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Cruise-ship rooms are not Part-base Fundamentals of Business Out-

Activity. false sourcing FA1
9/10 (hindi ko nasave isang
9. Identify and write down the under-
lined letters whether Application 1. Automobile components is a Part-
maintenance and management is based Activity. true
a sas(Support or Auxiliary Ser-
vices), ra(Routine Activities)
or its (IT Services). its 2. In an outsourcing type of employ-
ment in a employers perspective
Buyer does not have full control of
resources doing work is a disadvan-
tage. true

3. Here are examples of auxiliary ser-
1. The IT-BPM industry has the poten-
vices except for one. part based
tial to bring in USD$25 billion in
revenue, and employ 1.3 million in-
dividuals by 2016. true
4. Another reason why do companies
outsource is for a greater output
from work being done around the
2. Automobile components is a Part-
clock which refers to
based Activity. true
______________________. faster and
continuous service delivery

3. Identify and write the underlined

word whether legal is a sas(Support
5. Here are examples of part-based
or Auxiliary Services), ra (Routine
activities except for one. legal
Activities) or its (IT Services). sas

6. In an employer’s perspective finan-

4. In an outsourcing type of employ-
cial independence is considered as
ment in a employers perspective
a disadvantage in an outsourcing
Cost can be higher because
type of employment. true
provider may add premium for risk
in case processes are not well de-
fine. true
7. Use of specialized external
providers which can deliver service
with better quality, innovation,
5. It is said to have first flourished in
leads to a company’s
the run-up to the beginning of the
_______________. better perfor-
second millennium. outsourcing

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with less expensive resources from ex- 6. In an employer’s perspective finan-
ternal service providers. lower cost cial independence is considered as
a disadvantage in an outsourcing
Shifting schedule (possible night shift)
type of employment. false
Gives you the opportunity to pursue
your passion and interest during the
day. True
7. In an outsourcing type of employ-
Every time we buy something from ment in a employers perspective
somebody rather than producing it Buyer does not have full control of
ourselves, we have essentially resources doing work is a disadvan-
__________________the production of tage. true
that good or service. outsourced
Identify and write down the underlined
8. Contracting of a service provider
letters whether Trucking/Shipping is a
for the delivery of a process or ser-
sas(Support or Auxiliary Services), ra
vice is called what? outsourcing
(Routine Activities) or its (IT Services).
Identify and write down the underlined 9. Identify and write down the under-
letters whether Application mainte- lined letters whether Application
nance and management is a sas(Sup- development is a sas(Support or
port or Auxiliary Services), ra(Routine Auxiliary Services), ra (Routine Ac-
Activities) or its (IT Services). its tivities) or its (IT Services). its
Another reason why do companies
outsource is for a greater output from
work being done around the clock 10.These are the reason why compa-
which refers to ______________________. nies outsource except for one.
faster and continuous service de- Conformity

Cruise-ship rooms are not Part-base
MMM Activity. False
Identify and write down the underlined Cruise-ship rooms are not Part-base
letters whether a CAFETERIA is a sas, Activity. True
ra, or its - its
Desktop build and configuration are
Part-based Activity. True
Identify and write down the underlined Service Provider may have more ex-
letters whether a SMALL BANKS OUR- pertise/capability than the buyer. True
LARGER BANKS is a sas, ra, or its - ra This refers to the reason of a company
why do they outsource is to replace
expensive local or in-house resources

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Risk of inadequately selected, trained, Identify and write down the underlined
supervised staff – i.e., less skilled be- letters whether a SOFTWARE as a SER-
cause contractor staff are lower paid is VICE (SaaS):is a sas, ra, or its – its
a disadvantage of an onshoring strat-
egy true
IBM is an example of a shared service
center false
The following are examples of a third
party strategy except for one
- hsbc
- Aegis
- Sykes
- Telus
Transfer pricing/tax margin require-
ments is also a crowdsourcing disad-
vantage false
Significant labor cost arbitrage is one
of offshoring advantages false
A type of outsourcing Owned by a ser-
vice provider, a local entity or part of a
global group Third-party (yan yata
mistake) / third party (?)
Cultural differences leading to delays
and miscues Is a nearshoring disad-
vantages false
Fundamentals of Business Out-
sourcing FA2

ANZ Bank is a Shared Service Center
Outsourcing company true
This refers to a wholly-owned by the
1. Insourcing is considered as a strat-
mother company type of outsourcing
egy for outsourcing. False
shared service center
Core Activities-Tasks-Processes that
2. Typically Outsourced Activities- should not be outsourced are process
Tasks-Processes includes part- true
based activities. True

This study source was downloaded by 100000852067507 from CourseHero.com on 09-20-2022 00:21:14 GMT -05:00

3. ANZ Bank is a Shared Service Cen-
ter Outsourcing company. True

4. Refers to providing services to
1. These are activities that are: rou-
clients of the service provider.
tine, scheduled, with little uncer-
third party
tainty. Gantt Chart

5. Risk of higher attrition (lower busi-

2. Typically Outsourced Activities-
ness acumen/process knowledge)
Tasks-Processes includes support
than internal staff; less motivation
function. True
to deliver quality is one of the dis-
advantage of a multisourcing type
of strategy in outsourcing. False
3. The following are strategies for out-
sourcing except for one. Farsourc-
6. Transfer pricing/tax margin require-
ments is also a crowdsourcing dis-
advantage. False
4. IBM is an example of a shared ser-
vice center. False
7. This refers to multiple vendors for
client's outsourced project. Multi-
5. Nearshoring is the transfer of busi- sourcing
ness to a nearby country, often
sharing the same border. True
8. A type of outsourcing Owned by a
service provider, a local entity or
6. Transfer pricing/tax margin require- part of a global group. Third party
ments is also a crowdsourcing dis-
advantage. False
9. IBM is an example of a shared ser-
vice center. False
7. In an Offshoring strategy vendor
and client are in different countries.
10.Data privacy/confidentiality issues
is one disadvantage of an off-
shoring strategy. True
8. The following are examples of a
SSC outsourcing company except
for one. Sykes

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9. Transfer pricing/tax margin require- 9. Temporary extension of operating
ments is also a crowdsourcing dis- hours to accommodate foot traffic
advantage. F is an example of seasonal require-
ments. True
10.Data privacy/confidentiality issues
is one disadvantage of an off-
shoring strategy. T
11. 10.Significant labor cost arbitrage is
one of offshoring advantages.
10/ 10 False
1. Nearshoring is the transfer of busi-
ness to a nearby country, often shar-
ing the same border. True 10/ 10

2. Additional coordination costs, sourc- 1. A type of outsourcing Owned by a

ing management, communications is service provider, a local entity or
one of a disadvantage of a part of a global group. THIRD-
nearshoring strategy. True PARTY

3. The following are examples of a SSC 2. Risk of inadequately selected,

outsourcing company except for trained, supervised staff—i.e., less
one. Sykes skilled because contractor staff are
lower paid is a disadvantage of an
4. Significant labor cost arbitrage is onshoring strategy. True
one of offshoring advantages. False
3. The following are strategies for out-
5. Chevron is an example of a Third sourcing except for one. outshoring
Party Strategy. False
4. These are activities that are: rou-
6. Teleperformance is an example of a
tine, scheduled, with little uncer-
Third Party Strategy. True
7. Typically Outsourced Activities-Tasks-
Processes includes support function.
5. Chevron is an example of a Third
Party Strategy. F
8. A type of outsourcing Owned by a
6. Typically Outsourced Activities-
service provider, a local entity or
Tasks-Processes includes part-
part of a global group. THIRD-
based activities. T
7. Refers to providing services to
9. Company puts out a call for a
clients of the service provider.
project; best solution/submission is
accepted and contracted. False
8. Insourcing is considered as a strat-
10. Typically Outsourced Activities-
egy for outsourcing . F
Tasks-Processes includes part-based
activities. True

This study source was downloaded by 100000852067507 from CourseHero.com on 09-20-2022 00:21:14 GMT -05:00

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