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ISBN 978-616-513-797-3

1Jtltl 11
fl11UUat.h~lotlfl11SJ1unl'Yl,Yio1tiailuu1zlotl Passive

U1:lvtln1"UJlun1'1fllflvflmJJ11authufhnh:lvfl passive liiliuiolud

1. th:lvtln,,,., "en" ~;o "TAu" L1iu
LLfl.:afJn?h Tn~LY411:Ltl1~uL;vu
Dang was punished for cutting class.

2. tl1:lvfln11JJ "lii'u" L'llu

This film was highly praised.

3. th:lflfl011JJfl11JJ~JJ1mfJumn.:a th:rs1UL ~uft.:a11iilflfl 1JJ1in1:'thn;fl1fl1fl

91UL£l.:a LLtii'tJn11n1:'th~1n~'iu ~~u 11iilth11 "fJn" ~;il "lii'u" tl11n!)il~
.. .,,z .. ....
This house was built two years ago•
., ~ - _.</. ~ ' ..

The newspapers have been sold out since morning.

4. tl1:lfJfllun1~1lflflflilt11··h "T~rs" tl11n!)BQ Ltlu

.z.. "r,c;,ti~Ufl
LY48-IIU1£l.:a :1. -

This- song was sung by Santi.

EN322 111
5. th:wfln11Jml'ufl'l1JJ tuatltfl1~sfw Object+ Subject+ Verb L!lu
Grandpa Mee,. the head of orir villa~, 1V&9 eaten up by a tiger.

6. · tl1:lt~flfi'biL~1=~·n]n1:thn;fJ,li~d1~fttL~u JntfulutJ1:l!lfllfl!1lith11 "i1"

Gold bas been created in a Califorola Laboratory.

7. tl1:lt~fliltl1:01uhh.i~ifi11Lflu~1t~~1=,, Jnil!IJJLLtlnlt~t~li "it" Lflut11:01u

ua:lin;tl, passive L!lu
d1sti'u11!f"''l~u5h1'l'YI1~n11fl'1JJ1n n11fl'Ul 'YI!I
It is believed that the Chinese are cl~verer in business than the Thai.

n11LLtlatl1tWfln11JJlUil1t~nl'YI!I~MLtlutl1tlt1fl passive mlfl'·htln11n11LLUa
U1tlfJfl passive JJ1Lflut11:lfJfln11JJ Lyf11tU1tlfJfl
passive il 2 1ULL\J\JLfhJu
Wt~ilti'ln11 Uftt!lilttlJlilti1n11 ( t)11fJ$tLBfJttlU\Jflfl 4)

~1nU1tS\Jn11Nn11SB\ILLUft ~LiJfJuJn~t'W\J11lun11LLUa lfltiLfJue~nq~

" tJ ...
!'I ., ~ ... ..... t
~LL ftf1Lu\1Un¥'Jnt:f1LLfttJJfl'l1JJ3L1B~ f111111~~1n
" l 'ltl1n1,1HJJtlWB
_., .... ., tJ it!1\lflr11
JJn')tLL .. ..t
l'tlfJ~l'l , .~~,1liLdBLLUitt.Lil'llJ.iLtlUtJ1tlfJflll1\i1

S~n C)'liflt) ni il~ L'W11tlfl1~ Si'1~tl il~ll~V1 D~ nC)VLLfttll1\i1l 'tltJilfl'l1 JJ LL\ll nfi1~tl\l 111 n
lttfJil1V1B~nqv~=L1fJ~th:lfJflluinvcu:i Word Order i~Ju ~LilfJu1~Jn')=LLU=\h
Unftn\i1l M,1911JJ~UfiBUi~fialtJ0

112 EN322
1. iinii~lfl'HSTHtiD·nhtl!lfl passive lu.n1~1iNnq~ i~il~gnn-stth (n11JJ) Lfiu
tl-sttnUtiD~1.htl!lfl uatn;enaa1ultl passive f'la verb to be (i~elu1\Jt~1JJ tense
th~ 1) + past participle ( n;s1tiB-IR 3) -

Grammatical subject + verb to be + past participle

( n-s-sJJ~Yl1'MU1~Lftutht!nu)

2. 'W~11a&1\J-stl!lfln1-sJJ.n1~1\1!1ltl!ltJ'h lfl-sLflu~\)nn-s:m'M;ai'u~atla~n1-sn-stm
Dt11Lflun;!l1 (fl11li tense Dt11) Ua1~UU&\DDOJJ1 t)fia1tJ·hili1n11DtJ1U
1.1-s:l!1fltl1!1'M;a L\Jin

t1'1aeh~n111 Lfl11:ni'tl1=t& fln11N1un11:nl\1fl

1. ... "' "' ""'
SJJf11\)0~Utl0tlLJJD11UU .z
SJJfl; ~ann-s::m
= :u"
gnnt~ = n;tn <4i~fl1-saa1uauailt~ma LwntL'Mf!011NLnt~tfu1\Jua1)
~Uti "'
= fl1011
Lda11u\f =- ft1Utl!l1fl1JDnL1&\1 (9::114 l1'tni'1th::fflfJH'f8Htf4th::fflfiRli)
GrammaUcal SubJect + verb to be flo past parUclple + by + agent
J.. J.. J.. ~ (i1n11)
Somsrl W&f bitten by (a) dog

Somsrl was bitten by a dog yesterday•

.,L..J ~ .... '

2. ll1W!I'Ufl'1L1D~U Ltl11J!IO!IDUJ10
ll1W!I'Ufl1L.. ""'1D~U.z
Ill ., a!..
'!" fl1,U~&\01101tTII

ltl'i'u!lnda~ = n;!l,
JJ1n • if1Ut1!11!10;!11

EN322 113
Grammat,lcal subject + verb! to be + past participle + modlner
4, 4,·. 4, 4,
Thenlm praised highly This mm was highly pr~.

" .,,z" ~ ~·
3. \J1U1-tft~Uif11~LJIDSD~unDU
u-,u,.,a~if • i1i'uNan~1n1::m
sfw • n;m (n~11Dfh~Lf1umn~)
• chu!lfl1f.l usm1a1
Grammatical subject+ verb to~ +past participle+. tnUfltJ1l1,1B1
4, 4, 4, 4,
This house built two years ago This house was built two y'ars ago.

4. Lianui1L!I1i~iliittau
&isn1ri1 + &tntHflfllfS~s;
&isti'Jri1 Lf1un11"3ft1Dfl '1 ltte~a~t.l1::tnuli' utiLdautlaLfJun11:f1D~nq1:ftis~
ilth::rnu luflifLIJitl1::tnufllffl11JI1-IJI1*' (dummy subject) It Li1ltl
LiD • n;D-f DV1UJ~!I-~ passive
Grammatical subject+ verib to be+ past participle + ti1::Tvff Active
4, ' 4, 4, ~
It • {s believed he Is still alive. It Is
believed he Is still allvflr.

114 EN 322
uutiln1l'fl 11.1

tl1::ltlft Passive ilgn.Ye~
, '
1. t'IUU'Mft1tln'1tllhrb1J1t'l1"ll~'li'111J~d~fi1Ufl6Ul.f1

.... , fl1 ,~.,

2 • , 1J1J .. - : .!

... ., "' ... ~ ..

7• 'M1J6\}n&1Vflfl1l1J61Jl'Mfln11tU\lfll\1U

10 • .. ~ : '.

EN322 115
UUU~flHR 11.2

. • 1

t~ut.lathtTttftfl11JJ&"chiJ1,\'alhn.htT~ Passive f1vnt\'e~


2. tl\J\Jn'1tJifn"fH'H~~n'Ul'l111lftflfl~~~ 2
3. 1~6tl\J'h61'H1'lJj'~n'1iiiflfioq,ll1'W ·i


............................................................................................................................j............- ..................................................................................................................................

5. "tlfltJ1Jfl1'l1J'l'l1 1uqn1ft1n'~fl
6. 1n111fl111tJ\lflth1u1u"11!J1u
............................................................................................................................................................._... _.......................................................................................................

.........................................................................................- ................................;........." ..............."'".................................................................................................................

8. fl1frl1'la1..i,tnau1111lfuln11'"111~'n;iv.i~rl'


9. uNu·lho,6~'W1'lflfl1'llii6~'Hft1tJ'W'l'l~Qfl,1ft1V !

................- ....................................................................................................-+.-.-....--··-··--..-·................................-..............................................................
10. jjn,,,,~uNu1l\',,.;,,iiu&flunfirn1~ft'1tJHan
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.. --.-...................-·---.. .-.. . .-..........."t. . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


116 EN322
nTnaan1.U Article

L'Wl1'!;1lfl!il"i1~1a.JU~a::i1~L'lft..1ihhth::Lilfl Article (a, an, the)1-t1't'I%1L't'I~EJ~nu

ri1~1a.JL'Wl1'1!Jo1El\tnq~\1ti1Ltl~~1a-~1l'ul!A'~::.i'EJ\1il Article rhnuEJd~\1~~ L~EJijuuaLLUa'lh::t!lr-1
't'liEJiEJ rol11a.l~1nll1'1!Jo1lfl!i LU'Wl1'1!Jo1El\1nq'I!Joarn~::Ln j;iifqj't'l1 ~[)

• i111t1 Article rn-IHU111111

• 11ill1111f1Uisn1sArticle 1lgnls., n111sArticle fi1-1n11 iiRtni11H'
fi1111HII1tl,;1.,nu 1JJft1s i1EJ !11\1 Ltl~
He sold the car.

(L!11!J1!1'Uu~·~~~l uui1 - ij~'"ua::ti'Yf\1Li1t~ri~Ji·h,.,a-~1!1tl\1,tl~~l't'l~)

He sold a car. ·

(L!11!J1!i,tllu~~'t'\1 L!J1il,tJ't'la1!1 ~~ua::L!J1!J1!il U't'lita~~la.Jl!A'L~1::~\1·h LU~


aEJau,::t!IAi1\1u~ ti1lat~~::'t'la-~1!1A11a.J'h nnrnsfll1vi'uHd., ui1uuaLtlM1'1!Jo1e\1nq'I!Jo"h

"He sold the car." rol11a.J't'la.J1!1L~u,::t!ll"lll1'1!Jo1Elanq'I!Jo~::la.!Pt,anuA113-l't'la.I1!1L'Wl1'!;1lfl!i,;'~Yi
"' ~ .. I.'"f II .I " !It .... 9 ..1 II ., ....'"f
I I ""' ....
!;l\1~~ ~::L't'l~ 11uqj't'l1 L~m, uuall1'1!Jo1Lfl!l L\J'Wl1'1!Jo1fNnq'I!Jo "'aflnEJ L,., Ln!;luty't'l1341nEJ !11\1't'l~anrol EJ

L~EJ\1!JEJ\1n1,L~EJnt!l' Article t..;'\]nlJlEJ\1~~LEJa

EN322 117

I '

1Buua r

fl1U1JJlUtJ1tlflfl,fUfl11lf Artide 'M;B\j 'LW11tfl1U1JJlUil1111iNnqviJ 2 tJ1tLil'n
fie thu1Ntl7::&nnuul,;' (Counta~le nouns) ua::lf1U1Nt11::&nnuullll,;'
(Uncountable nouns) fi1U1uRU'ul.rdis11LtluJ11umwv.R:ti's~iJ Artlde (a, an n!s
the &uf1ulin10l) U1'MU1UfJJB ihu~1U1JJtJ1M'nUtJlJLtl'1fulttflt.Jn~ua11QtlJJ1tl
Article (ilissnrfu Rs U11JU1-IIlht::&quz,;~ Countable Ultll Uncountable nouns)
L~D~!Is~n11ll Artlde t,Jenis1d' LfJuL~D~~rJ~!11nua:iutTsu ~ut.Jafi111Qt
is~'M1fl11iJ!hU1'lllflfln11t1'ttft.untt aF
11 Article ~1nthnbmn1al'Lifs~iu I ·

,)1ilth"''tlil"''011tiuoa:1~1i Article \ '

1. LtJ1LtJufl;ifL6iflu~ii LtJ1lt.Jlusd'fJni'~a1i}ttf1'

He is a good Christian; he goes to chfch evezy Sunday.

(a: Article t·nl'1U1JJ church) I

2. ttJifO~L!11ltJLfJUtJ1t~1B~1uLilB~
The church that he always goes to is 1)1 the city.
(hf Artide 'HU,U1JJ church)

a.- watJa·utl1lJJ'rlnui1Ltnlaflt.Jt,~L;fl, I i
His father did not know that he had n~ been to school.
~ I
(a: Artlde 'HU1U1JJ school) ·

4·. b~L;!IU~QULflfiL;!IU\lttlu Ufl'l

The school where I used to study was closed now.
(la Article 'HU1U1JJ school)

118 EN322
II.,., I
5. tn1~tlfl~D1DfJJJ1n
Shrimp fried rice is ve.ry delicious.
(rice LfiUfl1'U1JJUtJlJJ1ti'lalti'D~ls Artlde)

I would like to have coffee without milk.

. " !It 0 ,.,., ln"~
a:: Artide lt'U1U1JJ cotree LLat milk L'W11tLu'Ufi1U1JJfi'UtJ JJ
tl~ 2 fl1

7. ., - 'f l••f I .....

QU!fi)tJLtl'Ufl1~ LtlfJ1Cl nJJ1nn11Lfl1i)~tJ'U

I prefer going by train to going by plane.

(tnU1ULfifJ1ntJn11L~Ufl1~ L!iu by plane/ by tral~ /by car, etc. lu1a Article .

a. fi'U~Ditttffl11ltt'i'ufJndD~~1ni~fiJJ
The honest should be praised by society.
(la Article the ltU1tl1flCllttw?i' thlimnfJLfJut11U1JJ the honest =the honest

9. Jitt1afl11fJtn1laliitiDif1Ul1W
White sugar is not good for one's health.
(a:: Article ltU1'U1JJ sugar LW11tLflut11U1JJ~uulJJ1ti')

10. L!l111nU11fi'U
., I 1flfJ!ILnfJ~
.r ....

They said that Thai people are lazy.

(a:: Article ltU1 Thai people LW11::L fluu1JJW\j'W~u)

EN322 119
11. ibnml'u'H~~D~1u1ftltJD·n1'u
There's a hair in my soup.

(~JJJ'H~~LftU LfiUU11nl'ulfi' la Arti~le lfi')


... .,
12. flWIJNIJfJ11~~
' .
You've got vezy long hair. i · . ·

(itt Article ,.,,r, hair LW1it1utAtJ~if 'HJJ1fJa.:J NJJ,f.:Jff1Vt ilmfluu11JU\J


13. flW£»dtl\JL11lfi' ih.;'o~i1~,.;'£)-Q'H~~

You can stay with us. There is a stare room.
, :'1 ..1 ., l ")
( .J "
" Article L'W11t'H£»~LuUU11JfiU\J

14. flWj~fl1~iflJJ1fi' l,jii~i1~LLft1


You can't sit here. There isn't roomf.

(itt Article 'HU1 room tf~lutJ;uflif~Ltliti1 ~11-~J ilmfluU11J~U\JlJJ1i)

. I
15. d'utfe,.,u~lo'WJJYi'JJ1ihu~nru,.,~~ '
I bought a paper to read. I

(paper tutAuflif 'HIJ1fJa~ newspaprr LfiUU11JU\Jlfi' ta Article lfl")


16. QUolD~fl11fl1tfl1VLiJeJJ1LiifiU'HU~~b
I need some paper to write on.
(paper VIIJ1fJO~ 01tfl1V 1{lu'lllJJi\J1al1ol'lJJ1il Article ut~1tl'riuththounl
some 'H"ia any li) I

120 EN322
17. flN1iiiuLatl~ilt11ttilUifl~IJ
Did you hear 8 noise just now?
(lu\AundVtiJ1tla~ Litl~ ~Lntt!fUti8U;f =a particular noise LS Article lfl")

I can't work here. There's too much noise.

(noise lutAundLfluu11J~uu1Jltl'li Article 1aJ1tt")

I can't wait. I haven't got time.

(a: Article ~u1 time ;f~LL\Jai1 L1a1 LfJUU11J~uu1aJ1fl")

20. L'..1rltl1....

Enjoy your holiday. Have 8 good time!

(Have a good time/ L\Jumu1u ;f~li Article a lfltiLO'W1t)

EN322 121
. !

• I ·
' pa,ragraph fie,t.lilailutnfli~nq" 1f Article 1t\'gnt\'e~

1. ~'lf1rJfltJl1d-3tflu&tt11,tJ1ufnJ,1V on,~ fltJ,l~flon,~lin'Yllvua::~oui'tJoth-3~

, .l 4 I A ,J/ I I A
1l 1,1CJtOfiOn 1Jl1tJ-3CJ10 l'nO l1 ll'Vl 'W1tJfl11Jl01JUfl-3-31tJ fl'W,1VC111J11 "llJO
,J/ , Ql -

................................................................................................................... .~. ........................................................................................................................................................ .

2, ~l ~l'rl fl;'llnll ti~ s:n~i1ll ilmn 11 tfl na H fl1flll!i'J8 Ill fill\' II a ~lllfl~ziliMfl
1tlV-3ll1tJO fJnfllfl1J1~tJ1n11J,01fl'W10-3 .
. I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
....................................................................................................................1.. ..........................................................................................................................:........................... .

3. Nft ,2ft 't1Vihffl111'W n'fl ua::~~n'CJ11fl ll11Jl::ff1J1l::trJtJ,0-3l111tJ1l1n1il'UJ'lf1~

1J::a:: no iiu ,~,~o,do&r!un~lJfffl tdoa,,1,0-3N~~nlo1Jua::1111u

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4• A
.I iJ n11nn111 lJ'n1i't1nlfl' ~ ... -""...s l""1i't1tJ-3&1Vn11 Ql 4 ... I ....... . , .I""'
...s Ql Ql ...

fl'Wi11l1Jflllftnll1 U'ni!vutl1lhil1l ,;ty,~O'W'l ua::tJnfl1ty1~1~lJ1 1uf4iil


122 EN322

iltyvnanDth~'Mrl~~vnnnnlunTnLtJalr~t~L\Jui~mlti f'D m'iLaDnlti~1~f!

•• • 'M;ilaflif1L'Mfl

~ ..I "..,. .I
nUfl1'iifilUUua .I .,.
flil ..I" .I ""- !'I "' !S
fl1'iYI~UuitYHLuUUflvJflti1 !f
'W~U1Ufl'iJJlYJtl- a~flq'l:f m ~tlltl'Wfi''Ma1tl~1~ijfi11JJ'MJJ1tl9l'i~tl1Jtl'WYlll11:f11 YltiLL9i

lJ.iltfilH1J1ti'M;ill ~ol1 ilth~fl1'ill~ffl L~U'W il L~il ~LL tJaU1JJ1litfltllJ.iltfflU'M1
fi11JJ'MJJ1tll"'"::La tlfl ~m~,;,l "'Lailn~,m,j9l'i~nufi11JJ'MJJ1ti~LL,;~;~tlil~tJ'i::lt1 fl~
~=utJa i~i1Dth~Ltiu ·
~Th "'UJ::U1" l Ull11:t1lYltl ijfi11JJ'MJJ1t1~9l'i~rl1J~1tl'WY11Ull11:f1a~nq'l:f LtiU
introduce/ recommend/ advise/ suggest LUuoi'u
l Uu'i1JYI11
I .J ,J' f J
..J "' 0
'rti1UfliNQU"U::U1 HQU19tJtJV
t .. ., .,., "' 9UAH11
. u
.., ....
n1utJa1flmailn~Th 'advise'
At a party, my friend advised me to Jintara Sukhaphat.
fi11JJ'MJJltltlil~tJ1::ltJfld~::l,jttnoi'il~LatJlUil11:f1B~nq'l:fL'W'i1:: advise flil uu::1l1
,t, 1 lt.ll"'fl1R~1fuii~d u9'11utJ1::ltJflti1~oi'u ~1~fi11LailflJJ1li Ail ~1·h "introduce"
..,_ I • A • l .,.,., I t A .r... I • A

'lf~LLua11 uu::u1 'Ml~fl u1:: tlfiU~~fl1'iLLua11

At a party, my friend introduced me to Jintara Sukhaphat.

EN322 123

1. ., .., "l" ..
QU,OJ8UL!J1LLft1 "fiUfi1UUfiL"J!IU

I already told him to review his le8$ons.

2. tn!l,&iaud'ul,\Jfllwtt1!1
Please remind me to tum off the light.
3. L~n 1 gnuiiaula.~1,;'aa.~um:nJa 1
Children were warned ·not to eat colorful candies .


I would like to recommend you to $ee the movie "Forest Gump ".
2. u;,;,ifLfJuu;,;,fluu::t11ua::i~hll'Lti'1JJ1LuL5ja~lfl!l
This company is the first one to introduce and import wine in Thailand.
3. d'uuu::J11l,;'L6£Jflflilfh~1£JUA£JUO$Ufl~::iflaUL~
I advise you to think ve.ry carefully before making any decision .
4. .., ... " 1·' s .I J
QUUU::U1 L"flN lJLet!ILfi!11U

I suggest you leave now.

124 EN322
1. Lm1;,1tR'tnt;atll&«mianmW1
He did not ·confirm or dia1 the clw'ge.
2. L111L~BLiCULGBltJ.rnnitHU.tlLGBtiD&•~
He invited her to a party but she turned down (dedlaed) his invitation.
3. ll11tntliNft111t1'Lmltlin~(nri'f'i1tJ u.tiLtruJI&•~
His wife wanted him to go upcountry with her, 'but he refased to go.

• ., !I .a. ., !I
1. 1'111'lfiltJJII]Mf1!1!f11LDLn!IYJ!h114n... n'l!t11'\ft1!1fit't4

Police arrested an Asian man who shot many students.

2. L!11Ltll'!ntlft1LLft::i'vtln1i'lL ,'11
He went fishing and caught a big fish.
I .,1 d ., lf_l
3. YJ1'\11etEl>llil14~n~1LLft::YJL1'\fte~nevau

Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were captured.
4. f1ntl1s&111!I§Bni'v1Jiaismi11d
The millionaire's son was kidnapped.

UB""" ~u"iL1't!Jlef1N11tl.i18-IDIILi

Accidents can be prevented.

2. Jiii;Nn\4LLJ;~r;t.i1S-~nlla'lfilN'il1flLLef>3LLr;t,_

Suntan cream protect your skin from the sun.

3. m1fWI,,;.i1s,ti'MJ'uitnlilt!~1!1L'"""~.,L~ee
Tax rises restrain consumers spending on luxuries.

EN322 125
1. rlEI1flJJ\UJt UtJ'lfl\JU
1 .. lS !!I "

Don't drink milk in that bottle; it has turned sour.

2. 1tJ1ufl:nfuitJMJJfl
All the eggs in the basket were rotten_.
a. tJUJJiJ~u,~nau,itJ
Some bread was stale.
4. LuenuLuflau,tu,itJ niiuwna
That butter and bacon· are rancid; fhey smell unpleasant.
l" ..a !If c:l
5. L'W'f1:n1L6rl M\JO'Jn 1 ~EI1~'YI'W"lOltJ1flrl~n11 \JO "1 Lrirl~~hrf/LflO
I I II ..

Because she gave them everything that they wanted, her children were spoiled.

126 EN322
~ ... ..1
LLlJlJ~.m~I'IVI 13.1

'I.! _,... ..1 ..1 •

1. Lfifl ~ Lfii!J'Ul)LtiBV1~::11~!JL"nt11n~ULfl!J

.., .

2. 1'li11l~nu'b.Jl~f1·uoff·u.n

EN322 127
LL1JtJ'tJn\i"' 13.2



_,.. ..I., ...

8. Lfitl'UL)LtUlV111JL.:JU'lltl.:JL'll1

10. n17tJ1'lltl.:JUn~:n~~t ~ n.f\J~~t1 nu1u'l1JG!J n Ph'ld
I t t t 1 t 1 1 t t t It I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It I t t t I

128 EN322
tJ1111 14:
th~ afJui1ann1u n11 uti a

lun11utla1flmflua-mqtiJuilthtTwff,.nnttfhi~1JJ1!1th~iutiaua:h ufi
~utla~LfJuunftm~1Jn~:utlaufla~LffJJa 1 ~Lfit~u1fl'11\J11JJthfl'vni'L"Hihifl1LfJu
.. • ... 1tl"'
tl1at11~f1Uia U

ft111i~ I ,J,,~

thaauhif~rial-H'Lnflilcumnu~L;ttulum1utla1fltiL iJua~nqtiJJ1n thaa~thd'":·

tl1~nuth11 "should" ua: "ought to" lun1ti1a~nq.ti ufi~L;ttuJn,:iuaulun11li
thaa~thd' L!lu liLiJu should to i~thl-H'Lnf1fi11JJUflfl1~fl1Ultl1~aii~ L!lu
... "
1. L111ft11,~fi\Jfi1U\JfiL1tiU\J1~
iJ~utlai1: He should to r.evlew his lessons.
ft11Utla11: He should review his lessons.
,;a: He ought to review his lessons .
an ., ..l!fj iJ qj'Hll Ufl11t"
... tl1:LfiUfiLlJU !f should ..
fla l"-'. ... ..... " ..
fl11 !fL'Wtl\JaflCI~L'Hfltl11Nfl911~'lJ1JJfl\J
!ft ......... ~1.....
fi11JJLuU'1~fl&tJIJfl11 1181111 'H1an11'~11tft::&u
....., ... .~ .. , ..
'lH Ufl1NU91a~ !f should + have +

n!s1tlaofR 3

2. L'lJ1Jhv::aau1tl' ( ulifl111197of&fl1fiBUIIn)
He should have passed the exam, but he failed.

3. d'ufhd'ulhv::JJ1LLtiLil ( ueift11N~;~d'uanif1fl)
I know that I should have come early.

EN322 129
e I , .,.. ., tl t l II e I l ~ e I 7r
f\111 "Uttl" U ~L18UJJft~tU. a _,!J !ff\111 "ever" UtJtut'nf\111 " ll&fltl" ~=
li~1·'h "never" tl~Ltiulut11tl!JR '
., :'ltl ., I .if ,. I . .
1. QUU9tiL ~'HU~JJ1ftLLtiLtl!J1U LJJJJL1ft1L~!J
il~utlai1: I ever go to the cinema a lot,i but I never get the time now.
fl11Utl&rh: I used to go to the cinema a' Jot, but I never get the time now.

,.,.. ..,tllll
uan~nU~L1!JUfl11'V1 111 n111
_..t I ''used to" uu
l: 'J" .. .1~ .1...
~=L!f\Jilna~n11ft1tTI1'nLfl!JTI I

lt~EJl~N1ntlti1~L1a1 n1iin;EJ1iLff'l!tNil~10tlL1a1 Ltiu once a~1utl1tl!JR L11~t1JJ1ti

used to lum1u.tlathi1 "&fill" Ltiu
z; J I .,

2. "'"""'"LtJ1Lfl!JLLtl~~1unu
il~utlai1: They used to married once.
fl11Utla11: They were once married•

.-1 ~ ~ ., ..: I
uqJ'H1'nLft!J1ft\Jr1111 "&flfl"
.o~,r ... """
~· • ..
itJauntJ to be used to/ to get. used to ~iLLtla11 "UlJfliu" Ltiu
a. L6aa1tl'EJa~1uvhfJJ .r~Ju L6il~&Afllunum,afuLL9iLil
She lives on a fann, so she is used to getting up very early.
tl1tlEJRl1~tJUif~tLLtlaltl!JLi~111 "iflfl "lJJ1fl' LW11tfl11JJ'HJJ1!JLUtl1tl!tfl

130 EN322
• ' 'l ' , .. ltl z .. z .. _<( ~
1. UY71:rl1'Wil J.ltl1f'lJ1• MLfiil ~1ULiUI~fiUU L6il~~il11~huLnfl

il~uthrh: Because her father won't let her go to 'the party tonight. She's in a bad
fi11Uthrh: Because her father won't let- her go to the party tonight, she's in a bad

She's in a bad mood because her father won't let her go to the party

e I tl
"because" LLit1 e I &Ifl!l 1"
fl111 "since"· 0\J "as" 01111.111&'1 !fLLfiU "because"

lt11Utl1::lt~fl;f L'WTl:: since I as 1a.~1t"~1iLtJUfil1\JilnL1it1ilU~L~fl1 LLfift11.111fllti'tJilO

fl11aJLtJULMflLtJU~it1iL1JUL~fl1tl'U because L!fU
2. She's in a bad mood since (as) her father won't Jet her go to the party tonight.
D1~::utlatl1::le~fld'LfJUil1~11fiEI ilU11tlfjflfifiLLUittlTl1 "since" 'H1EJ "as" 11
e , ' z;
""4""" Lfi1UU
.. " -• '
"'~Uuit11: .. ~ e ' ' 1Jil'i'lJ1fl ML6il u.:J1'ULitfi.:Jfl'UU
Lfiilil111JNLnfJif4"1f'Wil 1' l" 1·'
.¥ • z

fi11Utlit11: L6ilil111JWLftfJLJY71mil1,jil'f'lJ191l~L6il1tJ~uLSfJ~flu;f

th~1fJ , L1fu "iJ" ~riDltiLntlilqJmlun11LLUit1shl'DfJjiL~fl1 i1ilU1~L1JU

!1 .. ., z; .. n... n 1....
1. H0111fnUMit1Eif11.:JUilnft'U11Jn\41 LL91 1.11.1~ fl fi1'U\J1t'IL~\J
ii~utJa·h: There were several fights happened outside the stadium, but no one was
fi11UtJa·h: There were several fights outside the stadium, but no one was hurt.

EN322 131
2. i7tf1flfJ&n1LMtl~ 12 flU Vln 140 flU fl,afliitt~1mfl1s-4iluotn
il~ut.hrh: There were only 12 of the 140 passengers survived the plane crash.
ft11LLt.hrh: Only 12 of the 140 passeng~rs survived the plane crash.

" .., tX.. "

a. mu~iNUa.J 2 ~a~uau
il~ut.lai1: This house has two bedroom~.
ft11Ut.lirh: There are two bedrooms in this house.

4. i7flu\Jand'u11w1m!I1LLfi~,unuu.a1
il«'l1: There was someane telling a,e they got married.
ft11Ut.lirh: Someone told me they got mi;Jrried.

"~~~Lnt~'l1lun11LLt.lath'l1 "ii" lu 1~1il1Lflutl'aili there + verb to be Lila.Ja

lt.J fi~L'liuluth~ttlfl~ 2 ua: 4

l,\'ija, 1 -uafju
fhi1 ili~l~'l1uu.a:t~D!1~;tJ'UUfl'il:f'imLfifhi1. "borrow" :z1~
u.t.lai1 fiBVN thuthi1 "lend" tt~"t.lai1
. tHilN Ju Ufl'i):l,ji''inLLa:lubjLflu

i~Ju ~L;ttutf~Jn~:u.t.lathi1 "vN" l,ji1'il:l~f1JJ ~;D tJD!1JJ lflttltl'u.tithi1

., ., ' .J...
"borrow" fl~tl1Dti1~L'D'W

1. "l"'"~n·1at1 t H'd'ui7uiiuilD'tnlat~lfl1'H~
il«'l1: Would you mind borrowlng:me your pencil'!
ft11LLt.hrh: Would you mind lending m., your pencil?

132 EN 322
..... -·
J.4~Uuirn: . The bank wouldn't. borrow her the money to buy the car.
fi11UUa·h: The bank wouldn't lend her the money to buy the car.

II· ..., ... ""' I I

3. LfiEl91El~fl11t/IJL~ULWEl~1fJA1\Uitl

She needs to borrow some money to pay .the doctor.

EN322 133
~· ..,

.. .., ., .,
1• l.lflUn~U1J1Wv'l~1llflULL~1
.................................................................................................................. j ...........................................................................................................................................................


3. L1itlLfiltJLUUL~n~VItl)~fi£jfl11~~'ll
............................................ 1.................................................................... !''"'"''''"'''""''''"""''"''''''''""...............................................................................................................


5. L'll1!11ll1.11tl'o31moWil~~El~~13.11u

................................................................................................................ 1" ............................................................................................................................................................



' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' " " ' '00 ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' ' 0 ' 00 ' 00 ' ' . . ''"""""""'""''""'"'"'"'i•••••••ooooooooooooooooo,.ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo•ooooo•••••••••••oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo••••••oooooooooooooooooooooooo•••


134 EN322
"!I u
II'U'UHfl't'lfl 14.2

2. g{3.JmLfiltJiou.num~L'ihut!uLL'ill1'1{ih

3 • L"ll1fil~'nt"'~ul'lW~
·I ""' ,111Jq)-3LLiilL3-Jtl11ULL~1
I .., I .. .,

I i
4. ~urhft'-lel1U'VIU-l~t!Yl!J .~IJLli€1341

~ ...4 .,. ..,

7 • fl~-l'VIU-lL"ll1Lfil!ILn~!J~nU

10. mm-rn.:t.4IJ.JIJ~n'Yl
,........I t

EN322 135
.d .... ..., - ~
flii'Ufl 4: ft111Lfl11~'H1Jil~flYUt1flLLa:m11LLft I.'IJ

Utltl 15

1. Only thme people were promoted, namely Sompong Jaidee, Suda Rukdee, and
Mai Rukmoo.
iitJutlirh: fl1JalJJfl1JfJnuoi~~ fia ifJJY4~ti' l~Oi iftt1 i'nfi ua: l"',j i'n"'~
iai~LflCJI: ~utlaJn~:utlatl1:lrJfl passive voice aanJJ1LU1Jtl1tlfJflfl11JJ "en
........ 1 .. 1" :; "" tl 'f
n7::n1" w"""fl111 "en" "''a "'""" ,~ , flfi11JJ"'JJ1fJtJa~ 1tLrJfl
passive voice if LUU1tllufi1~1J1fl"';atl'11Jtl
I ...... I lS ..... ..... ..,! I .. o' , ... ., ...
ft11U tl a·n: JJLV4fJ~iflllftULfi1UUflltlLitilUY11LL"'U~ flil ifJJV4~~ ~tt ift11 "l.fltl LLitt

l "'~ i'n"'~

EN322 137
2. The man who was bitten by a snake !Was given a serum.
:'! " -· • " .J ., 7.,., ...
~o~tfLLuft11: tftiltlfi!Jn~n" "'tm~
iai~LfUJJ: ~LLt.lahiLti'1l~fl11JJVIJJ1fltl~thi1 "serum" ~hu passive voice (was
bitten) LLtlalttt~l!ithh "fltl"
u ,;a "f"u" Ju ania~ua1
v LY411t passive
voice lut11tlt!fld';:;fl1-1JJVI~1f.lluLi~au .
fl11LLtliln: ~tilti~On~tf"
u ltii'vmGttLL~t+:l
. v

3. Most of the people Invited to the paify didn't turn up.

~il~ut.lai1: · flUfhulV~qjlth1ut.11i'iflJJ1~mrvan .
iai~Lnfl: rl'ut.lahiLti'1l~lfl1~ifn~t.l1tlflfl
v '
passive voice tfilttatt1t.l
fl11JJVIJJ1f.llULU~tJ10 flB lfi'tJLUqj iimf~~LLtlal,jffi113-J'HJJ1f.lt18~£hU1U
turn up ua::J~LLtla'tiuA'Y4~thi1 "party" iin~1t1
fil11LLtlai1: ijltA'i'v&i&y~1uLiff.l~ihu~qjl,jJJ1t171nlJi1

4. It was annoying not being able to reJ!llember his address.

il~ut.lai1: uuuTi1fi1'Yifl,jif1JJ11Cl~1~1ULatt~tiB~Lt111~
iai~Lnfl: ~LLt.laJnut.laif11Y4U1JJ it ~lu~if'ti1VIU1~LUU Impersonal pronoun ua::
dummy sub)ect l,j~1LUUtl~~LLtlathi1 "it" i1 "lfu" lufJO~LifJJBlt.l
fil11LLtla·h: LtJUL~B~U1i1fl1qj~~1U1UL·tl~tiB~Lt111JJ1~
. ;

5. What you have written is not suitabl~ for publication.

tJai1: fiNLtif.IU8::


iai~Lnfl: rl'ut.lal,jfl11tJfi11JJVIJJ1f.ltl~~ Indefinite pronoun "what" ~~B1~LLt.lai1 ·


i~ L~~~ LLa1LLvitJ;ufl u~n~1nd'~LLt.laLti'1l~i3tti1 "publication" LUuth

... ., "public"~~
Ltlt110tJ " ~I 'HJJ1f.I'.J!"'
"" l 11fl11 YIHtlJJ1

fil11LLtlft11: •.,j· ...
ii"'Yif!NLtlf.IU l'JJLVIJJ1tfl~tfl
.., -- JJ'W"

138 EN322
6. By the end of fh:is year, Sally will have been teaching English for twenty years•
... .,

A I I .. ..
~ ~ ., ., Utfftft
..1~ ~

., ~ ., tl ... , 1... ., .... ..1 "' . 1 "' ...

tliln~Lnt~: ~u iUJ~ LaJIJfl11aJlfl111JLtn L'iJLnfJ'lft1J tense L1Jil1'1!t1il~nq'l!tflWil ~~LLtla
future perfect tense ltli.J.in1:iui'flfl1JY4il
tt11u.tla·h: wsiNftu\J uwaaHssun1v1iWnq!IJn7~t!liu\J

7. Warunee has just completed a new motion picture, which will open at the Grand
il~u.tlai1: 11ldilmsfvium'JLLiffl~ll1WLfl~aul'H1~~\l:a\Jfim1Uiffl~;lt,~..,,r~
iai~Lnt~: ~uti alJ.iLi1l'llfl111J'HIJ1tltlil~ present perfect tense ua:lJ.ijfl111J'HIJ1tJ
tlil~ti'w,;' "motion picture"
fl11U. tl ft11: ... A,; d
. ~.. l 'HIJflliJ:Q1!Jfl
I """" "' ~

8. Please give me a ring when you arrive and l will pick you up.
il~u.tlai1: ltl1fl1H"H1UAU LdilflNIJ1D~LLa1QUiiJ::lti'HlflN
iai~Lnt~: ~utlalJ.iLi1l\lmU11J to give (someone) a ring
tt11utlai1: ltl1ttTn~Rwno"d'uLdaflNIJ1D~ ua1nu\l::ltli'u

9. My friend wanted to fire her maid since she was disobedient.

il~utlai1: Lyjeut~a~Q'utl'a~m,y~t lwunfluliLw11::Lt11lJ.iLtiaw~
II .,
tl 1 I... II
ft IJIJfl111J'JLft!J1ft1Jri'WJJ
to fire
., ,!(. _f ~ ~.:... Cll
v v

tt1'JLLtlai1: LyjautJe~Q'utfe~n,, laflulia amw11::Li1'HaaulJJLtiaw~

10. Most of her friends at the party were born with silver spoons in their mouth.
IJ ~II Uft11
... " -• I ~ .¥ ...
LYHlU t'1'1'U 111 ty'\1 tl-3111 tlfi-31'U lfH.l-3 ll1&niiH1BIInii8111BBII&-IIIfl1 1n
... ' ' ... .. U ..J': .... tl
ifnf.:Jiflfl ra'mJalidTu1u1JjfJn~o-3
-' I ... ' ~ ' ... ,¥ I' ' __ ..J': ... ..J': ....
fi1111U ft11 L'W f) U t'l'l'U 111 ty'\1 tl-3 Lti tlVI-31 'I.Ua tl-3 a1'U U~ fi1HDBII& -IIIBBIItiB-1111&n fl

EN322 139
11. lnfonnation Is collected before· a decis,on Is made.
iltf'ut.lai1: iDJJBf1n&n'ununNrioun11~ttiut,ifv::th
tiaf·Unfl: ~LLUILLUIU1:=lflft pa$Sive l~t~lifhi1 "fJn" ;f~uDnft11J.J'MJ.J1flltni~lJ.iii
LLtlU1:=lt~flifLflut11:=lt~fln11~ fl11J.J'HJ.J1!JL~Una1~ D1,LLtJalttfln11LflJ.J

12. The West's diseases have been closel~ linked to the consumption of meat .and
dairy products.
il~LLtlai1: &isf'1fJtiD~tJ1zL't1ftm~tlnu$nilfitioad1~tnMttnu~u;tntud'a1'1 uaz
fiB~ tf1tJ7::V1lU
tia&l'·Unfl: ~LLtJalJ.i-i'fi11J.J'HJ.J1!Jtlil·U'lYn{th'h "disease" LLat meat / dairy products
" "
fl11LLt.lai1: f1AntJlti'&fu~'Mtnfltla~tn1•==1'u9lmrlrnlt~~ad1~lnatifl nun11u;tnfl

13. They are generous although they are poor.

il'LLt.lai1: W'lnLti10a1tt"t'iS~n,:Juw'l,Ltl1ni~'u
tiai~Lnfl: ijLLtJalJ.iLi1l,fi11J.J'MJ.J1fltiB~fhL!iaJ.J although tliLrJaua9l~fi11J.J'MJJ1tlil
., ., .,

fl11LLt.lai1: w'lmtnl,flam1~tl11~",;1,~:=tnn,un911J.J

14. One should perfonn one's duty as we¥1 as he can.

il~LLtJai1: U1~f9JRtth~1'UtJii~L!J1l~fiL1jhiiLtJ1if1JJ1"Ulthl i
tiai~Lnfl: ~utJaLLtJathi1 "one" if~L~~ Indefinite pronoun lJ.iL'MJJ1ZifJJ911JJtJ;un

140 EN322
15. You have to wait until the others come back.
ileLLthrh: f1Nia~"laad;.)un·hv::m,,.natJJJ1
iai~Ln~: ~ut.Jaut.Jathh "the others" iuuu Indefinite pro11oun lJJgnia~vnJJ

fi11LLtJai1: f'INtlfl~"lflflfi;.)Ufli1AUa'u
., '7 ;.):matJJJ1

16. Thailand's economy is in a critical state.

il~LLtlai1: Lf1"l'MJO;.)tJa~,.htL'Yif11'Yituha~agtuth~ihfi"&y
iai~Lnfl: el'., ut.JaLLt.Jatrl1JJ'HJJ1trtla~thi1 "critical" 1JJL1UJ1tt{JJfl1JJU~U'YI
fll"lLLtJai1: Lfl"l'MJO;.)tJa~tl"ltL'Yif11'Yimha~ag1urh"1nqti

17. If I have a car, I can pick you up at the airport.

tiai~Lnlil: el'ut.Ja1JJi'fi11JJ'HJJ1tltlfl~
t1'1;luihn Q'ua1aJ1"ln 7118"fltu~au1JJUUli
., ., phrasal verb "pick up"
fi11LLtJai1: tl1QU£i"ln ;lunlt.Ji'Uf70l~aU1JJUUli

18.Eventhough the British and the Americans speak the same language, they can
·sometimes misunderstand one another.
..... •• ' ... "' "' ...... • "' :: ..1
IJ~LLuit11: Cl~LLJJ11fiUfl~OC)tiLLittf'I'UflLaJ"lfl'U'lflll1ti1Ufii8J.IflU \J1~f'l"l~Ltl1Cf1JJ1"lt1'YI

iai·un~R: ~utJaut.Jathi1
., "same" lfltJLaanlith1JJL'H111taJJntJLilafi11JJ
-· ' Cl~LLJJ11f'IUfl~OC)tiLLittfiUflLJJ"lflU;.}t\"4tlll1'li1UJf/1flU
... "' "' ......
- "' \J1~fl"l~Ltl10ti~Lll1
:: c:f"' "l;.)

EN322 141
19. It will take me quite some time to g~t him interested in buying your land. .
iJ(uthrh: J1'utfa.:aliL1inlhM'S\JOUlun~1~~tlhl~L7J1SUl~~~ttfa~iiUtJD-11f!W
tlDft.:JLnfl: ~uthtutlaS11YfU1JJ "It" f.:aLflutl1ttnUfili'tn1JJl1JJ1fJ'h
~ .
"NU" ~.:a
lal~1Lflu iflmltiLafJlalia~utla
fl11U tJai1: QUfl.:JtlD-111tlba1JJ1nfiLflfJ1~~t~11~L!t1SU1~~D~tlUtlil-IILDB

20. She felt as if she were in heaven wh~n she got a great compliment from her
il(utlai1: Lnaflml1ilau·n\Ji1Laaltia~1utt111ft'Ldausa lli'uf91&iussauJJ1nii'u
ial~~n": L~um1LLtla~mifi1LBuuiau,::Laan1tl'•i11altl'l~·n=ntJtdafl11JJ
fl11UUfti1: LDDjln111rl\JD.~\JUS111ftL~8tDD1tfi'ufi:Jr/ll&fln1flUfl1JJ11fl1

21. Though I hate crowded places, I ha~e to work in Bangkok.

l-ltiLLtl fl'n: QULflitfJfl't'l..1 , IJ~.:ati'U LLfltf'
... II I .. al alp_l e,.t
G II .!
Uflflil-IJTJ1-111'U, 'Ufl1~L't'IW.,
iaft'unt~: ~utJalalutJathlrJ.:afi11JJl-.1~.,L~u t~ntl'a.:a tiafl11JJ~.:alalviaLda.:anu
fl11LLUiti1: "M'i10U~tlaJtiD\JSa1UfiLLdii'fl OU~~1tlD.:ath.:a1Ua~1un1.:aL't'IYf., B~tl

22. Exhausted by long hours of work, h~ decided .to go to bed early.

iJ(utJai1: L'HilflL'H~DfJ1Ufl11f11.:a1U'HlflfJfltJJ.:a L1J1ifliu1~1tJuD'UL~1 ,
11.JY a~..le ~..IPJ • ! ..1 tl .J II "' .ol
1J8a~Lftfl: 1it't'IYI1'HU1't1Lu'U participl~ phrase 't'I!JfJ1fJ 1t61U't1"1JJJJ1!J1.:a'Hft.:a LJJil

LLtJaLflull1ti1 1't'lr.Jfl11iuiu~1tlfJflfi'1r.JU1ttnuri au fl11JJ'HJJ1r.J~.:a~::tifiL~u

tl11UUfti1: L!J1;1n&HiJII&HGStiLda.:a~1ft,j1.:a1UJJ1'Hft1fJi1lJJ.:aLtJ1~.:aiflaU1~Li1UD'U
.. .

142 EN322
23. The accused man said in court be wished to withdraw his confession
..... t l ' ..1' '1 • " ....
~~U. it'll: !f'Ulfl0it11'H1flit11 LUff1it11Ltnf\il~fl11Litflfl1ifl"Sil1?4

Wilft·Uflfl: accused Lflu verb Wil~~ 3 ~IJ1~1fl passive voice at~atJ ua:rn~11''HU1
.1 ..1 ... ..1- .1 ..
" .1 ..
u1:61ULWilllt'HU1fl!lfl1tiL1a1 L1it1LLua ~~fl11LLuitL'HIJilU passive voice
ft1'tu.tlai1: tnfJRenmi11H1LLaauiilff1ai1L!l1ti'il~n11L'WnaDuths111l1W

24. Spoiled by his parents as a child, he grew up to be a discontented young man .

~~LL 011:
l ~ ''
•Ill .. 'i'!fl ,.,..,
t)flf\11J ~~1flWilL11JIJ1f\'ILL91Lflfl LtJ1~~ L91LuUtnfJ'H\iiJfl LIJWil ~8: 1
l 1
" ., " ., " ..,.,J o " ..1 ~ .I ool
tJilif~Lnfl: ftitlfJfl\J!lil 22 1itflf11'HU1fiLuU participle phrase !lfJ1tlu1:51Utr~f\11JIJ1
.I I
.fl1'tU.uit11: L!l1t)flW8LLIJV111J
I I l ~IJ1VI~LLfiLflfl
~ I cl ...
.f .. !fl .oM
1 1


. ., .... .
2 5. The exam is going to be difficult.
. .,
" ..
tJilif~Lflfl: to be going to
l Uu1\JflUIJfl111J'HIJ1tiL'HIJ8Ufl\J
. .-:: .z.. .. ., seems to
.I ' " J r
fl1"SLLuit11: !l8ifil\JUH1H1"9~tl1n

..1 J • ..1 ., 1.... . .. ...... ., ..
fi~1ULitti~LL'H~'HU~QU ti1\Jfl11UU::U1 L'Hl~flfl\J ~UVl'HTL if'JYlltGiY
., - <(

At a party, I was suggested Jintahra Sukhaphat.
" .,
" •I
n ..
_f"' " l"
.. .~ 0 ..

... .Ufl11Litilfl !ffl1f1?4TJ L'HL'HJJ1:fl\JLUilfl111J

fi1"SLLuai1: At a party, I was introduced to Jintahra Sukhaphat ..

2. LtJ1l"LL'H1U1~if1fJLLriiiuLdil11Uif
ibl'u.tla·h: He had given me a beautiful ring yesterday.
" "til"
a !f tense 1IJt}flVIil~
1Jiht~Lnfl: ~LL " !fl ...

fi1"SU.tlai1: He gave me a beautiful ring yesterday.

EN 322 143

il~Lnhrh: What do you want for a'l
I want to have one bacon andi egg.
i1uf~Lntt: ~utlatnflfi11JJfLflrnn\J&tnn1lfhilum1i'~a1'H11LLa:=li Article lJJ~n

fi11Utla·h: What would you like for bre~fast?

I'd like to have baCOJJ and eQs•.

~ '""'
.: i1'lfl~LLOILJJB11U
4. ClUU£f1!1Uf1n
il~utla·h: This street had closed since ye~terday.
iaa~Lntt: ~ut.Ja1JJ1tl'utlatl1tlflflifitiag1uatlthtl!tfl passive
fl11Utla·h: This road has been closed sincte yesterday.

5. i1n11Wftnui1Ltni'uituvu
il~utlai1: It is said that he is corruption.
iaauntt: ~ut.Jautlafhi1 "i'viuvu" l~t]nvl'a~ Li1l~iuaui1 "suvu" 'HJJ1flil~
fl11Utla·h: It Is said that he. {Is cor$pt.
6. d'u'tfD\J&ftnflsn Tnutlf
..... al I
a..~u1Ja11: I like cake chocolate.
iaa~Lntt: ~ut.Ja1JJLi1l~lfl,~an~tl,tl!tf'll11:na~nq~ ti·ul'a~,,~•ht~fl1fl11"Hu1u1JJ
mfl'cylu~if1j1JJthfl'cyfiathi1 "&fin" la..,tl "flsnfnut""
fl11Utla·h: I like chocolate cake.

144 EN322
7. WD!'~'7flu
iltJut.lai1: His father did not know that he had not been to the school.
iDi~Lflfl: ~LLtJalJ.iLi1l~L~D~fl11Ltf ArtiCle Etnnu go to schoollJJ1i Artide Lfl '1
.. .
\1'U1fl1'U1JJ school

ft11Ut.lfti1: His father had no idea that he did not go to school.

a. n11Lilur11~ f~rfl&fJ!s.,oua:fl1nfi
il~ut.lai1: Traveling by a plane is comfortable .
.. 1!1
' ...
., ..
7 ..*' l ' ' ..s .I .I ., ... ::
i!iLLuft JJ'YI11\J11n1'U1'U'YILflfJ1fl\Jfl11Lfi'U'YI1~'YI~\1ft1fJ
lJ.iia~ls Article \1U1A1U1JJ
ft11Ut.lai1: Traveling by plane is comfortable .

... .. *' '

JJ~LLuft11: Perhaps you could advise me a good lawyer.
iai~Lnfl: U'ut.hnihlflLtffl1~lJ.iL'HJJ1:aJJtiuLifaA11JJ
"advise" fla flT'JLL'U:1hL~thft~
ft~if ~~lJ.iL'HJJ1:tiutJ;\J'YIL'Uth:LfJAll
ft11Ut1a·h: Perhaps you could recommend me a good lawyer.

.. .. .,
10. LfttJ1UJiiULtl1L1il~fl11'Utl'HJJ1fJ 'UVIil'ULfJ'U
l cl

iliut.lai1: His secretary warned him about his appointment in the evening.
" .,
" *I .,. l"A ..M ' "' .l
i!iLLuftLftilfl tfr•1'YILJJL'HJJ1:fl\JL'Uilf'l11JJ
"warn" f'lil .,. .I ., .,
. . , ' .. *,... ~
'if~ JJ~flVIil~VI1JJu1\J'YI'U

ft11Ut.lai1: His secretary re~inded him of his appointment in the evening.

EN322 145
_,.. ..1 ... -
11. UfBu'DUfa\1~:1\JL~UL!fl
iliutl&rh: She denied to accept his mpney. .
iai~'"": tiLLtlaLGanlithmJJuntia~tt1JJ'lAu'rl "deny" fie n11ti~Laml'm;\~~;~
fl11Utla·h: She refused to accept his dloney.
' '

12. ~ua~n1u~JJ~~a~!n1Mun
iliutlirh: The cotree anti tea are not ~uite good.
iaa~LnCJJ: cotree ua: tea Lfluu1JJ~u1Jtltl' 1JJ~1Lflutia~tif~ Article
fl11LLtlai1: Cotree and tea are not realfy good for your health .

• r ., , " .

... " tl a11: Chao Phya river is nearly spoiled.


~.; " •t... ~ 0 I

" 'J " !!lf
LUJw1L~1W1:fJ19l8~ L'lffl1\J~fl\J Article "the" U80~10UUfl111 "'U1hrtl"

;f 1Jlfl1~tl\JUfJ~11JJ\1JJ1fJ'8~thi1 "spoiled" 9~\1JJ1fJi'i~ "fJnfi11H'&itJ

AU" \1;8 ""1111VVU&Bti~U"
fi11LLtlai1: The Chao Phya river is ne~ly polluted.

14. n1:'t'l=enif.,11tu8~alft1JJ
ileiutlai1: The pan left in the sink.
tiai~Lflf1: ~LLtla1JJ1tl'LLtlaloH'Lflut11:lJfl passive voice
fi11LLtlai1: The pan was left in the sin~•
.. 1..r
15. 19' ..........
U&f11-l LUif,..fJ9lU1fiU,.~"
N~LLtlirh: This tt;mple built early in ~e Rattanakosin period.
ti'aa~Lnfl: L'liULflfJ1tlUU1:lfJfl~ 14. I~~LLtlalJJ\111\J'llU1:lfJfl;f
fliJ U1:lfJflfl11JJ
fl11JJ\1JJ1fJLflum:n~i~Lda~tlaLflun1~1a~nq~tia~lit11:lfJfl passive
fi11LLtla·h: This temple was built earlj in the Rattanakosin period.

146. EN322
~ w ~
16. L!J1ifUl ~fl1'UJJiNUJ1fl~UflLtrl!HLtJfl
4 '

. . St -.f I
ueuuft11: He was interested in politics since he was a child.
" .
tliJifUflfl: ~utJalti tense liJt]fliB~ a1lti was interested LLUfti1 LfltlifUl~lua6itl LLtl
W J a.
\JflULftflifU ~LLft1
t " il .~ J I
Ufl Uu"J1Jf1U~JJ1!.1fl11JJ11
t 4 ~
L!J1ifU ~fl11LJJ8~JJ1\Jl~Ufl

cl 0: .Zc1 W
LLftZLfltiJUfltl~ifU ~Btj

fl11UUfti1: He has been Interested in politics since he was a child.

4111 "" ••
ueuuft11: I
Let's go for a walk; the climate is fine.
" .
118if~Lflfl: el'utJaLaanlif'l1Blfl
"climate" fia ifll1WB1fl1f1LwW1z~

ifll1W81fl1fli1 1 ltJ
fl11LL\Ja·h: Let's go for a walk; the weather is fine.

18. L!J11U'ti1~1ULLfi1\JIZ1UB8flftit1~
... " .. 1 •
U~LLuit11: He has gone to work in Middle Bast.
ti'ai~Lflfl: el'utJalti
Article lJJanla~
v '
u1J.Jf'l1i1 "Middle East" ia~litiu Article

fl11Ut1a·h: He has gone to work in the Middle &st.

..1 w w ..t ' :'1" w "

19. fliJ"nq!fl1-.1U1UJJ1flt)fltJ1UV11::L"lfl11\J1

il~LL\Jai1: In English, cows were killed because the mad cow disease.
ti'ai~Lflfl: a~flf)'~tutJ"lzltlflif fia U1ZLllf1 English ~JJ1tla~ fiU~;Bil1'tf1 ~utJalti
f'l1l,jt]fllB~LLazliA1LiaJJ because lJJgnfia~ because la~lti'LilBJJ
u,= ttJfl lJJ1tiLiaJJA1~;a1a

fi11Ut1ai1: In England, many cows were killed because of the mad cow disease,

EN322 147
20. Ltnuu;V,tt1ouf'nu1ti"D~L!I1
il~ut.lai1: He suggested me to know his boss.
tiai~Lntt: tJutlatithlaJL\nn::nuL~Dfl11JJ uu::U1lt1'f'in fl11tithi1 "Introduce.,
fl1'1LLt.lai1: He Introduced me to hi~ boss.

21. L!11U19::Ltl~t1Ut~rlou~::Cf'lt1Lfl\lltJ .
il~ut.lai1: He should to change hi~ mind before it is too late.
tiaft'~Lnfl: iut.lai'usu1::\·rhuhi1 should+ verb nu ought to + verb
fi11LLt.lai1: He should change his ~ind before it is too late.

22. il£lU'iiL'l1fl1mf\ltl\lfltt1~;fLdDil1~91'!ffiLLtt1
il~ut.lai1: There was a car accide~t occurred here last week.
tiaft'~Lntt: l,j~1Lfluol'o~ti thu1Uithere wa.i tun11utlatl'l::lt1Ad
fi11'Ut.lfti1: A car accident occlllTCq here last week.

.. ..r
23. w\1Lfltl91\l\lil\191D\I 6 t·JJ~fl1~
. ..r LL~Lflti1\I0\191\1Cf'ltln11\l\l
. .: .t ,~., ..r ' l;
.... t.l '
a.I~LL ft11: I got up at 6.30 p.m., "ut now I get up later.

tiaft'~Lntt: used totllufl11JJ'l1JJ1~i, "'srhi.,tfu1ual• (past habit) u,;Dvyvu

fi11LLt.lfti1: I used to get up at 6.3f;) p.m., bu'tnow I get up later.

24. vfilLL,jfi11'JtLflu~L\J\JDfh~flii!lil~"n
iliut.lai1: Parents are good mode~s for their children.
tiai-aLnfl: J.iutlala.~1tfutlath·h "'1n::"
fi1'1LLt.lai1: Parents should beg~ role models for their children.

148 . EN 322
• ..: 4 ..I I ,.,., .,
25. ~WNfl"S~fl~~:aflilUL'Hf.lilflDU'riJJU'l~flfl

A snake tells before it bites.
iai~Lnet: ~LLtJaliflT·h "tell" lum-sutJai1 Lilau fl1i1 "tell" fia n1-suanmh1
6"S"SJJfl1 ff~hifi"S~fi1JJ\AU'rl;f ff~'HJJ1t1D~ &isu ntJBUIRTlll

fi1'1Ut.lai1: A rattlesnake warns its victim before it strikes.

EN322 149

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