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1. Acme, the family oriented entertainment company, (A) has moved away from traditional
family programming now draws on ( B ) the works of adult entertainers, both of (C)
them who work for magazines and those who (D) work in the movie industry.

2. The survey showed that (A) children are much more (B) psychological stable when raised
in a family with two parents (C) than in a family in which only one parent cares (D) for
the child.

3. Recently discovered gravitational lensing around certain proximate stars (A) strong
suggests that the nine planets of our solar system are ( B ) a common phenomenon in
the universe rather than a type that (C) developed incidentally from a unique galactic
phenomenon (D) several billion years ago.

4. (A) Because of memory weakens with age, for the experiment to be valid, it is important
that a group (B) be tested for drug (C) induced memory loss be (D) compared with a
control group.

5. George Brown (A)has lost more (B)than 180 pounds since (C )be having an operation
(D ) truncating his stomach three years ago.

6. The pharmaceutical company (A) hired a consultant (B) to supervise a division (C) studied the effects
of lower salaries on (D)employees’ morale.

7. The Jukes family lost all of their (A)money gambling, and they were forced (B)moving
from ( C) their apartment to a suburb (D)bordering the city.

8. Language immersion experiences (A) was valuably (B)because they can quickly teach stu
dents (C) who might not learn the language in other settings or during months of (D)
regular teaching.

9. Many (A) fear the epidemic of obesity in America; (B)the amount of food (C) consumed
per person in America is as (D) many as three times that consumed in Japan.

10. It (A) may be many years before politicians again attempt (B) reviving the draft, a program
(C) known to be (D)unpopular with voters.

11. Not since Communist China (A) crushed the (B) democratic demonstrations at Tianenmen
Square (C) has denied a country so brutally the right of its citizens to (D) speak freely.
12. Montreal, (A) which tourist industry is larger than (B) that of any other Canadian city,
(C) has neighborhoods (D)entirely composed of souvenir shops and cafes.

13. An attempt (A) begun 15 years ago, (B) to elect a woman as President of the United
States, has had no success (C) although the (D) willingness of the Democratic Party to
back a female candidate.

14. (A)When buy electronics, you should request a guarantee for your merchandise; the
guarantee may be (B) necessary if your new purchase (C)breaks and you wish to have it

15. Never (A) Henry showed effort, and his essays were always pedestrian; since his latest
paper is nearly flawless, the conclusion seems (B) obvious that at least part of Henry’s (C)
impressive essay was researched and (D)written by a more advanced student.

16. Astronomical occurrences can (A) be viewed in a religious light; many people are known
(B) rekindled their (C)faith once a meteor shower (D) has been observed.

17. In (A)disagree about the findings of the Warren Commission, the American public must
take care to avoid (B) moving the target(C) of criticism from the collaboration of
government agencies in a coup d’etat to the collaboration of the agencies in(D)
overthrowing foreign governments.

18. At a time when many English farmers had been (A) virtually bankrupted by certain
epidemics they were (B) further required (C) to destroy animals with either mad cow
disease (D)nor foot and mouth disease.

19. Wineries in upstate New York (A)create rich, full-bodied wines (B) similar with the wines from
Germany, (C) which, like upstate New York, is an area with a (D) temperate climate.

20. The number (A) of diagnosis of West Nile virus (B) has tripled since 1990, and there has
been no (C)progress in the (D)search for a vaccine.

21. In(A) a recent survey, Physical Fitness Weekly found that people (B)exercising daily
consider (C)themselves no healthier than people(D)do exercising three to five times a

22. Talent (A)determines (B)if a male musician, after (C)graduating from college with a
degree in music, can find a career as (D)a solo performer, an orchestra member, or a music

23. Developments in nutrition and science (A) have clearly identified improper diet, negative mental attitude
and (B)inadequate exercise as the factors (C)created the conditions (D)to produce toxin build up ever
24. The (A) amount of carbon dioxide in our environment is(B) hovering at 400 parts a million a number
that is already (C) enough large to start (D) affecting our environment.

25. The CEO (A) has proposed a new policy (B) requiring employees (C) retaining all
pensions indefinitely or be allowed (D)to cash them in at retirement.

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