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The thin thread of my frail voice unwinds through the frightening atmosphere

dressed in hopelessness. My hair stood on end and my eyes as big as a saucepan. I

felt my left arm shaking. I feared to reach my left pocket which contains our last
shred of hope. This was my spare cellphone.

I was trembling like a leaf in a storm. Tears flowed from my regretful eyes and
chocked my cheeks. I remembered my parents commanding to stay at home. When
I was left alone, I was angry, fretful and impatient. On 25th of December my
friends invited to a party. I saw the party as a savior from my loneliness. It was a
tremendous relief. I gave the matter earnest consideration.

We drove and raced towards the party house. Party rock and loud music in the car
eased my mind. I drowned into the melodious music. I did not notice the distance
we travelled. As we stepped into the party room, disco lights and an atmosphere of
joy welcomed us. I gave myself imagination free reign. I felt my spirits lifting as I
entered the party house.

Immediately after entering the party room, a thunderous sound from a smoking gun
left everyone on floor. A group of notorious strangers invaded our party. A wave
of panic swept over us. Blood seemed to freeze in my veins. We were all force to
surrender our positions especially cellphones. I was lost in the sudden turn off
event. I surrender my purse and forget ton surrender the spare cellphone on my left

With my chest almost bursting with awe, I was pushed to the limit of my
endurance. All kinds of ugly thoughts raced through my mind, I tried to brush them
aside. I got the courage to call my mother using my spare cellphone. This was a
trickiest call I have ever done. I just wanted to make sure she had everything which
was being said by the strangers.

However, the strangers wanted to kidnap all the girls at the party. We were ordered
to enter the van of the strangers. We were on the horns of a dilemma. My call
disconnected and I left the cellphone on the ground. Meanwhile hope and
expectations reduced me to a mere skeleton. When we were about to depart with
the strangers, we had a siren. This was the police cars. Our fear evaporated.
Finally, the police rescued us from the strangers. This day we survived with a close

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