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Origin of Oil in the Sureste Basin, Mexico1

M. A. Guzman-Vega2 and M. R. Mello3

ABSTRACT proximal position (Tithonian age, family 2 oils,

subtype 2c); and an anoxic marine-evaporitic
Geochemical and biological marker analyses environment (Early Cretaceous age, family 3 oils).
of oils and rock samples from the Sureste basin The Tertiary oils (family 4) are derived from bacte-
of Mexico were effective in identifying and geo- rially reworked terrigenous and marine organic
graphically limiting four major oil families relat- source materials deposited in a marine-deltaic
ed by age and source rock depositional environ- environment.
ment: Oxfordian, Tithonian, Early Cretaceous, and The Tithonian-related oils in the Mexican south-
Tertiary. ern side of the Gulf of Mexico accumulated both
The source rocks giving rise to the Jurassic and offshore and onshore and throughout the strati-
Cretaceous oils are associated with marine carbon- graphic column from Kimmeridgian to Pleistocene
ate environments. In contrast, the source rocks reservoirs, suggesting vertical pathways as the prin-
giving rise to the Tertiary oils are associated with a cipal secondary migration mechanism. The lateral
marine deltaic siliciclastic depositional setting. variations of these oils can be interpreted to reflect
Biomarker and isotope differences observed in the the Tithonian paleogeography in the area and could
oils derived from marine carbonate environments be useful in predicting differences in the oil com-
can be interpreted in terms of salinity, clay con- positions.
tent, and oxygen depletion variations. These differ-
ences provide diagnostic criteria for recognizing
and differentiating five distinct organic-rich depo- INTRODUCTION
sitional regimes as the sources for these oil types:
an anoxic hypersaline marine-carbonate environ- In most Mexican sedimentary basins petroleum
ment associated with a nar row and shallow exploration has not been extensively studied
semirestricted sea (Oxfordian age, family 1 oil); an using the petroleum system approach involving
anoxic marine-carbonate environment associated both geochemistry and geology. Geochemical
with a silled basin geometry (Tithonian age, family data, in this study and others (Holguin, 1987;
2 oils, subtype 2a); an anoxic marine-carbonate Gonzalez and Holguin, 1991; Guzman-Vega et al.,
environment associated with a shallow, gentle, 1991, 1992; Dahl et al., 1993), have shown that
broad marine-carbonate ramp in a distal position several source rock and oil families occur in the
(Tithonian age, family 2 oils, subtype 2b); a clay- Tampico-Tuxpan and Mexican southeastern basins.
rich suboxic/anoxic marine-carbonate environ- Recognizing these oil families when these data are
ment associated with a carbonate platform in a integrated with geological and paleogeographical
evolution data can aid in understanding the hydro-
carbon source potential and the petroleum sys-
©Copyright 1999. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All tems in the area.
rights reserved.
1Manuscript received August 22, 1996; revised manuscript received May The Gulf of Mexico is one of the largest petro-
18, 1998; final acceptance December 4, 1998. leum regions in the world. The southern portion is
2Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas #152 CP
highly oil prone and contains more than 80% of the
07730 Mexico D.F., Mexico; e-mail:
3Petrobras/Cenpes, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha Do Fundão, Quadra 7 C.P. total petroleum reserves (Brooks, 1990). To evalu-
21949-900, Rio de Janeiro-RR, Brazil. ate the hydrocarbon potential, this area has been
This study represents a joint effort by Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, divided into several basins and provinces (counter-
Petróleos Mexicanos, and Petrobras Research Center, and it has benefited
from the assistance of numerous people in Mexico and Brazil. We appreciate clockwise from north to south): Burgos, Tampico-
Baldomero Carrasco Velazquez, Raul Gonzalez García, Pablo Cruz Helu, Misantla, Veracruz, Salina, Chiapas-Tabasco,
and Noel Holguin for their continuous support. We thank the technical staff
from CEGEQ/PETROBRAS for the data and analytical assistance. We are
Macuspana, Campeche Sound, and the recently dis-
especially grateful to Ricardo Marins P. Da Silva for the drawings and all the covered Sierra de Chiapas. The Salina, Chiapas-
final art. We appreciate the helpful comments of Wallace Dow, Alain Huc, Tabasco, Campeche, and Macuspana areas comprise
Javier Meneses, and an anonymous reviewer who greatly contributed to the
content and style of the manuscript. M. A Guzman deeply thanks his the so-called Sureste basin (Gonzalez and Holguin,
coauthor, M. R. Mello, for hours of input, discussion, and advice. 1991) (Figure 1). Exploration in the Sureste basin

1068 AAPG Bulletin, V. 83, No. 7 (July 1999), P. 1068–1095.

Guzman-Vega and Mello 1069

Figure 1—Map showing

location of marginal
sedimentary basins in
the Gulf of Mexico.

began in the late 1920s, but the main discoveries features include organic matter derived from organ-
were made in the 1950s for the Salina basin and in isms present within the water column, organic mat-
the 1970s and early 1980s for the Chiapas-Tabasco ter at the sediment-water interface, and the bacteri-
and Campeche areas (Acevedo and Mejia-Dautt, al communities within the sediments. Organic
1980). With the exception of the Macuspana basin, matter transported to the site of deposition is also
which is mainly gas prone, all the basins are oil part of this assemblage. The nature of the deposi-
prone. The petroleum resources of these basins are tional environment, its salinity, and its dissolved
concentrated in the Campeche Sound area, which oxygen content also are reflected in the biological
has more than 95% of the total Mexican reserves markers. Biological marker distributions in oils,
and production. therefore, can serve as diagnostic fingerprints,
Sedimentary organic matter and oils contain carrying information about the prevailing paleo-
complex assemblages of biological marker com- environmental conditions. Molecular geochemistry
pounds. In the same fashion that geological fossils thus can assist in ascertaining the depositional envi-
preserve the morphology of biological organisms, ronment of petroleum source rocks via the types of
biological markers preserve the molecular struc- contributing organisms in their related oils (e.g.,
ture of compounds that constitute the organisms. Mackenzie, 1980; Mackenzie et al., 1984; Rullkötter
Both geological and biological markers reflect the et al., 1984; Moldowan et al., 1985; Mello, 1988;
biological input and physico-chemical conditions Mello et al., 1988; Mello and Maxwell, 1990; Mello
of the depositional environment. The biological et al., 1993; Peters and Moldowan, 1993).
1070 Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 2—Generalized
stratigraphic column of the
Mexican Sureste basin showing
the reservoir and source
rocks units.

In an effort to classify the oil types present in GENERAL GEOLOGY

the Sureste basin and to assess the depositional
environment of their source rocks we studied The stratigraphic column of the Sureste basin
more than 150 selected oil samples and more comprises a sedimentary section ranging in age
than 1000 rock samples from the Sureste basin. from the Middle Jurassic to the Holocene (Figure
For the purpose of presentation, only the most 2). During the Late Triassic–Lower Jurassic, a rift
representative oils and source rock extracts are phase associated with the opening of the Gulf of
shown. This paper also extends previous investi- Mexico allowed the deposition of salt bodies in the
gations by using a biological marker approach basin (Salvador, 1991). Salt tectonics resulted in the
(Mello et al., 1995). The purpose is to develop a formation of structural and stratigraphic traps both
reliable classification of the oils, to determine in the Salina basin and Campeche area, where
their source rocks, and to understand differ- petroleum reservoirs associated with salt diapirs
ences in their composition through molecular produce from both the Miocene and Cretaceous
geochemistry. (Acevedo and Mejia-Dautt, 1980).
Guzman-Vega and Mello 1071

During the Callovian and the beginning of the representative of the oil families identified (Tables
Oxfordian, marine conditions extended over all of 1, 2, 3). The oil samples representing reservoirs
the Sureste basin. In the Campeche area, the ranging in age from Oxfordian to Pleistocene
Oxfordian embraced a sedimentary sequence com- (Figure 2, Table 1) were first analyzed for API gravi-
prising shallow-marine clastics, evaporites, and ty, carbon isotopes, and elements (Ni, V, and S).
shallow organic-rich carbonates (Cruz and Bitumen from representative source rocks ranging
Gonzalez, 1994). in age from Oxfordian to middle Miocene was
The marine transgression increased in the extracted by soxhlet.
Sureste basin during the Kimmeridgian. The basin’s Carbon isotopes of whole oils and bitumens
lower part is represented by shaly sediments that, were measured in the normal way and reported rel-
in some areas, are sandy with limestone intercala- ative to PDB (Peedee belemnite). The oils and
tions. In contrast, oolitic carbonate banks partially organic extracts were fractionated via solid-liquid
dolomitized with layers of dolomites and anhy- chromatography and the resulting saturate frac-
drites characterize the upper portion of the tions analyzed by gas chromatography (HP 5890)
Kimmeridgian. These oolitic banks constitute one and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TSQ-
of the main petroleum reservoirs in the Chiapas- 70) following established methods of Mello et al.
Tabasco area (Nehring, 1991). (1995).
Maximum f looding occurred during the
Tithonian (Salvador, 1991). At this time, undis-
turbed, laminated, organic-rich calcareous mud- ASSESSING THE PALEOENVIRONMENT OF
stone sediments containing mainly type II kerogen DEPOSITION USING OIL SAMPLES
were deposited. This Tithonian calcareous shale is
considered to be the most important oil source Four major source-related oil families have been
rock in the Mexican Sureste basin (Gonzalez and identified: Oxfordian, Tithonian, Lower Cretaceous,
Holguin, 1991). and Tertiary (Figure 3). Each oil family is discussed
The Lower Cretaceous section in the Chiapas- separately to assess and differentiate the oil types
Tabasco area is characterized by carbonate-evaporitic and the paleoenvironment of deposition of their
deposits. In contrast, dolomite and shaly limestones respective sources.
containing chert are present in the Campeche area.
Considerable oil production comes from these sec-
tions in the Chiapas-Tabasco and the Campeche Oxfordian Oils (Family 1)
areas (Nehring, 1991).
In the Sierra de Chiapas, the carbonate platform Family 1 oil production in the Campeche area
consists mainly of sabkha-type sequences linked to comes from eolian sandstone reser voirs of
evaporite and restricted inner shelf deposits, Oxfordian age. A minor portion originates from
including organic-rich carbonate beds. Petroleum Kimmeridgian oolitic carbonate bank reservoirs
reservoirs in the Chiapas-Tabasco and Campeche (Cruz and Gonzalez, 1994).
areas are essentially found in a high-energy bank- The oils have geochemical features that appear
edge sequence west of the Yucatan carbonate plat- to be related to high-sulfur kerogen deposited in an
form (Viniegra, 1981). These rocks are the most anoxic marine-hypersaline environment. The oils
important Mesozoic petroleum producing trend in typically are dominated by aromatic and NSO com-
the Gulf of Mexico (Nehring, 1991). pounds with saturate contents commonly account-
In the Campeche area, Upper Cretaceous deposits ing for less than 40% by weight (Table 1). Their
are represented by dolomites, shaly limestones, and bulk features (Table 1) include API gravities of
chert. Dolomitized breccias are one of the main around 26°, sulfur contents greater than 1%, V/Ni
Upper Cretaceous reservoir plays in the Campeche ratios around 1.5, and whole-oil 13 C values of
area. Throughout the Cenozoic the basin filled around –25‰ (Figure 4). These data suggest that
with a thick prograding sequence of shale and these oils were derived from marine carbonate
sand, building the shelf edge out to its present source rocks (cf. Wenger et al., 1990; Kennicutt et
position. al., 1991; Mello et al., 1993).
The gas chromatography and biomarker features
of a representative family 1 oil are characterized by
SAMPLES AND METHODS a dominance of low-molecular-weight n-alkanes,
pristane/phytane <1, Ts / Tm <<1, abundant
Geochemical analysis was done on oil samples extended hopanes, very high C35/C34 hopane ratios
from 69 oil fields and two oil seeps, and 30 poten- (Figures 5–7, Table 2), low abundance of tricyclic
tial source rocks. This paper includes data from terpanes relative to pentacyclics, presence of
only selected oil and rock samples taken as being 17α(H)-29,30 bisnorhopane, high abundance of
Table 1. Identification of and Bulk Data for Oils from the Mexican Southeastern Basins

Basin Reservoir δ13C API S V Ni %

Oil Family Well or Province Depth (m) Age Lithology (‰) Gravity (%) (ppm) (ppm) V/Ni Sat.*
1 CA-1 Campeche 4400–4428 Oxfordian Limestones –25.4 25.8 2.2 18.0 13.0 1.4 10.1
1 CA-2 Campeche 4540–4565 Oxfordian Limestones –25.7 26.0 2.6 15.0 12.0 1.3 36.5
2a SA-1 Salina 1539–1549 Upper Miocene Sandstones –27.9 15.2 3.6 110.0 31.0 3.5 23.5
2a SA-2 Salina 1540–1543 Upper Miocene Sandstones –28.1 16.3 6.0 39.9
2a SA-3 Salina 385–390 Upper Miocene Sandstones –27.3 23.9 2.2 49.0 23.0 2.1 43.7
2a SA-4 Salina 1805–1830 Upper Miocene Sandstones –27.4 25.0 1.7 20.0 7.0 2.9 45.0
2a SA-5 Salina 550–569 Upper Cretaceous Limestones –26.8 33.6 1.3 16.0 4.0 4.0 59.4
2a SA-6 Salina 490–500 Middle Cretaceous Limestones –26.8 33.8 1.3 16.0 4.0 4.0 62.3
2b CHI-1 Chiapas–Tabasco 4035–4047 Middle Cretaceous Limestones –26.4 35.5 0.6 >5 1.0 69.2
2b CHI-2 Chiapas-Tabasco 2028–2040 Upper Pliocene Sandstones –27.7 12.9 4.2 429.0 70.0 6.1 19.3
2b CHI-3 Chiapas-Tabasco 2200–2300 Pliocene Sandstones –27.3 4.4 38.2
2b CA-3 Campeche 4317–4400 Upper Cretaceous Limestones –27.4 24.7 1.5 75.0 19.0 3.9 48.0
2b CA-4 Campeche 3855–3875 Middle Eocene Calcareous breccia –27.5 16.2 2.4 296.0 59.0 5.0 28.5
2b CA-5 Campeche 4245–4260 Lower Cretaceous Limestones –27.5 22.3 1.8 215.0 63.0 3.4 51.6
2c SAL-7 Salina 2591–2596 Upper Miocene Sandstones –27.5 12.9 1.2 30.0 21.0 1.4 38.1
2c SAL-8 Salina 620–627 Upper Pliocene Sandstones –27.2 15.5 2.1 38.0 19.0 2.0 37.1
2c SAL-9 Salina 3383–3397 Upper Miocene Sandstones –27.8 27.0 2.1 39.3
2c SAL-10 Salina 2685–2717 Upper Miocene Sandstones –27.3 27.2 1.3 33.0 21.0 1.6 45.8
2c SAL-11 Salina 2997–3017 Upper Miocene Sandstones –27.1 36.4 0.9 7.0 1.8 58.7
2c SAL-12 Salina 1250–1260 Lower Pliocene Sandstones –27.4 37.2 0.8 11.0 4.0 2.2 63.2
2c CAM-6 Campeche 5820–5860 Lower Cretaceous Limestones –27.3 20.7 3.6 5.0 41.1
3 CHI-4 Chiapas-Tabasco 2900–2960 Lower Cretaceous Limestones –24.4 31.5 1.4 >5 >1 59.3
3 CHI-5 Chiapas-Tabasco 2787–2805 Upper Cretaceous Limestones –24.3 22.1 2.8 48.0 11.0 4.4 39.0
3 SIECHIA-1 Sierra de Chiapas 3389–3375 Lower Cretaceous Limestones –22.9 18.4 2.9 21.0 38.0 0.6 29.3
3 SIECHIA-2 Sierra de Chiapas 3261–3273 Lower Cretaceous Limestones –23.8 23.0 3.0 77.0
4 MACUS-1 Macuspana 1914–1920 Upper Miocene Sandstones –21.7 54.2 0.2 >5 6.0 37.1
4 MACUS-2 Macuspana 1735–1740 Upper Miocene Sandstones –22.6 30.5 0.1 >5 >1 68.4
4 MACUS-3 Macuspana 1585–1590 Pliocene Sandstones –22.5 45.4 0.1 >5 3.0 1.7 86.5
4 MACUS-4 Macuspana 1496–1499 Pliocene Sandstones –23.7 45.1 0.1 80.0
4 MACUSEEP Macuspana seep Pliocene Sandstones –22.3 25.8 0.3 >5 34.0 72.5

*Sat. = saturates.
Table 2. Source-Related Biomarker Parameters for Oils from the Mexican Southeastern Basins*

Oil Basin or C29/ C35/ % % % % % Oleanane 24/4 C*30/ Ts/ Dias % % % Ster./ Pr/
Family Well Province C30 C34 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 Index 26/3 C29Ts Tm Index C27 C28 C29 Hop. Ph
1 CA-1 Campeche 0.8 1.4 30.2 23.7 17.0 12.5 17.5 0.0 1.4 0.1 0.4 0.0 32.7 22.0 45.4 5.7 0.6
1 CA-2 Campeche 0.8 1.5 26.1 22.8 18.7 13.3 20.2 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.5 0.4 29.0 21.9 49.1 4.4 0.6
2a SA-1 Salina 0.9 1.3 44.5 23.4 15.9 7.2 9.2 0.0 1.3 0.2 0.5 0.6 31.4 25.3 43.3 5.2 0.7
2a SA-2 Salina 0.8 1.2 46.1 24.0 15.0 7.0 8.2 0.0 1.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 33.5 24.2 42.3 4.4 0.7
2a SA-3 Salina 0.7 1.1 43.5 25.8 15.7 7.5 7.9 0.0 1.5 0.3 0.7 1.0 33.9 25.0 41.0 4.7 0.8
2a SA-4 Salina 0.9 1.2 43.1 25.4 16.2 7.8 9.6 0.0 2.1 0.3 1.0 0.6 31.2 25.5 43.4 6.6 1.0
2a SA-5 Salina 0.9 1.3 40.1 22.5 14.9 10.3 12.9 0.0 2.7 0.2 0.7 0.6 29.6 25.2 45.2 5.5 1.1
2a SA-6 Salina 0.9 1.2 36.2 25.6 16.7 10.6 12.5 0.0 3.2 0.2 0.7 0.8 32.7 30.4 36.9 5.4 0.9
2b CHI-1 Chiapas-Tabasco 1.2 0.8 38.9 24.9 16.0 11.4 9.2 0.0 3.1 0.2 0.9 0.9 27.7 32.0 40.3 6.2 1.2
2b CHI-2 Chiapas-Tabasco 1.1 1.2 42.7 24.2 14.2 8.9 10.4 0.0 2.9 0.2 0.3 0.3 32.6 27.0 40.4 4.9 0.6
2b CHI-3 Chiapas-Tabasco 1.2 1.1 38.8 25.0 15.2 10.5 11.2 0.0 2.3 0.2 0.6 0.4 30.3 25.7 43.9 4.7 0.7
2b CA-3 Campeche 1.1 0.9 40.4 25.5 15.9 9.8 8.9 0.0 1.6 0.2 0.5 0.1 26.4 34.3 39.2 3.1 0.9
2b CA-4 Campeche 1.2 1.0 39.3 25.5 15.7 10.0 10.1 0.0 1.9 0.2 0.5 0.8 36.7 23.6 39.7 4.3 0.8
2b CA-6 Campeche 1.2 0.9 47.4 28.4 11.7 6.9 6.0 0.0 1.8 0.1 0.7 0.7 34.0 28.0 38.0 5.2 0.8
2c SA-7 Salina 0.8 1.0 39.1 25.3 17.6 9.3 9.3 0.0 1.6 0.4 1.2 1.5 32.0 25.6 42.4 5.8 1.1
2c SA-8 Salina 0.8 1.0 39.3 24.8 17.5 9.3 9.3 0.0 1.6 0.5 1.0 1.1 27.9 21.4 50.8 5.2 –
2c SA-9 Salina 0.7 0.8 42.4 25.7 16.3 8.7 7.3 0.0 1.3 0.4 1.0 1.5 34.5 24.1 41.4 5.1 1.0
2c SA-10 Salina 0.7 0.9 42.4 25.6 16.1 8.7 7.6 0.0 1.7 0.4 1.4 1.5 34.2 22.2 43.6 4.8 1.0
2c SA-11 Salina 0.8 0.9 41.4 24.0 16.5 8.9 7.7 0.0 1.7 0.5 1.2 1.0 31.2 23.8 45.0 4.9 0.9
2c SA-12 Salina 0.7 1.0 40.3 24.1 17.3 9.5 9.3 0.0 1.6 0.5 1.3 1.1 29.2 22.3 48.5 5.3 1.1
2c CA-6 Campeche 0.7 1.1 35.6 24.4 17.3 11.3 12.0 0.0 1.5 0.3 0.9 0.9 29.1 26.1 44.9 5.4 1.0
3 CHI-4 Chiapas-Tabasco 1.7 0.9 37.6 23.7 14.8 12.8 11.6 0.0 8.9 0.1 0.3 0.4 30.2 31.1 38.7 8.5 0.5
3 CHI-5 Chiapas-Tabasco 1.8 1.1 37.6 22.7 14.1 12.3 13.7 0.0 10.9 0.2 0.2 0.4 28.7 32.7 38.6 9.4 0.8
3 SIE-1 Sierra de Chiapas 1.4 1.0 28.9 26.1 11.4 18.0 17.2 0.0 22.7 0.2 0.5 0.1 36.8 19.4 43.8 12.3 0.4
3 SIE-2 Sierra de Chiapas 1.8 0.9 37.1 21.8 13.1 15.2 13.7 0.0 34.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 32.4 24.9 42.7 13.1 0.7
4 MA-1 Macuspana 0.5 0.6 41.7 27.3 16.5 9.3 5.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 1.1 0.4 23.6 36.6 39.8 9.3 2.1
4 MA-2 Macuspana 0.6 0.6 43.3 27.7 16.1 8.2 5.1 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.5 26.4 37.5 36.1 10.1 2.1
4 MA-3 Macuspana 0.6 0.3 48.8 29.3 13.5 6.5 2.3 0.6 1.1 0.4 1.3 0.9 31.2 32.3 36.6 11.0 3.2
4 MA-4 Macuspana 0.6 0.4 50.5 29.4 12.8 5.2 2.3 0.8 0.9 0.6 1.1 0.7 28.4 35.5 36.1 8.8 3.4
4 ASEE Macuspana 0.5 0.6 48.2 28.9 13.6 6.1 3.4 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.7 0.8 30.6 33.2 36.2 7.9 –
*C29 = peak area of 17α,21β(H)-30-norhopane in m/z 191 chromatogram. C30 = peak area of 17α,21β(H)-hopane in m/z 191 chromatogram. C35 = peak area of 17α,21β(H)-29-pentakishomohopane 22S + 22R in
m/z 191 chromatogram. C34 = peak area of 17α,21β(H)-29-tetrakishomohopane 22S + 22R in m/z 191 chromatogram. % C31 = [C31/(C31–C35)] × 100 homohopanes in m/z 191 chromatogram; epimers 22S + 22R were
measured for each carbon number. % C32 = [C32/(C31–C35)] × 100 homohopanes in m/z 191 chromatogram; epimers 22S + 22R were measured for each carbon number. % C33 = [C33/(C31–C35)] × 100 homohopanes in
m/z 191 chromatogram; epimers 22S + 22R were measured for each carbon number. % C34 = [C34/(C31–C35)] × 100 homohopanes in m/z 191 chromatogram; epimers 22S + 22R were measured for each carbon
number. % C35 = [C35/(C31–C35)] × 100 homohopanes in m/z 191 chromatogram; epimers 22S + 22R were measured for each carbon number. Oleanane Index = peak are of 18α(H)-oleanane in m/z 191 chromatogram
over peak area of 17α,21β(H)-hopane in m/z 191 chromatogram. 24/4 = peak area of tetracyclic terpane (C24) in m/z 191 chromatogram; 26/3 = peak area of tricyclic terpane (C26) in m/z 191 chromatogram. C*30 =
peak area of 17α(H)-diahopane. C29Ts = peak area of 18α(H)-30-norneohopane in m/z 191 chromatogram. Ts = peak area of 18α(H)-22,29,30-trisnorneohopane in m/z 191 chromatogram; Tm = peak area of 17α(H)-
22,29,30-trisnorhopane in m/z 191 chromatogram. Dias Index = sum of peak areas of C 27 20R and 20S 13β,17α(H)-diasteranes in m/z 191 chromatogram over the sum of peak areas of C29 20S and 20R
5α(H),14β(H),17β(H),24-ethylcholestane in m/z 191 chromatogram. % C27 = [C27/(C27–C29)] × 100; % C28 = [C28/(C27–C29)] × 100; % C29 = [C29/(C27–C29)] × 100; peak area of 5α(H),17β(H)-cholestane 22S + 22R in
m/z 218 chromatogram; peak area of 5α(H),14β(H)17β(H)-methylcholestane 22S + 22R in m/z 218 chromatogram; and peak area of 5α(H),14β(H)17β(H)-ethylcholestane 22S + 22R in m/z 218 chromatogram.
Ster./Hop. = steranes/hopanes = intensity of regular steranes in m/z 217 chromatogram over intensity of homohopanes in m/z 191 chromatogram. Pr/Ph = pristane/phytane, here meaning peak area of pristane/peak
area of phytane; peak areas of pristane and phytane were measured in whole-oil gas chromatogram.
1074 Mexico Oil Origin

Table 3. Biomarker Peak Identification C29 steranes relative to their C27 counterparts, and
low relative abundance of diasteranes.
Gas Chromatograms High bacterial contributions and hypersaline
PR 2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane (pristane) anoxic carbonate environments are indicated by a
PH 2,6,10,14-tetramethylhexadecane (phytane predominance of phytane/pristane; the terpane fea-
tures, for example, the low tricyclic terpanes; low
Triterpanes (m/z 191) Ts/Tm ratios; and high relative abundance of
1 C19 tricyclis terpane
2 C20 tricyclis terpane extended hopanes with very high C35/C34 hopane
3 C21 tricyclis terpane ratios (ten Haven et al., 1985; Jiamo et al., 1986;
4 C23 tricyclis terpane Mello et al., 1988, 1995). The predominance of C29
5 C24 tricyclis terpane steranes are held to be diagnostic of nonmarine
6 C25 tricyclis terpane environments (Mackenzie et al., 1984; Moldowan et
7 C24 (Des-E) tetracyclic terpane al., 1985); however, marine carbonate oils, derived
8 C26 tricyclis terpane (S/R) from source rocks older than Early Cretaceous, gen-
Te C24 (Des-A) tetracyclic terpane erally show high relative amounts of C29 steranes
9 C28 tricyclis terpane (S/R) and are attributed to algal precursors (Grantham
10 C29 tricyclis terpane (S/R) and Wakefield, 1988; Peters and Moldowan, 1993).
11 C27 18α(H),22,29,30-trisnorneohopane (C27 – Ts)
12 C27 17α(H),22,29,30-trisnorhopane (Tm) The low relative abundance of diasteranes is in
R C30 Triterpanes keeping with the idea of starved conditions during
T C27 17α(H),18α(H),21β(H),25,28,30-trisnorhopane the deposition of the source rocks. Such evidence,
13 C28 17α(H),21β(H),29,30-bisnorhopane together with the occurrence of biological markers
14 C*30 17α(H)-diahopane diagnostic of hypersaline water, suggests that the
15 C29 17α(H),21β(H)-norhopane Oxfordian in the Campeche sound was an environ-
16 C29 18α(H),30-norneohopane (C29 – Ts) ment with the low precipitation and intense evapo-
O Oleanane ration that generally occurs in restricted basins with
17 C30 17α(H),21β(H)-hopane arid to semiarid climates. Sedimentological data for
N C30 17α(H),30-nor,29-homohopane the Oxfordian on this area also suggest the deposi-
18 C31 17α(H),21β(H)-homohopane (22S + 22R)
19 C32 17α(H),21β(H)-bishomohopane (22S + 22R) tion of marls in an hypersaline environment and are
20 C33 17α(H),21β(H)-trishomohopane (22S + 22R) consistent with the geochemical results (Cruz and
21 C34 17α(H),21β(H)-tetrakishomohopane Gonzalez, 1994).
(22S + 22R) Figure 8 shows an oil-source rock correlation
22 C35 17α(H),21β(H)-pentakishomohopane using m/z 191 (terpanes) and m/z 217 (steranes)
(22S + 22R) mass chromatograms. The biological markers show
o Hexahydrobenzohopane series a good match for the family 1 oil and an Oxfordian
organic-rich marl extract taken from a well in the
Steranes (m/z 217) Campeche Sound.
23 13β(H),17α(H)-diacholestane, 20S The potential source rock selected for oil-source
(C27 – diasterane)
24 13β(H),17α(H)-diacholestane, 20R rock correlation corresponds to an Oxfordian lami-
(C27 – diasterane) nated shaly limestone recovered from the well
25 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H),20S Bacab 1 (4770 m); this limestone is interpreted as
(C27 – cholestane) deposited in a restricted environment near the
26 5α(H),14β(H),17β(H),20R + 20S shoreline. Total organic carbon (around 2%) and
(C27 – cholestane) hydrogen index (430 mg HC/g TOC) values charac-
27 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H),20R (C27 – cholestane) terize a type II kerogen with good source potential.
28 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H),20S The organic petrographical data suggest a marginal-
(C28 – methylcholestane) ly mature character with a vitrinite equivalent value
29 5α(H),14β(H),17β(H),20R + 20S of around 0.6% (beginning of the oil window).
(C28 – methylcholestane)
30 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H),20R The block diagram in Figure 9 is an idealized
(C28 – methylcholestane) illustration of the depositional environment that
31 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H),20S may have existed during the Oxfordian in the
(C28 – ethylcholestane) Campeche Sound area. This model assumes that
32 5α(H),14β(H),17β(H),20R + 20S the Oxfordian sea was narrow, shallow, and semire-
(C29 – ethylcholestane) stricted in an arid to semiarid climate. Such condi-
33 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H),20R (C29 – ethylcholestane) tions are associated with high evaporation and
34 C30 – steranes cyclic deposition of evaporites, mixed carbonates,
and eolian siliciclastics, as observed in Oxfordian
sediments from the Campeche area. These charac-
teristics led to a sluggish circulation, increased
Guzman-Vega and Mello 1075

Figure 3—Geographical
distribution of oil families
in the Sureste basin.

Figure 4—Sulfur content

(wt. %) vs. whole-oil
carbon isotope
composition of oils
Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 5—Example of whole-oil gas chromatogram, terpanes

(m/z 191), and sterane (m/z 217) distributions for oil family 1
(Oxfordian). Biomarker peak identification is given in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello 1077

Figure 6—Representative
homohopane distribution of oil
families from the Mexican south-
eastern basins. Key calculation of
percent of homohopanes is given
in Table 2.

Figure 7—C35/C34 hopanes ratio

vs. whole-oil carbon isotope
composition of oils analyzed from
Mexican southeastern basins.
Oil families are roughly
delineated. Key for calculation
of C35/C34 hopanes ratio is
represented in Table 2.

water salinity, halocline and picnocline stratifica- depositional environment (ten Haven et al., 1985;
tion, and, consequently, bottom-water anoxia Connan and Dessort, 1987; Mello et al., 1988,
(Mello, 1988; Koutsoukos et al., 1991a, b; Mello et 1993, 1995; Peters and Moldowan, 1993).
al., 1993). Organic-rich marls and calcareous mud-
stones were deposited in a hypersaline anoxic con-
dition between periods of marine transgression in Tithonian Oils (Family 2)
which less hypersaline conditions were established
(Koutsoukos et al., 1991a, b; Mello et al., 1993). The oils classified as belonging to family 2 are
In summary, the geochemical characteristics of found in marine siliciclastic and carbonate reser-
family 1 oils are diagnostic of marine-carbonate, voirs ranging in age from Kimmeridgian to Pliocene
anoxic, hypersaline conditions of the source rock in the Salina basin, Chiapas-Tabasco area, the
Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 8—Oil-source rock correlation (terpanes and steranes) using a representative oil from family 1 and an extract from an organic-rich marl
recovered from the Oxfordian section of a well from the Campeche Sound area. Biomarker identification is given in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello 1079

Figure 9—Idealized illustration of the paleoenvironment of deposition proposed during the Oxfordian in the
Campeche Sound area (modified from J. Ruiz, 1993, personal communication).

Macuspana basin, and the Campeche Sound area Chiapas-Tabasco basin and the Campeche Sound
(Figures 1–3). Their bulk geochemical features areas, and the 2c subtype is limited to the Salina
(Table 1) include saturate hydrocarbon contents basin and some wells from the Campeche Sound
ranging from 21 to 63%, low to high API gravities area.
ranging from 15 to 47°, sulfur content from 0.1 to Results of GC (gas chromatography) and
6% (Figure 4), whole oil δ 13 C values of –25.6 to GC–MS (gas chromatography–mass spectrometry)
–27.8‰ with most values around –27‰ (Figure 4), for representative family 2 subtypes are shown in
and V/Ni ratios ranging from 1 to 5%. The lighter Figures 10 and 11. In general, the family 2 subtypes
(less negative) carbon isotope values of these oils all show a dominance of low-molecular-weight
compared to family 1 oils (Table 1) suggest a less n-alkanes and pristane/phytane ratios ≤1 (Figure
hypersaline condition in the source rock deposi- 10, Table 1), abundant extended hopanes, low to
tional environment (Mello et al., 1988; Guzman- medium abundance of tricyclic terpanes relative to
Vega et al., 1992; Mello et al., 1993; Peters and pentacyclics, presence of hexahydrobenzo-
Moldowan, 1993). The broad variation in these geo- hopanes, and 17α(H)29,30-bisnorhopane (Figures
chemical features may be explained by slight 10, 11). The relatively high abundance of extended
source rock organic facies variations and by a wide hopanes and the elevated C35 hopanes commonly
range of thermal evolution (from normal oil to con- are associated with marine-carbonate environ-
densate). ments (Connan et al., 1986; Mello et al., 1988).
Family 2 oils share several biological marker fea- The presence of hexahydrobenzohopanes and
tures that are related to carbonate depositional 17α(H) 29,30-bisnorhopane also is consistent with
environments. Based on very specific molecular carbonate depositional environments (Connan and
characteristics, family 2 oils can be divided into Dessort, 1987; Peters and Moldowan, 1993).
three subtypes (Figure 3, Table 2) (Guzman-Vega et Sterane features of the family 2 subtypes (Figure 11)
al., 1995): the 2a subtype is restricted to the Salina all show the presence of C30 steranes and a high
basin, the 2b subtype is present in wells from the abundance of C29 steranes relative to C27 (Table 1).
Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 10—Example of whole-oil gas chromatograms oil subtypes for

2a, 2b, and 2c. Peak identification is given in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello

Figure 11—Example terpanes (m/z 191) and steranes (m/z 217) distributions for oil 2a, 2b, and 2c subtypes (Tithonian). Biomarker peak identifi-

cation is shown in Table 3.

1082 Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 12—C29/C30 hopanes ratio

vs. C35/C34 hopanes ratio of oils
analyzed from Mexican
southeastern basins. Oil
subfamilies are roughly
delineated. Key for calculation of
C29/C30 and C35/C34 hopanes
ratio is given in Table 2.

These features have been considered diagnostic for organic carbon (TOC) content of approximately 2%
marine algal organic matter (Moldowan et al., and a hydrogen index value of about 300 mg HC/g
1985). The presence of low relative abundances of TOC, composed mainly by type II kerogen. The
low-molecular-weight steranes and high relative organic matter is predominantly algal and presents
abundances of tricyclic terpanes in the family 2 oils a thermal evolution stage around peak oil genera-
(Table 2), when compared with family 1 oils, tion (R o around 0.8%). The good oil-source rock
reflects the less saline conditions in the deposition correlation, in this case, allows us to speculate on
environment of their source rocks (Cassani, 1986; the presence of a Tithonian source rock, as
ten Haven, 1986; Mello et al, 1988). observed in this example of a organic extract from
Tampico-Misantla basin.
The block diagram shown in Figure 14 is an ide-
Subtype 2a Oils alized illustration of the paleoenvironment of depo-
The subtype 2a oils are restricted to the Salina sition for the source rocks of the family 2 oils. For
basin (Figure 3). They are associated with marine subtype 2a, this model assumes that the Tithonian
siliciclastic reservoirs ranging in age from Late ocean was a narrow, shallow semirestricted sea in a
Cretaceous to the late Miocene, with almost 90% of semiarid climate. Such conditions were favored by
the oil found in Miocene reservoirs (Table 1). a silled basin geometry in an extensional tectonic
The key molecular features that differentiate this setting, restricted vertical mixing, and enhanced
subtype oil are pristane < phytane, C 29 /C 30 αβ- water stratification, leading to the development of
hopane ratios < 1, C35/C34 extended hopane ratios anoxia and organic preservation (e.g., Tampico-
>1, Ts/Tm ratios < 1, and very low abundance of Tuxpan basin) (Guzman-Vega et al., 1991, 1992).
diasteranes (Figures 10–12). These biological mark-
er features are characteristic of oils derived from
anoxic marine carbonate source rocks (e.g., Mello Subtype 2b Oils
et al., 1988; Sofer, 1988; Sassen 1990; Comet et al., The subtype 2b oils are the most widely spread
1993; Peters et al. 1993). in the Sureste basin. These oils are present in
Figure 13 illustrates the oil-source rock correla- wells from the Chiapas-Tabasco basin and the
tion using biological markers. There is a good cor- Campeche Sound area (Figure 3) and are associat-
relation between the representative subtype 2a oil ed mainly with marine carbonate reservoirs rang-
and an organic-rich Tithonian marl from a well in ing in age from Kimmeridgian to Pleistocene
the Tampico-Misantla basin. The selected sample is (Table 1), with approximately 95% of the subtype
a Tithonian shaly limestone, containing radiolaires 2b oil found in Mesozoic reservoirs. Subtype 2b
and calpionellids, that suggests deposition in a oils share similar bulk properties with subtype 2a
bathyal environment. This limestone has total oils (Table 1), including compositional elemental
Figure 13—Oil-source rock correlation (terpanes and steranes) using a representative oil from 2a subtype and an extract from an organic-rich marl
from the Tithonian section in a Tampico-Misantla area well. Biomarker peak identification is given in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello
1084 Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 14—Idealized illustration of the paleoenvironment of deposition of source rocks related to family 2 oils
(modified from Mello et al., 1993).

carbon isotope data. As suggested previously, restricted and broad marine-carbonate environ-
these characteristics are typical of oils derived ment (Aguayo et al., 1985). It has a total organic
from marine-carbonate source rocks. carbon value of around 1.5%, a hydrogen index
These oils also show many biological markers value of 200 mg HC/g TOC, and Tmax of around
similar to those for the subtype 2a oils (Figures 439°C, suggesting a fully mature stage of ther-
10–12): pristane < phytane, C 35 /C 34 extended mal evolution. Immature Tithonian samples, in
hopanes >1, Ts/Tm < 1, and a very low relative this basin, can reach more than 5% of TOC,
abundance of diasteranes. The key diagnostic 15–36 mg HC/g of rock, and hydrogen index val-
molecular feature that distinguishes these oils is the ues of up to 650 mg Hc/g of rock (Gonzalez and
high relative abundance of C 29 αβ-hopane com- Holguin, 1991) suggesting excellent source rock
pared with C 3 0 (C 2 9 /C 3 0 αβ-hopane ratio >1) potential.
(Figure 12). High C29/C30 hopane ratios have been The block diagram shown in Figure 14 suggests
related to oils derived from organic-rich carbonate that the source rock for the subtype 2b oils was
and some evaporitic source rocks (Zumberge 1984; deposited in a gentle, broad carbonate ramp in a
Connan et al, 1986). distal position under shallow to middle neritic con-
Figure 15 illustrates the oil-source rock correla- ditions at a time of global transgression. Restricted
tion using biological markers. There is a good cor- circulation or high organic productivity resulted in
relation between the representative subtype 2b oil oxygen-deficient bottom waters.
and an organic-rich Tithonian shaly limestone
recovered from a well in the Chiapas-Tabasco basin
(3698-3705 m). Subtype 2c Oils
Petrographically, the selected sample is similar The subtype 2c oils are restricted to the western
to the Tithonian shaly limestone recovered from part of the Salina basin and some wells from the
Tampico-Misantla basin, but suggesting a less Campeche Sound area (Figure 3). These oils are
Figure 15—Oil-source rock correlation (terpanes and steranes) using a representative oil from 2b subtype and an extract from an organic-rich marl
recovered from the Tithonian section of a well from the Chiapas-Tabasco area. Biomarker peak identification is presented in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello
1086 Mexico Oil Origin

associated with upper Miocene marine siliciclastic The oils have API gravities that range from 18 to
and Lower Cretaceous carbonate reservoirs. 36°, aromatic and NSO components dominate the
The oils show geochemical features associated oils, sulfur contents range from 0.7 to 3% (Figure
with oils derived from marine-carbonate source 4), V/Ni ratios range from 0.6 to 4.4 (Table 1), and
rocks, although a clay-rich facies is suggested. carbon isotope values for the whole oils range from
Thus, the oils possess low sulfur and low V/Ni –24.4 to –22.9‰ (Figure 4). This heavy carbon iso-
ratios when compared to oils from subtypes 2a and tope value for the whole oil differentiates this fami-
2b, medium content of saturates, pristane/phytane ly and suggests that related source rocks were
ratios ≤ 1 and carbon isotope value for the whole deposited under the most hypersaline conditions
oils range from –26.3 to –27.8‰ (Table 1). Some of compared to those for oil families 1 and 2. (Palacas
these data indicate oils derived from clay-rich et al., 1984; Mello et al., 1995; Peters and Moldowan,
marine carbonate source rocks (Sofer, 1984; 1993).
Talukdar et al., 1986; Mello et al., 1988, 1995). Figure 16 shows the GC and GC–MS traces
Although the subtype 2c oils share common obtained from the analysis of a representative family
molecular features with oils from subtypes 2a and 3 oil. The features that suggest that it is sourced from
2b, there are components present in 2c oils that a hypersaline carbonate source rock are pristane/
distinguish and characterize them (Figures 11, 12; phytane ratios ranging between 0.3 and 0.8, occur-
Table 2). The most important of these are C29/C30 rence of high relative abundances of C25 and C30
hopanes, C 35 /C 34 extended hopane ratios ≤1, long-chain isoprenoids, hopane/sterane ratios
Ts/Tm ≥ 1, high relative abundance of diasteranes <0.2, abundant extended hopanes with high
compared to regular steranes and, in particular, the C34/C33 ratios (>1), very high relative abundances
high to very high relative abundance of a series of of C24–C27 tetracyclic Des-E terpanes (Figure 16),
C28-C34 17α(H)-diahopanes (Figure 11). These par- low to very low abundances of tricyclic terpanes,
ticular biological markers are associated with the presence of 17α(H) 29,30-bisnorhopane and
marine-carbonate oils derived from Upper Jurassic low abundance of diasteranes (Table 2).
clay-rich source rocks in the North Sea (Northam, Similar molecular features observed for family 3
1985; Schou et al., 1985) and United States Gulf oils have been reported from carbonate-evaporitic
Coast basins (Wenger et al., 1990). Moldowan et al. sequences from Guatemala (Connan et al., 1986,
(1991) suggested that a high abundance of 17α(H)- 1995), south Florida (Palacas et al., 1984), and
diahopane (C*30) was associated with a bacterial Israel (Rullkötter et al., 1984). The biota in such
input in a clay-rich sedimentary environment under an environment are expected to be largely restrict-
oxic or suboxic conditions. They proposed the ed to species of salinity tolerant aquatic organ-
C*30/C29Ts ratio as an indicator of clay content and isms. These organisms are expected to possess
oxygen depletion in the paleoenvironment of unusual distributions of lipids able to give rise to
deposition of the source rock. The data show a unusual distributions of biological marker s.
good correlation between the C*30/C29Ts ratio and Organisms such as Archaebacteria give rise to
other indicators of clay content and salinity/redox high relative abundances of phytane and C25 and
conditions (e.g., low C 35 /C 34 extended hopane C 30 long-chain isoprenoids. Also capable of pro-
ratio, high diasterane index, and high Ts/Tm ratio) ducing unusual distributions are certain green
(Figure 11) for the subtype 2c oils. Among the algae, cyanobacteria (including halophiles), and
potential source rocks studied, none could be cor- sulfur bacteria (Boon et al., 1983; Goosens et al.,
related with family 2c oils. 1984; Connan et al., 1986). The presence of these
The block diagram shown in Figure 14 suggests unusual distributions in family 3 oils are a key fea-
the sedimentary setting in which the source rock ture in differentiating them from other oil families
for subtype 2c oils was deposited, occurring in a (Figure 16).
more proximal setting, compared with the source Figure 17 shows a good correlation, using bio-
rocks from family 2a, under shallow to middle ner- logical marker distributions, between a family 3 oil
itic conditions at a time of global transgression and the organic extract obtained from a Lower
(Aguayo et al., 1985; Michaud, 1987). Cretaceous organic-rich limestone intercalated
within massive anhydrite recovered from a core
(4339–4346 m) in a well from the Sierra de Chiapas
Cretaceous Oils (Family 3) area. The sample is characterized by laminated
microdolomites, algal mats, and mosaic anhydrite.
The oils classified as family 3 oils are found in These features are similar to those reported in the
marine-carbonate reservoirs ranging in age from Lower Cretaceous of Guatemala and interpreted as
Early to Middle Cretaceous and occur in the south- typical of coastal sabkha environments (Connan et
ern part of the Chiapas-Tabasco area and in the al., 1986). Total organic carbon and hydrogen
Sierra de Chiapas (Figures 2, 3; Table 1). index values are around 1.5 % and 450 mg HC/g
Figure 16—Example of a whole-oil gas chromatogram, terpanes
(m/z 191) and steranes (m/z 217) distributions for oil family 3
(Cretaceous). Biomarker peak identification is given in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello
Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 17—Oil-source rock correlation (terpanes and steranes) using a representative oil from family 3 and an extract from an organic-rich marl
recovered from the Lower Cretaceous section of a well from the Sierra de Chiapas area. Biomarker peak identification is given in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello 1089

Figure 18—Idealized illustration of the paleoenvironment of deposition of source rocks related to family 3 oils
(modified from Mello et al., 1993).

TOC, respectively. The organic matter is mainly Tertiary Oils (Family 4)

composed by type II kerogen with dominance of
bacterial and algal material. The Tmax and vitrinite The family 4 oils are geographically limited to
ref lectance data (around 425°C and 0.5% R o , the Macuspana basin and are found in siliciclastic
respectively) suggest a very immature stage of ther- reser voirs ranging in age from late to middle
mal evolution. Miocene (Figure 3, Table 1).
Figure 18 shows a block diagram of an idealized The oils typically have saturate hydrocarbon con-
paleoenvironment of deposition for the source tents of <60%, medium to high API gravities rang-
rocks giving rise to family 3 oils, suggesting that ing from 28 to 45°, only traces of Ni and V, very low
these rocks were deposited in sabkha environ- sulfur content, and whole-oil carbon isotope values
ments during the Early Cretaceous. Arid conditions ranging from –23.7 to –21.9‰ (Figures 4, 7). These
and intermittent incursions of marine water data characterize and differentiate family 4 oils and
allowed the formation of these environments in the suggest an origin source rock deposited in a dysaer-
intertidal area of a carbonate platform. During sea obic, siliciclastic environment (Talukdar et al.,
transgressions, in relatively less saline water condi- 1986; Mello, 1988; Doust and Omatsola, 1990;
tions, a huge quantity of nutrients allowed algal and Mello et al., 1995).
bacterial blooms over short periods of time Figure 19 shows the most important molecular
(Kirkland and Evans, 1980; Busson, 1991; Hofmann features of the family 4 oils. These include high
and Leythaeuser, 1993). Frequent salinity variations pristane/phytane ratios, very low abundance of
induced mass mortalities and replacement of one extended hopanes, high relative abundance of
species by another. Once hypersaline conditions 18α(H)-oleanane, the presence of Des-A and Des-E
were reestablished, gypsum and halite precipitated C24 tetracyclic terpanes, a dominance of C 29 ster-
and only a few species of algae and bacteria could anes, and a high relative abundance of diasteranes
survive. The hydrocarbon potential of evaporitic (Figures 19, 20). These features are typical for oils
sequences commonly is limited due to the erratic derived from source rocks deposited in a marine
distribution of the source rocks, which are deposit- deltaic depositional environment (Ekweozor et al.,
ed in thin bedded, laterally discontinuous strata 1979; Grantham et al., 1983; Murray et al., 1994).
(Connan et al. 1995). The presence of 18α(H)-oleanane in an oil suggests
Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 19—Example of whole-oil gas chromatogram, terpanes

(m/z 191) and steranes (m/z 217) distributions for oil family 4
(Tertiary). Biomarker peak identification is given in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello 1091

Figure 20—Pristane/
phytane ratio vs.
whole-oil carbon isotope
composition of oils
analyzed from the
Mexican southeastern
basins. Oil families are
roughly delineated.

a terrestrial input and has been found in many deltas from southeastern Asia, southern China, and
Tertiary oils worldwide (Grantham et al., 1983; New Zealand (Murray et al., 1994).
Brooks, 1986; Philp and Gilbert, 1986; Mello et al., Figure 21 shows an oil-source correlation
1988; Kennicutt et al., 1991). Similarly, the pres- between a family 4 oil and an organic extract from a
ence of Des-A and Des-E C24 tetracyclic terpanes middle Miocene organic-rich shale recovered from a
indicates a significant contribution of higher plant well in the Macuspana basin (2004–2054 m). Total
material to the source rocks for family 4 oils organic carbon values are low (around 0.5%) and
(Trendel et al., 1982; Philp and Gilbert, 1986; composed mainly of type II-III kerogen (hydrogen
Abdullah et al., 1988; Mello et al., 1988; Murray et indices are up to 154 mg HC/g TOC). Although the
al., 1994). Other peaks present, but not marked, in organic extract exhibits low thermal maturity
Figure 19 are bicadinanes and C30 triterpanes. The (Tmax around 429°C), the molecular parameters
latter are almost certainly oleanoids, which are sug- used show a good correlation with those from the
gested to be derived mainly from Tertiar y family 4 oils.
angiosperm (Grantham et al., 1983; Czochanska et In summary, the geochemical data from family 4
al., 1988; van Aarssen et al., 1990; Murray et al., oils indicate an origin from bacterially reworked
1994). The predominance of C29 steranes and the terrigenous and marine source material deposited
relative abundance of diasteranes reflect the high in a Tertiary marine deltaic environment.
terrigenous input and clay mineral input, respec-
tively, to the source rocks of family 4 oils and is
consistent with a deltaic depositional environment CONCLUSIONS
(see discussion for family 2c oils). The presence of
C30 steranes, albeit in low abundance, indicates a Geochemical analyses of oils and rock samples
marine depositional influence (Table 2) (Moldowan have identified four major age-source related oil
et al., 1985). Thus, the evidence suggests very families in the Sureste basin: Oxfordian, Tithonian,
strongly that the family 4 oils were derived from a Early Cretaceous, and Tertiary.
Tertiary marine siliciclastic deltaic source rock. The Jurassic, Oxfordian, and Tithonian oils are
Examples of oils derived from such environments related to sources from marine-carbonate environ-
include those from the Niger Delta (Hills and ments and the Tertiary oils are associated with a
Whitehead, 1966; Ekweozor et al., 1979), Mahakam source from a marine-deltaic siliciclastic deposi-
Delta (Grantham et al., 1983; Schoell et al., 1983; tional environment.
Hoffmann et al., 1984), Beaufort-Mackenzie Delta Biomarker and carbon isotope differences
(Brooks, 1986), Amazon Delta (Mello et al., 1988), observed between the marine-carbonate oils are
Mississippi Delta (Kennicutt et al., 1991), and interpreted as being due to differences in salinity,
Mexico Oil Origin

Figure 21—Oil-source rock correlation (terpanes and steranes) using a representative oil from family 4 and an extract from an organic-rich shale
recovered from the Miocene section of a well from the Macuspana basin. Biomarker peak identification is given in Table 3.
Guzman-Vega and Mello 1093

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Mario Alberto Guzman-Vega Marcio Rocha Mello

Mario Alberto Guzman-Vega Marcio Rocha Mello received a
received a B.S. degree in geology degree in geology from Brasilia
from the Polytechnic National University. In 1976 he joined
Institute of Mexico. In 1986 he Petrobras as a well-site geologist
joined the Exploration Division of working in the Reconcavo basin,
the Mexican Petroleum Institute located in northeastern Brazil. By
(IMP), where he performed several 1982, after work as a petroleum
projects focusing on petroleum explorationist in the Ceará and
exploration in Mexican sedimenta- Potiguar basins in northeast Brazil,
ry basins. From 1987 to 1991 he he became the head of the Petro-
studied in Pau University, France, bras Geochemistry Laboratory. In
where he received an M.S. degree and a Ph.D. His cur- 1985, he joined Bristol University, in England, where he
rent interests include basin analysis, petroleum system received a Ph.D. in petroleum geochemistry. In 1988, he
characterization, and the generation of oil and gas in was promoted to be the head of the Petrobras geochem-
Mexican basins. Presently, he is in charge of the reser- istry section. Presently, he is the head of the Center of
voir geochemistry projects of IMP. He is president of the Excellence in Geochemistry of Petrobras. In addition,
Mexican Association of Petroleum Geologists (AMGP) of Marcio is the president of the Brazilian Association of
the Mexico City section and an associate professor in Petroleum Geologists, a recipient of AAPG’s Distin-
the Polytechnic National Institute of Mexico. guished Achievement Award, and an associate professor
in several Brazilian Universities.

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