Johnson Grammar School (Icse&Isc) Hyderabad: NOTES OF LESSON (2022-23)

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Ls 3 Charts in spreadsheet
Important points:
1. Chart: A Chart is a graphical representation of data in a worksheet.
2. The components of a Chart are
a. Chart Area: It includes all the objects and the elements of the chart
b. Category-axis: It is the X- axis is the horizontal axis of a chart.
c. Value-axis: It is the vertical axis of the chart also known as value axis.
d. Data series: A data series is a related set of data values.
e. Axis Title: It is title given to an X-axis and Y-axis.
f. Plot area: It is the window within chart area bounded by two axes.
g. Legend: It depicts the color or pattern is assigned to each data series.
h. Gridlines: These are lines that run across the plot area from each category axis to y -axis.
i. Chart title: It describes the purpose and the contents of the chart.
3. The various types of charts are
a. Bar chart: Bar chart illustrates comparisons among the individual items.
b. Column chart: It shows different trends over the period of time.
c. Line chart: This chart compares the trends in data at equal intervals.
d. Area chart: Area chart is similar to a line chart it emphasizes on the magnitude, i.e ,the volume
of change over time.
e. Pie chart: Pie chart displays data in the form of a circle that is divided into series of segments.
f. Doughnut chart: Doughnut chart displays data as section of circle.
g. XY scatter chart: It is widely used for plotting statistical and engineering data
h. Bubble chart: Bubble chart is variation of the scatter chart in which data points are replaced
with bubbles.
i. Radar chart: Radar chart displays data values plotted as points that are connected by the lines
to form a grid.
J . Stock chart: stock chart generally helps investors stock companies and traders to analyze the
fluctuation in stock prices.
k. 3 -D Surface chart. 3-D Surface chart creates a 3-d view of data.

4. Creating a chart in Excel.

Select the range of cells from the worksheet.
Click on Insert tab and go to charts group.
Click on any suitable chart type and select the sub-chart type from the displayed choices.
Chart tools along with Design, layout, Format appears on ribbon.
Select the desired layout.
Go to chart styles group and click desired style. Observe change.
5.Format tab: The formatting the chart area, plot area, legend and other elements.
1. Differentiate between category axis and value axis of a chart.
2. How can chart be moved to another location?



CLASS : 8 SUB : Computer Studies

1.Name the components of given chart

2. Name and explain the charts given below.

3.What is pie chart? Describe its features.

4. Draw the bar chart for the following data.

5. Write steps to create a chart in excel.

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