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Extensive Reading Assignment

No Notes What you do and write on your journal

Name : Rifal Bintang Firdaus
NIM : 221134059
1 Planning Write:
- what do you want to read?
I want to read Sherlock Holmes – Empty House.
- why do want to read it?
I want to read the text of sherlock holmes
because i've watched the movie at a glance.
2 Title Sherlock Holmes – Empty House
Total of words 4181 words
3 What you know What I know is that Sherlock Holmes is a smart
about the title of the detective who can solve difficult cases.
4 What questions do Why in the spring of 1894 there was a stir ?
you have in your
What predictions do Ronald has a disease
you have?
5 Read -
6 What do you get Yes, Perfectly Ronald has a disease.
from the text?
7 Revise This text is certainly very cool. Sherlock holmes'
intelligence was so overwhelming that the case he
faced could be resolved. It's very interesting
because the movie is also exciting.
8 Reference
9 Write the number of 4181 words
words of the book
10 Write the summary It was in the spring of the year 1894 when
of the book everyone in London talked about the strange
murder of Ronald Adair. I was interested in the
case too although Sherlock Holmes was dead and I
could not enjoy his perfect thinking. So I will try
to give you all the details as well as I can and as I
knew them at that time. The Lord Ronald Adair
was the second son of the Earl of Maynooth who
was at that time the governor of one of the
Australian colonies. Ronald’s mother had returned
from Australia and her son Ronald and her
daughter Hilda came back with her and they lived
at 427 Park Lane. Ronald had no enemies and his
habits were quiet and usual. But he was killed in a
really strange and unexpected way between 10 and
11:20 at night on March 30th 1894. Ronald liked
playing cards – he played all the time, but never
for so much money that it would hurt him. He was
a member of three card clubs. On the day of his
death he played several games in one of the clubs.
He played the whole afternoon and then after
dinner too. He lost about five pounds but it was
nothing for him. In fact, it came out that together
with colonel Moran they won Ł420 about two
weeks before that. On that evening he came back
from the club at exactly 10 o’clock. His mother
and sister were together and they were talking.

The servant heard him come in and go up into his

room. No sound was heard from the room until
11:20, when his mother and his sister went there.
They went to his room because they wanted to say
good night, but when they tried to enter Ronald’s
room they found out that the door was locked from
the inside, and no one answered their knocking.
They called for help and the door was opened.
When they came into the room they found the
young man was lying on the table. His head was
destroyed by a bullet but there was no gun in the
room. On the table there were two banknotes and
Ł17 in silver and gold. The money was arranged in
little columns. There were some numbers with the
names of some friends from the club on a piece of
paper. No one could understand why the young
man locked the door from the inside. There was
the possibility that the murder had done this and
then escaped by the window. But the window was
at least 6 metres above the ground and under the
window there was a bed of flowers. And the
flowers and the ground under the window didn’t
show any sign of being stepped upon and there
were no marks anywhere close to it as well. So
how did Ronald die? If someone climbed to the
window and then shot him, there would be some
tracks. And what is more, Park Lane is a really
busy street and no one
heard a shot

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