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1. A 37-year-old female patient is undergoing hemodialysis with an arteriovenous fistula in her left arm.
What do you do to prevent complications associated with this access? (2 pts)
a) Avoid taking taking blood pressure on her left arm
b) Insert intravenous cannula on her left hand for IVF therapy
c) Report a bruit or thrill to the doctor because this is an abnormal finding

2. Your patient with chronic failure complains of pruritus. Which instructions should you include in your
teaching plan? (2 pts)
a) Keep his fingernails short and clean
b) Apply alcohol-based emollients to his skin
c) Rub his skin vigorously with a towel

3. A 10-year-old boy is admitted due to severe headache and facial swelling. He is diagnosed with Acute
glomerulonephritis. Which would be the most likely cause of his condition? (2 pts)
a) Renal Calculi
b) Renal Trauma
c) Recent Sore throat

4. What is your priority nursing diagnosis for a patient with end stage renal disease? (2 pts)
a) Fluid volume excess
b) Knowledge deficit
c) Activity intolerance

5. A patient with diabetes mellitus and renal failure begins hemodialysis. Which diet is best on days
between dialysis treatments? (2 pts)
a) No restrictions needed
b) High protein diet with unlimited amount of water
c) Low protein diet with prescribed amount of water

6. How do you assess for patency of arteriovenous fistula (AVF)? (2 pts)

a) Check for capillary refill on the side with the AVF
b) Pinch the fistula and assess the speed of filling when released
c) Palpate the whole length of the fistula to assess for a thrill

7. Which of the following is the most common cause of high blood pressure in patients with acute renal
failure? (2 pts)
a) Hypovolemia
b) Hypervolemia
c) Anemia

8.Which of the following diet plan will you teach a patient with chronic kidney disease? (2 pts)
a) High protein, low potassium, high sodium, low phosphate diet
b) Low protein, low sodium, low potassium, low phosphate diet
c) Low protein, high sodium, high potassium, high phosphate diet

9. The kidneys are responsible for performing all the following functions EXCEPT? (2 pts)
a) Secreting Renin
b) Maintaining cortisol production
c) Secreting Erythropoietin

10. The client with chronic renal failure is scheduled for hemodialysis this morning is due to receive a
daily dose of oral antihypertensive. The nurse should plan to administer this medication: (2 pts)
a) during dialysis
b) after dialysis
c) immediately before dialysis

11. Clinical manifestations of acute glomerulonephritis include which of the following? (2 pts)
a) Hematuria and proteinuria
b) Dysuria and hypotension
c) Chills and flank pain
12. A patient with diabetes has had many renal calculi over the past 20 years and now has chronic renal
failure. Which of the following must be reduced in this patient's diet? (2 pts)
a) Fats
b) Vitamin C
c) Protein

13.You have a patient that is receiving peritoneal dialysis. What should you do when you notice the
return fluid is slowly draining? (2 pts)
a) Place the patient in Trendelenburg position
b) Raise the drainage bag above the level of the abdomen
c) Check for kinks in the outflow tubing

14. Your patient has complaints of severe right-sided flank pain, nausea, vomiting, and restlessness. His
vital signs are as follows: BP 140/90 mmHg, P 118 bp, RR 25 breaths/min, and T 37.4 C Which subjective
data supports a diagnosis of renal calculi? (2 pts)
a) History of strep throat last week
b) Dark, scanty urine
c) Dark-colored, coffee-ground emesis

15. What change indicates recovery in a patient with nephrotic syndrome? (2 pts)
a) Weight gain
b) Increased BUN and creatinine levels
c) Disappearance of protein in the urine

16. You’re caring for a patient with pyelonephritis who is beginning her first dose of IV antibiotics now.
When reading the order, you see an order for urine culture and sensitivity test. In what order should you
proceed in? (2 pts)
a) Collect a urine specimen for culture and sensitivity, send to the lab, then administer the antibiotic
b) Begin to administer the antibiotic then collect urine specimen
c) Collect a urine culture and administer antibiotic if culture is positive

17. When caring for a dialysis patient with IJ catheter access, which of the following findings should you
report to the attending physician? (2 pts)
a) Temperature of 38.5 C
b) Crackles heard on the lungs
c) +1 bipedal edema

18. The incoming and outgoing nurses have just finished endorsement. Which of the assigned clients
should the incoming nurse assess first? (2 pts)
a) A client receiving peritoneal dialysis who needs help changing the dialysate bag
b) A client with kidney insufficiency who is scheduled to have an arteriovenous (AV) fistula inserted
c) A client with chronic kidney failure who was just admitted with shortness of breath

19. Which of the following nursing interventions should be included in the client’s care plan during
dialysis therapy? (2 pts)
a) Keep the client on NPO
b) Monitor the client's blood pressure
c) Limit visitors

20. You have a patient that might have a urinary tract infection (UTI). Which statement by the patient
suggests that a UTI is likely? (2 pts)
a) "I pee a lot."
b) "It burns when I pee."
c) "I go hours without the urge to pee."

21.Which of the following causes the majority of UTI’s in hospitalized patients? (2 pts)
a) Invasive procedures like catheterization
b) Lack of fluid intake
c) Immunosuppression

22. Immunosuppressive medication following kidney transplantation is continued: (2 pts)

a) For a week
b) For life
c) for 24 hours after transplant
23. A patient with CKD has a low erythropoietin (EPO) level. The patient is at risk for? (2 pts)
a) Anemia
b) Hyperkalemia
c) Hyponatremia

24. Which of the following symptoms do you expect to see in a patient diagnosed with acute
pyelonephritis? (2 pts)
a) Flank pain and chills
b) Jaundice and abdominal pain
c) Polyuria

25.Which finding indicates acute glomerulonephritis in your 29-year-old patient? (2 pts)

a) Hypertension, oliguria, and fatigue
b) Dysuria, frequency, and urgency
c) Fever, chills, and right upper quadrant pain radiating to the back

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