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 What global issues have emerged because of


Communication is a very important aspect of our lives. It is the

link that connects us together. With the absence of this
element, this fact would lead to different conflicts. War,
corruption, discrimination, slavery, racism and poverty are
some of the different global issues that have emerged because
of miscommunication. The similarities of those global issues
are they are all threats of global security. It is a challenge for
us to create a truly global society, a society without the
presence of any forms injustices. In order to achieve this, we
should use our global ability to communicate and organize
together with the challenges that we face and we will face.
Regardless of the culture that we have, there should be
invisible ties that bonds and brings us together as one
community that will fight against the different forms of
injustices. Take the different threats of global security and
problems of human rights; they cannot be solved by the
Philippines alone. We cannot solve these problems unless we
work together. We must build a strong relationship and
partnership between the richest and poorest countries and
make sure that the growth to be sustained has to be shared
and are built on the principle that this world is indivisible.
 How can effective communication and language
used contribute to the creation of a truly global

A truly global society is somewhat having no issues of war,

terrorism, corruption, discrimination and other forms of
injustices that violates the human rights. We can only achieve
this if we effectively use communication as a tool for the
development of a truly global society. Communication serves as
the building blocks of the society because all kinds of social
connections rely on communication. It also plays a vital role in
connecting the people from Southern and Northern
hemispheres. Communication made it easy for the people
living in the developed and developing countries to interact.
The gap between the two has been narrowed. They can now
focus on resolving different problems by bringing attention as
it pertains to global security. Through the effective use of the
different means of communication, we have now the capacity
to find common ground with the people we met and we will
meet and that we have now the capacity to organize and take
collective action together. With our global ability to effectively
communicate with one another, we can now be able to deal
with the different problems and persuade the whole world to
move along and work together to achieve a truly global society.


In this lesson of communication and globalization, I learned

that to be a global communicator to be able to realize first the
meaning and process of global communication. Communication
plays a vital role in the growth and development of
globalization. As human beings, we have the ability to globally
communicate with one another in different ways regardless of
where we came from. As time goes by and technology became
more advanced, more developments were made in the field of
communication. One of the best examples of it is the ‘internet’.
A global communicator knows how to appropriately use the
internet. Internet provides a way for effective communication.
This continuously changed the global scene as it made
communication to the different parts of the world easier and
faster than ever.


1. What global issues have emerged because of miscommunication?

2. How can effective communication and language used contribute to the
creation of a truly global society?

1. What global issues have emerged because of miscommunication?

With a few symbols on a page, you can describe a wealth of physical
phenomena. We are living in a fast-paced world. These changes brought us to
fundamentally change the world. Digital media apps are tools used in
communication. It is important to create a truly global society but somehow
leads to global issue because of misunderstanding. When it comes to
communicating globally, it is usually in the encoding and decoding of the
message where the problems occur.

Communication is simply conveying or delivering information from a sender

and a receiver. Through different medium. The main purpose of
communication is the exchange of thoughts between two persons to make
ideas common. Unfortunately, miscommunication is common throughout the
globe. Miscommunication is a failure to communicate clearly and properly
between two persons which will lead to what we call misunderstanding.

There are different global issues that is sky rocketing the globe back in the
past and right up to the present. War is on top of these global issues. Due to
miscommunication between two countries may result into a global catastrophe
putting billions of lives at stake. Another global issue is the climate change.
Climate change can never be solved if only one country will be acting upon it
and this is were miscommunication sinks in. If only there will be a proper
communication and cooperation between all countries only then this problem
could be solved. Poverty is also a global issue. Miscommunication first takes
place in the election of leaders in the government. Through their beautiful lies
that hypnotizes the people making them believe that they are the people who
will lead them to a better place but instead doing the opposite. By choosing
the wrong people leads to corruption and through corruption leads to poverty.
Fascism, anti-Semitism, racism, apartheid, discrimination between gender,
sex, sexuality were also global issues which emerged because of

2. How can effective communication and language used contribute to

the creation of a truly global society?

In a technology driven world that we are living in today, communication can be

done easily may it be through social media, television, radio, newspaper, and
blogs. But with effective communication and proper use of language it is a
great contribution on creating a truly global society.
As what Gordon Brown stated from the video “Take, therefore, what modern
technology is capable of. The power of our moral sense allied to the power of
modern communication and our ability to organize internationally” he is simply
stating in his opinion that through modern communication it serves as an
opportunity for us as a community to fundamentally change the world.

With effective communication solving global problems will never be a hassle. It

is emphasized in the video that with communication solving problems will
never take years to solve but can be solved easily and not just solve problems
but also promote a global society. In order to achieve a global society through
effective communication, we must first know that different countries have
different cultures, therefore wee need to understand the language and cultural
differences among them in order to bridge the gaps and make interactions


In this lesson of communication and globalization, I learned that to be

a global communicator is to know first the latest innovation in technology in
regards of global communication. I learned that in the modern age
communicating globally had been made easier because of technology, you
can now talk with other people with just one click of a button and not just talk
but also see each other through video call. That is how powerful technology

In order to be a good global communicator first, we need to

understand the cultural differences among other countries, each country has a
different culture, with different expectations and custom. I learned also that to
be a global communicator I need to be a good listener because that doesn’t
mean that you will be the only one talking so I need to learn how to be a good
listener in order to understand the context of the message and avoid
miscommunication. I learned that I need to be confident when communicating
with someone, confidence shows that I believe on what I am saying and
everything will follow through.

To be a global communicator I need to be open-minded. When

entering a conversation, I need to be open-minded, open mindedness is being
flexible. I should not be self-centered, I should consider the perspective and
understanding of other people. Of course, a vital aspect to become a good
communicator is to be familiarized with their culture, as well. There are many
languages that exist in the world and communicating doesn’t end with what
language a person is speaking to. It also encompasses the culture, beliefs and
traditions that certain person has. And we must seriously know it if we want to
be a good communicator we ought to.

1. What global issues have emerged because of

 The failure to communicate adequately is one of the reason
why global issues have emerged. Some examples are poverty,
climate change, economy and security. One of the major
challenges in our time is climate change. All of those shifting
weathers that ruins the food production that is one of the
reason for poverty, the rising of sea levels that increase the
risk of flooding and the scope of such impacts of climate
change do not just affect a certain community but affects
globally. The conflict between countries that causes war is also
one of the global issues that had emerged long ago. Those
wars that ruined infrastructures and the peaceful life that the
people would have lived. All effects would have been
prevented if all the countries involved could have communicate
well. Security and peace that could have been achieved if
there would be a good communication happening between
countries. All of these global issues could have been prevented
if only there were a good communication. A communication
that would benefit the majority and will result to a better global


2. How can effective communication and language used

contribute to the creation of a truly global society?
 Effective communication does not just include the way we use
the words but also covers several other skills such as non-
verbal communication, ability to speak militantly and the
ability to understand your own emotions as well as of the other
person that you are communicating with. Knowing all of those
attributes will help a certain individual to attain a peaceful
global society.

Make an introspection:

In this lesson of communication and globalization, I learned that to be a global

communicator is to know or I must say be knowledgeable on how to use the
proper way of communicating. It is because being unable to do an effective
communication with a certain individual would lead to a worst case. However,
if a certain person knows how to communicate with another person effectively
he/she will become an effective person in a society. I know for sure that a
small mistake in communicating might lead to a worst scenario and such
person may not be good and effective person in a society.

1. What global issues have emerged because of

Because of miscommunication a lot of issues have emerged, without
the modern means of communication we will always encounter
difficulties in conveying our message to mass number of people.
Since the technology is still growing we are the first generation to
lessen the difficulties that we experienced before. Based from the
speech of Gordon Brown, go back 200 years when the slave was
under pressure from William Wilberforce and all the protesters, they
protested across Britain and they won the public opinion but it took
them 24 years for the campaign to be successful. Eglantyne Jebb,
the woman who created the Save the Children almost 100 years
ago, that was the time of World War I but she needs to go house to
house to encourage other to attend the rally for the defeated
families in the Royal Albert Hall. In 2001 in the Philippines, during
the presidency of Joseph Estrada a million of Filipinos texted each
other to create a Coup d’etat to brought him down because of the
corruption in that regime. In Zimbabwe, the first election under
Robert Mugabe few years ago, because people were able to take
mobile photographs, without those it will impossible for the Premier
to fix the problem. In Burma and the monks that were blogging and
let their fellowmen to know what is happening in their country. In
Iran, following what happened to Neda, people who are preventing
the security services finding the people who were blogging. Those
were the global issues that the world needs to encounter because
we really don’t have that power by means of communication to
disseminate message to let others know what is happening in their
country. Without the modern means of communication there will be
no change for empowering the global effect of communication.

 How can effective communication and language used

contribute to the creation of a truly global society.
Efficient use of communication for mass purpose will save us from
the troubles of miscommunication. Without communication the
world will be so dim where no one can see the light to enlighten
them. If the world has no communication there will be no
understanding at all, that is why we need to have a truly global
society wherein people can connect to the global events whenever
they are distant. Effective means of communication will help us to
understand the needs of every citizen across nations. Gordon Brown
once said “What we see unlocks what we cannot see. What we see
unlocks the invisible ties and bonds of sympathy that bring us
together to become a human community.” Global community must
see what others cannot see by means of the modern communication
there will be a greater impact for the development of the society. A
world can see everything and take action for the common good of


In this lesson of communication and globalization, I learned that to

be a global communicator is to serve as the voice for all. He/she
should connect to the feelings of every individual. They serve the
people and let their voices to be heard. A great global communicator
gives opportunity to the unprivileged to grow their potential to the
full. They practice sensitivity to avoid any misunderstanding and
they respect every culture that every country has. Working in a
global setting, cross-cultural role requires effective communication
with individuals and groups from different parts of the world. The
success depends on the ability of a person to work effectively with
people who may understand and react to situations differently.
Therefore, the ability to communicate effectively is crucial. This
concept uses a dynamic and engaging approach to develop the skills
for effective communication in the global setting.
With this kind of setting, becoming a global communicator is a great
responsibility for achieving a good society. Changing the world by
building bridges together will create a better world for those people
who seek fairness and equality, by means of Global communication
these concepts will never create a conflict for the next generations
to come.

Kjoops In this video about many different global issues we are facing, Gordon
Brown presents by showing everyone illustrations about how kids in other
countries are suffering and how they are mistreated. I believe its very sad that no
one has stand up for their rights for kids who are in poverty, being shot, standing
up for what is right and so on. Gordon talks about how no one is showing concern
for what is needed and how much people are blind in not seeing what is
happening around us in circles. Also, how these events that we are encountering
are going in circles that no one is not taking action for what is right for what is
not wrong to do. It doesn't matter what race you are and what religion you are
but we are a union who are trying to help for a better global world. No one
deserves to be visible to the truths of the events that are occurring because of
modern use of the internet is very fast to see everything that is global now.
People are the most important is taking their opinions to the public and sharing
their ideas through the modern communication because its the best way for the
government to see. Also, many people have blog database where they to get talk
about their reactions and ideas about issues they might have to publicize. The
modern age has come with great technological innovations since a century ago
when the first slaves came during the slave trade period, people who didn't had
the rights to vote, and the civil rights movement. This was a very interesting
video to learn how many people can be influence by this Ted talk by Gordon Brown
on global issues and making the internet a very good tool to use for the better of
the world.

1. What global issues have emerged because of


In Gordon Brown’s “Wiring a web for Global Good” had mentioned

a lot of global problems that have been experiencing by the people
for a long period of time and until now. Social justice,
environmental challenges, terrorism and wars, racism and the ever
dilemma of every country which is the poverty are some of these
issues that have emerged because of miscommunication in every
part of this world.

These global issues become more abundant because of the people

who can’t see what other people have been experiencing across the
world, a lot of miscommunication between people became the root
of misunderstanding that causes war and issues between countries
that is why our global society doesn’t work as one. But today’s
generation, globalization is rising up gradually because of the
people who advocate change in our community just like what
Gordon Brown’s want to achieve not just for the sake of the richest
countries but also for the poor countries who need a hand to lift
them up.

2. How can effective communication and language used to

contribute to the creation of a truly global society?

Communication and language may see as a barrier between the

people across the world but today’s global communication and
because of technologies people can successfully perform good
communication around the world. This effective communication and
language may contribute to a better future of our society by means
of globalization or exchanging opportunities from other countries to
make a good business and partnership within other countries.

Through this good communication, it will strengthen the

relationship between others that may help the advocacy of Gordon
Brown and many organization both local and international to have a
better world for everyone who’s living in this world.

3. Introspection

In this lesson of communication and globalization, I learned that to

be a global communicator is to become a voice of the young people
who will flaunt out the good role of a good communicator locally
and globally.

Everyone’s voice gives a big impact on our society that will awaken
the leaders to look forward to the better future of the next
generation. And being a communicator across the world is the best
thing to do as a youth and citizen of our country especially today
that we are in the middle of modernization and globalization. It’s
time for us to empower the good communication between other
countries to start molding an ideal society for all.
Every voice means a lot in our world, it only shows that we are
aware and active when it comes to what is happening in our global
society. It’s time to lift and help up everyone in this community
through communicating and voicing them out our side and
observations in our society to prevent global issues through this
effective communication and being a good communicator of today’s
situation of our society.

A truly global society is somewhat having no issues of war,

terrorism, corruption, discrimination and other forms of
injustices that violates the human rights. We can only achieve
this if we effectively use communication as a tool for the
development of a truly global society.
In a technology driven world that we are living in today’s generation,
communication can be done easily may it be through social media, television,
radio, newspaper, and blogs

As what Gordon Brown stated from the video “Take, therefore, what modern
technology is capable of. The power of our moral sense allied to the power of
modern communication and our ability to organize internationally” he is simply
stating in his opinion that through modern communication it serves as an
opportunity for us as a community to fundamentally change the world.

With effective communication solving global problems will never be a hassle. It

is emphasized in the video that with communication solving problems will
never take years to solve but can be solved easily and not just solve problems
but also promote a global society.With our global ability to effectively
communicate with one another, we can now be able to deal
with the different problems and persuade the whole world to
move along and work together to achieve a truly global society.

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