deaw the second bar directly underneath the fst. ? 31-17 tihave tomake sure thet they fine up JN perfectly so that the starting points are at the same place. 2 20-17=3 ‘ean describe the difference by writing the expession 31 ~ 17. Then, lean wees raw a number bond and use the take from ten strategy to soe. a0 sont: easier gmencee can eae EUREKA ‘Siar epee nese eee me Homework Helper AsStory of Units EEE) 2. Measure the two paths below wih your meter stip and string Path a ——esrr—'W Paths Lean lay ny string straight along ‘each path. Thea, lean layit along ‘the mete strip to figure out the Poth Ais__14 _emtong actual length in centimeters. Path Bis__13.__em ong 27 Together, Paths A and 8 measur 34443 =27 FathAis__1 em (shortd@longes)than Path 8. 1413 Uaseme ——eaamngns tng ig seme os a ea u EUREKA MATH” ‘Spams tomo scone Homework Helper A\Story of Units) G2-M2-Lesson 10 Use the Read-oraw-write (ROW) process to solve. Oraw a tape diagram for eschstep, Jesse's tower of blocks is 30 em tall. Sarah's tower's 9em shorter than Jesse's tower. Whats the total height of bothtowers? ‘Step 1: Fin the height of Sarah’ tower. ean deaw atape diagram to compare lesse and Sarah's towers. 1don’t know how tal Sarah's twer le, <0can label it with a question mark. But, know that Sara's tower ie shorter, 20 lean draw arms and abel the diference with 9 em. !ean use 4 30am subtraction and the take from ten strategy to find the mizing part, s030-9=21. 30-9 = 2041 20 10 0-9 zen ‘Sarah's tower is 21 em, ‘Step: Find the total height of both towers 4 30cm From Step 1 know that Sarah's towers 21 em. Now, |eanlabel Sarah's bar with21 em. lean add both parts together to find the whole, 3Dem-+ 21 em = 51cm, \, / s 2iem 30421 =51 The tool height of both towers is $1 cm, 2 ments Apsyetlintnaig ttre ye os EUREKA

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