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5.1 Stages of database development process

5.1.1 Identify basic stages of database development
a. Planning and Analysis
b. Database Design
c. Implementation
d. Data Conversion
e. Testing
f. Training
g. Maintenance
Database development

 Database development
 Processof database design and implementation
 Implementation phase includes:
 Creating database storage structure
 Loading data into the database
 Providing for data management
Basic stages

 Planning and Analysis

 Database Design

 Implementation

 Data Conversion

 Testing

 Training

 Maintenance

 The management activities that allow the stages of the database system

development lifecycle to be realized as efficiently and effectively

as possible.
 General overview of company and objectives

 Assessment of flow-and-extent requirements

 Should the existing system be continued?
 Should the existing system be modified?
 Should the existing system be replaced?
 Study and evaluate alternate solutions
 Technical aspects of hardware and software requirements
 System cost
 Operational cost

 Problems defined during planning phase are

examined in greater detail during analysis
 Thorough audit of user requirements
 Existing hardware and software systems are
 Goal:
 Better understanding of:
 System’s functional areas
 Actual and potential problems
 Opportunities
Database Design

 The process of creating a design that will support

the enterprise’s mission statement and mission
objectives for the required database system.
 Designer completes design of system’s processes
 Includes all necessary technical specifications
 Steps laid out for conversion from old to new system
 Training principles and methodologies are also
 Submitted for management approval

 Hardware, DBMS software, and application

programs are installed
 Database design is implemented
 Cycle of coding, testing, and debugging continues
until database is ready for delivery
 Database is created and system is customized
 Creation of tables and views
 User authorizations
Data Conversion

 Transferring any existing data into the new database

and converting any existing applications to run on the
new database.
 This stage is required only when a new database
system is replacing an old system.
 It is common for a DBMS to have a utility that loads
existing files into the new database. The utility usually
requires the specification of the source file and the
target database, and then automatically converts the
data to the required format of the new database files.

 The process of running the database system with the

intent of finding errors.
 Cannot show the absence of faults; it can show only
that software faults are present.
 Demonstrates that the database and the
application programs appear to be working
according to their specification and that
performance requirements appear to be satisfied.
 Should also cover usability of the database system,
such as learnability, performance, robustness etc.

 Training people to use the DBMS and its tools is included in

the DBA’s technical activities.
 the DBA provides or secures technical training in the use of
the DBMS and its utilities for the applications programmers.
 Applications programmer training covers the use of the
DBMS tools as well as the procedures and standards
required for database programming.
 Unscheduled, on-demand technical support for end users
and programmers is also included in the DBA’s activities. A
technical troubleshooting procedure can be developed to
facilitate such support. The technical procedure might
include the development of a technical database used to
find solutions to common technical problems.

 The process of monitoring and maintaining the

database system following installation.
 Three types of maintenance activity:
 Corrective maintenance
 Adaptive maintenance
 Perfective maintenance

 Computer-aided systems engineering (CASE)

 Produce better systems within reasonable amount of time
and at reasonable cost
 CASE-produced applications are structured, documented,
and standardized
5.2 Project proposal and project plan

 5.2.1 Explain the project proposal and project plan

(Gantt Chart)
Project proposal

Purposes of a Proposal
 The project proposal:

allows the writer to clarify what it is he/she

wants to do, why and how he/she wants to do it,
presents what she/he wants to do in the manner
and timeframe proposed, and
once approved, provides a written contract
between the student and the project supervisor

 Some of the most crucial sections of a project proposal are:

 Summary - The overview of the entire project. Having a clear, concise summary makes it easy for
higher-ups in an organization to stay in the loop and give approval for the project. This should be
more of a brief description.
 Problem Description and Background - What is the issue the project is addressing? Who is in the
project team and who is the project sponsor? What previous efforts have had an impact on the
 Goals - Specify what exactly the project aims to accomplish. This should tie directly into the
problem statement.
 Scope - The specific action that will be taken to reach each of the goals.
 Requirements - List the resources, access, and personnel that will be needed to reach the project
 Timeline or Project Schedule - A detailed map for the project, including time frame, responsibilities
and assessment.
 Budget or Budget Estimate - The projected cost summary.
 Evaluation - The quantifiable standards for progress, and a plan for how evaluations will occur.
 Success Criteria - The benchmarks that must be reached for the project to be considered successful.
Examples of proposal compenent

Table of contents
1. Purpose of the project
2. Goals of the project
3. The domain
4. The client
5. Use of the product
6. Hardware requirement
7. Software Requirements
8. Overall UML Diagram
9. Typical Use Cases
10. Architecture Breakdown
11. Project Work Plan (Gantt Chart)
Project Plan

 What is a project plan?

A project plan is a formal, approved document that
is used to manage and control a project.
 Defines the project activities and end products that
will be performed and describes how the activities
will be accomplished.
 The purpose:
 Define each major task
 Estimate the time & resources required.
 Provide framework for management review and control
Gantt Chart

 Gantt chart is a visual view of tasks scheduled

over time.
 Gantt charts are used for planning projects of all
sizes and they are a useful way of showing what
work is scheduled to be done on a specific day.
They also help you view the start and end dates of
a project in one simple view.

 Example of Gantt chart

Database Systems, 9th Edition


5.3 Stages of database development

5.3.1 Prepare project proposal and project plan (Gantt chart).
5.3.2 Sketch database model
5.3.3 Write the actual database and programming code
5.3.4 Implement the application database with available data.
5.3.5 Demonstrate the application is suitable for actual use.
5.3.6 Prepare the oral presentation of project plan, data modelling in application.
5.3.7 Prepare project documentation.
a. Project proposal and project plan (Gantt Chart)
b. User Requirements
c. System Requirements
d. Product Specification
e. Testing Plan
f. Maintenance requirements

1. Prepare project proposal and project plan
(Gantt chart).

2. Sketch database model

3. Write the actual database and programming

4. Implement the application database with
available data.
 5.Demonstrate the application is suitable for actual use.
 6. Prepare the oral presentation of project plan, data
modelling in application.
 7. Prepare project documentation.
a. Project proposal and project plan (Gantt Chart)
b. User Requirements
c. System Requirements
d. Product Specification
e. Testing Plan
f. Maintenance requirements

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