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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Hallo guys,For this oprtunity I am Nayla rahma putri from Aisyiyah one nganjuk elementery
school I would like to present my story about “Golden Cucumbur”.
Long time ago, lived an old woman named Mbok Sirni. She lived by herself because
her husband had long passed away and she had no children. Every day, she prayed to God to
give her a child.

One night, when she was praying, a giant named Buto Ijo, passed her house and heard
her prayer.

“Ha ha ha ha... Mbok Sirni. I can give you a child but on one condition. You must
give the child back to me when it is six years old.”

Mbok Sirni was so happy, she did not think about the risk of losing the child later and
agreed to take the giant’s offer. Buto Ijo then gave her a bunch of cucumber seeds.

Buto Ijo then left In the morning, Mbok Sirni planted the seeds. Not longer after that,
a big golden cucumber grew . In a hurry, Mbok Sirni carried the golden cucumber home

“Ouuh... The cucumber is very heavy”then she carefully opened the cucumber “Oh
My God, this is a beautiful baby girl.You are so adorable.Because you were born from
Golden Cucumber.I name you Emm... Timun Emas! Yes, you are Timun Emas”
Sing a song (I love you, you love me, we are a big family).

Years passed by and Timun Emas had grown to become a lovely and beautiful little
girl. She was also smart and kind. Mbok Sirni loved her very much. But she kept thinking
about the time the giant would take Timun Emas away from her.
Until one night,mbok Srini dream and told timun.

“Timun Emas, last night, I had a dream.To save you from Buto Ijo, I had to meet the
holy man who lived in Mount Gundul.” said Mbok Sirni.They went there together and met

“Oh, you must be Timun Emas. Come in. Please take this gift. There are four little
bags, each of them containing cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste. You can use
these to protect yourself,” said the holy man

A few days later,Buto ijo come to see Mbok Srini about her promise

worried, Mbok Sirni said.

“My daughter,I hope these bags can save you,Now run dear, run !” said Mbok Sirni.

Unfortunately, Buto ijo saw Timun emas running to the woods and try to chase her.

Buto ijo was getting closer and closer, so Timun emas threw the cucumber seeds from the
first bag.They grew into a large cucumber field.Buto ijo eating the cucumbers,after that he
continue chasing Timun emas.As Buto ijo was getting closer
Timun Emas trew needles from the second bag, they turned into sharp and thorny
bamboo trees.

However,he got over it and still chased timun emas

Timun emas then threw the salt from the hird bag and it made the ground change into
a deep level of sea.But he still could get out of the water. Then she saw the giant coming, so
she threw the shrimp paste from the last bag. It became a big swamp of boiling mud.

Helpless,heroared out “Heeeelp! Heellppppp!” then buto ijo drowned and passed

Then timun emas went home savely and lived happily ever after

Ok guys, as muhammadiyah cader we can take lesson the kindness will defeat the crime.
Thanks for you attention,see you later and bye

Fastabiqul khoirot
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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