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ye MSU om Feb 5, 2013-@ ISM , ISPS Short Note BpSeog: (woEqySFuoog) $EEor0nag220Ecousnpscoeon SypzogE 3ad13a23:609g> Port State Control Inspection 4p: | ISM, ISPS Internal Audit , External Audit qp203 226¢020"Sa305ax50n02:6009 oo0da3Eep SEéy Bdorb:saci$Esegy Surveyor 4p? | Classification Society (CLASS) 9 Surveyor 4p:~20Bca03 (Hq vloop5u 32051 apgtvodgogy sosp§ 0081 | aalgorevcoGoocom Sofcob:008: | ondogegrg g s0SqeFurrsvep§ongs | sa[gpiseaoGore029"So§oo8:098: 1 eaevIE: (5) 81 03 Surveyor @ Random oscomegea]ude) Safety $6UlcS0ac5e0m9 (ISM) aBSep aSooSosahoSoop5qpe | Security $UloSaoc5eann (ISPs) Esp 8arho8eh.o59 pSup: cvx[Gfse94Uloo 951 oBelapS a06009' ypiog&or0f cobicanrEcyind§eon | wey ooreorn0feodicareqfayoaEcgn5g 6099 eB[edaps (BScudqpr) 390309 ISM FS ISPS SPEep aSo0Ed5ohada0p54pie% Short Note sacvrc2e [9G [gSoqa20:605 [Go3a5dlaz—5u 036603 cagess03.co0xya99 Surveyor apsy cvrconvpieuipiiup & eonéigoarconcdicbgpreoeighansnde(gp Gfeogd o(gab85u—8 (Govloop5u commudg)Bcevierseam evighzapz0} eomrtigo vol gab gEclo> (68elepe) aaeom"' 300: ISM Code, ISPS Code I guesqp:s903Es Yobpoeanégady §js009 $2640 (Non-Compliance) NC 32(g0003g0030:6 95(g6[§: “0$sa6aj05§" (Deficiency) [> ogotep5{Gadloopiu S8aa0ga5e[AqPG o2603*Sord:0}2 "$395q034" (Deficiency) oop>10gj& S8go or0§Glavgbu cBe[ags ISM $& ISPS Short Note 4p:n}eaev2099:09Ga9—3upO2E0 eaxrser:{§6 eqs0921008(Go35uloop5u my. Panama Short Notes for ISM 1. What is ISM code ? International Safety Management Code. (c2[§008:03G65qWlep5u) 2. What is SMS ? Safety Management System. (e2fgoob:o8fegqdlup5u) 3. What is DOC ? Document of Compliance. (ga[jo28:03§egqUlepsu) 4. What is D.P ? Designated Person. (s2fgoob:03 fog lop5u) 5. Who is D.P of your vessel ? Mr. _(BSmyaby afcor:e020 yBjoSe3e Gooln) 6. What is your company's safety management policy ? Based on three main purposes of 1. Safety of life 2. Safe operation of vessel and 3. Marine Environmental protection herefore our company was established on the basic of outstanding of shipping operation know-hows which ensure safety on the sea , prevention of loss of life and disease and to avoid from loss of marine environment and assets as the main goal. (g20005026q:002:600 Safety Management Policy 2995 «gaida29gGor9 cr0obor95:0903 epSeu,05dIn 236999 Safety of life , Safe operation of vessel , Marine Environmental protection 82029 s2800 sadmaze[erpE: 9 aodyo aaogov6[gadloop5u) 7. What is EEBD ? Emergency Escape Breathing Device (e2igor:a3fegqaleg5n) 8. How long you can use EBD ? 10 ~ 12 Mins: and only for escape from smoke emitting area. (@hjord:08§epqdlo5n) 9, What are essential equipments ? They are (a) Main Engine (b) Generator Engine (c) Steering Gear (coffjord:034egqSlop5u) 10. What are essential instruments ? They are (a) Boiler's pressure gauge (b) Oxygen gas detector (coljood:oSqegqdlop5u) 11. Who is safety officer on your vessel ? (1) Ch. Officer for deck & saloon department (2) 1st Asst. Engineer (2/Engr) for engine room department. (cofgord:088ogqslop5) 12. What is your name and rank 7 My name is ( . Rank is ( , 2 29 S, (caf§ood:o88egqclopSuy 13. What are you doing now ? And what should be wear before start your jobs 7 Jam doing ( ) | must be wear protective equipments such as safety helmet , boiler suit , working gloves , safety shoe ects.., before start my jobs. If working out side of accommodation, additional HI-VIS vest. olgorbisShiegaclosy) Aon (88coch§on0§}onb:canésgeansacySopecg58 o$sa5e009 Personnel Safety Equipments apie ‘088 go:c0p5qulop5u) 14. What is your duty for Abandon ship drill ? (To be understood your duties) (eohjori:a8fepqcle—») _. (BBconS§on0}aod:canréegeor20600'S§ Muster List 02Ecu5 Jo0:629 Contingency Drills @p20g6 cobreanréques 8868 puty qpibo88po:copSqulops) 15. What is your duty for Fire Fighting drill ? (To be understood your duties) (c0fgo08:030gq Slo p5u) (BbcooSfiomojeob:eamSegeara060%'§ Muster List egSeu5|Gor>:69%9 Contingency Drills 4p:03& mb:canéque§ S8ef Duty qpiopad§prrcopSqulops 16. What is GENERAL EMERGENCY signal ? At least Seven or more short blasts on ship's bell / whistle. (88 [Gc02:{G&:[GSdlarp5u cochabEqpmyadcoc8ei5o8:{qp{GSea2 General Emergency Signal qp:ed§GEVla>_5u Muster List og&6u5 (a0, 288 porcopdqulep5n) : Contingency Drils 4p:zac8e8 General Emergency Signal apoB 16, What is FIRE signal? Atleast Seven or more short blasts on ship's bell / whistle follow by Master verbal order. (G8{Ge02:{§é:[godlo0p51 socba¥ Eqpryaddcoc$a8s{—pr{{be079 General Emergency Signal 4p:0d4ZEdloo—5u Muster List og&v5(Ga20:{§: Contingency Dils «p:zoc8o5 General Emergency Signal ap 288 rico p5qulop5n) 17. What is ABANDON SHIP single ? One short One Long One Short blasts on ship's bell / whistle follow by Master verbal order. (c2f§or5:03G6gq1095») (028 efg6 oScon:q0 98 signal apiPo3Gqo:copSqulosn) 18. When did you carried out last abandon ship dill? (must be known dated of last drill as per drill record list posted on crews mess room) (e06020"e8 Crew Mess Room / Officer Mess Room 4:06 Drill Record 08 ongp:06 soc8oure[ea[Groor:fs eqoobapiepb3a095 Drill ap: epSarphegogbcqbsa0pho8 a8hegqulopsu) 19. When did you carried out last firefighting drill? (must be known dated of last drill as per dri record list posted on crews mess room) (206020"Se4 Crew Mess Room / Officer Mess Room 4p:02& Drill Record 03 o>62:08 espobapie9d3o085 Drill ap: epSaopbegogEcqbso0pe8 oBhegqulop5u) 20. When did you carried out last life boats lunching and maneuvering ? (must be known dated of last life boats lunching as per drill record list posted on crews mess room) (226920'"68 crew Mess Room / Officer Mess Room 4:02 Drill Record 08 onqp:08 saaScu: e{eg{Goor:(§: ‘]go05a51095$065 Drill aps epdaopdegogSenSsaop5a3 oSSegqulogsn) 21. What are the garbage categories ? They are (1) Plastic (2) Floating dannage (3) Rag , Glass, Metal , Bottle , Crockery (4) Food waste (5) Olly rags (6) incinerated ash Garbage saujj:aa02: 6 ajzc3 oBfegqdlop5u) (@[gjood:08hegqdlup5u) 22. What color codes of above categories for garbage to be disposed on board’ bins ? (1) Plastic - YELLOW (2) Rag, Glass, Metal, Bottle, Crockery (Flammable waste - rags, paper etes..,) - GREY , (Unflammable waste - glass, bottle, metal etcs...-) GREEN (3) Flaoting dannage (4) Food waste - BLUE , (5) Oily rags - BLACK (6) Incinerated ash / Cigarette end - RED JSUloop5u coMdaB.Eepapyctdsa0}508:{Gp2{Gdeo0> Gargbage Color Code 4p: Garbage Management Plan og&eu5[gooo ap: 208 ae # Mess Room 3&6 [a3[G2c0>:Jl09 95 Color code 200 aagodirypro8 084 quA5[golG: oodcboSpeaorége5qslup5u) 23. Who have been made familiar with your duties and instructions when you recently jointed ship are essential prior to sailing? Yes. (for deck ratings) , by Chief Officer (a2lgood:o8egqdlep5uy Yes. (for engine ratings) , by 1st Engineer (2/Engr) (22fGor8:08cgqclp5n) Short Notes for ISPS 1. What is ISPS code ? International Ship and Port Facilities Security, (c2fgor8:08Gegqlup5u) 2. What is your company’s security policy ? In order to detect security threats and preventive measure against security incident that may affect safety and security of ship, personnel and their belonging , our company established ship security policy. (secoabmeqz009:6999 Security Policy 9999 ~yador—gEorg oocobonp5: aBeass mcochvlogagevleanaagcbapien 6092703} 3. Who is SSO ? (Ship Security Officer) Master. (98{Go0>:{§E:[Gbla0 p5n oonbaBEqprayedssec§5o8:fFp:fgoco.0 S80 aps0d§$Ev}o095n) 4, Who is CSO ? (Company Security Officer) Mr on (BMQCBG dfoon:ca0 —S|cSoRe [Godt 5. What are restricted areas ? (1) Bridge, (2) Air condition room , (3) Fire control station , (4) Machinery Space including engine room and steering gear room (5) CO? fire fighting fix installation room , (6) Drinking water and FO tanks (7) Emergency Generator Room , (8) Life boats, (86 [Goo02{g6:{GSUlor95u osadahEsparcons’ caahobo8s §REvlo9p5n) Ship Security Plan 036 s203ca79605(Jooo: conidloap5u) (go> (Geo Restricted Area 4p: psp 2CHO5 Restricted Area AprogEmeq: Jegqslopsuy 6. What are access points ? (1) Mooring ropes , (2) Shore crane , (3) Deck Cranes (4) P & Stb side Gangways (5) Haws pip (9a [Geo BE vta95u) Ship Security Plan og& sooSaoeyou5{Goo>:( egepaoc§ sg0 odeu:[9f:008lo>5n) (c2fgo08:088ogqdlep5u) B:{GoUlo095u socaBEqpoocon" sachobo8: [§Sc022 Access Point 4piod§, 7. What are security levels ? Level 1 " NORMAL" Level 2" HIGHTENED * Level 3." EXCEPTIONAL * (coGors:aSegqee} Security Level 4p2(govlo0g5u) 8, What is SSAS 7 Ship Security Alert System. (c0g08:082o5q1o—5n) 9. How to connect CSO ? By inmar-sat phone , By mobile phone, By E-mail , By VHF , By MF/HF (2fgord:03e5qSlep5n) 10. Where is SSAS ? On bridae. (Other place no need to know all crew except C/O , C/E and other one officer who approved by SSO) (ebSfogaclean a heghghomcbytoriiberdop ohne (cocqee Rae regops afjocgodfc$c5o0e5 pSepyasSopo5fobaocbagu5(G:(GSa0—5 noeb ©pBiea:299 seca hsme9: gel me [app 8:{Gp:endankenreanraafFpsegeporge} cqyunrs, #ERiyriaoqan SpE feoagyprnfona8euraan:slaog5n BBmap gE JobEoreh sBogjSapeorse5Jlo095u) 11, What do you carrying for security patrol ? Wear protective clothing with (1) Torch light , (2) Whistle . (3) VHF transceiver , (4) Binocular (20fgor8ra8 4059 clo95u) 12. How to know the breach of security during your patrol and what should be done ? ‘Some security seal of any restricted areas were destroyed by unknown body and immediately inform to $80 through duty officer. (0fgoo8:03ogqlop5u) 13, What is SSP ? Ship Security Plan. (cofgoobia3gogqlog5x) 14. Where is SSP ? I dont know. (Actually, crew member should knowledge about SSP but SSP is only Master custody.) (SSP avg§ SSO efio}obgabcBb:085:an0:0099 sven s[Brearreghlpyorapb[GSa0 95000305 EPR oeo8s poe ee eee (c20gnd gp aoBEro8d:an2:00p}egep08 somm§saa008fgGor soaSeuy (cofgord:03egq dl0950) Srefegloogsuy 15. What are security threats ? (1) Pirate , (2) Stowaways., (3) Hijack , (4) Hostage , (5) sabotage and (6) terrorize by any means (lgorb:08Gegqclog5n) 16. How to control access point ? (1) Gang way watch, Inspect ID and Entry visitor log , search carry bags (5% search for Normal level), inform to concerning officers such as Master , C/O or C/E and one man escort. Security patrol at regular interval (2) Security patrol at regular interval (calgonbro88ceqdlopSu)

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