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Chapter I of this book narrated a brief history of educational system in Indonesia in the
colonial occupations (Dutch and Japanese), and after Indonesia proclaimed its
independence. It’s followed by the progress of teaching English as a foreign language in
Dutch school began to accept natives in late 19th century, for selected people, namely
native aristocrats whom they trusted. In the beginning of 20th century, the Dutch
government established MULO (Meer Uitgegebreid Lager Onderwijs or More
Comprehensive Elementary Education) for those who completed village school and AMS
(Algemene Middlebere Scool), a three year senior high school.

2. Dutch, French and English were the first foreign language that put in Indonesia curricula
until Japanese colonized Indonesia and banned all of the languages. After Indonesia
Independence Day, the Japanese language was no longer available in Indonesia. Since
English dominated trading, transport, foreign affairs, science and technology, Indonesia
began to include English in curricula from Junior High School to University. The impact
of International trade and communication makes English the first foreign language in the
country since 1940 up to the present.

Current Issue of English Language in Nusa Tenggara Timur

1. English Day Policy in Nusa Tenggara Timur

Nusa Tenggara Timur Governor has legalized a policy regarding the use of English in
active communication within the province. It was documented through Governor Policy
No.56/2018 about English Day and effectively implemented since early 2019. According
to the document, the main reason behind the development of the policy is the
development of human resources in using English among public servants, tourism actors
and citizen of Nusa Tenggara Timur. It was also described in the document that people
should use English on Wednesdays, in every sector, especially in the government service
institutions. The policy also stated that there will be several warnings and rewards
settings in the implementation. The rationale behind the policy development was quite
clear, that is to let the public servants learn English subconscious way by using it as
communication language during a day. The policy also highlighted the importance of
formal education as it described in the warning settings.

I have a question “Why didn’t Indonesia choose Dutch as the foreign language to be subject at
school after the proclamation of our independence? Indonesia had many Dutch speaker, our
educated people at that time got Dutch schools; even law of Indonesia is based on Dutch civil
law system and derived from Dutch”

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