Reading Villahermosa CTS

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A Reading on


In Partial Fulfillment to the

Requirements in NCM 216 – RLE


Submitted to:


Clinical Instructor

Submitted by:


BSN-3L – Group 5

May 11, 2022


Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Viera, A. J. (2003). Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. American Family

Physician, 68(2), 265–272.


In the United States, around 3% of adults suffer with carpal tunnel

syndrome. The characteristic symptoms include pain and paresthesia in the
median nerve's distribution. While Tinel's sign and a positive Phalen's maneuver
are characteristic symptoms of the disease, hypoalgesia and a weak thumb
abduction are more indicative of faulty nerve conduction studies. Splinting the
wrist in a neutral position and ultrasound therapy are two conservative
therapeutic options.

Oral corticosteroids are useful for short-term therapy (two to four weeks),
while local corticosteroid injections can help with symptoms for extended periods
of time. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, pyridoxine, and diuretics are
no more beneficial than placebo in treating the symptoms of carpal tunnel
syndrome, according to a new systematic study. If conservative therapies fail to
relieve symptoms or nerve conduction testing reveal severe entrapment, open or
endoscopic carpal tunnel release may be required.

Moreover, because spontaneous postpartum remission is typical, carpal

tunnel syndrome should be treated conservatively in pregnant women.

The article had opened my eyes in different aspects. It made me see a

situation of a patient who would have carpal tunnel syndrome. An imagery of the
experiences and management for a person having CTS was really an essential
element for me to visualize what they had experienced after having those
sensations indicating CTS. Moreover, the article was informative to me as a
student nurse since various medications were presented in the article as well as
various laboratory tests and procedures that would ease the life of a CTS patient.

The article that I had gone over through has also indeed imparted
knowledge on the different interventions that was given to the patient. It even
clearly emphasized the time frames on the therapy’s effectivity. I haven’t had
encountered anyone who had this kind of syndrome but with the help of the
information that was presented in the article, it had myself visualize the effects and
how would a healthcare professional manage a person having CTS.

The article is relevant to nursing education since it can give is the

knowledge that these types of management or therapy can be done and could
emphasize how is CTS being managed by medical health care professionals.
Moreover, it contributes to our nursing research by giving us and future
researchers in providing an in-depth study for us to gain more profound
information of the condition. Lastly, in the essence of nursing practice, this would
enable health care workers a more effective course of action in dealing with carpal
tunnel syndrome and when encountering or handling patients like this in the field
mental fortitude would also be practiced.

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