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At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to do the following tasks with 80%
1. Describe and define.
a) Union of sets;
b) Intersection of sets.
2. Perform the set operations
a) Union of sets;
b) Intersection of sets.
3. Use Venn diagrams to represent the union and intersection of sets.


Topic: Union and Intersection of Sets.
Reference: Mathematics – Grade 7 Learners Material, Department of Education, Aseron,
Elizabeth R.,, pp. 1-8
Materials: Laptop, Smart TV, Flash cards and Manila papers.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routine Activities
 Prayer

Class let’s all stand up. A student will lead the prayer.
Before we start, ________ lead the Dear God ……………Amen.

 Greetings

Good morning class. Good morning, Sir.

 Checking of Attendance

Is everybody present for today? Yes Sir, everybody is present today.

 Classroom Management/ Stating

some reminders/ announcements

I just want to remind you class to

always participate the activity we do Okay Sir we will take note of this.
in order for you to earn points for
your performance task.
B. Review

Asking students about the topics that was (One student raises hand)
discussed last meeting.
Our lesson last meeting was about the
 What was our lesson last meeting? introduction of set.

A set is a well-defined group of objects, called

Very good, does anyone can define what set elements that share a common characteristic.

 Do you have any question with None so far Sir.

regards to the topic that was discussed
last meeting?

C. Drill/ Motivation

Before we proceed to the proper discussion

we will have first the preliminary activity. I
will group you into two according to your sex.

Now, proceed to your respective group and

create a big circle using your chairs.

I have here a two manila papers and flash

cards, each manila paper contain a Venn (Students are listening attentively)
diagram which it has a set A and set B. The
flash cards contain elements of set A and set B
and you need to find the union of these two

After this activity, the group who got the

correct answers will be given an additional
points for the assessment.

 Do you understand the instructions?

Yes, Sir.
Ok, you may start your activity and start to
collaborate with your teammates. (Student starts doing the activity)

Take note that the activity will end after 5


 Understood? Yes, Sir.

(After 5 minutes). Okay, let’s identify the

union of these two sets if your answer are

Are you done?

Yes, Sir.
D. Lesson Proper
(Students raise their hands)
Today our topic is all about “Union and
Intersection of sets”, so anyone from the class. The union of two sets contains all the elements
What does the union and Intersection of sets contained in either set or both sets. The
mean? intersection of two sets contains only the
elements that are in both sets.
Thank you, that was correct.

 Do you remember how to use Venn Yes, Sir.


Based on the diagram below,(1) determine the

elements that belong to both A and B; (2)
Determine the elements that belong to A or B (Students are listening attentively)
or both.

(Students raise their hands)

 How many are there in each set? Four, Sir.

Thank you, it is good that you still remember

how to use Venn diagram.

In this topic you have some terms/symbols

that you need to remember for you to
understand the lesson.

Important Terms/Symbols to Remember (Students listening attentively)

The following are terms that you must
remember from this point on.

1. Let A and B be sets. The union of the sets

A and B, denoted by A∪B, is the set that
contains those elements that belong to A, B, or
to both.

An element x belongs to the union of the

sets A and B if and only if x belongs to A or x
belongs to B or to both. This tells us that
A∪B=(x¿x∈A or x∈ B)

Using the Venn diagram, all of the set of A

and of B are shaded to show A ∪ B .
2. Let A and B be sets. The intersection of the
sets A and B, denoted by ∩ B , is the set
containing those elements that belong to both
A and B.

An element x belongs to the intersection of

the sets A and B if and only if x belongs to A
and x belongs to B. This tell us that
A ∩ B=¿ x/x ∈ A∧∈ B ¿

Using the Venn diagram, the set A ∩ B

consists of the shared regions of A and B.

3. The cardinality of the union of two sets is

given by the following equation:
n ¿.

ACTIVITY (Provision for Cooperative


Now, I have here some questions that you

need to answer regarding to this topic.

I will group you at least 3 groups with the

equal number per group based on the number
of you in the class.

Do all of you have your respective groups? Yes Sir.

Each group will be given a piece of cardboard

and a piece of chalk to write their final
response on, then raise it once I give the signal
to raise and present their answers, understand?

(Student’s start answering)

IV. Evaluation
I. Given sets A and B

Answer the following questions:

1. Which of the following shows the union of set A and set B? How many elements are in the
union of A and B?

2. Which of the following shows the intersection of set A and set B? How many elements are

there in the intersection of A and B?

II. Given sets A and B

Set A Set B
Students who play the Students who play the
guitar piano
Ethan Molina Mayumi Torres
Chris Clemente Janis Reyes
Angela Dominguez Chris Clemente
Mayumi Torres Ethan Molina
Joanna Cruz Nathan Santos

Determine which of the following shows (a) A ∪ B ; (b) A ∩ B?

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
Ethan Molina Mayumi Torres Mayumi Torres Ethan Molina
Chris Clemente Ethan Molina Janis Reyes Chris Clemente
Angela Dominguez Chris Clemente Chris Clemente Angela Dominguez
Mayumi Torres Ethan Molina Mayumi Torres
Joanna Cruz Nathan Santos Joanna Cruz
Janis Reyes
Nathan Santos

V. Homework
Answer the problem below in a ½ sheet of intermediate paper crosswise.

1. Write your answers on the spaces provided:

A={ 0,1,2,3,4 } B={0,2,4,6,8 } C={1,3,5,7,9 }

Given the sets above, determine the elements and cardinality of:
a. A ∪B=¿ _______________________
b. A ∪ C=¿________________________
c. A ∪B ∪C=¿ ________________________
d. A ∩ B=¿ ________________________
e. A ∩C=¿________________________
f. A ∩ B∩ C=¿________________________

2. Let W ={x / 0< x <3 }, Y ={x /x >2 }, and Z={x / 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 }.

Determine (a)(W ∪Y ¿∩ Z ;(b) W ∩Y ∩Z

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